samanthavalete · 5 years
Scammer Alert!
Have you ever bought a product because you’ve seen its advertisement? Does it meet your expectation? Does it satisfy you? Some would say yes, while others were disappointed. Just like the picture below. 😂
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Well, you can’t blame the business for such thing, THEY JUST WANT TO HAVE SALES! CHILL!
I believe, that there’s no one that wants to be fooled, especially when purchasing is involved. Before purchasing a product, just read its reviews so that you won’t be fooled!
There are a lot of reasons why business pursue false advertisement, first of all is to have sales, of course. However, the businesses can’t control the consumers to express their experience or review about the product or service they had. Their reviews could be orally, word of mouth, or could be posted in any social media. Now, these reviews could be either good or bad. If it is good, then good. *laughs* however, if it is bad, other consumers would see it and believe it, then that would cause for the product or business to have a decrease in sales. Vise versa! If their sales are decreasing , they have to come up with a plan wherein to attract new consumers to purchase their product, and that is to compose a “false advertisement”.
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Unfortunately, having a false advertisement would give the business the bad image, thus unloyal customers. However, those bad feedback will wake the business up, and would make a decision to improve their product. This process is called constructive criticism.
That’s life, not everyone surrounds you are true, some would just fool you to have you. Oops.
Lastly, if you are not satisfied with the product or service, you could just tell it directly with the company, so that they would not have a bad image in the internet. You don’t know how hard it is to establish a firm or even to create a advertisement.
Marketers should understand this, it is not their main intention to fool you, they just want SALES. 😉
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samanthavalete · 5 years
Poverty to Property
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Why is it that even in the Bible time, the state of life of a man is already a big deal? The parable of the rich man and the poor can clearly state how poor man was treated badly by the rich man. And even in this generation, we can still feel the big gap in between.
There’s a song, “tatsulok” that portrays the state of life, the song described the life of people as a triangular shape. The rich people are those on top, middle people on the middle, and how poor people occupies the big part at the bottom. It simply tells that the number of wealthy people are few, while poor people has the biggest number.
It is very obvious how poor people are being treated so poorly and unjustly!
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Poverty is a huge problem of some or most of the country. There are some reasons of the poverty, let’s start with the education. We always hear the phrase “knowledge is power”, there are a lot of wealthy people that has a good educational background, and yes, it is true that education will lead you to success. First of all, you could have a nice job when you are a degree holder. If you are employed, you will earn enough or more than to provide your daily needs. Also, if you have a good financial support, you can afford healthy and nutritious food. Why do you need nutritious food? Remember that, health is wealth. Having a good health will give you enough strength to do what you want. And vise versa, being unhealthy or taking innutritious food will weaken your immune system that will lead to sickness, and sickness needs medication. Imagine that? You’re sick and can’t go to work, you won’t have any income, worse is that you are spending money for your medication. Government won’t cover all you medical financers, yes, we all know that the government tries their best to give assistance to the needy, however, we can’t deny how the government has this secret little thing called “corruption”, and that is a big factor of poverty.
You cannot say that, I was born poor so I would die poor. No! It is a choice for you to stay poor and just to live with it. You could strive to lift yourself and your family from poverty. There are so many stories about successful people that came from a poor family. How they turned their life from poverty and to own properties! You just have to believe in yourself and be persistent. If we can’t do something for the government to be just, well, we just have to do it with our own. Always remember that we always have our choice.
Never settle for less, go for the best!
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samanthavalete · 5 years
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Don't Wait to Lose Weight
And we are on the last month of 2019! The season of family gatherings and of course, how can we forget about the food that would be on the table of each houses? Yes, we should enjoy the meal with our loved ones, however, we should eat wisely!
According to studies, one of three adults has obesity, and one out of six children is obese. You may ask, is obesity a disease or sickness? No, it is not a disease, it is a lifestyle. If it is not a disease, then why should people refrain themselves from over eating that results to obesity? It is because, OBESITY WOULD LEAD TO HEALTH PROBLEMS!
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Yes, you read it right. Obesity results to health problems, such as diabetes, heart diseases, and cancer, which are the three major of death.
Obesity is a result of being irresponsible in your eating habits. However, over eating is not only the cause of obesity. Take note, of the following causes.
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Obesity is a result of eating not nutritious food, such as junk foods, eating regularly at fast food chains, or foods that contains a huge amount of calories . As well as, lack of physical activities, people nowadays are very engaged with gadgets and has no time to go out and have a walk, or play sports just to burn the calories that they take in. The lifestyle today really triggers our body to be lazy and technologies made our lives very convenient, which is good however it is a factor why people stays at their home and exempt themselves to go out and to go to different places where they could do a physical activity.
Just imagine doing nothing at your home, sitting infront of a screen and eating, and just gaining weight. I am not into body shaming, but being fat and obesity are two different thing.
If one cannot prevent himself from being obese, he could get himself sick, thus many he will miss many opportunities. One of these is that he will get himself unemployed. Why? Because if one has obesity, he will lose enough energy to do some stuff, in short, he will be unproductive. If you are unemployed, you won't have enough income to provide yourself what you need and want. You will also lose your confidence, perhaps, because people around you MIGHT (it is just my opinion) bully you. And from that, you may get depressed. And did you know that, depression is a major reason of suicides?
Yeah, life is too short, so live your life to the fullest!
Live your life to the fullest by taking good care of your health.
How? It's easy. Just go back to the BASIC.
Exercise! Give yourself some workout, even for just a small period of time daily. Remember, the more we get older, the less physical activities we are doing. You don't have to go to gym to do this! a simple walk or jog around your place would do! Stationary jog, jumping jacks, or whatever you want, just do it religiously. 😉
Eat Wisely! Do a research and jot down the food that you should eat or not. Don't worry, you could get yourself a "cheat day" once in a while, make this a treat for yourself for getting yourself physically fit! ♥ fruits and vegetables are best to eat!
BE RESPONSIBLE. Be responsible in eating and with what you do. Don't let yourself to have a poor lifestyle.
Don't you wish to live long and spend more time with your loved ones? Would you rather be left in your house while your loved ones are having fun activities outdoor? Or wandering in the mall, and just fit on the dresses you want while not asking for XXXXXXXXXXXXXXL sizes! ☹
Bigger Snacks results to Bigger Slacks. (keept this in mind) 😉
So, this holiday season, please do me a favor, spend quality time with your loved ones, gain memories and not weight.
I'm gonna leave you with this statement...
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