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Happy first night of Hanukkah!
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Yes! A blog dedicated for my spooky baby
Together we will unite to protect the goth!!!
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So how does this work as a network? What is the Sam Manson Defense Squad?
That’s a good question. This blog did kinda stray a bit from what I originally intended it to be. Partially because I got so many complaints.
But anyway, I still have a members page, and the intention was to have that be the entirety of the blog. Just people coming together who want to defend Sam Manson. Things kinda spiraled out of control, though, and while the original intent is still there, I’m not entirely sure what this place has turned into.
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Happy Earth Day from Sam Manson!
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basically don’t be vlad.
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thank god for this blog
God says you’re welcome and Sam is under their eternal protection.
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Alright, since this seemed to cause some struggle, the blog theme has been updated and the members page is now a separate page. Please still message me if you’d like to join, but now you can see posts, too!
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Yo I really like your blog theme but I can't navigate it. I spent five minutes trying to find your posts before I gave up and switched to my phone. Maybe consider changing it? It might be turning away prospective followers
The posts are only available through mobile. This was created to be a network, not a blog. Though, judging by the number of followers and number of members, perhaps posting things is working against that.
But to clarify for anyone on mobile looking for posts, this was meant to be a network. Nothing more. If you’d like to be part of it, then you can message me, but this wasn’t meant to be an actual blog. Which is why there are so few posts in the first place.
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It’s Time to Talk Sam Manson
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If it’s not already obvious from the fact that I run the @sam-manson-defense-squad, I love Sam. Sadly, she seems to have gotten a nasty reputation among fans, which is a right shame because there’s a lot that can be done with her character. I do understand that her execution in the show was flawed, but if people can overlook bad writing for other characters, I think we should be able to do the same for Sam. Since the first two episodes do a pretty job establishing what she’s like, she seemed like a great character to start off with.
As a general rule, these character-specific posts will be focusing on the positives (meaning what I think makes them a good character and how they work as part of the show). I’m trying to enjoy something I love, and I don’t wanna spread negativity.
Anywho, let’s get started. (warning: will likely be image-heavy)
Keep reading
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Idk if I'm sending to the right place put I also wanted to point out she peptalked a *practical dragon* into standing up to *another practical dragon* who had been abusive towards her for 1600 years (or something like that). And outside of that, in that episode, Sam proved herself to be resourceful and quick thinking. The reason she wasn't grateful for Tuck and Danny's rescue was because she knew it wouldn't work, not because she refuses to be a damsel in distress. (She's happily taken help from the boys in other episodes even outside of the entirety of season 3) I'm not sure if people bring up that episode against her, but her and Dora are both my girls and I had to comment. :)
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I made a post earlier to see if anyone was interested in this, and the response has been pretty good.You asked for it, so here it is!
The Sam Manson Defense Squad!
As far as I’m concerned, there aren’t really any rules for this. Just message me, @monochrome-typewriter, if you’d like to be a member, and I’ll add you to the page. There’s no limit to how many members I’m willing to add. I do coding/programming as a hobby, so adding more is a cinch.
The only thing I ask is that there’s no negativity towards characters in your descriptions and such. I don’t want that sort of thing to be associated with this squad. Aside from that, this is a place for Sam fans to meet other Sam fans. Feel free to message me or any other members to talk about our favorite early 2000s goth vegan.
If you hate Sam Manson, please leave us in peace. We’re not going to bug you if you don’t bug us.
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for @wholocksupersoupofpain for completing DannyMay: Jewish!Sam!
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In Defense of Sam
Ok, so something that’s always bothered me about the Phandom is how divided people are over Sam. I’ve seen tons of people who hate her or reduce her character to a bitch in fanfics.
One of the main reasons people hate her ( from what I’ve seen) is that she’s a “special snowflake”. Sam is goth, vegan and very vocal about being an individual. Does she come across as a special snowflake? Honestly, yes. But we have to take a step back and look at the other DP girls- specifically the ones at Casper High. A lot of the girls at Casper have been portrayed as shallow, manipulative, materialistic and superficial. Sam constantly voices disapproval of the shallow behavior of Paulina, or things like beauty pageants which she sees as a superficial competition to determine who’s the prettiest girl- which the other girls view it as too. But Sam cares about inner beauty, intelligence and kindness more than outer beauty or popularity. With the girls in her school, Sam’s view of them is relatively justified. The girls are often portrayed as bitches- which is a fault that should be placed on the writers, not Sam. It’s not her fault that most of the girls in the show are written off as superficial stereotypes nor is it her fault that she considers them as such- she’s reinforcing what the show has already labeled these characters as. The problem lies in how the writers viewed these girls, not Sam.
The second complaint I see is how preachy/hypocritical Sam is. If she’s so hooked on individuality, why does she try to force her beliefs on others? She does this when she changes the school menu to a vegan menu. Guys, this is called a character flaw, and every good character should have one. The fact that Sam can be hypocritical is not a reason to hate her. And for her to be truly hypocritical, she would go back on her own beliefs (in this case- veganism) which she never does. She’s passionate about what she thinks is right, and gets carried away sometimes- but so does Tucker (he makes a big deal about meat, and tries to restrict the vegan choices on the menu)
Speaking of Tuck- some say Sam is selfish, because of Phantom Planet. She was so hung up on Danny choosing to become human again, that she abandoned him. So other than the fact that Phantom Planet was a steaming plate of shit that made nearly all the characters OOC, there’s several reasons this doesn’t sit right with me. Tucker has almost the same reaction, yet very few people gripe about that. Besides, we see that in Memory Blank, Danny chooses to become a ghost again. Sam doubles checks that he’s ok with being a halfa, and he CHOOSES that. So not only does she show that she cares about Danny, but we also see that in Phantom Planet, It’s very odd and jarring that Danny would risk the safety of Amity Park just for his own comfort. So either A. Phantom Planet is just OOC for everyone Or B. Sam is justified in her reaction
And finally, phans have an unhealthy rivalry with those who ship Danny with Sam and those who ship him with Valerie. Look, I love both of these girls, and I’m fine with Valerie×Danny, but it ridiculous that so many shippers of Valerie×Danny write off Sam as a bitch or heartbreaker. The whole reason Sam is so important to the series is that she loves both Fenton and Phantom. Valerie was interested in Fenton, and Paulina was interested with Phantom. But from the very beginning of the show, it was Sam who loved Danny unconditionally and was always there to support him. Even in Phantom Planet she admits that she’ll always support him even though she’s disappointed in the choice he made. In conclusion, yes- Sam is flawed. But she is a passionate, intelligent and kind girl who truly cares for her friends, no matter what. If she isn’t a good person, I don’t know who is.
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We've got six followers but three members and it makes me sad.
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Are you Sam Manson af?
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sam + animal welfare + activism 101
At this point, it’s been established that Sam is a huge animal welfare activist.  First, she changed the school menu, then literally used herself to defend a gorilla, and is now attempting to eradicate the exploitation of frogs in a biology classroom.  She’s not presenting a problem with no solution–instead, she’s taken the time out of her day not only to find a humane alternative so that students can learn without frog corpses, but to also create a space for herself at a school assembly (where students and teachers are required to be) to talk about these issues.  Animal welfare is a tricky subject, and she has continuously created not only alternative solutions, but accessible ones as well.  
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