salvaandstars · 2 years
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salvaandstars · 3 years
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So angry on behalf of everyone dealing with this bullshit!
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salvaandstars · 3 years
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salvaandstars · 3 years
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- I just always want to be able to say hi to you.
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salvaandstars · 3 years
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salvaandstars · 3 years
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#fruity sit 
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salvaandstars · 3 years
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(requested by anon)
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salvaandstars · 3 years
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Raylla and their chin grab 🥰
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salvaandstars · 3 years
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salvaandstars · 3 years
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salvaandstars · 3 years
Nicte Batan’s execution turns into Alder’s farewell. 
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salvaandstars · 3 years
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salvaandstars · 3 years
What. The. Fuck.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Motherland: Fort Salem is a masterpiece! Every episode just keeps getting better and better!! Kudos to the writers, seriously. They really didn’t spare any brains going into this. Every detail is just like a puzzle piece meshing in so smoothly, to create a perfect picture.
Episode 9, bloody hell… I was literally at the edge of my seat not even a quarter of the way into it.
Warning: Spoilers! And major rambling ahead!
Let’s start with Alder.
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Since she “puppet-ed” the President, I never trusted her, but when she stepped down, I felt for her. She let the Spree be the enemy and carried that burden of knowing that lives are lost because of her actions, so that civilians and witches could “try” and live harmoniously. Obviously, that was a fail, but the intent was there. She lost so much, and she’s seen so much pain. That song of grief… imagine how much pain she had to have had for it to actually trigger the birth of the mycelium.
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The reveal about the mycelium being a collective being of all dead witches…kinda like an underworld of sorts… just wow 🤯
Scylla did say that the mushroom was like the king of plants in the underworld. That was a great foreshadowing from Season 1 that we didn’t even realise until this episode.
But damn! Of all the witches out there, all the dead witches collectively chose our little rebel Raelle. It makes sense now how the mycelium is so powerful. It must be so overwhelming, holding the powers of all dead witches. And kudos for Raelle finally accepting what was entrusted her. She’s gone full circle now, from not even wanting anything to do with the army and kind of resenting being chosen by the mycelium, to now having a purpose and taking it to heart. She now knows the weight of the responsibility given to her. It’s not just about her, she realises that. There was a great war coming.
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This scene was so aesthetically pleasing, by the way. The photographer in me is just to satisfied with this shot.
Anyway, moving on… I’m glad Abigail is finally able to sway her mother’s decisions for her. She finally moved on from being the daughter always eager to please and follow rules, and to a soldier with purpose. She’s seeing the bigger picture now and not just chasing for glory. I love the character development.
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And speaking of character development, Tally has got to be the most developed character this season.
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She went from a pawn to a straight up queen in a chess game. She was a girl with high hopes for the future, a girl who was too nice. She saw the goodness in people, and so everyone was quick to dismiss her, to think her too tame. Now, she’s THE soldier who managed to change the whole game, with her chase for the truth. She stood up for what she’s always believed in and she’s just put herself on a pedestal for generations to be inspired by. I’m not gonna be surprised if she becomes the General by the end of the show.
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Then, there’s the Sekhmet coven. I love this group, especially with how they all backed each other. This was an iconic shot, too.
And then, of course there’s Raylla.
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Raelle the soldier and Scylla the army wife at home. They are so freakin’ flirty, I love and hate it at the same time, lol. I love that they��re sweet on each other, I missed them so much… but I kinda lowkey wanted a slower burn. But I guess, with chemistry like theirs, it wasn’t too hard to fall back to old habits. They really are the fastest among all wlw ships. From strangers to lovers to breaking up to making up to meeting the parental and u-hauling with a kid and now having LDR, lol. Kinda disappointed that Tiffany was sent off with a dodger family.
Raylla and being sexy weird. Birds and mushroom are their thing. In season 1, we have Scylla with death cap mushrooms and Raelle with her bowerbird combat charm. Now in season 2, we’ve got it flipped. Raelle is now connected to the biggest mushroom in the whole world probably, and now Scylla bonded with a bird. These two, seriously…. Everything they do is like an extension to the other.
And speaking of birds, Scylla is not a witch to be messed with, really. She has so much power on her own, and so brilliant that she managed to learn Nicte’s work involving animals. At least, I think she just learned that after the capturing of Nicte and seeing how she worked with bats. And even so, she did it with so much ease with one bird. Imagine what she could do with more birds.
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Last side note, btw. I still don’t like that Vice President. He seems so dodgy. At first, I find the scene with Anacostia and the bodyguard so irrelevant, but then the bodyguard said he’s off for the weekend. I feel like there’s more to that information.
But I’ve been rambling for more than an hour now. There’s still so much to say, but alas, this post is too long now. Lol. I’m so so so excited for the last episode of season 2. I’ve seen some sneak peeks and they better not kill off Scylla or any of our favourite trio, I swear I’ll riot.
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salvaandstars · 3 years
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salvaandstars · 3 years
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salvaandstars · 3 years
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salvaandstars · 3 years
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That’s some new friend. #MotherlandFortSalem
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