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loves control Independent and selective roleplay blog. Fandomless female oc. LGBTA+. MI6 Agent. kills you Multiple faceclaims and ships. All threads happen in their own verse. Mun and muse are 21+. / GMT+1.
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salientx-blog · 7 years ago
                                                     RPC POSITIVITY. ♥
Due this blog being super new, I decided to start with something good, some love. I’ve missed a couple of days in this awesome challenge, so I thought of putting everything together. There is no fancy graphic because I actually want to get this done (I’m so picky with my own graphics). And with this being said, here we go:
Well, I’m fandomless; more or less. But seeing me with my historical muses I can only choose one person. @threecardtrick; A couple of months ago I joined this community after a very long break with my Mary muse; we had some amazing plots and I do remember them until this very day. First and foremost this was due to your writing. I absolutely adore your writing style and the way your portray Thomas. It’s like you’re him. I don’t think that I can ever write with someone else’s Thomas, but yours. The understanding and knowledge you have about him is inspiring. You portray him as a real person; not as some evil villain as he was (falsely) known for. I think that you put so much love into him and it’s clear whenever you write something. There’s so much detail. I absolutely adore you and I can’t wait to have threads with you again.
This one’s clear to me, because I always stalk their threads. @mcmachine; we haven’t had the pleasure yet to interact, but you can be sure that I adore your portrayal of April. I’ve stopped watching Grey’s a long time ago, but when I watch it from time to time, I always have to think about your muse when I see April on screen. You capture her amazingly. It’s like you’re … her. And besides your muse, you seem super sweet and kind. And I’d love to befriend you, ngl.
I’d never forget to mention you! @arxchnis; my fave Peter ever. I have to be honest with you: I haven’t watched the new Spiderman movies, but the Avengers, so I have a little, little knowledge. I came to the conclusion that your Peter is the best. End of story. You capture him perfectly. He’s sweet, gentle, funny and simply, well, Peter. I love to chat with you OOC and bombard you with new ideas and replies, because you really woke up my Cath muse. As Cath will protect Peter, I’ll protect you. Please stay as amazing as you are. See, amazing. What a pun. 
Caroline’s is not a minor for me, but still so very underappreciated. THIS GIRL WENT THROUGH SO MUCH (like all women on TVD ahdjsns) !! BUT before I go all crazy about this, this is for the one and only @seesgood ; although we haven’t talked much I’ve been following you for a damn long time. With all my accounts I followed you, but was always too shy to interact. Your Caroline is on point. Like, really. Who needs to watch TVD when you can read your writing instead? Your style is touching and on point. It’s pure Caroline talking! Not once I had the feeling that there was someone else. You put so much love and dedication into her, I’m speechless. I aspire to be you, though. Okay, now I gotta fangirl silently.
This is obviously @subtlecoma; yes, you. I love all of your muses and I could cry tears of joy. I’m literally so thankful that I met you. All of our threads are so damn good and your writing style ? Please excuse me while I asdfhgj. Beautiful ! Enough said. You’re wonderful and I respect you for having so many threads at the same time. You inspire me. Thank you.
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salientx-blog · 7 years ago
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salientx-blog · 7 years ago
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salientx-blog · 7 years ago
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salientx-blog · 7 years ago
My  SKILLS  include:
                                    actively pushing everyone away                                                             &&                           internalizing all my problems until they boil up                          inside me and explode like an erupting volcano
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salientx-blog · 7 years ago
i really want like a f/f (or m/m) ship where they’ve been best friends for life and its always been platonic but they’ve all but grown up together. the sleepovers, the sneaking out to hang out, summer vacations all spent together, talking about crushes, working on home work, the entirety of best friends forever but muse a always dates the worst people and they can never satisfy them sexually or theyre unkind and muse b is always sitting back with a quiet crush watching their friend suffer until one day they just snap and ‘well i could fuck you how you want you know’ or ‘i could make you happier we might as well date’ and they do. and its great, and their parents have no ideas that their summers going to the beach are dates now and their mutual friends are all uninvited to sleep overs because they are not as G rated as they used to be and the whole ‘we’re sitting at table but im touching you under the table and your parents thing we’re bffs but they have no idea’ and the ‘why did we wait so long to do this’
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salientx-blog · 7 years ago
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Of flowers and veils | clairepettibone
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salientx-blog · 7 years ago
i want to _____ you.
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salientx-blog · 7 years ago
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female awesome meme ♡ (6/10) LGBT characters → Mazikeen “You know, I wouldn’t just kick ass for anyone… Okay, fine, I would.”
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salientx-blog · 7 years ago
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As I’m a crying mess now (seriously, I’ve watched the series like four or more times already), I won’t do anything tonight. And seeing the lovely Fiona (@threecardtrick) portraying Cromwell so damn good, consider me crying more. Once I have Wolf Hall in my hands, I might as well hit my head against the keyboard and fangirl; or something like that. Pls don’t be scarred of me.
I have a couple of appointment  tomorrow, but I should be around in the early morning or in the evening. Hopefully I can finish my ‘project’ I’ve been working on and show it to you. I’m excited and nervous.
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salientx-blog · 7 years ago
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the “MOM FRIEND” → a e s t h e t i c
URBAN DICTIONARY TOP DEFINITION: That one friend in your squad that’s super responsible and almost over-protective of them. Usually every friend group has a mom friend, and if you think your squad doesn’t have one, then you’re probably the Mom Friend!
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salientx-blog · 7 years ago
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Dark and searching.
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salientx-blog · 7 years ago
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30 days with killian jones ♡ day twenty-four
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salientx-blog · 7 years ago
Below you’ll find a primer on titles of royalty, nobility, etc. from around the world.
Emperor & Empress: His and Her Imperial Majesty 
King & Queen: His and Her Majesty
Viceroy & Vicereine: His and Her Excellence 
Archduke & Archduchess: His and Her Grace
Grand Duke & Duchess: His and Her Grace
Prince & Princess: His and Her Highness
Dauphin & Infante: His Highness
Dauphin: heir apparent of France.
Infante: the second son of the ruling monarch of Spain or Portugal.
Duke & Duchess: His and Her Grace; His Grace, Her Grace
Marquis & Marquise: His and Her Most Honorable; My Lord, My Lady
Earl/Count & Countess: His and Her Right Honorable; My Lord, My Lady
Viscount & Viscountess: His and Her Right Honorable; His Eminence, Her Eminence
Baron & Baroness: His and Her Right Honorable; His Eminence, Her Eminence
Baronet & Baronetess: Your Lordship, Ladyship
Knight & Dame: Sir, Madam. 
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salientx-blog · 7 years ago
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“What the hell just happened Cath? I really need an explanation for that.” @salientx​
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“I ━ uh, I ━ I’m sorry? I don’t know what happened, it just ... happened. They wouldn’t stop talking and they bothered you, didn’t they?”
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salientx-blog · 7 years ago
Muse A and muse B were childhood friends, and only became distant and separated during their times at different colleges. When they both graduate and start a new job in a new city, they turn out to be neighbors. They start hanging out again and become best friends. Eventually, muse A admits to muse B that they had a crush on them in high school, but never said anything because muse A didn’t want to ruin their friendship. Muse B then says that they too had a crush on muse A. They then come to realize that their feelings never truly went away at college, so they start dating again. 
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salientx-blog · 7 years ago
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        “Babe, you might think you’re a good liar. But you’re really not, so fess up.” Briar told the younger woman and pursed her lips together while waiting. “Well, maybe you are a good liar for other people but to me, I always know when you’re not telling me the truth.” The pilot went on and put her hand on Catherine’s. “So. Whatever it is, I can handle it.” The brunette promised, “I’ve got years on you red, what do you think is so bad that I won’t forgive you for?” @salientx
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The sudden urge to cry overwhelmed her, as soon as Briar touched her. It was like she was able to look right through Catherine; she was able to see the ‘real’ person, the one who was hurt and scarred. Nevertheless she had tried to cover it up. “You won’t believe me if I say it’s nothing, will you?” A bittersweet smile appeared on her lips and her eyes started to water. “They’re talking. They’re all talking. And you know me, I usually don’t give a fuck about them, or their comments on my life. But this week is awful.” She squeezed the hand of the other softly and dried the rolling tears with the other hand. “And I hate them for doing this to me. Why can’t they shut up?”
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