saiyanvigor · 3 years
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If I don’t win, then all my effort, all I’ve struggled to achieve, all of it will have been pointless!  
I’ll lose everything, just like I did before…  And I absolutely refuse to go through that again!
Indie RP blog for Jiren the Gray of Dragon Ball Super.  Loved by Spooper.
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saiyanvigor · 3 years
Send in “kabedon” to pin my muse against the wall.
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saiyanvigor · 3 years
if you would be so kind as to reblog this if you feel insecure about your writing skills.
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saiyanvigor · 3 years
Angst Dialogue Prompts
swear-free edition: as requested by anonymous!
“It feels like you’re a million miles away, even though you’re right here.”
“I just think….maybe you shouldn’t be around me.”
“You wanna do that thing where you make everyone hate your guts, cool, but don’t take this out on me.”
“I asked you a question. Answer it. Do you hate me, or not?”
“I’m trying to save you and you won’t even let me!”
“Are you threatening me?”
“Is it really that bad? The idea of having a future with me?”
“Leave, and never come back.”
“I’m going to count to five and if I don’t hear an ‘I’m sorry’ I’m going to punch you square in the jaw.”
“I never cared about you.”
“I have you so much it’s not even funny.”
“You suck, it’s not any better or worse than that. You’re not even that terrible you just suck and I can’t stand being around you.”
“You’re a burden. And I didn’t want to tell you that you are, because I didn’t want to be responsible if you did anything bad after hearing me say it.”
“Come back here, don’t you run away from me.”
“I hate how nice people are to you.”
“It doesn’t mean anything to you.”
“I refuse to be complicit in whatever with breakdown you’re having is.”
“God you are just so selfish.”
“Did you honestly think you were a good person?”
“Help me? Please?”
“Nobody would even miss you, you know.”
“It should have been me.”
“It should have been you.”
“I still love them.”
“You disgust me.”
“You think everything is everyone else’s fault, but it’s not, you’re responsible for your own mess.”
“Get yourself together.”
“Please don’t hurt me again.”
“You hurt me, I hurt you back. Simple.”
“I didn’t mean to do it, I promise. Please, you have to believe me.”
“I miss the old you.”
“Don’t say it, don’t say you love me.”
“I’m moving out, I can’t do this anymore.”
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saiyanvigor · 3 years
✏️ (for whoever!)
He didn't want to go out on such a night but-
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There was something a little off with the atmosphere, as if corrupted by an evil presence. Goku stepped head first into it, embracing the chilling sensation that ran down his spine and made him shudder.
A heavy weight befell his shoulders as he continued to walk through the shroud, through it, eventually there stood a white-haired male.
"Hey-!" Shouting out with a friendly tone. "Yer' know you shouldn't be out here at night! It can get Kinda' spooky
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saiyanvigor · 3 years
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saiyanvigor · 3 years
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“Seems like Paradise has a cost.”
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saiyanvigor · 3 years
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             “ Not all of them are so tiny, Kakarot! I’m not afraid either! They’re just gross! ” Vegeta shoved his finger in the other Saiyan’s face. “ But don’t you try and turn this on me! Needles to not hurt. I don’t even feel them! ”
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“You totally are afraid!! I’ve seen it when we were both in hell!” He huffed and puffed his cheeks a little. Tensing up at the thoughts of needles “You just don’t get it! They go into yer’ body and try to take blood from me!!” Folding his arms in a huff. “They ain’t takin’ anything!” 
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saiyanvigor · 3 years
He was going back to a place he'd hoped he would never see again.
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Fingers clenched around themselves tightly. He was a lot stronger than he was when he faced them. Both he and Trunks were, it still didn't stop the vivid memories arising. Chichi, Goten, Bulma... they both suffered at their palms. In that timeline and universe.
"Are ya' with me? We gotta go and correct this timeline. We could be up against it ya' know.. who knows what added effects they have." He instantly powered up to a Super Saiyan, readying himself for the inevitable.
"Black, Zamasu. I'm coming to stop you once again!"
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saiyanvigor · 3 years
*slides xeno goku at your goku*
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"Hey- Don't I know you? You got my face!"
Grinning as he already felt the others power just from the aura flow. "Woah.. Well yer' definitely seem like a good me! I've met a few bad me's before and they usually are attacking by now!"
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saiyanvigor · 3 years
@saiyanvigor​​ 💖 for a starter!
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              “ How can you be afraid of needles, of all things? You’ve had holes blown through you and you lose your mind over being stuck with a needle. Explain. ”
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“But those smaller ones hurt a lot more!!” He whined and pulled his arm closer to him. “Plus, they always seem to take somethin’ whenever they do!” 
He huffed “Wait a minute - yer’ scared of worms! They don’t even have arms and are tiny!!”
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saiyanvigor · 3 years
✏️ (for whoever you're feeling :3)
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"Lets get going nabs." He grinned and slowly shut his eyes. He'd only ever done this kind of training once before - Against Universe 6's assassin. Learning how to read aura and ki. They'd take turns.
He could hear everything, but dare not open his eyes.
Stance lowered, ears perked at every rustle and every gust of wind. Dealing with someone so silent on their feet he had to be careful - from what he knew, there were assassins where she hailed from originally. Vegeta's training also helped her with stealth attacks. A sharp breath as he tensed, the hairs on his neck stood on end.
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saiyanvigor · 3 years
feel free to elaborate as much as possible ! 
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saiyanvigor · 3 years
i hate when people ask me what sign i am like bitch i’m a sign from god. start running.
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saiyanvigor · 3 years
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//So guess who left for a long ass time again? yup.. me. I fell head first back into Kingdom hearts and thats kinda taken over my fandoms again (and just been rping on discord!)
I’ll try to be around again - when work isn’t kicking my butt :’3
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saiyanvigor · 3 years
so a friend introduced me to dbz kai last night and i am honestly obsessed with goku like he’s literally just
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saiyanvigor · 3 years
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No really.... WHAT
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