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to live for the hope of it all
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saiya-anthony · 2 years ago
Angel was asleep -- which was about the only time she felt comfortable leaving him alone.  It wasn’t necessarily in her job description to save him from herself, but she never pretended to be anything but a perfectionist.  He wasn’t going to die on her watch, even by his own dumbassery. In an extremely boring turn of events she found herself using the unexpected down time to hit the agency's gym.  She was just finishing her third lap around the track when she heard the door open.  New York had an obscene amount of them -- too much privilege and paranoia.  It could have been anyone, but when she saw Riley she swallowed, fighting off the urge to stop.  She offered them a small smile as she breezed past.   It was unprofessional, the thoughts she had when she was around them.  It was unprofessional the handful of times they’d slipped up, and it would continue to be unprofessional the next time they did it.  Because they were nothing if not consistent.  But god -- she could look respectfully while they worked out without breaking any rules, right?
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saiya-anthony · 2 years ago
Angel tested her patience on a daily basis.  Most of the other guards she knew had a charge who genuinely probably would have been just fine without them -- but not Angel.  He got himself into a life-threatening situation on a daily, sometimes it felt like hourly, basis.  It kept her on her toes, there was no denying that; but she could use a vacation.
“Angel,” she called from the other side of his door.  As frustrating as she found him, literally on a daily basis, he was genuinely one of her best friends -- guarding him was a full time job, but she liked doing it.  She liked making sure he was safe, because the world could use more people who were unapologetically themselves.  “If you’re naked cover up, because I’m coming in.”  Without looking at him she pushed through the door, flipping the lights on and grabbing a few pieces of clothing he had scattered around the room to throw to him.  “Come on.  You’re going to be late to class, and since it’s raining and I can’t take my bike, that means I’m going to be late to class.  I need a ride.  Let’s go.”  When he didn’t move she grabbed a pillow and smacked him with it gently.  “Come on.  I can’t be late for my labs.”
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saiya-anthony · 2 years ago
Full Name: Saiya Anthony
Character’s nickname: Sai
Reason for nickname: Don’t be stupid
Birth date: August 30
Physical appearance
Faceclaim: Simone Ashley
Gender: she/her / cisfemale
Height: 5′5
Build: thin, athletic, a nice ass sorry not sorry.
Eye color: brown
Glasses or contacts?: contacts
Distinguishing marks/scars: a long, thin scar on her right thigh she got while snowboarding
Hair color: black
Type of hair: thick and curly, sometimes she straightens it.
Hairstyle: usually she can’t be bothered with her hair.  it’s either down and curly, straightened, or in a braid.
Voice claim: n/a
Physical disabilities: n/a
Clothing style: She is for sure not a heels kind of person.  I don’t think she has a set style though, just wears what she feels the best in.  She does have a leather jacket she wears a lot though
Make up: natural
Good personality traits: smart, resilient, determined, loyal, quick-witted
Bad personality traits: sarcastic, impatient, dramatic
Mood character is most often in: amused
Sense of humor: dry and sarcastic
Articulation: it depends on the vibe.  if she’s upset she just gets louder and faster, but usually she talks in a normal tone.
Character’s greatest joy in life: she likes being a guard, but she’d really like to go to medical school if she can pull it off with angel.
Character’s greatest fear: she is really driven.  she wants to be a good guard, wants to be a doctor, wants to be a good friend.  her greatest fear is failing at any of that.
Character is most at ease when: when she feels like she’s in control of a situation
Most ill at ease when: she feels like its getting away from her.
Enraged when: really and truly angry doesn’t happen often -- but she doesn’t like being made to look dumb, and she doesn’t like being lied too.
Depressed or sad when: losing someone she cares about, not being any more than she is right now, not accomplishing her goals.
Priorities: finding a way to both accomplish her goals and to protect angel
Life philosophy: don’t be stupid, honestly
Greatest strength: her intelligence
Greatest vulnerability or weakness: she is WILDLY impatient.  she would also literally starve to death without take out.
Hometown: Taos, New Mexico
Type of childhood: It was okay.  Not the best, not the worst.  She had *wanted* to join the program when the men came to her school to recruit her.  She was excited.  It seemed like a cool opportunity.  It was only now, as an adult, that she was realizing how fucked up it all was.  But she’s in too deep now.
Pets: none
core childhood memory: learning how to snowboard with her dad
Dream job: some kind of doctor.  pediatrics or some kind of surgeon maybe.
Religion: atheist
Current location: nyc
Currently living with: probably alone, but very close to angel.
Pets: none
Religion: atheist
Sexuality: pansexual
Politics: socialist.  burn it all down, start again.
Occupation/education: student, pre-med / spy kid
Mode of transportation: a motorcycle
Parent one: Paresh Anthony
Relationship with them: She loves him.  He’s a dork that watches jeopardy and yells the answer out before the contestants can.  He gave her her love of biology and taught her to snowboard.  She doesn’t know that he was the best dad, but she’s grown to accept him for who he is.
Parent two: Fatima Anthony
Relationship with them: Her mom is one of her favorite people, despite a bit of underlying resentment for the way they let her join this program.
Siblings: None
Relationship with them: N/A
Other important family members: Grandma Anthony out there thriving in New Mexico.  Pour one out for the coolest of the Anthonys.
Color: blue
Music: She’s fine with most music types, but she does like instrumental music because it helps her focus.
Food: pancakes
Film: ET
Drink: Coffee.  37 shots of espresso a day please
Form of entertainment: Studying, decimating the competition at bar trivia, snowboarding when she can manage it.
Hobbies: studying, board games, reading, etc
Plays a musical instrument?: no
Plays a sport?: snowboarding
How she would spend a rainy day: doing her homework, pouring through piles of textbooks, working out
Spending habits: frugal.  she doesn’t spend a lot
Smoking/drinking/drugs?: she would do any of these things socially
Extremely skilled at: anything academic
Extremely unskilled at: being wrong and admitting it
Nervous tics: rambling
Usual body posture: she stands up straight
Optimist or pessimist?: realist.  logical to a fault
Introvert or extrovert?: extroverted
Daredevil or cautious?: daredevil 
Logical or emotional? logical
Leader or follower?: leader.  she’s not good at taking directions
Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat?: organized chaos.  she’s not MESSY though so much as cluttered
Prefers working or relaxing?: working.  she’d never sit still if she could get away with it.
Confident or unsure of herself?: confident
Animal lover?: from a distance mostly
Relationships with others
Opinion of other people in general: most people are good, even if they’re annoying
Opinion of the Scooby Gang: velma and daphne are in love, change her mind.
Does the character hide their true opinions and emotions from others? not really.  she’ll tell people what she’s thinking usually
Most important person in character’s life: she wouldn’t admit an answer to this probably.  maybe she’d say angel because that’s her job
Best friend/s: the other guards .  she’s known them most of her life.
Dating experience: she’s not inexperienced
Romancing: a hook up, fwb situation with riley that she is SURE no one else knows about but it’s probably obvious as hell.  she really likes them but she won’t be admitting that unless she’s sure they feel the same way.
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