saintmaire · 6 days
sucking the balls doesn't even do anything
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saintmaire · 1 month
i wont lie i miss cock and pussy on dash unprompted. you used to be able to follow someone and theyd just put cock and pussy on the dash sometimes. nothing to do with their blog they were just having a moment. because of Horny. what do you get nowadays. a measly nipple? an Adults content warning ? all because of Woke. sick and twisted.
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saintmaire · 1 month
"Harrow listens to My Chemi--" BZZT WRONG that girl doesn't want to hear noises louder than bone rattling. "Gideon Nav listens to --" BZZZT NO she is not listening to any music that deliberately processes an emotion more complex than "women hot." That girl is ten layers of trauma surviving solely on titty mags & "your mom" jokes. Modern Gideon would listen to a) horrible cock rock, b) horrible bro country or c) old school gangsta rap, depending on cultural context, and revels in the fact that everyone else hates her music. Neither of them are listening to your indie faves playlists, I am sorry
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saintmaire · 1 month
The computer is a machine built for looking at pictures of fish you wouldn't otherwise see. Anything else you can do with a computer was an accident and unintended
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saintmaire · 1 month
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I literally don't know what possessed me to make an 11 page comic over these sad old men! bon appetit <3
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saintmaire · 2 months
I love your art like yes it’s pretty and it’s horny but also it bypasses my rational gaze and beams directly to my id. My hindbrain is sitting up and panting. Palamedes and Magnus? Augustine and Alfred? Augustine with his fingers in God’s mouth??? THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING.
Do you ever think, in some modern AU where Augustine is still untimely robbed of his little brother who was a better person than him, he imprints a bit on Pal? Not in a wholesome way. In a reluctant, fighting this feeling every step of the way, resenting Pal and maybe taking that resentment out on him (in bed) but also unable to just stop being super possessive of Pal and condescending to him and babying him obnoxiously (still in bed). Palamedes isn’t a child and should not be going back for seconds of whatever mixed signals Augustine’s serving up, he’s not his brother, or his kid, or his kid brother and he shouldn’t want anything to do with this. Augustine needs grief counselling and therapy, Palamedes needs to stop pretending that crawling into his lap and sucking on his fingers is helping either of them. Maybe it’s also super unclear if Augustine and Alfred were like this, or both wanted it but never caved to it, or Augustine wanted it but ruthlessly suppressed it, and now has found a surrogate “baby brother” who comes without the taboo? Anyway, just a desperately messed up horny thought I’m sending your way.
anon thank u so much for this ask i was thinking about it a lot and it inspired this drawing, i hope u enjoy :3 (and yes I agree with everything u said, so true augustine taking quite a liking to pal for dead brother reasons 😳 i also like to imagine a scenario where pal ascends to lyctorhood and also takes over alfred's role as the town bicycle on the mithraeum)
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(cropped for tumblr, full is here)
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saintmaire · 2 months
I love your art like yes it’s pretty and it’s horny but also it bypasses my rational gaze and beams directly to my id. My hindbrain is sitting up and panting. Palamedes and Magnus? Augustine and Alfred? Augustine with his fingers in God’s mouth??? THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING.
Do you ever think, in some modern AU where Augustine is still untimely robbed of his little brother who was a better person than him, he imprints a bit on Pal? Not in a wholesome way. In a reluctant, fighting this feeling every step of the way, resenting Pal and maybe taking that resentment out on him (in bed) but also unable to just stop being super possessive of Pal and condescending to him and babying him obnoxiously (still in bed). Palamedes isn’t a child and should not be going back for seconds of whatever mixed signals Augustine’s serving up, he’s not his brother, or his kid, or his kid brother and he shouldn’t want anything to do with this. Augustine needs grief counselling and therapy, Palamedes needs to stop pretending that crawling into his lap and sucking on his fingers is helping either of them. Maybe it’s also super unclear if Augustine and Alfred were like this, or both wanted it but never caved to it, or Augustine wanted it but ruthlessly suppressed it, and now has found a surrogate “baby brother” who comes without the taboo? Anyway, just a desperately messed up horny thought I’m sending your way.
anon thank u so much for this ask i was thinking about it a lot and it inspired this drawing, i hope u enjoy :3 (and yes I agree with everything u said, so true augustine taking quite a liking to pal for dead brother reasons 😳 i also like to imagine a scenario where pal ascends to lyctorhood and also takes over alfred's role as the town bicycle on the mithraeum)
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(cropped for tumblr, full is here)
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saintmaire · 2 months
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Gideon is about to break couple bones
close ups:
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saintmaire · 2 months
afraid i may have touched a sadness within myself i cannot jerk my way out of
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saintmaire · 2 months
dude i just got shot i need you to suck the bullet out
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saintmaire · 2 months
need a full body massage a margarita 400mg of ibuprofen a plate of brownies at least an hour in a jacuzzi and 20,000 dollars cash
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saintmaire · 2 months
'I am very sorry about Samael'
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one more pretty self-indulgent alectostasia art
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saintmaire · 2 months
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camilla goes loud <-prev | next -> | masterpost
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saintmaire · 2 months
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Dios Apate minor part 2
—God had just picked up the Saint of Joy bodily and sat her at the edge of the table, and the Saint of Patience had his mouth at God's neck, which was horrible—
2024 Painted over since the faces were bothering me, original below!
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saintmaire · 2 months
When your partner has a praise kink but you're Montessori trained so you know that praise is an ineffective way to encourage development and it's much more productive to acknowledge their effort so that they learn to effectively give themselves feedback so they can develop a healthy intrinsic motivation instead of deriving their self worth from labels put on them by other people .... "baby it's amazing how much you could last today compared to last week"
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saintmaire · 2 months
the real secret to zuko's redemption arc is the month he spent working in public food service
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saintmaire · 2 months
the child to adult pipeline is real asfuck
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