Double oops I use quick queue and accidentally put stuff on here that wasn’t sailor moon outfits, it will happen again because I am clumsy
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I forgot to queue up a post for the usual Saturday time slot because Tears of the Kingdom now owns my soul. I’ll try and get one up soon but no promises
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Sigh. So I love this outfit, in theory. Today's post started with taking a settei sheet at random, and I immediately loved how this one looked. Popped up the episode to grab a screenshot and...sigh.
I am a champion of the color blocking in Sailor Moon. I do love it.
But I cannot abide by these colors.
Rei hits it out of the park so many times across the whole series so it's always disappointing when something like color really breaks it. The boots! The skirt and jacket combo! The jacket's broad shoulders! I love the almost pseudo-punk sort of style, but. Oh Rei are you color blind?
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Usagi's Riding Outfit
So this outfit is labeled in the settei as "princess seminar riding clothes" though, she doesn't do any riding, but rather throws a frisbee. Which is plot relevant but not important here, look at this one! I love it!
So we already know red and blue work well on Usagi, that's her whole color scheme, but I really love the dominant red here. The contrast with her hair is great, it's a very striking look. I'm also always going to be a fan of when Usagi wears pants or suits or anything of that nature, that's just who I am. The settei is very cute too, I love the subtle rose embroidery (I'm guessing it's supposed to be embroidery) on the jacket pocket, and the boots are great. An argument could be made that between the red and blue, the high boots, the rose theme, and the frisbee throwing, this entire ensemble is supposed to help sus out who Sailor Moon is, but I'm not ready to say that was 100% planned without a source.
Anyways, love putting Usagi in a suit, love how they made this look better on her than her classmates, it's a fun outfit from a fun episode.
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Programming note:
Instead of posting wildly at odd intervals, I've decided to post once a week on Saturday (not including notes like this), so hold tight I'll have one later today and hopefully every Saturday for the foreseeable future!
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Hiromi, the animator
So we've got a one-off character, Hiromi, and she's got impeccable vibes. I love her glasses with the short hair, and the flattering shirt and pants combo really sell it for me. The bold color blocking really works for the show, and for the time period.
I have to address that it's been pointed out that Rebecca Sugar looks like this animator, which I think is a compliment to both.
Anyways, she's very cute and I love the details that even one-off characters get. I'll definitely get into more of them as we go on, but this is a good taste, and she's always had a special place in my heart.
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Ami & Mako
So here's another two for one, this time Ami and Mako with some nice outfits with odd colors. (I won't be talking about Usagi's outfit; she gets her own posts.)
So I have initially been choosing these largely at random as I see them in the collection of settei sheets. Now I had forgotten these particular outfits (it's been a hot minute since I've seen the whole series, might have to fix this soon) so I thought it would be fun to check them out.
And let me just say; I like the designs a lot more than I like the colors. I'm a champion of bold color blocking and this show's use of it, but this time...hmm. Yellow tights with a brown skirt? Ami you're smarter than that. Mako, your colors are ok I suppose but the red shirt and green pants are giving me a sort of christmas vibe.
But hey, the designs themselves are great, the different styles of sweaters are cute and the outfits as a whole are full of character.
Not much else to say, but I do want to mention that the settei sheets are all just plain gorgeous. I love that they all are more than just reference turnarounds, but they also invoke a certain something about the characters themselves. Simple, practical, but somehow art all their own.
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Rei's Pink Overalls
I was going to save this one, I really was. It's so incomparable. It's iconic. Which is why I'm not gonna wait.
So I think it's largely universal; when you see this episode, with that panning shot, you want to own those overalls. Who wouldn't? If ever there was a statement piece, this is it. If I could pull one piece of Sailor Moon clothing out of the screen for myself, it might have some tough competition but this is ultimately the one I'd have to choose.
The green socks are a choice but they really pop against the pink, and the white shirt underneath helps keep it from being too much pink. Not that you're worried about too much pink if you're wearing this. I think part of what sticks this in most peoples' memories is also the stark contrast between Rei's jet black hair and the pink of the outfit. This is as much a character study as an outfit, and I love whenever it comes back in later episodes. I also want to point out the sleeveless shirt with the cuffed legs; we don't see short sleeves and short legs, or cuffed sleeves and cuffed legs, we get both. It's fun, and it's cute. And overall it looks so comfortable! Especially in the settei, it's clearly an active sort of look.
A side note; for being animation reference drawings, there's so much character and life in the settei images, I can't help but smile at that first one.
(And for those wondering, this is the episode with the animator who's doing the Sailor V anime in-universe. I'll make a post about her too, not to worry.)
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Casual Usagi & Rei
These are two of my favorites from Sailor Moon Classic (Although I'll probably end up saying that a lot) so I thought I'd start this new format with them together. Sorry Ami, we'll get to you I promise.
Why are these some of my favorites? I think a lot of the outfits from the show can have a sort of fantasy or fashion type of design, but these two understated outfits are just fun and casual. Interesting to see this early iteration of the shorts with a jacket look we'll see on Minako later, and there's something...I don't know, practical about it? Rei's shirt-over-a-shirt is layering I haven't seen since the 90s or 00s, but I remember it fondly regardless. The colors are quiet without being boring, and I can honestly say I'd wear Usagi's look here without any irony.
These outfits are less dated than most too, I wouldn't be too surprised to see someone wearing something similar, while I'll definitely be covering outfits that haven't stood the test of time, I still love these even outside of their early 90s context. Simple, nice, and fitting of their characters.
These outfits will show up in later episodes, but I wanted to get our first look of them in here early. Unfortunately that means I couldn't get a good screenshot of them as full-body shots that would go with the settei sheets, but I think with the images together it gives a pretty good idea of the look.
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Ok so, life comes at you fast.
Last time I posted, I had quit my job, picked up all of my belongings, and moved across the country. While this was an exciting change, I didn't really have any idea what I was doing, or what life was going to throw at me.
I still don't.
But I had a feeling that I was making a new start, and as a resulted I thought i was going to come back to this project and keep working on it.
It's been...almost 4 years since I made that post, and I'm surprised to find I still have followers! Who knows how many of you are bots, or are deactivated, or will miss this post, but oh well! We'll see I guess!
A lot has changed on my end, so here's a quick update: I got a job shortly after posting that last post, I bought a house a little over a year later, and it's been a productive 4 years!
Except for this sideblog project. Which I forgot existed. Until I would remember, cringe at how I left it hanging for so long, and then left it hanging longer still.
But here's a blog update: I think I'm going to come back to this project. I have a new possible idea, which is that instead of combing through episodes to grab screenshots, I'm going to use the settei sheets (graciously scanned by @silvermoon424 and acquired from Settei Dreams) to showcase the outfits I plan to talk about.
I may end up grabbing screenshots too, if I get really ambitious maybe even some gifs, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.
I'm not setting a schedule. I'm not making promises. I made that mistake last time. However, I'm feeling motivated, and while I haven't decided on an exact format to go with yet, we'll get there.
Anyways, thanks again for sticking it out. Hopefully I can breathe new life into this passion project I left sitting abandoned, and hopefully it won't be 4 years before you hear from me again!
Edit: I will probably be scheduling posts, maybe one or a couple a week to keep things going without dumping a ton all at once.
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I have not forgotten you!
Hey friends,
I apologize for the absence of updates! Oh my goodness I’ve left you hanging for far too long!
To everyone who’s followed since my last post, welcome! To everyone who’s stuck around, thank you!
I promise I have not abandoned this blog, I promise! I won’t get too into it but I quit my job, moved across several states (and even changed time zones), got a new job, and life is finally starting to resemble “normal life” for me.
Which means I hope to get back to it soon! I won’t say a day but I’m excited to get back to it, and I hope to maybe have my life together enough to keep it off hiatus for a bit once I get back. Tentatively? This month. Watch this space! ✨🌙✨
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An Announcement Long Awaited
Hey everyone,
So obviously my last post about how soon I was going to be posting again was incorrect. As it turns out, I decided to start this project at the absolute worst time: For a couple months I was consistent and provided a reasonably solid posting schedule right before I was massively busy and unable to post.
So. That brings us to today. I’m NOT going to abandon this blog, let’s get that out of the way first. I still love the concept and I want to get back to posting more.
But…and you knew that was coming, didn’t you?…I can’t say with any certainty when I’m going to have a regular posting schedule again. My life is gearing up to be extra hectic for the next 3 months MINIMUM but I’ve decided that I’m too hung up on the original vision of this blog.
So instead, I’m going to abandon the idea of being regular and just post whenever I can, without warning. This could mean 3 posts in 3 days, or 3 posts in 3 months, but it will still be 3 more posts then I might otherwise make.
Anyways, watch this space. I will be posting again, but even I don’t know exactly when that’s going to happen.
Side note: wow there are a lot of you here now! I would say at least 90% of the followers this blog has have joined during the latest hiatus. Thank you so much! I appreciate your patience, I promise I’m not giving up on this!
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An Announcement Long Awaited
Hey everyone,
So obviously my last post about how soon I was going to be posting again was incorrect. As it turns out, I decided to start this project at the absolute worst time: For a couple months I was consistent and provided a reasonably solid posting schedule right before I was massively busy and unable to post.
So. That brings us to today. I’m NOT going to abandon this blog, let’s get that out of the way first. I still love the concept and I want to get back to posting more.
But...and you knew that was coming, didn’t you?...I can’t say with any certainty when I’m going to have a regular posting schedule again. My life is gearing up to be extra hectic for the next 3 months MINIMUM but I’ve decided that I’m too hung up on the original vision of this blog.
So instead, I’m going to abandon the idea of being regular and just post whenever I can, without warning. This could mean 3 posts in 3 days, or 3 posts in 3 months, but it will still be 3 more posts then I might otherwise make.
Anyways, watch this space. I will be posting again, but even I don’t know exactly when that’s going to happen.
Side note: wow there are a lot of you here now! I would say at least 90% of the followers this blog has have joined during the latest hiatus. Thank you so much! I appreciate your patience, I promise I’m not giving up on this!
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Will you be doing outfits of side characters as Well? Im on episode 20 now and the manga artist is so beautiful!!
Yes, I plan to do a good portion of the side characters that catch my eye, admittedly the first section of episodes has been somewhat lacking in the side character department.
And I know exactly what character you’re talking about, and I know she’s on the list, so don’t worry about a thing!
Also, thanks for asking, this brings up something I had forgotten to mention before; if while you’re perusing this blog and you think I missed a good outfit, let me know! I can certainly miss some, and I’ll admit the Dark Kingdom arc has less outfits than in R or beyond, so it’s possible I’ve missed some that are worth mentioning.
(I actually had a small extra idea for just that character, you’ll see what I mean when we get there!)
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Hello Again!
Hello, and apologies. I had not intended for this particular hiatus to go on as long as it has, however, I’ve been busy absolutely every single day.
I do expect to get the queue up and running again soon, so please hang in there! The holidays are a crazy time for me personally, and every year without fail I find myself even more swamped than I expect.
But that time will be coming to an end soon! I’m just throwing this quick update out there so you all know I’m still around and I hope to get back up and running soon!
One last thing: Thank you for following!
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Alright, so I hate doing these updates (especially this soon after the last one) but if you follow my main blog or my Twitter (you know who you are) you’ll know I was CRAZY SICK this week. Seriously, it was gross and severely hindered my ability to do anything. I’m getting better but I may have miscounted how many posts I queued up while sick.
For future reference, if I miss a day or so I’m not going to make note of it, just ignore my poor planning skills and sit tight for more posts, they’ll be on the way shortly.
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God I love this blog! This gives me inspiration to sew!
Hey, thanks! I’ll admit some of these outfits have made me want to recreate them in real life too, but my sewing skills are...not incredible.
Good luck with whatever you’re making and thanks so much!
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