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sahtherat · 8 months ago
Ok j'ai une théorie
L'autre fois je me faisais la reflexion que la relation Arthur & Perceval était l'exacte opposée de celle de Loth & Galessin. Loth & Galessin sont un peu les "jumeaux diaboliques" de Arthur & Perceval
Arthur et Galessin sont tous les deux des personnages assez blasés, qui utilisent le sarcasme comme mécanisme de défense, sont souvent de sale humeur et qui ont été habitués à obéir sans trop reflechir (Arthur de part son enfance à Rome). Mais Arthur, lui, a su aller au delà de son caractère parfois solitaire et renfrogné, pour prendre sa vie en main et essayer de tirer le meilleur de sa situation, pour lui comme pour son entourage. Galessin est ce qu'Arthur aurait pu être s'il était resté à Rome par exemple, sans jamais devenir roi.
Loth & Perceval sont tous les deux assez bavards, avec leur propre logique, un langage pas toujours très sensé et ont tendance à vouloir cacher leurs lacunes derrière des techniques un peu bancales. Mais là où Perceval veut se sortir de son ignorence (en se rapprochant d'Arthur, en posant des questions etc.) Loth, lui, ne semble pas vouloir évoluer. Il ne veut rien apprendre des autres ("j'ai pas envie de participer !"). Quand il raconte n'importe quoi, il le fait sous couverture d'une belle assurance pour se présenter comme un savant et manipuler son monde. Perceval, même s'il est tenté de faire de même (nottament avec la célèbre botte secrète) finit par vouloir au contraire apprendre à mieux s'exprimer et enrichir son vocabulaire.
Arthur & Perceval et Loth & Galessin ont quelque part les même lacunes et les mêmes démons. Mais là où le premier duo s'entraide pour s'élever vers le haut, le deuxième au contraire, par le manque de volonté des deux partis de vouloir s'améliorer, stagne et s'enracine dans une dynamique toxique.
En gros, Loth & Galessin sont ce que Arthur & Perceval auraient pu être s'ils avaient succombé à leurs défauts profonds et refusé à un moment d'évoluer.
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sahtherat · 8 months ago
Je me suis pas mal demandé pourquoi Loth traite si mal Galessin alors qu'il est loin d'être le plus branquignol
Du coup j'ai une théorie/analyse à vous proposer ☕️
Et si Loth était parfaitement conscient du potentiel de Galessin, et qu'il faisait exprès de lui rentrer dans le crâne qu'il est le dernier des débiles, pour briser toute confiance qu'il pourrait avoir en lui-même ?
Comme le fait remarquer le subconscient d'Arthur dans je sais plus quel épisode, à force de répéter à quelqu'un qu'il est nul/débile/incompétant/incapable, la personne finit souvent par le croire.
Loth attribue alors toutes sortes d'adjectifs rarement justifiés à Galessin, pour qu'il finisse par se persuader qu'il est effictivement cette personne qui n'a pas inventé le plat de la main morte.
Et si rabaisser Galessin était un moyen pour Loth de s'assurer qu'il reste de son côté, pour briser son vrai potentiel et en faire un simple sous-fifre qui ne se sent pas suffisement capable pour s'extirper de son train de vie de noix de saint jacques ?
Surtout que les remarques de Galessin sont souvent assez pertinentes, je pense par exemple à sa fameuse métaphore avec le fromage gratiné, elle est bien plus censée que toutes les citations approximatives de Loth. Ça ne serait alors pas surprenant que Loth cherche surtout à le rabaisser pour être certain de ne pas se faire surpasser, ou pire, renversé. (Ça me fait un peu penser à Regina et Gretchen dans Mean Girls 🤷‍♀️)
À force, Galessin devient totallement apathique, n'a plus aucune volonté de se défendre, parce qu'à quoi bon ? Tout ce qu'il veut, c'est éviter une nouvelle humiliation, et pour ce faire, il obéit sans broncher...
La relation Loth/Galessin serait l'inverse de celle d'Arthur et Perceval, dans le sens où Loth est face à quelqu'un de pas trop mauvais qu'il rabaisse pour le garder près de lui, alors qu'Arthur est face à quelqu'un de moins débrouillard, mais qu'il cherche à tirer vers le haut pour finallement s'émanciper.
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sahtherat · 1 year ago
f1 teams after two days of testing:
red bull: we built the best fucking car, max freaking adores that car, next year we're going to space (if you saw checo's car on fire for a hot sec, no you didn't) ferrari: the car seems better but idk man dont want to jinx it bc we have the luck of a potato but charles doesnt want to k word himself like last year mercedes: no comment:) we may have an illegal part of a car tho so please don't ask us about that mclaren: we gotta fix a random issue with our car every 10 minutes and our company accounts move like stan twitter but red bull is SWEATING just wait aston martin: did we build a good car? who knows-- at least both of our drivers could do the testing this time! alpine: so our car may not be the best and i would not expect anything from the first half of the year. also if you see our drivers fighting behind the track, ignore it and do not report it to the hr. we know. vcarb: we're a midfield team but we have daniel ricciardo so we're aiming for the stars. yuki is also here. sauber: we're green now. please don't ask about the illegal name of our team, it's getting fixed TRUST williams: logan was p1 for a hot sec HAVE YOU SEEN IT haas: were the slowest and anyone that expects better should get a reality check. thoughts & prayers
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sahtherat · 1 year ago
Sunset Lap vs. Storm Lap: A Dichotomy Between Two Drivers
Something that's been running in my mind a lot is how we view drivers and events in Formula 1. There are a few ways we can go about it, with the two main ones being the imagery and the stats.
Imagery, in my opinion, is so important in Formula 1. In a sport where things change every year and no true stats or comparisons across teams/eras exist, it is the imagery that people remember.
Rubens Barrichello and Michael Schumacher crossing the finish line just 0.011 seconds apart in Indianapolis 2002. Sebastian Vettel on his knees and bowing to his Red Bull after he won the World Championship. Lewis Hamilton with the Brazilian flag wrapped around him. Lewis Hamilton, Fernando Alonso, and Sebastian Vettel doing donuts together at the end of the 2018 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix. The two Ferraris driving past a broken-down Red Bull.
The imagery is important in not only what we remember, but also in how we think of drivers.
Images of Charles Leclerc's 2022 Austin sunset lap and Max Verstappen's 2023 Brazil storm lap will go down as iconic Formula 1 images.
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But, the images can also play into how we perceive the two drivers. Sunset vs Storm. Leclerc vs Verstappen. Ferrari vs Red Bull.
There is a visible dichotomy between Charles Leclerc and Max Verstappen through the images of their laps.
Sunsets hold many meanings across literature, cultures, and art. In most cases, the sunset represents the completion of a cycle. The setting sun brings an end to a day. Often times it is attributed to the ending of something - life, laws, a journey, etc.
But other than that sunsets are also a thing of beauty. A moment in time when a golden shine settles over the earth and everything is bathed in that glow. It is the boundary between the bright skies of the day and the darkness of night. They also represent the beauty of the world.
Storms, just like sunsets, can mean many things based on how you would like to interpret them. Oftentimes, the connection to storms isn't very pleasant. Filled with thoughts of fear and impending doom. In gothic literature, storms are often seen as harbingers of doom. Foreshadowing the inevitable.
Where sunsets bathe everything in a fleeting, golden light; storms bathe everything in a lasting darkness. A destruction of nature as rain pelts everything in sight. While storms are typically destructive, they have an ability to cleanse
So how can this be used to explain the dichotomy in Charles Leclerc and Max Verstappen?
The imagery in these laps exemplify how we as fans see the two drivers.
On one hand, we have Charles: il predestinato, il principe, the sun of Maranello. And on the other hand, we have Max: mad Max, the Dutch Lion, Super Max.
That's two very different types of nicknames/monikers that follow these drivers who grew up racing together.
Sunsets align with the image that has been created around Charles Leclerc. Beautiful, golden, and an expected end to the championship drought at Ferrari. He is the sun of Maranello that shines over the Scuderia. The predestined prince that will bring back glory to Maranello. Born in Monaco, raised in Maranello, Charles Leclerc is who the Tifosi have set their hopes on. Chanting "Oh Leclerc portaci il mondiale" (oh Leclerc bring up the world championship." There is no doubt that the kid who grew up with Ferrari backing, the first FDA driver to make it to Ferrari, will be the one to end the years-long drought that Ferrari has faced. When Charles did his sunset lap, we saw how he will be remembered by Ferrari and the Tifosi no matter how his career progresses, a golden moment in time. A driver who gave his all to the Scuderia and bled rosso corsa, a tifoso at heart. And when Charles Leclerc wins a championship, then he'll be the sun setting on a championship drought that has lasted well over a decade now.
Whereas, the storm is the perfect imagery for Max Verstappen and how he's made his mark on the sport. Destructive, a sign of doom, fear, inevitability, and change. Max Verstappen came into the sport so young and so many questioned if he should even have his seat. And in those early days, he made a name for himself. He was bold in the maneuvers he made, reckless some might even say. Mad Max, as said by so many of the 2010s drivers. He had Nico Rosberg terrified. Given a good car that didn't have reliability issues, everyone knew what Max Verstappen could do and the potential he held to bring Red Bull the championship. And he did do that, ending the Mercedes/Lewis dominance and starting the Red Bull/Max dominance. In 2023, as Max did a qualifying lap as a storm brew, shrouding the track in darkness, we saw a hint of how Max will be remembered. The inevitability, the man who took Formula 1 by storm and made his mark.
So imagery is very important in how we think of the drivers and the narratives that follow them. Should there be documentaries made of these drivers in years to come, it will be images like these that will be used to show who they were as drivers.
Currently cleaning out my drafts and found this little essay of me rambling on about imagery in F1. I hope it made some sense
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sahtherat · 1 year ago
It reminds me of Charles' grass-green helmet in Austin.
(green being the opposite of red!)
it was remarkable, it contrasted with the red and even if people generally found it ugly (forgetting the meaning he had given it) it didn't seem insignificant to me.
An Analysis Through Color of the 2023 Driver Helmets
During a Grand Prix weekend, drivers are often fitted in team kits when not in the car and when they are in the car they wear the race suits. The one big method of showing creativity and expressing one's personal beliefs is the helmets that they wear.
Typically designed by the driver based on things that are important to them or they like, the helmets allow us to visualize driver personalities and differentiate them from their teammate. Every driver has one "normal" helmet that is run for almost every Grand Prix, but they can also decide to have "special" helmets for some races.
While the design of the helmets tells us many things about a driver, the colors that are used also hold significance.
Data Collection
The analysis is based on the most common colors used on the "normal" helmets. "Normal" is characterized as the regular helmet that a driver is using and has no track-specific features. Some key points to take into consideration were:
The helmets analyzed included Nyck De Vries, Daniel Ricciardo, and Liam Lawson since all three have raced in the AlphaTauri for more multiple races -> therefore had a "normal" helmet they ran
George Russell's green helmet from testing and the Bahrain Grand Prix was not used as he has primarily used the blue version of it for most of the season
With Daniel Ricciardo's helmets, he has variations of the honey badger on the back that are track specific, however, the rest of the helmet is typically the normal white/beige/dark blue scheme so colors for the honey badger were not included
Valtteri Bottas has had many, many helmet designs this season, almost one for every race, but there is a helmet that he's used without any track-specific imagery that was used for this
After looking at the 22 "normal" helmets run by the drivers, I compiled a list of every color that was used. The colors compiled in the list had to either:
Appear in a decently sized section on the helmet - so it couldn't be a color that just appeared in a sponsor logo
Stand out in the helmet design - so a light gray on a white background wouldn't count, but the colors of the Ferrari logo against a red background would count
In the case of lights or darks, it needed to significantly different from a normal shade of the color - so blue and dark blue (which was significantly darker) would count as separate colors or yellow and neon yellow would be two different colors
Based on these two requirements, there were 16 distinct colors found on the 22 helmets.
Light Blue
Dark Blue
Neon Yellow
Dark Green
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Of the 78 values collected for this, the most common colors to appear on the helmets are white (15 or 19.2%), red (12 or 15.4%), and black (9 or 11.5%).
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Furthermore, after this, the colors were divided into one of four categories:
31 of the values were warm colors (red, orange, yellow, etc). 25 of the values were neutral (black, white, and beige). 21 of the values were cool colors (blue, green, purple, etc.) The rainbow was defined as a mixed color.
So what does this all mean?
It could mean nothing and I'm just overanalyzing, but that explanation isn't as fun.
Drivers generally implemented their team colors in their helmets - for 8 out of 10 teams, at least one driver had colors (non-neutrals such as black or white) in their helmet design.
All four AlphaTauri drivers used the same dark blue on the sides of the helmet and had the team logo. With the exception of Nyck De Vries, the dark blue for the AlphaTauri was not used in the other design elements of the helmets.
Both Red Bull drivers had the Red Bull logo in the team colors on the sides of their helmets and the team colors could be seen in other parts of the helmet designs as well
Mercedes is one of two teams to not have at least one driver with the team colors implemented (with the exception of the silver Mercedes logo). Neither driver had the Petronas green implemented in their helmet design. However, it is noteworthy that the colors of the driver helmets are implemented into the cars through the colors for driver numbers and the halo stripe.
The other team with neither driver implementing the main team colors in their helmets is Alpine. Neither driver has blue or pink in their helmet design, but they do both have red, which is featured in the French flag.
Lance Stroll's helmet is just the Aston Martin colors. As the team owner's son, it makes sense.
White and black on the helmets tended to be used as lines to make different designs or as negative space. Across the board, white and black are not the main for driver helmets. They're just the only two colors that will easily go along with every other color used.
Unsurprisingly, both Ferrari drivers wear helmets that heavily feature the color red. They drive the red car and the flags they drive under feature red. So where red is meant to draw attention, the red in their helmets doesn't. Instead, their red helmets blend them into the cars they drive, taking away the thing that is supposed to separate them from the car. Furthering the idea that with Ferrari it is the team above the individual. When you drive for Ferrari, that is your whole brand, you don't distract or take away from that.
Additionally, drivers mainly used primary colors for their helmets this year. There's very little foraying into secondary or tertiary colors. Which continues to be one of my aesthetic qualms with Formula 1 in general. We see so many of the same colors (especially red, blue, and black) so things kind of just blend together instead of standing out.
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sahtherat · 1 year ago
Let the Sky fall
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Tags: Lestappen, Max Verstappen centered, Max Verstappen Character Analysis, Hurt/Comfort, Jos Verstappen Slander, Happy Ending, Charles Leclerc's Sunset lap and Max Verstappen's Storm lap, The Brazil 2023 Effect hasn't left yet
Word Count: 2k
This work is also on AO3 under user roianamustang (me).
The sky darkens, the rain falls and the clouds drape. A storm is nearing. Maybe it’s already arrived. Or perhaps it was always there. Looming just beside his shoulder. Never whispering, always yelling, muttering under his breath.
The wind blows, shakes. The wind is moving and everpresent, especially in a state like the Netherlands. Especially in a household like the Verstappens.
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A storm is the natural phenomenon of a violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning, or snow.
The 2023 season felt like a good quali lap with 3 full purple sectors. His wins got familiar and his rare, but present, losses felt like the calm before the storm. And that was taken literally on the track of São Paulo, Brazil. 
This year was like a whirlwind that wasn’t stopping and it really swiveled itself that morning. The warm, humid air felt good on his skin. He lowered his visor, pressed the throttle, exited the pit lane.
 A short straight, followed by chicanes. Max’s eyes stood unblinking. 
Turn left. Turn right. 
Go faster. 
A straight. DRS. 
Go faster.
Sharp left. 
The force pushed him right and over the edge. 
He remembered.
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When he opened his eyes, Max saw the sky. Bright blue spanning across his vision. Along with some dark, blurry spots. 
He heard voices and felt hands touching him. Pulling him. 
He flinched. Or at least tried to, but he couldn’t tell what was happening.
Soon enough the noise started to filter in. Screams entering his ears and the sun warming his suit, reminded Max of where he was. Physically at least. 
Opening lap of his 2021 Silverstone Grand Prix. And he’d crashed.
The marshalls were checking if anything was wrong and he could feel himself shaking his head. He’d crashed.
He could walk, nothing was broken. He’d crashed.
He entered the garage, went to the infirmary and sat. The doctors checked him over. A concussion at most, they said. He’d crashed.
The word flying around estimated 51 G-forces. A miracle. He’d crashed.
Christian came over and stood with him. Daniel called immediately after the race. Asked him how he was.
It doesn’t matter.
He’d crashed.
The sun shined brighter. Redder.
Angry or worried. He didn’t know. He’d only felt one emotion as a constant in his life and he couldn’t look the sun in the eye. It was too bright.
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The sky is the region of the atmosphere and outer space seen from the earth.
Sector 2 has started. A push on the pedals, the speed increases.
He can feel his arm muscles tense, turn, gain control over the long turns. 
Turn 8. Chicanes. Right. Left. Right. Hit the apex. Keep the speed. 
The sky darkens.
And yet, he can still feel his sun’s heat on his back. Catching on. Keeping up. Feeding.
Like always.
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When he was a child, he remembers sitting with his sister under the blankets looking at picture books about space. A flashlight in his hand. Opening, closing, mimicking stars. Scattering it around to make constellations.
Stars. Bright and big. Almost like they had a presence. An aura. A purpose. 
He remembers his wonder when he found out the Sun was a star. Read about it incessantly. The brightness, along with its heat, being the main cause for life on Earth. It created great things, but as he found later on, with big risks. 
It felt godly.
It held the power in its hands to not just create, but also destroy.
Humanity has and will always be its own risk. Our actions making even the thing that keeps us alive, deadly.
The Sun wasn’t just warm, it was scalding. It was strong, it lashed out. 
It grew and it grew. It will continue to grow, to the point where it will swallow. It will grow and then it will shrink.
It will be quiet.
It will burst.
And Jos?
He bleeds human.
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His father felt like wind. It pushed and pulled and yelled. 
His father felt Aeolian. Loud. Intense. Angry.
An emotion he’s always known of. An emotion he’s allowed to have. The only one he was allowed to express.
When the checkered flag came into view and his kart crossed the finish line in third place, pride was what was felt. Sure, he hadn't won, but he was on the podium.
He was on the podium, dad!
He smiled and picked up his trophy. He took pictures and turned to show his accomplishment. 
He was on the podium, dad!
He froze. He shivered, flinched. He stayed quiet in the car and looked up when his door opened. He stepped outside, but his dad went inside again. 
The window opened. He heard the words, tried replying to them even. But then, he looked at wind in the eye and felt cold.
As the car drove away, Max Verstappen left. 
He left there in the parking lot of the gas station, standing still. 
He doesn’t know if he ever returned. And if any effort was made to do so, it was quickly diminished when he found himself in the same place it started. Or more accurately, ended.
He was on the podium, dad.
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A black hole is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light cannot get out.
A sharp left turn. He hits the apex and speeds up again. The wind blows but he doesn’t feel it. 
He never lifts his foot off the pedal. 
He speeds up and up and up.
Sector 3 done. 
Pole position.
For now.
Rain drops. The sun shines from behind, not above.
The session is finished.
On Sunday he starts on pole. And that afternoon he feeds his sun. Max doesn’t trap his light.
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A solar storm is a disturbance on the Sun, which can emanate outward across the heliosphere, affecting the entire Solar System.
He was leading. He was winning. That first place trophy was his. 
He was robbed. And now very wet.
Thrown in a puddle, as if all these years of experience were for nothing.
He turned to see who it was, who had dared. Turning his head, Max for a second was blinded by the glare of the Sun. 
The Sun was prettier than he should be, but it doesn't matter. He'd lost.
When he heard the word ‘Inchident’ come out of the Sun's mouth, the only thing pushing him away, in the opposite direction, was the wind.
But the heat never left.
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@ maxverstappen1
I tried to stay out of trouble, but trouble came to me.
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December 6, 2020
He follows the Sun, but maybe the Sun also follows him back.
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The supernova occurs when a star suddenly increases greatly in brightness because of a catastrophic explosion that ejects most of its mass.
Austria 2019. Mad Max.
After embracing the anger for so long, he succeeded.
He was anger. He was fear. He made people freeze. He was strong and he won. He fought back.
So why?
Why did the wind tire him out? Why did his Sun disappear? 
Why wasn’t it enough? When will it be enough?
What will it take, that he hasn't already given?
He was on the podium, dad.
He won, dad.
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Up until 2019, Max Verstappen made a name for himself. 
Whether that was with his reckless behavior or inability to allow drivers to overtake, that’s a story for another day. 
He was becoming someone. He had gained importance.
When he was small, his mom learned that he liked books about space. A woman ready to sacrifice everything and more for her children, caught unto that fact quickly. She gave him books, he learned and ranted to her eagerly.
She listened. She always did.
His sister looked up at him, trailed after his every word, ready to believe anything he said. Captured every thought of his and held it close to her little heart.
He loved them.
And yet, they still left him. 
He was alone.
He was alone in a house, with its windows wide open. No curtains drawn. The wind was bursting in its seams. It shook every space, every nook and cranny. It shook him.
He was alone, in a void.
No friends at school, no birthday parties to go to, no sister, no mom, no childhood.
Even when he succeeded, he didn’t feel like his dad felt proud.
It was almost like he didn’t have a dad in the first place. He only had a father.
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The Boötes Void, colloquially referred to as the Great Nothing, is an approximately spherical region of space found in the vicinity of the constellation Boötes, containing nearly no galaxies. We have yet to find the reason.
Sunday arrived. Assured and known, yet still exciting. It would never grow old. Not like galaxies and stars did. 
He wore his fireproof, put on his balaclava. Holding the helmet for a moment, he allowed himself to look upon its design. A design fit for a World Champion. The gold shined. The lion stared back.
He got the gloves and entered the RB19.
Breath in. Breath out. 
The cars lined up in their positions. The sun shined brightly right behind him, in second position. The sky was clear, no clouds, no wind.
He took the wheel in his hand. Felt his mind go blank.
The formation lap.
A short straight followed by a left turn into Turn 1.
He hears the wheels and then the distant thud. 
The sun isn't shining brightly. Not anymore.
It’s been dimming this year.
He won, but there was no rays there around him, warm and inviting like always. There was no wind but it still felt cold.
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Max Verstappen learned early in his life, career, that he had only one true constant in his life. And it wasn’t the wind, the storm or the sky. It was the Sun. It was his Sun. His Sun was a man, it was a star.
His Sun attracted so many planets, so many other stars across the universe. Orbited around him. They tried coming closer, but the heat was too much. For them at least.
This Sun, was just a star.
This Sun was a man in red.
This Sun hurt, loved, cared, fought.  
This Sun met him toe to toe, eye to eye, heart to heart.
This Sun never left, it rotated only to one thing.
It rotated to Max, just as Max rotated to him.
This Sun carried the weight of responsibility, of history on his shoulders. 
This Sun was Charles Leclerc.
This star was his binary.
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A binary star is a system of two stars that are gravitationally bound to and in orbit around each other.  X-ray binaries are made up of a normal star and a collapsed star. These pairs of stars produce X-rays. If the stars are close enough together that material is pulled off the normal star by the gravity of the dense, collapsed star. They feed on each other, until they collide.
It took years, but Max Verstappen isn’t scared of the wind anymore. He’s reunited with his mom and his sister. He has friends. He has wins, races and championships. 
He has confidence. He feels. He expresses. 
Anger is a second thought, not a solution.
And he has understood that, at the end of the day, all of his success was his hard work paying off. 
He has earned it. He has deserved it.
He has healed.
Mom. Victoria. I won.
Dad. I am a World Champion.
Charles. Let’s keep going.
Max. I am proud of you.
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The days may pass, time may go on, the universe may be in constant motion. But he is temporary. And it’s ok. He is a simple creature. He is a star.
The star in his arms, unwinding, glowing, asleep, will rotate for eternity. The Sun isn’t up in the sky, it’s in his house, on his couch. He’s warm and will never let the wind make Max cold again.
Nuzzling his nose on the head full of hair in his arms, feeling the pressure on his body, Max Verstappen calms. Closes his eyes. 
Dreams of red and blue.
In the future he dreams of purple.
He’s come to terms with his past.
In the present, he lives.
He is Max Verstappen, and the world echoes his name.
Please note that no matter how much I am writing here, it is all artistic speculation of what Max himself has decided to show the world. Do not forget that these drivers are real people.
@anakin-tedua-skywalker I love you (fatherly tone)
A tiny analysis even if I feel like this one is pretty obvious:
Aeolian sound or Aeolian tone is sound that is produced by wind when it passes over or through objects.
Any phenomenon that isn't the Wind or The Sun, is Max himself.
The binary stars at the end is Lestappen.
I'm not so sure about this one but I did want to write it so I will still post it here and on my ao3.
Thank you so much for reading! It would mean a lot if I managed to get some reposts, comments or liked!
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sahtherat · 1 year ago
it's fun. your interaction makes a meta effect to what you analyze. know that i LOVE your observations really it's incredible
langage corporel anon = maxplaning et social-psychologique anon = leclerifying
Hey it’s social-psychology anon and I MUST immediately respond to your comment on my ask because YESS you get it!
First of, your asks literally forced me to start posting mine because I was so happy that someone was taking such an approach and I felt like you added such perfect nuance to the same things I was thinking so thank you so much for that🙏
But to get back to what you said about validation and how it is Maxsplaining and Leclerifying is so accurate. It is absolutely not a one sided exchange it’s just that it is so obvious and so visible with Max because he is the one who is primarily seeking approval meaning he instigates instances where he can be the recipient of approval because Charles needs to be goaded into giving it. So max has to initiate conversations, initiate touches, make a joke etc. And as you said he feels validation when his experiences are “nodded at/ smiled at/ agreed with” by Charles.
One of my favourite videos that shows this is from 2019 from the iconic Walter Koster interview. ( we all know about the whole “when laughing you look at the person you’re closest to” which I sometimes true but it is more accurate to say that you look toward the person you wish to please in order to adjust your expression and reaction more closely to theirs (is Charles laughing or just smiling, is he finding this entertaining?) Even outside of a race he seems to be looking for Charles to validate his experience (notice how he never once looks at KMag but looks at Charles even when he doesn’t look back)
But he is also extremely sensitive about not overstepping boundaries. He seems to be very well aware that his relationships with Charles isn’t the same as Daniel or Lando or anyone else, he is careful about how he acts almost walking on eggshells always looking to impress and please (this is another thing that competitors from certain background acquire, they become people pleasers because their entire life is defined by reward and Max is no different except he is a selective people pleaser. He didn’t care about what Daniel thought of him when they were fighting, nor what Lewis thought, nor what the media were saying- but he really cares about what Charles thinks) so for instance in Austin where Max almost sent Charles across the border in turn 1 (which to me feels like Max was over excited and just in a silly goofy mood and wanted to provoke Charles to draw out a response and then later thought twice about the impulsive action) after the race he doesn’t initiate contact like he usually does and he looks almost worried- shoulders tense, small movements, back slightly hunched and side eyeing Charles- because he is worried he may have overstepped and actually angered Charles and like a stunted child he just stands there until Charles reaches out and gives him the approval and you can almost see his whole body relaxing before he goes into a bout of Maxplaining.
For me Charles is really shy and insecure about his relationship with Max he always seems almost surprised about how eagerly Max seeks him out and confides in him which is why he doesn’t usually (although recently we have seen much more from him) initiate the contact but when the contact has been initiated he becomes like a little boy talking about his favourite thing in the world with someone who is equally as excited. Though increasingly I have seen instances of Charles doing things Max usually does like mirroring, initiating contact etc. Though it really does seem like he is coming out of his shell (dare I say lestappen gate 2023 is actually true) I am certain there are so many PR training related reasons for why he seems so hesitant at the end of the day they are also two different people who approach things differently. Where max is the equivalent of you wanting to impress your crush, Charles is the same as your crush unexpectedly speaking to you and you just cannot comprehend why they are speaking to you. Though I must say I really think we are witnessing Charles development in their relationship and I cannot yet understand it’s trajectory in terms of why now, why in this way and how that could alter their dynamic though I am still certain of all of the things I said in my initially début ask where I said that they belong to a rigid institution in which they have created a special space for one another with a specific function which I think prevents their relationship from becoming one that is as casual and easy going as with others they may have on the grid.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk (rambling from the looney bin) and thank you for adding fuel to the actual hell scape that is the lestappen corner of my brain 🫶✨
Ohhhh hii!! You have no idea how excited I just got! What a lovely surprise. Welcome, welcome! And what a blessing has been bestowed upon me! I’m so glad I got you to share your thoughts because I’ve been concerned my takes are borderline delusional despite my efforts to put down the shipping goggles for a sec and look at Lestappen interactions as they are, but the fact that so much of our observations overlap… I reckon it’s not a coincidence. Being delulu is fun, but analysing their interactions with a more clear and sensible mind gives me the tingles. You don’t need shipping goggles to fully appreciate them, and it’s so powerful about this duo!
I think most people recognise that it’s usually Max initiating contact – maybe that’s part of the reason so many people think Charles is trying to steer clear of engaging in a conversation with Max, but it’s simply not true. He always immediately reacts, but initiation comes harder for him than it does for Max.
And thank your for posting that video! I remember this moment well, and it always makes me so giddy! It’s so obvious who’s closer to whom and where priorities and attention lie.
I’m so glad you brought up how much a competitive sport moulds their attitude and how it is in relation to their “people pleaser” nature. I haven’t thought of that, but it makes so much sense – pleasing everyone, being liked by everyone and gaining everyone’s approval is also a competiton in a way, and the more people you manage to make fall in love with you, the more points in the bag. Wow.
Oh, and the Austin interaction is my Roman Empire! The duality of Max Verstappen is striking, and it’s making me lose my marbles. I’m glad you made a juxtaposition as well – it truly highlights how different his approach is when it comes to Charles, how much higher he regards him compared to everyone else. Insane. I’m also glad Charles is coming through lately! He’s bolder, braver when it comes to interacting with Max and the awkwardness won’t go away, but they are definitely getting somewhere. At first I thought it’s just Charles’ intense PR training, not letting his emotions run their course, he always has to appear professional when in close vincinity to Max, facial expressions and reactions more arranged, and it might be true – he needs to maintain this professional air around him when he’s with the world champion, but I also think it’s more than that. It’s not similar to how he used to be with Seb whom he looks up to and whom he admires so he acted like a bashful little kid around him. I mean he does look up to Max and respects the hell out of him, but it’s still so different. And I’m still trying to figure out what this weird tension is between them. They are so nuanced, so complicated, ahhhh—
One of the reasons why I’d like to see them as team mates. I really do wonder how that would alter their relationship, which direction it would push it. I also cannot imagine them nullifying this awkwardness that is such a core part of their entire dynamic and what makes Lestappen Lestappen.
I cannot imagine them being all buddy-buddy with each other like how Max and Lando act around each other. The very core of their relationship would be altered if they suddenly started acting like this, it would just scream “WRONG”. To be frank with you, I don’t really follow the drivers outside of racing. This is their private lives which has nothing to do with what I’m here for so I tend to keep my distance. But based solely on from what I’ve seen, I actually find it difficult to imagine these two becoming real good buddies outside the paddock. I might be very wrong, but taking a peak at the people they associate themselves with for example… Yeah, I know they have mutual friends, but I don’t know. They are so interwined in racing, and racing is such a huge part of their lives – it takes up the majority of it —, but that tiny percent that is completely separate… I don’t know. It’s probably a speculation for another day.
Once again thank you for dropping by, please don’t hesitate to do so again! Your thoughts are also helping me come to a better understanding of this dynamic, and it’s something I’m very grateful for.
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sahtherat · 1 year ago
Survive a Zombie Apocalypse w/ F1 Teams
Would you survive a zombie apocalypse with your favourite team? Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and just my opinion
(The team logos represent you so if it's coloured, you're alive and if it's in black and white...sorry dude)
Aston Martin
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Listen, I know you're confident you'd survive. I'd be confident too. Unfortunately you(we) couldn't be more than wrong. This is a one for all, all for none situation. If they can save their own butts they will. If its at the cost of you, well, you shouldn't have chosen them to begin with. Fernando isn't that mean though so if you do manage to fall into a trap, he'd leave you a little note reading, "Enjoy getting eaten by zombies!;D" as a goodbye as he and Lance disappears off into the distance. Great!!!
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I don't think you'd survive. Daniel and Yuki have watched their fair share of survival movies but when it comes to actually surviving in the middle of an apocalypse? Yea, no. Even if you managed to survive 99% of your journey, bad luck will definitely hit you during that last 1%. On the other hand, you could be extremely, EXTREMELY lucky and survive but this has a 0.82929292% chance. But hey, it's not 0.
Alfa Romeo
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Yes, you'd survive. You have two of the chillest people on the grid with you. With a level head, you'd manage to escape with minimal contact with zombies. Valterri is the team leader here and has quite a lot of knowledge on survival in the wild and you and Guanyu are willing team players so you guys would definitely survive. Don't think Guanyu doesn't bring anything to the table though. With his fashion expertise, he'd manage to blend you guys in with the zombies. Instant survival. (Let's just ignore that zombies might smell your scent and just pretend that they're partially blind and have anosmia)
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You'd survive, given that the two of them are able to work together. I feel like Pierre and Esteban would be afraid to fight the zombies but if you do encounter them, they'd somehow manage to take down most of them. They're squeamish though so if any zombie guts get on them, they're gagging and trying not to throw their own guts up. They don't really have the foundation of basic survival skills tho. Fighting they can do but making a fire, cooking and foraging? Not so good at so be sure to be proficient in these areas or else you might poison yourselves accidentally.
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You'd survive but George and Lewis will not. It's mostly because they didn't believe the apocalypse was real until it was too late. During the few days of the apocalypse they were still alive though, Lewis had endless optimism that kept your spirits high and George's dank humour kept you entertained. Wish he actually listened to your advice of wearing a damn shirt in the middle of an apocalypse but eh. But don't worry, after the Brits meet their unfortunate demise, you won't be alone. You'd have Roscoe and the password to Mercedes' TikTok account so it's not all bad. (It is)
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No, you will not survive. With no decent strategy and non-reliable equipment, the zombies unfortunately get to you before you can even say Ferrari double podium. You won't die immediately per say. You'd manage to hold your own for the first couple of days but when almost all your equipment starts breaking apart or stops working, the end seems to be in sight. Charles has no self-preservation skills and Carlos is in his own head most of the time. If they were given the right tools, they would definitely survive the apocalypse. But you know how it is rn... You actually do quite well defending yourselves from zombies, probably all that built up Ferrari frustration. However, if you make an alliance with another team, you'd have a higher chance at survival. If the apocalypse were to be in a few years time though, maybe you'd have a higher chance at survival
Red Bull
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You and Max would survive. For some reason, you lost Checo in the middle of a zombie chase. He's not dead, you just have no idea where he is now. Max would definitely know his way around surviving an apocalypse because he's literally the Google embodiment, random facts just stewing in his brain.
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Might be unexpected (or expected), but you'd survive. They have decent survival skills, not the best but decent. Logan can hunt (cause yk Logan HUNTER Sargeant?? Cmon now), with his obvious love for fishing and Alex definitely has a route planned to escape the zombies. They're not skilled scouts but they have the most basic of basic knowledge of survival so yea you'd survive. One thing you didn't see coming was the number of animals you'd adopt on the journey.
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Yea you'd survive. They're definitely one of the most resourceful, making weapons out of things they randomly find but you do have some close calls due to them maybe disagreeing on certain issues. They both have basic survival skills, Kevin more than Nico so if you have no choice but to camp out in the woods, you're not doomed. In conclusion, as long as you're willing to be the peacemaker most of the time, you'll be fine.
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You survive but barely. You have good strategies but your survival skills are 1 to none. Need to make a fire? Where's the lighter? Need food but only fish is available? Yea, no way. Encounter zombies? Defence is the new offence. You try your best to avoid zombies at all costs but if it's inevitable (which it will be), you'll try an alternative way that doesn't involve hand-to-hand combat with the undead. BUT, if you really have no other choice then to fight zombies, Lando and Oscar would be pretty decent in it. Lando's chosen weapon would be a gold club while Oscar's would be a cricket bat. It's kind of therapeutic actually, just smashing zombies left and right.
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sahtherat · 2 years ago
OK. This is a translation of our joint work with my bestie @imnotherewoup and me.
Here's a "regularly" updated list of One Piece characters' traumas with a slightly more realistic eye.
The => correspond to the consequences of the traumas we've identified in the manga (irl, there would be many more).
Don't hesitate to let me know if there are any mistakes or things to add.
TRIGGER WARNING (these are traumas after all) take care of yourself ❤️🤙🏻
- No parent or parental figure
- Beaten by grandfather + constant pressure Marine
- Living with bandits / slums
- Law of the jungle = survive early, hard and alone (with 10-year-old brothers)
- Daily near-death experiences
- Kidnapped and beaten by bandits as a child ×2 (tortured the 2nd time)
- His idol sacrifices himself for him and loses his arm
- Fake death of his brother
- Death of his other brother
- Death of his brother (really this time) in front of his eyes to save him
- Poisoned ×2
- Shooter on hormones
- Assaulted by drug-craving children
- Starved himself
- The loss of Merry
- Deported by Kuma = government figure
- Witnessing his buddies' traumas
- Responsibility of being captain + having to fight his buddies
=> Fear of being alone
=> Survivor syndrome
=> Feelings of guilt
=> Fear of losing loved ones
=> Depressive episode
=> Self-arm
=> Nightmares
=> Survigilance
=> Little consideration of the hazard itself
- No parent = Death
- Father figure demonized by strangers + daddy issues
- Being beaten by adoptive grandfather + constant pressure Marine
- Living with brigands / slums
- The law of the jungle = survive early and hard and alone (with best buddy his own age)
- Death of best friend
- Near-death experience (fires, etc.)
- Taking care of a kid / taking responsibility early on
=> Self-esteem XXXS
=> Suicidal thoughts
=> Survivor syndrome
=> Spend his life finding a reason to be in the place to be
=> All symptoms of depression
- Abusive parents : confinement, manipulation, devaluation = no family
- Runaway
- Police violence
- Living with brigands / slums
- Law of the jungle = survive early, hard and alone (with best buddy his own age)
- Near-death experience (assassination attempt)
- Amnesia overcome
- Death of best friend
=> Traumatic amnesia
=> Feelings of guilt
=> Survivor syndrome
=> Anti-system / Anarchist
- Murder of her adoptive mother in front of her eyes to save her = no parents
- Slavery
- Threat from the village
- Life of hardship / poverty
- Pressure to succeed
- Life of solitude
- Deported by Kuma = government figure
- Witnessing her friends' traumas
=> Racism
=> Materialism + theft
=> Self-mutilation
=> Desire to control everything -> Manipulative
- No parents / parental figure / apparently lives alone as a child
- Death of best friend / rival
- Daily near-death experiences (Mihawk, Kuma, Albert etc)
- Deported by kuma = government figure
- Self-arm
- Witnessing his buddies' traumas
=> Impossible grief because he has to fulfill his friend's dream
=> Alcoholism (?)
=> High sense of sacrifice
=> *a bit crazy*
- Mother dies in front of him of illness
- Abandonment of father (he still went to fetch milk* with his buddy shanks)
*I don't know if this expression exists in English, but in French it means abandoning wife and child for no particular reason.
- Threatened by pirate
- Losing the Merry
- Fighting his best buddy
- Deported by kuma = government figure
- Witnessing his buddies' traumas
=> No parental figure
=> Feeling of illegitimacy / low self-esteem
=> Anxiety (and unfortunately he's the only one)
=> Lying to keep control
=> Survivor syndrome
- Bullied / abused / mistreated / sequestered by his entire family
- Except his mother, but she died of illness
- Genetically changed
- Runaway
- Shaky father figure
- Fighting his captain
- Starvation
- Electrocuted
- Arranged marriage + manipulating + threatening father figure
- 2 years on the run from transvestites (yes, I know I'm tired of it)
- Heartbreak (by Viola)
- Near-death experiences
- Deported by Kuma = government figure
- Witnessing his buddies' traumas
=> Smoking (like all the time)
=> Giving himself away in the kitchen
=> Obsession with women
=> High sense of sacrifice
TonyTony Chopper
- Non-consensual transition
- Rejected by everyone = Discrimination and marginalization ++
- Doping
- Getting beaten
- Death of his mentor (among others) due to his fault
- Pressure to succeed at work
- Life as a doctor = hard to fail
- Haggling
- Attacked by needy children
- Deported by Kuma = government figure
- Witnessing his buddies' traumas
=> Guilt
=> Isolation
Nico Robin
- Only survivor of his people's genocide = no family or friends
- Left with her aunt who hated her and treated her like a slave
- Lonely childhood
- Harassed by government
- Wrongly sentenced to death
- Rejected by everyone
- Manipulated
- Exploited
- Near-death experiences (Aokiji, Ener, Crocodile etc )
- Deported by Kuma = government figure
- Witnessing his buddies' traumas
=> Desire to die
=> Self-esteem as a skill only = objectifying herself
=> Does not project into the future / into social relationships
=> Survivor syndrome
- Abandoned by his parents
- Mentor gets beaten in front of + death sentence (among others) because of him
- Hit a train
- Family break-up (adoptive)
- Arrested by government
- Near-death experiences
- Deported by Kuma = government figure
- Witnessing his buddies' traumas
=> Self-mutilation
=> Guilt
- Loss of his entire crew + witnessing their death
- Solitude for 50 years
- Stealing your shadow
- Get blown up by the guy with your shadow
- Loss of humanity/body
- Deported by Kuma = government figure
- Witnessing his buddies' traumas
- Sequestered by Satanists
- Exploited by music industry
- Sequestered by Big Mom
=> Talking to himself / alone all the time
=> Forced and repetitive humor
=> Guilt
=> Depression
=> Survivor Syndrome
- Fighting alone in a criminal organization
- Under tension for months/years
- Threat from her country + her people killed
- Father killed by government
- Servant almost dies to save country
- Fake death of her other servant / buddy
=> Pressure / mental burden of ensuring the country's survival and her role as princess alone
Trafalgar Law
- Epidemic in his village + Genocide
- All his family + loved ones die = loneliness as sole survivor
- Hiding under corpses
- Being exploited
- Sick + rejected by doctors
- Father figure killed in front of his eyes to save him = solitude v2
- Shot by his former boss
- Beaten / Tortured / Near Death Experiences (a classic after all)
=> Desire for terrorism
=> Survivor syndrome
=> Working for a criminal organization
=> Looking for a way to die
=> Large-scale project to destroy his former boss
- Mother's murder in front of her eyes
- Isolation for half her life
- Child sexualization
- Stalker trying to kill her for years
- First date ends in battlefield
- Family beaten in front of her eyes
=> Childish behavior
=> Generalized anxiety/social anxiety
=> Sexual harassment trivialized
- Sequestered all his life by his father
- Lived in prison
- Exploited by father
- No real parental figure
- His only friend is dead
- His idol is dead, killed by his father
- Child of a criminal who ravages a country
=> No social skills
=> Seeks to create a separate identity
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sahtherat · 2 years ago
alright here we go…. these are my One Piece: Live Action thoughts and critiques now that i’ve finished binge watching the show!
overall rating is a 6.5/10 on a Netflix original scale with some episodes being below that and some being above. (EDIT: before you throw tomatoes pls know that i highly enjoyed it!!!!! just had some thoughts on how it could have been improved in my own humble opinion!!)
(spoilers under cut)
initial praises:
the FUCKING CAST. they are all so good!!!! i admittedly had low expectations for some characters prior to watching (i.e. shanks, mihawk, garp) due to how iconic and mysterious they are, but i feel like they all did a phenomenal job bringing these characters to life
THE STRAW HAT CHEMISTRY. from the second i saw the cast interviews, i knew they were gonna be perfect, but the core cast truly was brilliant together
BUGGY 🗣️🗣️🗣️ listen. i’ve always been a buggy denier…… i understood the Power of His Ponytail for others, but never really got it for myself. that being said…….. JEFF WARD POPPED OFF. imo buggy had potential to be either just okay or the worst part of the show. and jeff, my guy, you knocked it out of the fucking park
visuals!!!!! the practical set was beautiful, and the coloring was so perfect for how fantastical the one piece world is. it was really immersive and i was super impressed!
makeup and costumes were fabulous. i know people clowned arlong’s design from the trailers, but i always really liked it bc of its practical effects and watching his full performance in the show was icing on the cake. the fishmen all looked incredible! absolutely spot on from the costume and makeup departments
drunk usopp???? need it like i need air
suave but unpervy sanji???? please, oda, bring him back i BEG
luffy’s curly hair 😭
zoro and nami’s interactions?? chef’s kiss. loved how they made each other work for their trust and friendship
all the little cameos to diff characters in wanted posters
the cgi they did use looked so fucking flawless. like the sea king and buggy’s devil fruit? it was truly a spectacle
the bad and the ugly:
the writing. i have to say, while i thought some parts were fine, i thought other aspects of the writing (namely the parts NOT written by oda) were lacking and stereotypical. it seemed like there was a real need in the writers room to spell everything out for the audience about the one piece world, when i really don’t think that is necessary. part of the charm is how whimsical the world is and how unhurried the east blue beginning arc felt. and they inserted a lot of weird bullshit i felt didn’t fit the original story
on that same note: the straw hat bonding was weak imo. i am a nami-stan to the day i die, but i really felt like they used her character to override the developments between luffy and the other straw hats. i think having nami present in axe-hand morgan’s base with luffy/zoro immediately discredited the initial bond that the two boys were supposed to have. i get why they did it, and i never thought i’d see the day where i wouldn’t want to see more nami, but i feel like her presence during that moment, her convo with kaya, and her staying for baratie really stole important bonding moments from luffy and each of the boys.
similar to that: luffy’s characterization. (note: i adore iñaki! this has nothing to do with him, just how the writers wrote luffy.) i don’t think the writers knew how to approach writing luffy or even zoro for that matter—which, to be fair, they are difficult characters to write. but i think they got very focused on trying to explain or make sense of luffy for the viewers when i truly think the appeal to pre-time skip op is how both the audience and the straw hat crew are constantly learning more and more about who luffy is through his actions. and in tandem, they didn’t know how to flesh out luffy and zoro’s relationship. where animanga luffy and zoro are bonded because they innately seem to just get one another, i think the LA writers didn’t trust that either their script or the actors portraying them could get that across as well without having them literally spell it out for us. and in turn, i think it really watered down their connection when that bond should be one of the absolute strongest.
okay i’m beginning to realize that all my critiques have to do with writing
like, they didn’t show us how much each village comes to love the straw hats???? which is a HUGE part of why we and everyone in the world adores them??????????
little (and big) things about the characters that got lost in the LA: zoro’s sense of humor, usopp’s love of bugs (seriously, he wouldn’t be spooked by a damn spiderweb, cmon), nami being a weather prodigy, usopp being a sniping prodigy, bellemere and nojiko having hope bc infant nami was laughing, luffy only doing stuff bc he wants to, luffy and zoro not caring about the details of nami’s history, sanji bonding w luffy bc he was strong and kind and joining because luffy asked him to, helmeppo’s falling out w his father (like if you’re gonna put so much of him in there at least set up his backstory correctly???), arlong seeing zoro’s wound from mihawk, arlong park walk???!, and so many other things honestly…..
in general, the whimsy of the world was lacking. so much of what sets one piece (especially at the beginning) apart from other shows is how much fun it is. i get that netflix wanted to netflixify this world, but that’s not why we fell in love w the show. we want to see them goofing off, we want to see all the silly, ridiculous jokes. we want the hilarity of it all and how each character (no matter how cool) is still subject to being a fool at times. usopp’s character really brought a lot of life to the show after he was introduced, which i am infinitely grateful for, but i think the writers forgot the core of the show: the fun of it all.
OH. and here is my biggest gripe of them all……. THE FUCKING MARINES. like holy shit, i didn’t realize i was watching a fucking military propo??? i understand they wanted to make koby more relevant for the story but fuck, did we really need fifteen minutes every episode dedicated to the marines???? i loved koby and garp’s actors, but all the focus on them (WHEN THEY ARENT EVEN IN THE EAST BLUE MUCH AT ALL) really soured me on their characters tbh. they robbed us of so much time that could have been spent on any of the above issues listed just for the sake of adding fish-eye-lens close-ups of them shootin’ the shit with each other. it’s like they didn’t want new viewers becoming unsympathetic to the fucking military even tho oda specifically wrote marines as antagonists lmao. truly, i think all the issues i had w the show could have been fixed if they simply didn’t make so much of it about garp and koby.
along w that thought: someone—anyone—please tell me why they needed a garp and luffy confrontation in this first fucking season. please, help me understand. because imo, that was the most atrocious thing they could have done. they literally cut out KEY PARTS to the arlong park arc just to make room for it. the arlong park bit was so badly fumbled imo. making nojiko and the villagers actually hate nami instead of pretending to??? TOMATO TOMATO TOMATO. saying nami asked to join arlong instead of him forcing her to?? FUCKING AWFUL. having luffy chase nojiko down for the story instead of his “i don’t need to know it, i just need her to rely on us”???!!!! fine, go ahead and erase a crucial part of his character. and don’t even get me started on how garp’s moment completely replaced nami’s iconic “goodbye” to coco village and genzo telling luffy not to make her cry. seriously, i could go on for hours about those episodes alone.
additionally, they made the whole “luffy didn’t tell us about his grandpa being a marine” thing like an issue in the crew when that is not at all how it should have gone. the entire point of garps original intro as luffy’s grandpa in animanga is that we AND the straw hats have spent enough time with luffy to understand that he doesn’t say more than what needs to be said. while we were all surprised, no one (not even his crew) are upset about him withholding that. so to introduce garp so early in the plot and then make it a whole moment of dissent for the crew is fucked up and pointless.
i really think they only added so much of the marines because they were worried there weren’t enough “stakes” to push luffy and the crew forward in the narrative, but that is utter bullshit because the ENTIRE point of the east blue arc is that it’s BEFORE luffy ever has a bounty—before he ever is being truly chased—so EVERYTHING he does is simply for the pure sake that he WANTS TO. and that is precisely why each crew member loves him. that’s why WE love him.
last but not least: where tf was hatchan??? ☹️
overall, my problem with the LA so far is that i feel as if the writer’s don’t have a full grasp on the straw hats, and while they were writing the story, things that should’ve been central to their personas got left behind. it felt like since they didn’t feel like they understood luffy as a character, they tried to overcompensate by making him into something he isn’t.
the outline for everything was there and i think it was still a very fun watch, but im left longing for the magic and catharsis of the original story. in the end, it was entertaining but really just made me want to rewatch the anime to get the full effect of oda’s wonderful storytelling
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sahtherat · 2 years ago
what more can I say
it's just
the worst
they pull each other up as well as down.
it's terrible
Bakugo and Izuku just sort of read like they're fundamentally terrible for each other. Their relationship reads to me as those kids who only ended up meeting because their mom's wanted to hangout again. I don't think bakugo ever really liked izuku because of that, just tolerated him, though izuku genuinely liked katsuki. Neither of them ever gets to develop proper social skills through their childhood through middle school and it just makes their relationship so much worse than it already was. Bakugo doesn't know how to set healthy boundaries in any way. Izuku doesn't know he should have boundaries or that other people like bakugo have boundaries he should be looking out for. They are diametrically opposed, izuku is an extreme extrovert who needs a lot of attention and bakugo is an introvert who needs a lot of space to himself. Izuku is one of those adhd kids who just do not have a sense of friendship decay bakugo does not know how to be serious in a way izuku understands to receive rejection properly. They completely misread each other in unhealthy ways. Izuku thinks because bakugo is always snapping especially towards him that that's just How He Is and not that he's emotionally the equivalent to those little growling yapping purse dogs that get every boundary they set completely disrespected. Bakugo thinks at this point Midoriya is being maliciously oblivious to his stated boundaries, ignoring them on purpose. Any attention is good attention to izuku at this point which is why izuku still thinks their friends in middle school, because bakugo pays attention to him it doesn't matter to him that it comes in the form of bullying. Izukus analysis makes bakugo personally feel like a bug under a microscope and he does not react well to that at all. Izuku doesn't understand some people and bakugo specifically are just private and his questions and muttering can seem invasive as hell.
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sahtherat · 2 years ago
ouah so much love! 🥺
stevetony quotes that make me want to cry
“tony stark and his armor. his wonderful metal suit. the end result of all the technology he’s mastered. in his hands the ultimate weapon for good. a good that i can never hope to equal. […] it’s the amazing inventions that steam from tony’s mind. tomorrow’s dreams made real.”
“captain america. steve. i look at your handsome face… into your clear azure eyes… and, as ever, i feel the same guilty envy. […] i feel like a snail or a tortoise, lumbering along in my shell, whenever i’m with steve. so clumsy and so safe next to his grace and daring.”
“you’re walking a little funny, steve. next time you should establish a safe word.”
“you’re walking a little funny, tony. what was that you were saying about a safe word?” “hilarious.”
“good morning, beloved. did anyone check the dumpsters for clint yet?” “funny you should ask that.”
“everyone feels inadequate next to you. god knows i always have.” “you? tony, you’re brilliant. successful. one of the smartest men in the world.”
“it… wasn’t supposed to be this way…”
“maybe… maybe there was a reason you had to be on the other side of every argument. how you could be my rudder, steering me when others couldn’t… i don’t know if i can do it without you… i certainly won’t do it as well… i miss your battle cry.”
“it wasn’t worth it.”
“i’m worried about you, if you don’t get some sleep.” “i slept for 70 years ––” “yeah, you’ve used that line before.” “leave me alone. i am a senior citizen.”
“i appreciate you taking your valuable time to help a desk jockey with his neuroses.” “you appreciate…? are you kidding? mr. stark. when i woke up in this era, i had no one, nothing. you gave me a purpose, somewhere to belong… you gave me a home.”
“whether you were there or not, it was still you. all of this. your heart, your spirit. this is a legend you created. the kind that shines maybe once every hundred years. i am both grateful and jealous. let’s go with grateful.”
“you were amazing up there.”
“i’m not half as good at –– at anything as i am when i’m doing it next to you. and that’s the truth.”
“cap, there’s so much i want to say –– if only i could find the words, i can’t let you think i’m deserting the team.” “deserting us? you founded the avengers. you gave it your heart, your strength, your genius. you’ve been it’s soul.”
“the electrical charge i channeled through my gauntlet won’t harm steve, just keep him immobile for a while. but the decision to do it was as easy as digging my own heart out with an ice cream scoop!”
“you found her daughter.” “i did. wasn’t that monstrous?” “no, it wasn’t. it’s the kind thing that used to blow me away. billionaire sweating the small stuff. the important things.”
“be nicer to people. don’t be so aggressive. we’ve talked about this.” “i only do that when i’m tired, hungry or frustrated. or any combination of the three.” “i know.”
“my point is, a man’s worth isn’t measured by what he’s made of, by blood or bone. it’s what’s inside, what you believe, and how you act on those beliefs that counts. and by that yardstick –– i doubt anything could diminish you.”
“wake up, old man.”
“i… look, I’m not the crying kind, steve. i didn’t cry at my own father’s funeral. but right then and there i realized that in this crazy business we’re in, there’s no one i’d miss more than you. and i… well… you’re an inspiration to me, steve. to a lot of us. we may not think like you or act like you –– but we still respect and appreciate what you do and the way you do it. you’re an idealist in a world that is far from ideal. i don’t know how you can do it, steve… how you can keep all the ugliness from getting to you… hardening you… i can’t. i’m not as perfect as you… forgive me.”
“tony… i’m not perfect either. i’m sometimes too quick to judge… too slow to forgive. i appreciate how much courage it took to come here –– in a bar, of all places –– and to level with me like you just did. i’m really sorry our ideological differences bent our friendship out of shape. i miss having you as my friend. i’d like us let to bygones be bygones.” 
“i was going to stand there looking all pretty, and just say “assemble” –– then wait for the goosebumps.” “very funny.” “i learned it from watching you, dad.”
“tony. tony. tony. i didn’t think you were serious. this is captain handsome ordering you to rock and roll on that 45. –– that is last time i let tony freelance the door codes. we all said, six digit number! just because he has trouble remembering his own birthday…”
“so… this idea has been running through my mind. it’s overwhelming –– all-consuming –– and i can’t shut it off. the exact same thing happened the day we found you.” “you remember that?” “oh… i remember everything about that day. we started something that mattered. because of you, the world changed. i changed.”
“how well do you remember that day, tony?” “like it was yesterday. greatest day of my life.”
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sahtherat · 2 years ago
what to say ? what to do ? This is a masterclass
That scene where thorfinn is standing over askeladd’s freshly dead body in utter dismay and disbelief has whatever Ilía Repin put into “Ivan the terrible and his son” but in reverse
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