Every cis person needs to watch this.
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There’s a reason why the vast majority of police stops occur in the Western and the Central Districts: the Western is home to Baltimore’s poorest black neighborhoods, the Central is home to Baltimore’s business district. In effect, the city is producing and reproducing a population that has no functional purpose other than to be policed. Seeing police violence as simply an expression of racism omits this crucial component. It overlooks that in Baltimore and elsewhere, repressive policing is animated not just by a racial dynamic, but by a class dynamic. The race of the police officer doesn’t matter. The race of the mayor implementing the policy doesn’t matter. What matters is who enjoys a “right to the city” — and who gets thrown up against a wall and patted down.
Lester Spence - “Policing Class” (via newwavefeminism)
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Charter schools suspend more black students and children with disabilities. This year, UCLA’s Center for Civil Rights Remedies published a study that for the first time looked at the numbers of “out-of-school” suspensions for 5,250 charter schools and 95,000 public schools. The researchers found that while overall suspension rates have been going down since 2012, in charter schools, black students and students with disabilities were suspended at higher percentages in all grades than their peers in traditional schools. In middle and high schools, 12 percent more students with disabilities and 2.5 percent more black students were suspended in charters compared with noncharters.
Paying attention to this data is important, because researchers have found that being suspended is a strong indicator that a student will eventually drop out. And students who drop out are much more likely to end up in prison, becoming part of the “school-to-prison pipeline.” This issue disproportionately affects black students (in charter and noncharter schools), who are suspended at a rate four times greater than white students.
What troubles me the most is that black children are used as props for this “school reform industrial complex” that is more about privatizing public schools than it is about educational equity and actual reform. My experience with charter schools and networks tout a “no excuses” pedagogy treat they black neighborhoods they move into as broken communities that need to be fixed and saved.
We don’t need this trend to explode, because the neighborhoods with the least agency and voice will be the ones targeted first.
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In back-to-back tweet storms, writer and editor Ijeoma Oluo detailed a frustrating reality that many white people angered by the situation frequently overlook. Black people keep dying at the hands of law enforcement because few of those with power are doing anything to prevent it. Sympathetic sentiment, she said, is not enough. In the following tweets, she listed 14 ways to actually enact change.
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Yes, this is perfect. This is exactly how it feels on a bad (gender dysphoria) day, especially the panel on chest dysphoria.   
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Welcome back to GQutie! This week, we have a comic some of you may be familiar with. GQutie is, in addition to a webcomic, my thesis project for college. At my school, our first semester was spent developing a pitch for our thesis project, and an example of finished work was part of that pitch. This was that comic.
Be sure to check in next Tuesday for another comic!
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I’m working with Mental Health America this month to ilustrate #mentalillnessfeelslike submissions for Mental Health Awareness Month. You can submit your own by messaging me (I’ve temporarily turned on anonymous messages) or use the hashtag #mentalillnessfeelslike on twitter.
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Reblog if you believe demigenders are valid and deserve just as much respect as anyone else!
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7Gh2n9kPuA)
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Her Story: E1
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Oops, I got angry. 
I'm asking a genuine question, not trying to be idk mean or anything, so pls don't get mad ok? Why is transgender a thing? Like, why does that exist? Why can't 'man' 'woman' be a strictly physical trait? Like "This is my body. It has no connection to me or who I am. It's merely what I |use| to move/exist/interact with the world. My body is not me, |I| am me." Like idk everyone's agender kinda thing I guess and male/female is only to describe your physical form. Why is that not a thing? Also, ~p1
~p2 Also, can you please spread this question? I want as many answers and viewpoints as I can get. Make a tag for it maybe? Thank you so much!
you’re asking the wrong community why trans has to be a thing. society at large INSISTS that manhood and womanhood are experiences that are very specific and can only happen to certain people with the right shaped genitalia. a trans experience is a reactive one- we are just being ourselves, we are just saying “my body is not me, i am me.” but society tries to put us in it’s predetermined boxes based on their judgement of OUR body. 
ask the medical field why they insist on gendering newborn babies. ask parents of newborn children why they buy pink or blue balloons when the baby is born. ask every transphobic person in the world why genitals define people, and not the person’s thoughts or actions. it’s a societal disease, heteronomativity. 
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Yep, pretty much what I hear when anyone says this.
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A: “I’m so sick of ‘political correctness.’ B: “Okay, try it without the ‘political correctness’ then.” A: “I’m so sick of not being able to insult and belittle women and minorities.” B: “Feel better now?”
Artist: Tom Toles
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Wow, this really makes me have unfavorable thoughts towards spike lee. The entire premise of this movie is just disgusting and infuriating. Women are not responsible for the havoc men unleash on the world or in their communities. Lee makes the violence experienced in African American communities a problem for African American women to clean up instead of addressing the root of the problem: Why do young black men shoot each other in the street? (because they are trying to survive in an oppressive white supremacist patriarchal society that is killing them and starving them of opportunity and hope, while the media mercilessly recreates stereotypes of them, that lead them to feel like those stereotypes are there only future).  Lee’s movie does not only remove responsibility from men for their actions, it also remove accountability from a broader society which helps to produces and reproduces these behaviors. And I will just leave the other part ( you know; that part where lee repeated drops in unaddressed and unnecessary references towards rape thereby perpetuating rape culture and the idea that women’s bodies are inherently accessible to men) to the wonderful Franchesca Ramsey:
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86vvw8D1u5M)
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Just finished binge watching the entirety of Carmilla: (via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4QzRfvkJZ4)
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