Ever Changing
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Sparrow | They/Them | 23 | Cancer | Student| Neurodivergent | Disabled | Author | Diviner Want to support this blog? Consider buying a tarot reading, supporting me on Ko-fi, or donating to me via paypal.
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sageandstudies · 2 months ago
We should expect resources to have updated with the passage of time. If metaphysical shops are still centering authors that were popular in the 90’s that we have now known for decades are beyond problematic, yes that is a red flag. It’s also a red flag when it seems someone hasn’t paid attention to changes over their lifetime in a way that allows them to be critical of their own practice. No book or author or creator is infallible. It is not the 90’s anymore, you don’t have to act like the resources that were all that existed then are some pinnacle just because they were all you had growing up.
Question everything, and give yourself room to grow.
In fact, what is your favorite witchy book that’s been published more recently? Perhaps self published, or from a lesser known publisher?
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sageandstudies · 9 months ago
Witchy PSA: Cascarilla and "Egg Cleansing"
The other day I saw a post on my dashboard about the uses of eggs in magic. The post, seemingly meant for a general audience contained two appropriative elements: the mention of cascarilla and and instructions for limpia con huevo
First, cascarilla — at least in terms of witchcraft, religion, and spirituality — is not egg shell powder. Cascarilla is the Spanish name of a sacred ritual powder originally of West African origins that found its way into Afro-Diasporic and LatAm practices via the slave trade, most notably Santería. It became known as "cascarilla" because due to a lack of access to their native plants, enslaved West Africans in what is now Cuba had to use the cascarilla plant as a replacement. Yes, some modern cascarilla powders are made from egg shells. However, to say that cascarilla = egg shell powder is similar to claiming that smudging = smoke cleansing
Egg Cleansing (or alternatively Egg Testing) was culturally appropriated from Latines. Before anyone tries arguing: Yes "Egg Cleansings" do exist in other cultures. However, the "rub an egg on yourself, crack it into a glass of water, and 'read' it method that has become the "default" over the past several years is specifically Latine. We Latines have stated countless times that our method of Egg Cleansing — limpia con huevo — is closed. Limpia con huevo is more than just rubbing an egg on yourself, cracking it into a glass of water and reading it. It is often part of a larger ritual called "limpia" involving prayers, other forms of cleansing, and even the consumption of herbal remedies and other drugs. My own mother, who is from Mexico, has memories of seeing some limpias take days to complete. Limpia con huevo has only become the "default" method of Egg Cleansing because gringos (ie non-Latine white USAmericans) appropriated it from us
tl;dr: Cascarilla is a sacred closed West African / Afro-Diasporic ritual powder, not a fancier name for eggshell powder. The "default" method of Egg Cleansing is cultural appropriation of limpia con huevo, which is for Latines only
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sageandstudies · 1 year ago
I know the holidays are tight for everyone but to keep our vehicle we're being asked to make a good faith payment of $75. If anyone can donate even a dollar it would be a great help as I'm currently -30 in my bank account. I can't thank you enough.
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sageandstudies · 1 year ago
If anyone can spare it, we're short on rent again because of illness keeping us from going to work. We need at least $100 for the eviction process to not be an issue, $200 to cover what we're short. Even a dollar helps.
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sageandstudies · 1 year ago
do you ever form close relationships with people in your dreams and then feel a little sad when you wake up
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sageandstudies · 2 years ago
If anyone can spare even just a dollar or something, my family needs to eat this week and we just used our entire paycheck for rent. We have a 2yo, we need food. $callmesparrow or $beatlemii. PP is .me/wtchswypnt
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sageandstudies · 2 years ago
Worst fucking day ever
Woke up at 4:30 am just to find that we were robbed as my boyfriend was leaving for work and all of my boyfriend's tools have been stolen.
This is his job, our main source of income . How we feed our kid. There was about $3000 worth of tools in that bag that we need to replace by tomorrow so that he can at least go to work.he had to call in today bc of this. We had our electricity turned off on us at the beginning of the month. Bills are starting to pile. negative balance in my account. We're already hurting for money and this is just the icing on the cake. We're trying to remain positive for our child but shit shit shit this is the worst
I just got off the phone with insurance and they're treating it like it's our fault. Someone broke into our garage and yet it still our fault 🫠😵😵😵
Hopefully when we submit what was stolen to the police our insurance will change their tune a bit But police are saying that no one can come out to investigate for another 4 hours... So yeah they're about as useful as a spoon is to cut a steak at the moment
Ugh I just don't know what to do 😥
Please if anyone would like a paid reading or would like to purchase something from my shop, please order 🙏🙏 I'm on hands and knees at this point
If I can at least make enough to buy him a drill to get him through the week, that will be so helpful
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sageandstudies · 2 years ago
Idk what new witch needs to hear this but, practicing and doing spells is one of the ways you learn.
Just like how you can read up on how to do wood working, and learn all the tools and techniques, at a certain point, you need to make your hands learn to actually do the things required to apply those tools and succeed at those techniques. It's the same with spells.
Learning the theory and foundations is great, but don't let people scare you away from learning to *do* the spells too, not just the theory.
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sageandstudies · 3 years ago
This meme is a MURDER ATTEMPT.
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I am absolutely fucking serious. The original meme, without the big red denial, is someone's attempt to fucking kill people.
There is NO SAFE DOSAGE of pennyroyal oil. Even Mother Earth News says there's no reason to use pennyroyal essential oil for ANYTHING, even topically or as a fragrance, for fuckssake! That should give you some idea about how dangerous it is!
Pennyroyal tea, plant matter in hot water, is a traditional abortifacient. It is *incredibly* dangerous, induces abortion by bringing the body close to organ failure (and frequently pushing the system right over the edge, because dosage is impossible to meter), but I would drink a gallon of it before I took a half-teaspoon of pennyroyal essential oil.
Two teaspoons, taken across 48 hours, has successfully killed someone.
Three teaspoons taken as a single dosage killed the consumer within THREE HOURS.
The person who made this meme is PURPOSEFULLY, ACTIVELY, trying to get desperate people killed!
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sageandstudies · 3 years ago
Does anyone have extra cash to spare so we can recharge our AC? It's looking like it's gonna cost us about $80 total. I don't want my 18mo to fry in the 100+ Texas heat, and I'm still three weeks from my first paycheck.
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sageandstudies · 3 years ago
I'm saying this from a place of genuine care: if you are seeing ghosts or shadows or having nightmares... and sageing, eggshells, Crystal's, and psychics arent cutting it..
Please.. please... check for things like gas leaks, water damage, vermin. I'm not saying your house isnt haunted, I'm just saying that carbon monoxide poisoning looks a LOT like being haunted.
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sageandstudies · 3 years ago
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I hate to keep asking but groceries and gas completely wiped us out. Any donation at all helps.
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sageandstudies · 3 years ago
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I hate to keep asking but groceries and gas completely wiped us out. Any donation at all helps.
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sageandstudies · 3 years ago
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I hate to keep asking but groceries and gas completely wiped us out. Any donation at all helps.
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sageandstudies · 3 years ago
Help Out a Pair of Queer Parents
Our situation is once again underwater. We're going to be unable to pay for groceries thanks to my spouse missing work a few times due to sickness. If anyone can help our p@yp@l is /wtchswypnt and our ca$h@pp is $callmesparrow $BeatleMii
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sageandstudies · 3 years ago
Help Out a Pair of Queer Parents
Our situation is once again underwater. We're going to be unable to pay for groceries thanks to my spouse missing work a few times due to sickness. If anyone can help our p@yp@l is /wtchswypnt and our ca$h@pp is $callmesparrow $BeatleMii
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sageandstudies · 3 years ago
I need to come up with 20 bucks by 10pm to pay for our dinner box this week so if anyone wants a tarot reading let me know!
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