sage3sblog · 3 months
Do people still use this for rp adverts?
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26 Fem, CST time zone looking for preferably 21+ RP partners please and thank you. My one request is to be a serious inquiry only. I am a fandom based role-player looking for others who also are interested in fandom based roleplay.
My writing style is semi-lit to lit and I try to get novella length replies out. I tend to write 4-5 paragraphs out. If you can write the same length feel free to like this post. I prefer to do double based roleplay as well where you play my interest and your oc and I play my oc and your interest.
The fandoms that I am into:
-demon slayer
-my hero academia
-naruto/naruto shippuden
🎮 Video games:
-final fantasy (7, 7 rebirth, 14, and 16)
-the quarry
-until dawn
-Jedi survivor
-the last of us
-Harry Potter (prefer playing from goblet of fire and on)
-stranger things (prefer playing adults in this)
-marvel related (captain america, avengers, daredevil, Spider-Man etc)
-Star Wars (mandalorian, movies)
-true blood
-vampire diaries
-A Court of Thorns and Roses Series 🤭
If you have anything specific you’re wanting fandom wise please just ask and we can discuss. Again serious inquiries only please and thank you. And seeking 21+ age range for partners.
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sage3sblog · 3 months
Attention Attention
Hey there,
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I’m back looking for rp partners on discord. If you’re interested then feel free to give this post a like or just dm me directly. After that we can discuss what we’re wanting to rp and then go on to add each other on discord.
26 f, CST Zone looking for 21+ partners that are willing to develop plot and write lengthy responses. My tags have listed what I roleplay, but if you had something specific you were looking for feel free to just ask.
Note; I only role play in third person and use OC’s which are shipped with a canon character. I role play in doubles format if you don’t know what that means, it means that I play your interest and you do the opposite. I do like to include smut but do not like it to overtake when it comes to plot-line. Lengthwise responses I tend to try to get at least two-three paragraphs out unless I’m feeling extra I’ll add more. If writing out smut makes you uncomfortable don’t inquire me for starting a role-play.
I have a lot of free time right now, I’m in online college so I’m up late for my timezone as of the time I posted this, it is 1:51 AM. (CST) I am a night owl at times I’m up later than I would like to say. But if you’re interested in starting a roleplay I’ll get replies out to you as soon as I can.
I do appreciate you for taking the time to read this and if you’re interested seriously don’t be afraid to message me. If I don’t instantly get back to you I don’t have notifications on but I’ll get to you! But if you just want my discord here is my username.
Discord username: k.sag3
Universes that I have OC’s in:
Strangers Things (Doubles: OC x CC)
Jedi Survivor or Star Wars Uni in general (Doubles: OC x CC)
Jujutsu Kaisen (Doubles: OC x CC)
Naruto/Naruto Shippuden: (Doubles: OC x CC)
Sons of Anarchy: (Doubles: OC x CC)
Harry Potter: (Doubles: OC x CC)
Until Dawn: (Doubles: OC x CC)
The Quarry: (Doubles: OC x CC)
Demon Slayer: (Doubles: OC x CC)
MHA: (Doubles: OC x CC)
The Last of Us: (Doubles: OC x CC
Final Fantasy: (Doubles: OC x CC)
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sage3sblog · 3 months
129K notes · View notes
sage3sblog · 3 months
Outlaw Love: A Cowboys Seduction of High Society
Chapter 1: Debutant
Eloise POV
I can hardly breathe in this thing.
I can’t breathe in this damn thing.
The shout over the quartet tossed me out of my thoughts. Turning just in time to see my sister Katherine coming toward me with open arms. Her husband was nowhere to be seen which didn't surprise me. I don’t have much time to react as her arms wrap around me and she pulls me into a hug,
“Katherine,” I groan but the hug only gets tighter as she refuses to let go until the hug is returned with the same enthusiasm.
“I didn’t think you’d do something like this. I can’t believe you’re getting married!”
I give a smile, truthfully I am just as surprised as she is. I never intended for this, I wanted a life of adventure running amuck with the other cowboy outlaws that remained in our not-so-little town. We’ve both been to these sorts of arrangements, one being Katherine’s and the others being family friends.
“You’ve met Jensen haven’t you?” Katherine asked with a smile gesturing with her head toward the direction of the man she walked in with earlier. He was in the corner plucking hors d’oeuvres off a silver platter from the service hired for the evening. Rolling my eyes now stared at the floor before putting on a fake smile and a soft “uhuh…” escaped my lips. A small curl that fell too far forward in front of my face now tickled my skin. I tucked it back behind my ear. “Jensen…” Katherine said waving her hand about in the air trying to get the attention of her husband who looked like he was about to shovel everything off the silver plate and into his mouth. He glanced over like a dog who had been shouted at for doing something wrong. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he made his way over to them.
“And where is the man of the hour?” Jensen asked a small smirk on his face as he looked around the ballroom of the house.
“Oh yes, where is Phineas?” Katherine naked looking among the crowd of the new man in my life. Even hearing his name made my skin crawl. I sighed but kept it subtle before glancing around the room for my obnoxious possibly drunk off his ass fiance. “Oh, there he is!” Katherine said pointing through the crowd to the man striding toward them, his brunette hair slicked back and styled **perfectly** as he would say in his words.
“I wondered when your sister would show up,” Phineas said as he slurred in the shell of my ear; his arm around my waist. “I told you it would take her a moment to arrive…” I said in response rolling my shoulders a bit trying to free myself from his grip. This seemed to be noticed by Phineas which only caused him to grip tighter at my waist. The whole situation was fitting given the anxiety that now lay in the pit of my belly.
Despite my thoughts of morbid death infiltrating my brain, I couldn’t help but admire the layout of the chandeliers in the ballroom. The way their lights were filtering around the room, the fact they were possibly visible from the streets. I wondered if those out on the streets of Saint-Denis had often wondered what it would be like to be in the plantation home. I had a moment, staring at the chandelier, and wished that it would rock itself off the ceiling and hit me; taking me out of my misery. There was an obvious conversation happening within my surroundings, the only thing I could hear was Phineas’ words.
“Right, Sweetpea?” Phineas asks giving my shoulder a nudge bringing me back into the moment. “I–y-yeah…” I started not knowing what was being discussed at the moment. The reaction gained soft laughter from my sister and Jensen. Standing there for a moment, feeling the heat rise on my cheeks I turned on my heels and walked away.
That feeling hit, and that feeling grew larger in the pit of my belly. Here I am spiraling once again.
I shouldn’t be here.
Why am I here? I’m not good enough to be here. Who brought me here?
This isn’t the life for me, I’m not made for this like my sisters are. They love this high-society life, but I can’t see myself continuing to live like this. All the social gatherings, the dinner parties, cocktail hours, brandy and cigars for the men. None of it was for me, that’s something I’d never let leave my mind. Sticking close to the walls, I sink closer to one of the random buffet tables set up in the corner. No one has noticed me there as I scan the table items. I’m not very good at conversations anyway. What do the wealthy talk about anyway?
Where are we finding gold?
Any steamboat parties?
Have you been hunting and caught anything worthy of hanging on the walls?
Lost in thought, my foot catches on something heavy. I come crashing face-first into someone’s chest.
“I’m so sorry…” I gasp as I step backward.
Of course, while trying to avoid making a fool of myself in front of my family, I managed to fall right into trouble. With a glance toward my feet, I confirm that I tripped over a man’s boot, a muddy and dirty boot. The mud had transferred to my shoes causing me to sigh a little out of relief if anything.
He doesn’t say anything. Makes no sudden movements either.
I draw my attention to his suit, it looked out of character for someone like him. He looked like he didn’t belong here. Out of place, in comparison to everyone else that was in the room.
The man eyes me, a soft grunt escaping from him as he brings a glass to his lips. The liquid sloshes in the glass returning to its original state at the bottom of the glass. His hands are rough and calloused, a small bit of scarring scattered about his fists. To me, this reveals that he is not a regular in attendance at this get-together. Unless he was invited by someone else in attendance but of course that is unlikely considering the attire.
Fear runs down my spine, I wonder if I should warn anyone. No, I force myself to look higher, at his face, looming a whole foot taller than myself. Despite the heels on my feet. My breath catches in my chest, as all hope I originally had for reconciliation with this man fades.
His dark hair hangs in his face, it seems like it was originally slicked back but he was against the idea. Now let it settle before his eyes. He’s here impersonating a gentleman in the high society lifestyle that’s obvious to me now. He has a slight threat of violence behind his eyes, and scars below his left eye as if he were attacked by something. His jaw was lined with a dark-colored beard, it was somewhat grown, more overgrown if I were being honest.
He lets the glass in his hand lower once more from his lips, giving a glance that gave a sense of not being worth his time. His gaze lingers down my body and back to my face. He has yet to speak, a hint of anxiety, or was it adrenaline hitting my veins?
An outlaw? An outlaw in attendance at my get-together. If there was one, that means there were others as well. I should get away before it is too late but something about this man before me, it’s interesting.
I take a small step backward.
One more.
There is a slight silence that is soon interrupted by the sound of the quartet starting to play a fast rhythmic song. The sound caused her to jump once more and then it happened. He spoke to her.
“You shold be more careful,” he said, his voice low a hint of attitude just beneath the surface. “There are others here who wouldn’t be so forgiving as I.” Hearing his words, sent another shiver of adrenal anxiety through my body. What did he mean by that? Was it meant to be a threat?
“Y-yeah…” my voice is shaky. “I was just leaving…over there…” I give a vague hand gesture and disappear off into the crowd. He invaded my mind in that moment and would stay there for the rest of the evening.
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sage3sblog · 3 months
Attention Attention
Hey there,
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I’m back looking for rp partners on discord. If you’re interested then feel free to give this post a like or just dm me directly. After that we can discuss what we’re wanting to rp and then go on to add each other on discord.
26 f, CST Zone looking for 21+ partners that are willing to develop plot and write lengthy responses. My tags have listed what I roleplay, but if you had something specific you were looking for feel free to just ask.
Note; I only role play in third person and use OC’s which are shipped with a canon character. I role play in doubles format if you don’t know what that means, it means that I play your interest and you do the opposite. I do like to include smut but do not like it to overtake when it comes to plot-line. Lengthwise responses I tend to try to get at least two-three paragraphs out unless I’m feeling extra I’ll add more. If writing out smut makes you uncomfortable don’t inquire me for starting a role-play.
I have a lot of free time right now, I’m in online college so I’m up late for my timezone as of the time I posted this, it is 1:51 AM. (CST) I am a night owl at times I’m up later than I would like to say. But if you’re interested in starting a roleplay I’ll get replies out to you as soon as I can.
I do appreciate you for taking the time to read this and if you’re interested seriously don’t be afraid to message me. If I don’t instantly get back to you I don’t have notifications on but I’ll get to you! But if you just want my discord here is my username.
Discord username: k.sag3
Universes that I have OC’s in:
Strangers Things (Doubles: OC x CC)
Jedi Survivor or Star Wars Uni in general (Doubles: OC x CC)
Jujutsu Kaisen (Doubles: OC x CC)
Naruto/Naruto Shippuden: (Doubles: OC x CC)
Sons of Anarchy: (Doubles: OC x CC)
Harry Potter: (Doubles: OC x CC)
Until Dawn: (Doubles: OC x CC)
The Quarry: (Doubles: OC x CC)
Demon Slayer: (Doubles: OC x CC)
MHA: (Doubles: OC x CC)
The Last of Us: (Doubles: OC x CC
Final Fantasy: (Doubles: OC x CC)
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sage3sblog · 8 months
𝐏𝐚𝐲𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐌𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐝𝐬;
I accept;
Those are the three I currently accept at the moment. If you have any questions please ask.
𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐜;
When requesting a letter, please provide me with;
Your name, nickname or name of your oc you’re using
Letter type (romance, platonic friends, angst or nsfw (18+ for said category)
Any specific plot you’re wanting
Character of choice (please if your character is a child or teenager I will not do any nsfw content for them; if they’re an adult nsfw is fine)
A digital letter (5$)
A physical letter sent to you (10$)
A fanfiction of you and your character (10$)
Book characters
Movie characters
Anime characters
Video games
Tv show related characters
𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞!!
I believe my direct messages are open? So please send your requests my way and I’ll send you my payment methods.
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sage3sblog · 11 months
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You'd think they'd never seen a girl and a cat on a broom before.
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sage3sblog · 1 year
Hey there reposting this as I am in search of some rp partners to take on over discord. If interested feel free to add me on discord or ask for my username.
Hi. So I was previously busy with school assignments, I have the free time now and am willing to take on some new rp partners over discord if interested.
Note: I only rp fandom based, I double up as a preference, 21+ as well seeing as themes can get dark and smut may be included.
Discord is @k.sag3
I’d like to say if I don’t get a response out please just soft ping me and I’ll get back to you. I don’t enjoy just being ghosted by people.
-Final Fantasy
-Demon Slayer
-Harry Potter
-Star Wars
-Sons of Anarchy or Mayans
-My hero (I have high muse!!)
And if you have something specific you’re looking for please feel free to ask away. 💕 always willing to discuss plots as well as any triggers etc. I really just don’t like being ghosted so again if my responses are slow feel free to message.
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sage3sblog · 1 year
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506 notes · View notes
sage3sblog · 1 year
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sage3sblog · 1 year
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reblog the money pigeon for a financially stable future
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sage3sblog · 1 year
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sage3sblog · 1 year
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sage3sblog · 1 year
Bro get all these porn bots out of my fucking likes Jesus Christ! 🙄
0 notes
sage3sblog · 1 year
You managed to retire from the supervillain game long ago, when you became a parent. Now, your grandchild has inadvertently been kidnapped by an upstart villain, and you’re about to show them why the world (rightfully) feared you.
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sage3sblog · 1 year
Hi. So I was previously busy with school assignments, I have the free time now and am willing to take on some new rp partners over discord if interested.
Note: I only rp fandom based, I double up as a preference, 21+ as well seeing as themes can get dark and smut may be included.
Discord is @k.sag3
I’d like to say if I don’t get a response out please just soft ping me and I’ll get back to you. I don’t enjoy just being ghosted by people.
-Final Fantasy
-Demon Slayer
-Harry Potter
-Star Wars
-Sons of Anarchy or Mayans
-My hero (I have high muse!!)
And if you have something specific you’re looking for please feel free to ask away. 💕 always willing to discuss plots as well as any triggers etc. I really just don’t like being ghosted so again if my responses are slow feel free to message.
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sage3sblog · 1 year
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what do you want!!!!!!!!
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