16K posts
Sage | they/she | nb/bi | commissions open | artist writer, disaster | went from "I have a husband but thanks to covid making it legal is a bitch so we'll wait, and also a partner because we're poly" to single party person to party person with a boyfriend in like 6 months lol | ADHD, anxiety, depression, y'know the fun things
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sage-the-mage · 6 months ago
Oh no. I've just thought of a way to utterly ruin one of my first original characters, and I kind of love it
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sage-the-mage · 7 months ago
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The notes are broken. This is what tumblr is all about apparently.
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sage-the-mage · 1 year ago
love when ppl defend the aggressive monetization of the internet with "what, do you just expect it to be free and them not make a profit???" like. yeah that would be really nice actually i would love that:)! thanks for asking
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sage-the-mage · 1 year ago
I couldn't help laughing as I read the gifts being compared, I can see the Chelsea and Jasper connections I think but I don't see how Demetri fits at all
How do you feel a hypnotism gift that works similar to Chelase/Demetri/Jasper's gifts pans out
I... feel confused, Chelsea, Demetri, and Jasper have such different gifts that I can't triangulate them, I have no idea what a hypnotist gift similar to all three would be.
Introducing Mr. Hypnosis, a hypnothesist who will manipulate your relationships and emotions and make you his personal GPS. Men envy him, women want him, Garmin wants to be him, etc., etc.
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sage-the-mage · 1 year ago
What vampire is the most fierce in the whole series in you opinion?
I'll be a filthy sychophant and say Carlisle.
He had everyone against him, no one thought he could make it without human blood, everyone is trying to get him on human blood, man stays on the animal diet and even becomes a doctor. And from The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner we know he's a shockingly efficient fighter too, so he's got it all.
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sage-the-mage · 1 year ago
the anonymous button is for respectful questions and confessions of love not an excuse for you to be a demonic bigot
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sage-the-mage · 1 year ago
God, now I almost wanna write a fic where Renesmee goes through some typical Edward and Bella and Jacob caused nonsense, and Greige also exists and resents her like you suggest at the end, but he somehow gets dragged into the nonsense with Renesmee and see where the dynamic goes...
I can already feel this worming deeper into my brain, I might get a more full idea while I'm at work tomorrow if I'm lucky (and remember I was supposed to think on it by then lol)
This has been picking my squishy little thought organ.
Submitted to several others for a wide range of potential awnsers
If Jalice had a kid, what are some hypothetical gifts it could have?
I could see it having the gift of giving hallucinations.
(that previous ANON got me thinking, clearly)
Because of his emotional ability--> making them believable. [Fool the emotions all else will follow.] Her visions are quite sporadic at times. ---> crafting the mental space devoted to that.
Environmental Factors---> Bella & her daughter can project, and I think environmental factors will give the gift a push to be able to be casted. INSTEAD of actually just ending up with hyperaphantasia.
"People with hyperphantasia can imagine scenes, sounds, smells, tastes, and sensations with great clarity and detail. They may also have enhanced abilities in creativity, memory, and empathy."
Alice & Bella are besties, so they'll spend a considerable amount of time together interacting. So, I think the block Renesme has on the visions will be a giant factor too.
Despite Bella and Alice just not being close it will happen anyway. Cause there's nowhere realistically for her to go.
She's stuck and Alice probably isn't going to get a vision going oh, now is the right time to leave.
Even if you could argue oh, they'll never fight. Most likely right unless we wanna go even more Au... {Which I am 100% ok with}
But I think Alice's slight harboring of resentment for Renesme for blocking her visions will be the key in the lock for this to all work out right.
She isn't going to stop blocking them. Alice already has had time to get over her gift dependency so much but like she won't do that.
Jasper's gift can't be blocked by a shield, but I imagine he's a little immune to Renesme's gift. (Realistically not...? But it's a silly little Tumblr post I don't want to think about the power scale too hard and implode.)
I was hoping you could pick up where I left off about how things realistically work in Twilight.
Besides the whole vampires have a kid despite one being infertile.
But I think this would be a hell-on-wheels problem. Cause while Jasper I'd argue! Has a more moral conscious (at least in the ways we see it.) than Alice. But they're both pretty grey.
Which means they're both pretty ruthless. Like Bella and Edward are for their child.
All i know is this offspring would have to be so lucky to not be snatched by the Volturi.
I think this kid would fare better than Renesme in the short and long term. Even if they were both hybrids. This kid would have parents that would in my opinion actually teach it more.
I think Bella and Edward don't teach Renesme. much.
I think Jasper would make sure his kid had the skills should they be needed to be used. And Alice would support this or just let it happen. I think he's a more active parent than her but that's 100% different bullshit Au type of discussion and I just needed to drop this meta off to blogs for their thoughts.
I am driving myself crazy. I would like to sleep.
Well, I'm not entirely sure how this child would come to be in the first place as Jasper and Alice can't have one.
Assuming, though, that God bestowed one upon them, I subscribe to @smallcatwoman's fellow who has the gift of seeing emotional outcomes, the child would be as delightfully alien as Alice only in a very different way (optimal future-oriented Alice versus happiest outcome-seeker Greige).
As for how the child is raised, I imagine it would have much the same upbringing as Renesmee. If Jasper and Alice are interested in teaching a child, Renesmee is right there and is, by all accounts, The Cullen Child™. They are all devoting every resource to her, raising her communnaly for all that she is officially Bella and Edward's.
A second child with a different set of parents would, if possible, be even more Cullen Communal Property than Renesmee: Bella, at least, had an interest in her child, Alice screams childfree. Oh, she'll be the cool aunt and take the kid shopping, no problem, but parenting? Motherhood?
Esme and Rosalie can do the hard parts, and Jasper and Carlisle too if they want. Alice will be pointing out that God making the child genetically hers was simply a matter of good taste, doesn't mean she should be raising the damn thing.
And the child gets to live in the shadow of Renesmee, who was wanted by her mother, the first and miraculous baby everybody and their cousin were willing to die for, and has a guy imprinted on her. Renesmee, by all accounts, would be the golden child and the other one would be... the other one.
Wasn't supposed to exist, his mother foisted him off and prefers to dress up Renesmee anyway, and his gift is only able to tell him that he can't be happy around his family, so he ignores it.
Perhaps Greige will love Renesmee, but I prefer the timeline where he resents her too much to recognise his cousin for just as unhappy as he is, and Renesmee has no idea why but only knows that she can't meaningfully connect to him.
Drama is had.
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sage-the-mage · 1 year ago
I suddenly feel so bad for Caius
Do you ever think about how Caius is an old man surrounded by young adults and teenagers? This is the context needed for me to go “I get it”
Yeah, he's going through it.
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sage-the-mage · 2 years ago
Repeat after me everyone, "Velma" is just "Peathers" part 2.
Taking characters and making them "diverse" just so you can write them spout edgy woke comedy without being cancelled is not funny. Not fucking everything needs to be Riverdale. There's representation and there's tokening. There's no value in taking the Mystery Gang and trashing everything we know about them and expecting us to love it just because "(almost) everyone is a person of color now!" The series is bad because it's written poorly and solidly removed from the establishing characters not because everyone but Fred is not white.
Anyway everyone tag a trans creator you know who deserves the attention wasted on this series.
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sage-the-mage · 2 years ago
I know I've said this before but I still love how ATLA did the whole "disabled character learning about codependence" arc that so many stories try to do (badly; they do it badly) but the twist is that Toph wasn't learning how to be independent; she was already independent to begin with! She was learning how to be codependent in the sense that people depended on her and she had to learn to help them.
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sage-the-mage · 2 years ago
I say with joy that the unique Breath of the Wild feeling of "I absolutely know how this Shrine is supposed to be solved, but I could do it faster with shenanigans," has carried over into Tears of the Kingdom.
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sage-the-mage · 2 years ago
it obviously makes sense, but one of my friend’s kids is going into swim class, and all the parents got an email today going, “when little ones are scared, they cling on to instructors. PLEASE trim their nails.” 
i don’t know why that’s so funny to me, but just. the idea of this poor, scratched swim instructor having to make sure to email before each class as a reminder to please declaw the children SENT me. 
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sage-the-mage · 2 years ago
I see Hollywood is now very into the idea of buying something once and then owning it forever and being able to make infinite copies. Which. Isn’t quite the message they imparted upon me in my childhood. In the spirit of their own long-held stance:
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sage-the-mage · 2 years ago
one day itll be 2023 and everything will be good
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sage-the-mage · 2 years ago
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I know it’s not hard to point out reactionaries hypocrisy when it comes to like safe spaces or hug boxes or whatever but genuinely how much of an echo chamber do you have to exist in for you to think this is a reasonable thing to say
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sage-the-mage · 2 years ago
Flaming hot take, but not every movie or TV show needs to hit every individual diversity mark to be a good movie or show?
Like, please understand, I very much get the concept of intersectionality, and I know the actual statistics of minorities’ presence in the world and there is a whole lot of overlap that would be nice to see realistically portrayed in the media but it’s just like. Sometimes a story is just…A story. It’s one person’s story. And it doesn’t need to hit some specific diversity quota to be a good story.
Accept the movies about Latin people as a movie about Latin people. Accept the queer representation as queer representation. Take the story about the disabled person for what it is. But if it’s a story about a queer couple facing adversity, maybe don’t get up in arms about them not being the “right type” of queer for you. Wild idea? TELL THAT STORY YOURSELF.
Because sometimes that straight couple is dealing with other issues in their universe, and that’s why it’s not gay. Sometimes if you cast a black woman, that makes it a black story. And that Asian storyteller isn’t telling the story of a black woman. They’re telling their story.
So instead of getting mad that this isn’t the story YOU wanted to hear? Tell the story you wanted to hear. Because that one is theirs. And someone deserves to tell yours.
The diversity quota does as much of a disservice to storytelling as a lack of representation does. If you don’t resonate enough, make something we can resonate with more. Let us claim our stories as our own, and leave others to say what they want to say.
If we all tell our stories, I promise. Eventually you’ll find one just for you.
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sage-the-mage · 2 years ago
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I love this so much
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