sage-stormcaller · 6 years
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Strawberry Brownies
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sage-stormcaller · 6 years
Passing a Test Spell
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What You’ll Need :
Study Guide (Has to be finished!)
Yellow/White Candle
Glass Bowl
I. Light the Candle
II. Hold the Calcite in one hand, place the other over the study guide. Imagine the energy of the work absorbing.
III. Rip a little piece [of your Study Guide] and place it into the glass bowl, light it up and inhale the smoke. (If you cannot inhale the smoke, simply place your hand over it and visualize it seeping into your skin.) Then, chant :
“Study, study, keep in my mind. Study, know, so I won’t be so blind. Know, know, the correct answer I’ll write. Know, memorize, so I get the test right. Memorize, memorize, this test I shall pass. Memorize, forever, so I’ll pass this class.”
Good luck to those who have tests!
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sage-stormcaller · 6 years
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sage-stormcaller · 6 years
Wine in Witchcraft!
I saw this post by @cosmic-witch and realized… I don’t think I’ve ever seen correspondences written up for types of wine before! So I spent some time and put some together based on their flavors/aromas/etc. Enjoy, wine-loving witches!
Wine in general is associated with happiness, success, love, relationships, and offerings.
Red Wine
In General
Element: Earth Season: Winter Associations: Love, warmth, contemplation, happiness, success, money, passion, health, lust
Cabernet Sauvignon
Tastes Like: Full-bodied, bell pepper, olives, herbs, black cherry, tannic/rough Element: Earth Associations: Grounding, protection, banishing, strength, energy, lust, fertility, ancestors, written magic such as sigils
Tastes Like: Soft/round, blackberry, cherry, plum, herbal notes Element: Water, fire Associations: Unity, love, passion, self-care, protection, healing, prosperity, sexuality, sea witchcraft, water magic
Pinot Noir
Tastes Like: Delicate and fresh, fruity, tea leaf, worn leather, tomato leaf, pale cherry, beet root, strawberry, blackberry, earthy Element: Earth, air Associations: Prosperity, protection, wealth, success, beauty, passion, glamours
Tastes Like: Hearty, spicy, black pepper, black currant, clove, blackberry, plum, leather, tar Element: Fire, earth Associations: Wealth, banishing, divination, tech witchcraft, comfort, mystery, secrets, endings
Tastes Like: Rich, zesty, raspberry, raisin, black cherry, blackberry, pepper Element: Earth Associations: Growth, wealth, plant magic, vigor, stamina, happiness, love, healing, versatility
White Wine
In General
Element: Air Season: Summer Associations: Joy, happiness, love, relationships, friendships, endings, success, energy, purification
Tastes Like: Wider-bodied, light, velvety, apricot, mango, green apple, citrus, melon, vanilla Element: Water Associations: Peace, emotions, safety, success, happiness, balance, polarity, purification, mental power/abilities
Tastes Like: Sweet, acidic, fruity, grapefruit, musk, citrus, apricot, rose, caramel Element: Air Associations: Love, mystery, lust, relationships, fertility, purity, cleansing, healing, love magic
Pinot Grigio
Tastes Like: Crisp, dry, fruity, peach, pear, acidic Element: Air Associations: Rebirth, endings, new beginnings, happiness, reality, creativity, longevity, divination (especially open-ended, like tarot)
Tastes Like: Steely, crisp, fresh, slightly sweet, pear, apple, peach, petrol, honey Element: Fire, water Associations: Energy, movement, growth, rebirth, love, friendship, attraction, activity such as dance, preparation, cleansing
Sauvignon Blanc
Tastes Like: Herbal, grass, bell pepper, green apple, lime, gooseberry, jalapeno, melon, mango, black currant, passionfruit, peach Element: Air, earth Associations: Love, peace, friendship, companionship, arts, healing, happiness, joy, spirit work
Rosé Wine
In General
Element: Air Season: Spring Associations: Beginnings, happiness, excitement, friendship, new romance, love, passion, playfulness, relaxation, luck
Sparkling Wine
In General
Element: Fire Season: Summer Associations: Success, completion, celebration, wealth, opportunity, setting things in motion, prosperity, space witchcraft, weather magic, adding a “spark”
Feel free to use these however you’d like and add your favorite wines!
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sage-stormcaller · 6 years
Why Yule Needs to Stay Creepy
“…There’ll be scary ghost stories and tales of the glories of Christmases long, long ago…”
So I have been thinking about our Contemporary conceptualization of the Christmas season a lot lately and it’s kind of interesting. So many things we associate with Christmas – Christmas trees, greeting cards, Santa Claus, his reindeer and elves, gift-giving in general – all of these things came into vogue in the 19th Century and are very sticky-sweet, in my opinion. They’re lovely, but not filling. If we just scratch the surface of the Christmas we know and love and peek back into its history, we find something much meatier.
Before the cheerful Christmas tree, a number of other plants were associated with Christmas. The holly, associated with sacrifice and the blood of Christ, and the parasitic mistletoe, associated with the death of Baldur in Norse mythology – these were the plants associated with Christmas before the Christmas tree became the standard.
Also, the Yule log. The Yule log, meant to provide light on the darkest night of the year, was a magic charm in and of itself. If it did not burn through the night, it would be a terrible omen. By watching the fire and coals of the Yule log, one could also predict who would give birth and who would die in the coming year.  
When our simple Santa Claus is reduced to his predecessors, one is left with Odin, ancient Norse God of battle, Saint Nicholas, the canonized former bishop of Turkey, and Father Christmas, the hard-drinking gluttonous representation of holiday merriment. And all of them brought ghastly friends – Odin, the spirits of the Wild Hunt and Saint Nicholas, his helpers (including Knecht Rupert, Krampus, etc.). Father Christmas, more of a personification of the season than a night visitor, undoubtedly brought many hangovers.
Before stories about reindeer, snowmen, or things of that ilk, there were ghost stories. Charles Dickens did not invent the Christmas ghost story in “A Christmas Carol,” but popularized an already-existing folkloric trend. If we look to the old tales of Christmas, we find stories about witches that rode the night air, cursing the birth of the Savior. There are stories about fairies, ghosts, and Devils that wreak havoc, frightening livestock and damaging property. In an era before television or radio, homemade storytelling was one of the primary forms of entertainment. And winter was the storytelling season.
You also have mumming, wassailing, and caroling – dressing up in colorful costumes and (sometimes drunkenly) begging for money door-to-door. As John Grossman notes in his book “Christmas Curiosities,” Christmas before the Contemporary Period resembles our Halloween more than it resembles the Christmas we know now.
Let us not forget, those of us who acknowledge the Wheel of the Year, that the season of darkness extends from Halloween to Christmas. This darkness only begins to fade when we gain back the Sun at the Winter Solstice. From Halloween to Christmas, the dead may roam the Earth and weird things may happen. In his classic “Mastering Witchcraft,” Paul Huson notes that Yule is not a time for pleasant spell work, but cursing! It is a time of dark magic and mystery. And we need this time. To understand the light, we must understand the darkness – the witches, ghosts, and Devils of the old Yuletide. Like the trees that go dormant, we must embrace the darkness of winter to grow and thrive.
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sage-stormcaller · 6 years
🍋🌞Solar Citrus Juice Witchcraft🌞🍋
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🍋Lemon juice (lemonade)- cleansing, love, purifying, happiness, positivity, energy, calming, health, optimism, friendship, spirit and faery work
🍍*Pineapple juice- prosperity, luck, summer, protection, energy, wealth
🍊Orange juice- happiness, health, protection, positivity, courage, creativity, beauty, self-love, prosperity, joy, energy, bravery
🍐*Mango juice- love, protection, harmony, strength, calming, self love, healing, anti-anxiety, soothing
🍑*Peach juice- life, birth, fertility, love, wishes, longevity, divination, healing, protection, springtime, happiness
🍊Grapefruit juice- health, protection, bravery, creativity, beauty, confidence, happiness, positive energy, attraction, friendship, manifestation
🍈Lime juice- protection, healing, strength, cleansing, cursing, banishing, luck, wealth, prosperity
**these aren’t actually citrus but are solar fruits ☀️
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sage-stormcaller · 6 years
Limited Witchcraft Masterpost
So you live in a place that limits your uses of things typically associated with spell casting. Maybe you’re in a dorm, an apartment with indoor sprinklers or are simply not in a place where you can practice openly. Don’t worry, we got your back.
Cleansing Alternatives to Smoke & Open Flames:
Moon Water/Blessed Water/Storm Water Cleansing
Moonlight/Sunlight Cleansing
Salt Cleansing
Burial/Earth Cleansing
Salt Jar Cleansing
Cleansing Mist
Heatless Ritual Fragrance Alternatives:
Potpourri Sachets
No burn Reed Diffuser incense
Essential Oil Sprays
Alternative Representations of Fire:
Fire Salts
Fire Sigil
Fire Oil
Fire Associations
Cheap & Easy Herbal Magic:
Kitchen Cursing
Grocery Store Alternatives
Household cooking herbs & spices and their correspondences
Discreet Altar Options:
Pocket Altars
Travel Altars
Bath Altars
Hidden Altars
Discreet Practices:
Bath Magic 
Secret Witchcraft
Sigil Magic
Textile Magic
Kitchen Witchcraft 
Tea Magic
Beauty Magic
No-Cost Divination Methods:
Free Online Tarot Deck
Free Tarot Goddess Online Tarot Deck
Free Llewellyn Online Tarot Deck
Free digital Ouija Board
Fire or Water Scrying
Free Apps:
Witchy Apps for Android
Witchy Apps for Apple
Material Substitution Lists:
In a pinch substitutions list
Bonus Substitutions
Herbal Substitutes List
Budgeted Witchcraft:
Tips & Tricks for Frugal Witches
Moonstone Beginning’s Frugal Pagan Resource
A Witch in a Pinch (Blog)
Budget Witch (Blog)
Witchcraft on a Budget
Being a Witch on a Budget
Budget Witchcraft (Site)
Accumulating Witch Stuff on a Budget
Ways to Practice Witchcraft with Little or No Money
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sage-stormcaller · 6 years
Yule Masterpost (Kinda)
Really awfully organised masterpost made for a few pals
DIY Yule Goat
DIY Yule Ornaments
Yule Altar
Candied Oranges
Yule Altar Ideas
Herbal Sachet Gift
DIY Witchy Gifts
Dried Oranges
Pine Cone Gnome Ornament
Toadstool Ornament
Birdseed Ornament
Succulent Wreath
Winter Spice Bath Bomb
Witch Ball Ornaments
Pomander Magic
Faery Cakes
Vanilla Hot Chocolate
Winter Ingredients & Associations
Snow Pudding
Yule Log (Recipe)
Buttered Rum
Faery Tarts
Gingerbread Poppet
Celtic Yule Recipes
Mini Yule Log
Spiced Winter Tea
Candied Citrus Peels
Yule Wine
Tradition and History:
Yule Info
Yule Celebrations
Ways to Celebrate Yule
Yule Goat
Yule Goat #2
The Wild Hunt
Some Mythology
Yule Tree
Spells and Rituals:
Prayer to the Earth
Stove Top Potpourri for Yule
Mistletoe Spell
Winter Wish Jar
Winter Magic
Yule Charm
Yule Wish Bottle
Bless your Yule Tree
Yule Ritual
Winter Solstice Tarot Spread
Properties of Holly
Yule Potpourri
Winter Solstice Oil
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sage-stormcaller · 6 years
Info YULE Appreciate #2
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Animals of Yule
Wrens + Ravens
Snow Geese
Foods of Yule
Cinnamon cakes
Dried fruits
Apple cider
Mulled wine
Roasted/Spiced meats
Goddess Correspondences
Aphrodite (Greek)
Brigid (Celtic)
Demeter (Greek)
Holle (Norse)
Isis (Egyptian)
Fortuna (Roman)
Gods Correspondences
Dagda (Celtic)
Apollo (Greek)
Lugh (Celtic)
Balder (Norse)
Horus (Egyptian)
Sol (Roman)
Essence of Yule
Light out of darkness
Inner renewal
Oils of Yule
**This list is not absolute and just my opinions**
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sage-stormcaller · 6 years
What Native people say about the use of sage: you can use sage, but you cannot smudge as nothing you are doing (waving sage around) is actually smudging. Smudging is a ceremony and you are, we promise, not smudging. Please buy sage from either us, or someone who sources the sage from us. White sage may not be considered endangered by the US government but corperate sourcing is making it difficult for us to source sage for our own religious purposes. Let alone to sell it.
What white people hear: never use sage ever, don’t ever buy it, don’t own it, don’t even look at it.
Look, y’all. There’s a couple of facets to my talk today.
1) Yes! You can buy sage! You really, truly can! Buy it from either native sellers (go to a powwow! Eat our food, buy our stuff, watch some dancing!) Or buy it from a seller who sources the sage from native people. Pick one. And no, buying it from 5 Below doesn’t count.
2) you CANNOT smudge. This isn’t just you “shouldn’t”— this is a YOU ARE INCAPABLE OF SMUDGING. Waving a sage stick around your doorways IS NOT SMUDGING. It is smoke clensing. Smudging, depending on the tradition and tribe, could easily have dancing and drums involved. You, as a white person, do not have the cultural BACKGROUND to even know how it works. At all. Period.
3) please, for FUCKS SAKE, stop making posts here on tumblr where you tell other white people about cultural appropriation and what they can and cannot do. Please stop, your license has been revoked because none of you bother to get the facts right. We native people are FULLY CAPABLE OF DOING IT OURSELVES. Consider instead: a) reblogging our posts where we talk about it! We’re here! We have made posts!! b) Making a post that states what we said and then LINKS BACK TO US. Screenshot with a link if you must. Stop centering your own voices in these conversations. You are already centered in everything, stop centering yourselves in a native space.
I’m tired of this nonsense, y’all.
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk ™
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sage-stormcaller · 6 years
Moons n Holidays 2019
*if the exact time of the new/full moon is past midnight and thus technically in the next day I’ve put the previous day’s date so you know which evening to be prepping your rituals etc*
5th: New Moon in Capricorn
20th: Full Wolf Moon in Cancer->Leo (Blood Moon Eclipse)
1st: Imbolc
4th: New Moon in Aquarius
18th: Full Snow Moon in Leo->Virgo
5th: New Moon in Pisces
20th: Ostara - Vernal Equinox
and Full Worm Moon in Virgo->Libra
4th: New Moon in Aries
18th: Full Pink Moon in Libra->Scorpio
1st: Beltane
4th: New Moon in Taurus
18th: Full Flower Moon in Scorpio->Sagittarius
2nd: New Moon in Gemini
17th: Full Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius->Capricorn
21st: Litha - Summer Solstice
2nd: New Moon in Cancer
16th: Full Buck Moon in Capricorn
31st: New Moon in Cancer->Leo (Black Moon)
1st: Lughnasadh
14th: Full Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius->Pisces
29th: New Moon in Virgo
13th: Full Corn Moon in Pisces
23rd: Mabon - Autumnal Equinox
28th: New Moon in Virgo->Libra
13th: Full Hunter’s Moon in Aries
27th: New Moon in Libra->Scorpio
31st: Samhain
11th: Full Beaver Moon in Taurus
25th: New Moon in Scorpio->Sagittarius
11th: Full Cold Moon in Gemini
21st: Yule - Winter Solstice
25th: New Moon in Sagittarius->Capricorn
Phases of the Moon app
The Old Farmers Almanac
Sky & Telescope
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sage-stormcaller · 6 years
Zauberer Jackl
The trials of the Witch Jackl (Paul Jacob Koller)
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Local Folklore Submitted Dec. 18, 2018 by @a-witch-called-hera from my Witchy Wishlist!
You asked for local folklore-you get local folklore. I’m from Salzburg (a city in Austria-Europe) and Salzburg is famous for their witch trials. We’ve got many stories about a male witch called “Zauberer Jackl”.
But let’s start from the beginning. The biggest witch trial in the history of Austria began with Barbara Koller. She was accused of being a witch and after getting tortured for several days she confessed that it’s true. Her son, Jackl, was also accused of being a witch. The catholic church (which was in charge of everythibg at this time) was looking for him, because they wanted to see him dead.
Jackl began to gather other boys around himself. Mainly children and teenagers. The church got every. single. one.
They were all forced to confess that they were witches or at least connected to Jackl. Hundreds of them were sentenced to death.
The only one which they never got was Jackl himself. According to legends he could turn himself into a wolf and was a good friend of the devil, which is the reason why he never got caught. Also, some older people who live here say that on nights of the full moon he roams around the places in the city where the “Zauberbuben” (the boys which were connected to him) were executed.
I also got a second story about the white woman of the castle of Salzburg if you want to hear it.
Yours, Hera🇦🇹
Barber: 😱this was so fascinating I did some additional research. Also, yes. I would love to hear another story!
Some additional details just on the ins and outs of the story from some googling.
The Zaubererjackl Trials took place from 1675-1690 in which 139 people were executed, the majority of which were male.
His mother, told authorities he had a pact with Satan, and then the search for him began.
A young beggar boy named Dionysus Feldner (12) confessed that Jackl had taught him and a gang of beggar children and teenagers “Black Magic”.
Dozens of homeless and beggar children were rounded up and more stories about Jackl arose: his ability to become invisible, to enchant mice and rats. He taught the children how to steal and beg and ruin crops.
His story became so chaotic and harried that the event involved the archbishop. More and more, authorities wanted to avoid capturing him because of his power and influence.
His students were blamed for creating bad weather the previous year (connecting to Jackl teaching them how to ruin crops).
The accused were tortured, burned alive, hanged, branded, mutilated and even decapitated.
139 people were executed as Jackl’s followers, though he was never caught. The youngest was 10 years old, the eldest was 80.
113 of the 139 people executed during the Zaubererjackl Trials were male.
Also note that though both men and women were referred to as Sorcerers, Magicians, Enchanters and Enchantress, but the Church designated it all under the umbrellas of “Witches and Witchcraft” across history.
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sage-stormcaller · 6 years
Money is coming to me
In all areas of my life.
Money is there in abundance. Every time I spend money, it reappears in my hands, my bank accounts, tenfold.
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sage-stormcaller · 6 years
~10 Kinds Of Magical Books~
1. Book Of Shadows- A witch’s book of spells, rituals, personal feelings, etc. It is a general book for any metaphysical or religious information that you wish to put into it, among other things.
2.Bestiary- A sometimes hand-written encyclopedia or manual of mythological and magical creatures and beings, used for reference when you want to work with a non-human energy, or for general research. 
3.Grimoire- Usually filled with tables and charts, lists relating to astrological, numerical, and color correspondences; properties of crystals, herbs, trees, etc. Contains moon phase meanings and medicinal properties of plants- This one has an old-timey textbook feel to it, usually.
4.Book Of Mirrors- a special journal, where you ‘reflect’ on things going on in your day to day life, providing deep insights which are invaluable when you’re doing work regarding personal growth. Very helpful with developing personal spiritual philosophies.
5.Book Of Moons- A book entirely relating to the moon and it’s cycles, names of the moons of each month, their attributes and energies, dates of lunar eclipses as well as full moon dates of upcoming moons. Filled with vast knowledge of lunar attributes and special dates of red moons, blue moons, etc.
6.Dream Journal- Here you record the dreams you have in as much detail as you can remember, and some people draw images from their dream adventures in this book as well, since dreams use the language of symbolism and imagery. You interpret the meanings of your dreams in here too, if you wish. Dreams can help us get a glimpse into our subconscious and the more dreams you write the easier it becomes for you to remember them.
7. Book of Visions- A vision book is used with the law of attraction, it is a ‘vision board’ in book form. Put different images of things you want in life, be they experiences, physical items, money, health, etc, in the pages of the book. Open the book up to pictures of what you want to visualize having. Think of this as an on-the-go vision board, except with much more space as there are so many pages!
8.Book Of Positive Aspects- At the top of each page you write the name of a topic that you are unhappy with, like ‘the workplace’  for example. Below the topic title you begin listing all the positive aspects of the subject, and by the end of your list your emotions will be in a much better place regarding the topic. You can do a list a day or many in one sitting, it is a valuable tool for cultivating positive energy or for switching viewpoints on things that normally would upset you.
9.Gratitude Journal- A book where you write about EVERYTHING you are thankful and appreciative for in your life right now. You feel overwhelmed with love and positivity when writing in this book, which aids you in raising your vibration and frequency.
10. Book Of Intuitions- a psychic journal, it’s a book where all divination and psychic exercises are recorded, ranging from full tarot spreads, to tea leaf readings, even psychic impressions you pick up off people. It’s handy for tracking progress as well as for record keeping.
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sage-stormcaller · 6 years
Spell for Focus on Homework!
Hello friends :) here is an easy little spell for focus of my own creation. I am finding it to be very effective! I hope that it helps some fellow witches who need a little extra push not to procrastinate during the coming school year.
1 large candle that you are able to light again and again - color does not matter, I used a white one I had on hand but you can match the color to your intent if you like! I would definitely suggest orange, for ambition, creativity, and stimulation.
A pinch of ground, dried chamomile - for calm
A pinch of ground, dried peppermint - for focus
A pinch of ground, dried black pepper - for protection, banishing distractions
A pinch of sea salt - for cleansing and consecrating the herbs
A piece of your paper that you intend to do your homework on - some notebook paper is fine
Combine the chamomile and mint. Chant or meditate on your intent for calm focus while stirring the herbs clockwise. Raise some sound energy if you like, I like to snap my fingers or ring a bell.
Then, add the black pepper. Chant or meditate on your intent for maintaining focus and banishing distractions and procrastination while stirring the herbs counterclockwise. Raise energy.
Sprinkle with sea salt, cleansing and consecrating the herbs. Raise energy.
Sprinkle the top of your candle with your herb mixture. Light the candle. Focus on the flame activating the energy of your spell’s intent.
Finally, take a small piece of your homework (optional: you can draw a sigil on it) and carefully drop it in the candle’s flame, letting it turn to ash. Focus on the intent of “destroying” this assignment, and coming up with transformative ideas like that burn and illuminate like the candle’s flame!
Let this candle burn for the duration of your work period. Light it as needed when working on your homework; this will activate the spell anew and also serve as a psychological trigger for you to get in the zone.
Optional: I used a tea blend with chamomile and peppermint for this spell. You can brew a mug of tea while focusing on your intent, then squeeze the tea bag into a separate small dish. Add the pepper and salt, then anoint the top of the candle with this potion. Drink the mug of tea while your candle burns for some added kitchen magic!
This spell can also be done with a flameless candle for obedient college witches - just burn the paper outside your dorm with a match or lighter.
Be sure to take study breaks and don’t cause unnecessary stress by cramming! Bright blessings and good luck on your work!
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sage-stormcaller · 6 years
Use glamours to make your nipples male presenting
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sage-stormcaller · 6 years
@herbs-and-nerds Thank you so much! All of these make a lot of sense in context (and what my own tools have been telling me so far). It’s good to see that second and third opinions are validating.
Hi! Could I please get a tarot reading about the coming semester in terms of work, grades, and health? Thank you!
Absolutely! Thanks for asking!
Here’s your spread:
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Work: Two of Wands Reversed. The upcoming semester is not a time for work place risks. Make sure you are thinking through decisions thoroughly and consulting appropriate authorities for any major changes. Sudden career changes could be risky during this time. Make sure in your work environment that you are working as an effective team member. Don’t subvert your independence, but projects and events ahead may require more brains than one. Stick together with those whom you trust at work but don’t be afraid to open your circle a bit either.
Academics: Six of Cups Reversed. Next semester is a time to rid yourself of old bad habits academically. If you’re a procrastinator, really fight the urge to continue procrastinating. You may find a lot of responsibilities on your shoulders in the coming semester, so lay the ground work now to be prepared, anything you need to stay organized, anyone you may need to help you. This is a maturation period, so look to cast habits that have plagued you since childhood aside.
Health: Ace of Wands. You may feel a sudden increase in energy come next semester. This will be a good time to start any self improvement projects you may be looking to do: being more active, eating healthier, gaining weight, taking better care of your mental health, etc. Take advantage of this extra boost but don’t run yourself ragged in the first few weeks. Pace yourself and enjoy this exciting time. Please note, please consult medical professionals on all issues regarding health. Their word always trumps the word of the cards.
I hope this has helped! Thank you for the ask! Feedback and questions are always appreciated!
Best wishes on the coming semester!
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