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saesstuf · 6 months ago
Screaming sobbing and crying the little circus AU is now my new favoritest thing in the world I need ALL INFORMATION about this. EVERY LITTLE DETAIL cus my brain is absolutely reeling with excitement over this
It's not a full-on AU yet, it's still stuck on the concept stage because there is not even a solidified story for it yet (although there's already some contenders that I'm brainstorming). Updates will come slow because I'm taking my time with this, and this is not even a very serious AU lmfao
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Anyways here's how Pomni and Caine looks like for this crossover, trying to make them make sense in this kind of setting without getting rid of what made them who they are is... harder than initially thought
I also have a Gangle "design", but I'm VERY unhappy with how it is because it's leaning way too much into Little Nightmares monster designs and effectively erased Gangle's visual identity, which is not the point of this AU (the point is to successfully incorporate the TADC cast into the LN world with as little changes as possible, as well as amplify/twist their personalities to become their grotesque designs) so I'll have to remake her completely
I hope Zooble will be much easier to do than Gangle... ueueueueueueu..... It's always those two that are so hard to do designs of
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saesstuf · 6 months ago
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saesstuf · 6 months ago
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Seis 🩸👁
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saesstuf · 7 months ago
what you don’t realize is that if i get “embarrassed,” my first thought is “kill yourself.” i’m not like.. “oh haha silly me my mistake..” NOPE.. my initial reaction is “i deserve to rot in hell.”
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saesstuf · 1 year ago
Teachings from the Order of Continuation:
Book of Thruds
1. Value your life. 2. Value the life of others as you value your own life. 3. Do not kill. 4. Do not be scared of death. 5. Respect everyone no matter your feelings towards them. 6. Do not be ashamed of the act of reproducing. 7. Do not be ashamed of your sexual attraction toward others. 8. Take care of your body and mind in a healthy manner. 9. Looks don't matter in the eyes of the unnameable. 10. Accept all other religions, no matter their beliefs towards the world. 11. Trust the word of the unnameable. 12. Never doubt the motives of the unnameable.
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saesstuf · 1 year ago
Teachings from the Order of Continuation:
Book of Thruds.
First Appearence: Creation of the world and Our purpose:
+Upon the unnameable waking up it felt confused, it noticed nothing, it was dark, too dark, the unnameable felt the pressure of the darkness upon itself, that is when it created the first element, light. -Original Saúl 4:07 5/9/23
+The unnameable resided for a long time in the deep black void it had waken up in, at that moment it cried as it felt it's second emotion, loneliness, and shed a tear, that is when the second element was created, water, though it floated far from were the unnameable was, lost forever in darkness. -Original Saúl 11:46 8/9/23
+After an indefinite amount of time the unnameable became bored of it's surroundings, it started by taking a piece of his meat and molding it by making a sphere of what we now call dirt, the unnameable in that moment created the element of earth, after it made a perfect sphere, the unnameable pinched certain parts of the sphere and puting wholes in the pinched areas, and in each and everyone of the wholes it  spit inside what we now call lava, the unnameable in that moment created the element of fire, after that, the unnameable was about to create the element of air into the object but something from the deep dark void took the sphere from the unnameable, making it disapear into the black nothingness, the unnameable cried, for an indefinite amount of time. -Original Saúl 10:12 9/9/23
+When the unnameable stopped crying it became filled with rage towards the unknown void creature that took away it's creation, he was so enraged in the end he ended up exploding, making a dense cloud of energy emanating from it's body, after a while of the cloud dispersing into the unknown void, the unnameable found finaly the object it created, it added a liquid clear as itself into channels and dents in the object, the unnameable at that moment created the element of water, and after realizing that because of the cloud of energy it created, the object had life in it now, he created for accident the concept of body and soul, and because the little life forms needed another element to survive, the unnameable broke open it's ribcase to give oxygen to the lif forms that began to reside the object it created, that is when the unnameable created the element of air, but the unknown void started truing to take the object away from the unnameable, it was having trouble protecting the object, so the unnameable with the last of his energy, he exploded once again, this time warding off the unknown void into a deep slumber, and creating other different objects that resembled the one it first made, that is when the unnameable created the planets, and after the explosion the unnameable too went into a deepslumber, awaiting for the return of the unknown void, awaiting for it to try and take away what the unnameable created. -Original Saúl 10:44 9/9/23
+May when we die we become one with the unnameable again, because it created us from it's own body, when we die, we shall return to it to give the unnameable strength. -Original Saúl 8:28 14/9/23
+When you die you shall not go to heaven nor hell, as those places are a creation of humans to punish and reward others actions, as for where you go to when you die, you go to a completely white planice, where everyone has already joined the unnameable within it's body and soul, and became one with it, while one may see oneself as their naked form when they arive to the waiting grounds, oneself is actually already a part of the unnameable and you are nothing but pure energy, the meaning to why one looks at himself as a human still, is because the human subcontious is not prepared to be one with everything, so that the mind doesn't disengage from the body of the unnameable, it turns to recreating a different subcontious so that it doesn't fry ones brain and it is also to prevent our mind from disengaging from the unnameable because the human mind is more powerfull than an animal, and it has the power to disengage from the unnameable as previously stated, and disengaging from the unnameable means elimination of your new and current (if that's the case) subcontious, and in thta way one cannot become one with the unnameable, and that means a huge loss, as the unnameable needs to rebuild it's own strength for the future battle against the unknown void. -Original Saúl 9:15 14/9/23
+One must live as happy as posible because in the end we will all become one with the unnameable. -Original Saúl 2:40 15/9/23
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saesstuf · 1 year ago
Me Blog humans
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saesstuf · 1 year ago
The Order Of Continuation
It is a religion created by me because why not, I was bored, and I didn't felt like drawing at the time, so, yeah, religion.
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saesstuf · 1 year ago
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kobeni doodles. can’t wait for her to level up like a pokemon and unleash more female hysteria in csm part 2
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