saerannies ¡ 7 months
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Happy Valentine's day, everyday for WangXian ❤
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saerannies ¡ 7 months
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❤️ A Very Shameless Love Confession ❤️
It's finally done! After one year of creating the original sketches, I finished this comic project!
I remember having a strong cinematic visual of this scene in my mind, where it's raining and Wei Wuxian is with his hair undone. And this is the outcome hehehe
I had so much fun with this! It was such a great experience to play with the expressions, the gestures, the movement, the angles. It was a learning experience for me.
I hope you enjoy the final piece as much as I enjoyed creating it!
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saerannies ¡ 7 months
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The one and... gone.
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saerannies ¡ 2 years
MIRROR -Full Length Book-
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saerannies ¡ 2 years
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By Kibo Typeset by @ Lyeyed Always amazed by how well they put this stuff together. 
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saerannies ¡ 2 years
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TFW You show up with apology gift after long unexplained absence
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saerannies ¡ 2 years
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Reigen: Oh! The moon is huge tonight.  Mob: It really is Reigen: Nowdays, the average person can go to the moon. You know how much it costs? Mob: No…about how much?  Reigen: 10 Billion When I was a boy, going on a trip to the moon trascended the realm of dreams into reality. Although, I think it’d be really difficult to do it in my lifetime. 
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saerannies ¡ 2 years
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There was that one day. A couple in their 30′s came into the consultation office.  It was the same as always for me. I read comics at the reception desk. Handwritten sign at mob’s lil table: Reception But then, while he was supposed to be talking with the clients, Shishou came over to where I was sitting. 
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saerannies ¡ 2 years
Okay so the new MP100 book came out....
And we learn that:
Reigen’s father is a local politician/elected government official. Reigen’s mother is a homemaker Reigen’s sister is a bank clerk. 
If his father is an elected official, image would be really important to him. It recontextualizes the seperation arc, because if Reigen was all over the news. He must have brought a lot of scandle to his family. 
His mom scripted an apology for him because he’s the son of a public figure.
It makes sense now that he held a press conference to address the allegations, instead of say, releasing a statement online. 
Reigen would have grown up watching his father maintain one face for his voters and another for his family.
It makes sense now that he’s great at debate and managing situations with words, because he would have grown up in a family where choosing your words carefully was an essential skill, having watched his father, campaign, debate other candidates, give press releases….etc
Everything makes sense now, why he is the way he is. Why he feels compelled to make a name for himself. Why taking on facades comes so naturally to him. All his inadequacies……
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saerannies ¡ 2 years
‘Me and the Shinigami Taxi’: A Mob Psycho 100 Game - ENG Release
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At 2 am, Mob wakes up to a message from Reigen. “Mob, are you awake? I’m about to take a ride in the Shinigami Taxi.” Shinigami Taxi? Reigen calls Mob and fills him in. It’s a taxi operated by a Shinigami that mainly carries spirits, but every so often, it’ll take a human on board. “A client of mine asked me to rescue her boyfriend who got into that taxi.”
Following this conversation, Mob finds he can no longer get in touch with Reigen. ”…I have to rescue shishou.” And so, Mob’s journey begins.
The English version of the MP100 game ‘Me and the Shinigami Taxi’ is finally available to download! This was such a huge pleasure to work on & I can’t thank Kuzu-san enough for the opportunity. The game can be downloaded from the official website here (please click ‘English’ at the top of the page to access). We tried very hard to get this game out before Halloween, so please enjoy 🎃You’ll find a whole bunch of information re: the game on the English site (how many endings there are, how to unlock everything, the trailer, etc.) so I’ll stop here!
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saerannies ¡ 2 years
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( Source )
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saerannies ¡ 2 years
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Good morning...
// ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴜᴘʟᴏᴀᴅ //
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saerannies ¡ 2 years
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yesterday vs. today
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saerannies ¡ 2 years
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mikahyuni on twitter
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saerannies ¡ 2 years
If you need ONE reason to know for a fact Katsuki is coming back… it’s IZUKU!!! You don’t need anything else. Let me elaborate.
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The reason Katsuki died was because AFO shoved him into a corner and aggressively targeted him to hurt IZUKU. This is something Izuku could never live with. This would be a tragedy for both EQUALLY.
Katsuki didn’t have a plan..he was taken off guard beause he had no idea how much he means to Izuku. He just assumed Izuku cares about them all equally because Hori made sure he removes him from every scene where we see Izuku lose control of his heart for Katsuki. So the fact Izuku brought his biggest weakness with him on this battlefield WITHOUT LETTING HIM KNOW TO WARN HIM THAT HE IS HIS WEAKNESS, Is something AFO will definitely use against Izuku. All Might knows how AFO works and knows he goes for peoples weaknesses. If he knew exactly what Katsuki being in danger does to Izuku and how it makes One for All turn against Izuku, he’d never let Katsuki come here.
Or they’d devise some sort of a plan.. have backup.. do something in case AFO decides to go for Katsuki, have Katsuki be mentally prepared..But Izuku kept this hidden from everyone and brought Katsuki’s demise onto him. This is something that is going to KILL Izuku. It’s not something Izuku could slowly recover from. It would be lethal for him. Unless Katsuki comes back.
I feel like All Might also should have sat down with Izuku and talked to him about this. Make Izuku tell him every single weakness he has. Explain how AFO works. And maybe Izuku would figure it out. I feel like maybe Izuku denies Katsuki is his weakness. He is looking away
And it was Izuku’s fatal mistake.
He is looking away because he is scared of how Katsuki makes him feel. He thinks “control your heart” means “ignore the feelings and push them away” but no. It means “acknowledge, face and accept your feelings. USE THEM AS YOUR STRENGTH.”
To clarify. I don’t blame Izuku. Poor thing has so much on his mind and the fate of the whole world depends on him. He doesn’t have the time to sit down and think about his feelings for Katsuki. So he is trying to ignore it. But because Katsuki is the one inside Izuku’s heart and OFA turns against Izuku when that heart is out of control, it would actually have been a part of the strategy to learn how to control it and face his feelings. In fact.. it would have been a CRUCIAL part.
So Izuku living, knowing he was the reason Katsuki died can’t end well. Izuku would eventually die as well. He would go insane.. lose his mind… and I feel like constantly seeing Katsuki as a vestige would be a reminder of the fact that he’s dead because of Izuku. It wouldn’t work.
So if Horikoshi wanted to kill Katsuki, he would do it in a way that doesn’t include it being BECAUSE OF IZUKU!!!!! Izuku would never get over Katsuki’s death even if he had nothing to do with it already. But if he did? It would kill him too.
But this is exactly what SFO wants. To break Izuku emotionally and mentally. It’s not in his best interest to physically fight Izuku. But if he can shatter his heart because he killed the person Izuku loves the most.. it will create an opening for him to steal OFA.
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saerannies ¡ 2 years
bakugou’s heart exploding BEFORE AFO attacks him is interesting. from an outside perspective, to everyone on that battlefield and everyone who hears about it, AFO is who killed bakugou, but we know that it’s bakugou who killed himself before AFO landed the fatal blow on him. we also see allmight’s vestige beforehand, so that has to mean bakugou is involved in some OFA stuff rn
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AFO saw the second user before he pierced bakugou. he was determined to kill him right then and there, quaking in his boots at the thought of this second user 2.0 coming after him again with increased power and speed that even he’s having trouble keeping up with. his anxiety and anger around bakugou means the second must have been one hell of a pain in the ass to kill/get rid of, whatever his quirk may have been (and also through his will to win, much like bakugou).
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if bakugou is affected by that quirk now, and comes back (as i’m assuming the second did many times) then it’s going to be so satisfying to see bakugou make a comeback and piss him off again. get his ass, bakugou!
but this is also interesting because of deku’s reaction, because bakugou has a big ass “hypocrite” sign with arrows pointing at him now.
let’s see, in this battle bakugou is focused on keeping everyone safe, charges to attack ShigAFO despite jeanist telling him not to, and ultimately meets a fate that no one is able to protect him from due to him going in alone
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look familiar?
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bakugou sure seems to think so, too.
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but you know what he told deku in the second war, and again during his apology/speech when they went to retrieve him?
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so how do you think deku would feel at first glance believing that bakugou was killed due to AFO after telling everyone that they couldn’t keep up and for their lives and that AFO was going to take them away from him, but instead seeing him in the vestige world and coming to find out that bakugou died doing exactly what he warned deku NOT to do, what everyone was trying to prevent him from doing by carrying this burden with him, after bakugou JUST said that to win that includes saving everyone and making up for each other’s weaknesses when they can’t handle everything on their own?
angry? sad? frustrated?
there’s gotta be a fuck ton of different emotions, since he’d also blame himself due to him being snatched away before hand and not being there with him, but also AFO was relentlessly targeting bakugou to kill him (swatting others away, and their attacks weren’t working either) in order to make deku rage and steal his power regardless of bakugou doing doing what he did, so really what choices would bakugou have if the others couldn’t protect him and he would’ve died regardless? he might as well have still made sure he could still be there/by deku’s side even if it’s not physically, right?
whew boy, i’m anticipating his reaction so bad
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saerannies ¡ 2 years
Thinking about how Izuku was suppose to be here fighting Shigaraki. Bakugou d1ed because Izuku wasn't there, that's how Deku is going to feel. I'm so scared of what's coming next
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