sae-ki0 ¡ 8 days
“Maybe in my another universe you’ll love me back”
Modern!au true form Sukuna x reader
[Reader and Sukuna get into a fight cause Sukuna forgot their anniversary]
{tw: violence, manipulation, threats towards reader, toxic relationship, sukuna being a jerk to the reader, angst, hurt no comfort.}
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<< Reader’s pov >>
Today was Sukuna and mine 4th anniversary. I’ve been preparing for this day since a few months. Uraume had been a great help setting up this secret plan. I have bought new kimonos for us and a lot of other gifts for Sukuna.
My plan was to surprise Sukuna during our dinner (date) I’ve set up with Uraume. I wore Sukuna’s favorite kimono and left to find him in his chamber.
<< end pov >>
You make your way to Sukuna’s chamber. You enter to see Sukuna manspreading on the futon.
“Hi kuna!” You exclaimed as you made your way next to him. “What do you want, brat?” Sukuna says his eyes not leaving you. “You know what day it is? Guess guess” you smiled. “I do not have time for your stupid antics and questions. Now if you’re done I have work to attend” Sukuna spoke in his usual ‘cold’ tone before leaving the chamber leaving you all by yourself.
‘It’s not like he must have forgotten’ you shrug and made your way to the kitchen to help out the estates maids. With all the working and chores you didn’t even notice the time, time for Sukuna’s arrival at his chamber. You hurriedly fixed yourself and rushed to his room not wanting to make him wait.
You were currently waiting in Sukuna’s chamber so y’all could eat lunch together. Uraume prepared his ‘usual’ and human food for me. Sukuna soon enters with a stoic look on his face and sat next to me. He continued eating in silence, a silence you were quiet used to. You couldn’t shrug off the feeling that he might have just forgotten about the special day. So you decided to spark up a conversation. “Kuna, what’s your plan after this?” You ask him nonchalantly. “Hunting” he replies in a short cold manner. Of course he is gonna go ‘hunt’ killing thousands of people for some fun. Did he forget? Never mind he must have something planned for you. You don’t wanna waste his effort. You try thinking positively. As time passed you got even more anxious, the knot in your stomach growing tighter. Soon enough it was night time, time for your surprise.
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{let me know if y’all want a part 2} :3
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