sadtavros-blog · 6 years
Happiness Will Come To You.
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sadtavros-blog · 7 years
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Cute morning yoga routine~ My edit ♥ src
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sadtavros-blog · 7 years
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sadtavros-blog · 7 years
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🍃August 15, 2017 //.
🍃 Hey guys! I made some notes for my Philosophy subject. 
🍃Idk if i did great but i like it. 🍃also im still working on my penmanship lol tell me what you think about it
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sadtavros-blog · 7 years
This is so cute and bloody perfect
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My favorite classic anime character from one of my all-time favorite animes.
Hope you like my Ryoga cosplay! I hope to do his regular outfit sometime but for now his workout one will work. Older animes need more love in the cosplay world! I absolutely love how fluffy the bangs are for this.
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sadtavros-blog · 7 years
What is he doing
He didn’t put the maíz down first
(Love your art)
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one of my pieces i did for the SP Zine c: 
unfortunately the project was cancelled but I’m still glad to have been able to work on it and get the chance to put my heart in a piece like this! Here’s some David and his mami making some tamales, he is trying his best…
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sadtavros-blog · 7 years
Reblog if you're not homophobic
Every url that reblog’s will be written in a book and shown to my homophobic dad. 
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sadtavros-blog · 7 years
Hey what the fuck happened to all the net neutrality coverage
This shit is still happening people, and all of the sudden its disappeared from my dash almost entirely over night
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sadtavros-blog · 7 years
The FCC sided with Comcast and decided to let ISPs censor the internet. The Internet needs to stop this from happening: http://cms.fightforthefuture.org/tellfcc/
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Last Wednesday, FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler announced a proposal for new rules that would allow for a “ fast lane” of Internet traffic for content providers who are willing (and able) to pay a fee. [1] The proposal reverses the FCC’s previous commitment to net neutrality and open internet and allows ISP’s like Comcast or Verizon to slow down and censor services that don’t pay the toll.
We have to be totally honest, this situation is seriously grim. But there is still hope. The FCC already knows that the Internet community wants net neutrality, but they think they can put their spin on these new rules and sneak them through. If we can prove them wrong right now with a massive public outcry, we can literally save the Internet once again.
We need to stop the FCC now. Big business groups are already ramping up lobbying efforts with the FCC in swarms since Wednesday’s announcement in support of censoring the open Internet and to ensure this dangerous proposal moves forward. [2]
This is a critical moment. In the last few weeks more than 65,000 people have taken action with us. Can you help us get to 80,000 by the end of the day today?
[1] Gautham Nagesh. “FCC to Propose New ‘Net Neutrality’ Rules”. http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304518704579519963416350296
[2] Edward Wyatt. Edward Wyatt. “Lobbying Efforts Intensify After F.C.C. Tries 3rd Time on Net Neutrality” http://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/25/business/lobbying-efforts-intensify-after-fcc-tries-3rd-time-on-net-neutrality.html?hpw&rref=politics
  - Fight For The Future
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sadtavros-blog · 7 years
I am surrounded by nerds with an inadequate amount of memes for over 5 hours a day
Kill me
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sadtavros-blog · 7 years
Hey, I run the fuckyeah-ciscoramon and fuckyeah-carlosvaldez blogs I loveeee your header image! And thanks for the follow btw ;3 Can I share your header image???
Yes you can, just give me a little creditI really like your blog since Cisco is just amazing and Carlos as an actor is so chill. I couldn't find any cool Cisco backgrounds so I kinda made my own.
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sadtavros-blog · 7 years
I figured it out!!!!!!!!!!
Holy shit
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sadtavros-blog · 7 years
The frost witness
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What’s your Slenderverse series name? 
Mine is “To The Witness” 
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sadtavros-blog · 7 years
A good amount of these posts don't exist
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ever wanted to do some stuff? like, different stuff? tired of having to scroll through your huge ref tag? LOOK NO FURTHER!! Have a masterpost of LITERALLY EVERYTHING which took me 5 hours to make so reblog it
Painting tutorial
Female/male arms
Kneeling + Sitting ref
Dragon head view tutorial
SAI brushes 86786
Drawing expressions
Sai Brushes 1
NGE colour palette 1
100+ colour palletes
Avoiding same face
Face contours/highlighting 
free art MyPaint
Body anatomy help 1
How to shift images using blur in PS
Drawing clothe folding
How to draw ice
Colour palette 1
Colour palette 2
SAI brush settings 2
SAI/PS pixel brushes
Warm/Cool gray
Flower crown tutorial
Skin colour palette
Pink colour sheet
How to draw butts&thighs
The male torso
Drawing glowing stuff in SAI
Drawing horse/animal legs on humans
Drawing clouds
Muscular male with bow stock photos
Pastel colours
Drawing grass fields in SAI
All about the human body
20+ colour palettes 
Colour conversion
Kissing ref
Creature design 
Colour meanings
Creating expression
Tutorial masterpost (100+)
How to colour
Pose studies
Feline comparisons
How to draw penis
Leaf pressing
100+ anatomy references 
How to draw folds
SAI brushes 3
Sitting poses
Colour palette 4
Cloud painting
How to draw 3D rooms
Colour info
Colouring ref
Hair tutorial
Clothing ref
Bodies and poses
SAI brushes 5
Colour scheme designer
Folding ref
Paint tool SAI masterpost
Drawing ref masterpost (10+)
How to draw faces
SAI brushes 4
Anatomy of mutant humans
What should I draw?
Free art software
pastel colour ref
Mass art ref
Soft SAI brushes
ways to draw stuff
SAI brush settings
baseball cap ref
Penis ref
Drawing human wings
Cool free art software
Huge art ref
Colour blender
2 SAI brushes
Photoshop for free 
Inspiration 1
Instead of ‘whispered’
Music for writing fight scenes
Writing fantasy
Emotions vocab sheet
How to reveal character
Writers block resource
Writing a death scene
BIO help
Music to help you write
Writing prompt generators
Got writers block?
How to torture a character
Degrees of emotion
ULTIMATE writing ref, 500+
Character names
Body language
25 days of fic
Writing people of colour
nanowrimo start kit
character flaws
Becoming an adult masterpost
cute OTP things
Resource masterpost
For bored people
Anime + Manga recs
how to make a blanket nest
Getting an apartment
what should i read next?
If you’re bored
Delete tourists from photos
Cute pet nicknames
Family tree explained 
Pulling an all nighter 
masterpost of themes/pixels/emoticons
List of demon names
Demons & Deities in the bible
Moss graffiti 
Types of attraction
Trampoline = outside bed
College textbooks
God masterpost
OTP necklaces
Super silky summer legs
Plastic keychains
How to write cover letters
make music on itunes sound great
Classic lit
Black/gold ref 1
Cosplay eye makeup
Halloween eye gore makeup (tw eye gore)
Rotting skin halloween makeup
Eyeliner ref
bloody halloween nails
Getting gender-neutral pronouns on facebook
Pokemon mystery dungeons iphone
Ghosty backgrounds 
1000+ everything clothing ref
Awesome jackets
Cheer up/Be happy
If you’re having a bad night
Movies to watch when you’re down
8ft giant squid pattern
Cheeseburger cupcakes
Deep-dish cookie for one
Burning stomach fat
PokéRadar guide
Play pokémon games online
Pkmn Shiny hunting guide
Animal crossing new leaf face/hair guide
Free RPG games
Mental health:
Talking about your mental health
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sadtavros-blog · 7 years
🌸weight loss spell!🌸
✨you’ll feel more motivated and you’ll lose weight faster!✨ like to charge, reblog to cast⭐️️
good luck angels!
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sadtavros-blog · 7 years
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i made a background for my desktop and it was so time-consuming
if you want me to try to help make one i can do it cause i have no life
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sadtavros-blog · 7 years
she dosnt want him to leave again
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I was watching the season 3 promo for Rick and Morty again and i noticed something weird 
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I was tryna figure out why Beth was huddled up on the ground behind the table here before the release date came up
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shes hugging rick’s leg while he sleeps 
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