sadsp-acekitten · 4 hours
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Phantom Comic Ch.5
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sadsp-acekitten · 7 hours
The entire neighborhood is just gone.
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This is the Dahiya doctrine:
The Dahiya doctrine, or Dahya doctrine, is an Israeli military strategy involving the large-scale destruction of civilian infrastructure in order to pressure hostile governments. The doctrine was outlined by former Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Chief of General Staff Gadi Eizenkot. Israel colonel Gabriel Siboni wrote that Israel "should target economic interests and the centers of civilian power that support the organization". The logic is to harm the civilian population so much that they will then turn against the militants, forcing the enemy to sue for peace.
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sadsp-acekitten · 7 hours
Corset discourse really likes to talk in sensationalizing absolutes but historically speaking a corset is just a kind of garment. They could be uncomfortable and painful or they could be well fitted and supportive. They could be hyper-fashionable or they could be brutally practical. You could tightlace them or you could wear them with no reduction whatsoever. Most corsets were probably somewhere in the middle. Like bras. Or shoes. To say they were never perceived as restrictive or used as tools of enforcing dangerous/misogynistic beauty standards is like saying women's shoes never restrict freedom of movement. Patently untrue, but that doesn't mean those shoes have some deeper moral good or evil and it certainly doesn't mean we can use that fact to draw sweeping generalizations about the relationships of entire centuries of women to their own bodies. Corsets, like all clothing, exist in context.
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sadsp-acekitten · 7 hours
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every year we have to say it
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sadsp-acekitten · 7 hours
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sadsp-acekitten · 7 hours
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sadsp-acekitten · 7 hours
If you were the handsome blonde flag bearer in yellow at the Battle of Prestonpans Jacobites Rising of 1745 I’m sorry if I knew you and didn’t recognise you if that’s why you kept staring at me, I didn’t want to wave during the battle and look like a fool
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sadsp-acekitten · 7 hours
Woke up to "well intersex people need to work on being less transmisogynistic if they want us to be less intersexist" and I'm going to fucking puke acid in someone's eyes I swear
Us being "transmisogynistic" is saying intersex trans people (women, men, and beyond) can look different from perisex trans people in lived experience and physical attributes and that we can identify however the fuck we want regardless of what perisex trans ppl think. Yall being intersexist is upholding the medical and social eradication of intersex people. Fuck all the way off.
You all are afraid of what has happened to us happening to you. So you uphold our eradication hoping you won't be fucking next, thinking we have power over you. Intersex people survey to have worse quality of life overall in every aspect than perisex trans people of every comparible group. Y'all are fucked towards intersex people and do not want to do better.
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sadsp-acekitten · 7 hours
ayo this pretty cool
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[id: active style manual wheelchair with frame made of rectangle wood planks screwed together. end id]
as we know active type wheelchair very expensive, & repair need buy from specific medical manufacturer n take very long time. someone (who wheelchair user themself of near 40 years) made open source active manual wheelchair where most (if not all?) material from commercial easy get materials! wood, plastic, pvc pipe, & those commercial aluminum square pipe things. n they put guide made them yourself in link for anyone want try make
this video from their instagram show their wood frame wheelchair actually pretty durable, include clip from everyday use & even drop wheelchair all over place (basically imagine what airline do to them…) - n wheelchair stay in tact! n even if some part break - it easy change because wood planks all screwed together so you just buy wood plank & unscrew & rescrew.
not great for people w advanced seating positioning needs probably (think if only problem is easy butt pressure sore, maybe can still use this + supportive cushion but think beyond that it get hard). but if like you don’t need those things then maybe fun project?
have not use for self so can’t actually talk about experience but it look pretty cool
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sadsp-acekitten · 14 hours
I forget sometimes that they’re still making giant statues
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sadsp-acekitten · 14 hours
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sadsp-acekitten · 14 hours
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sadsp-acekitten · 14 hours
my watch doesn't quite communicate notifications right, so any time I get a note on Tumblr, this is what I see :/
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it's not even on that post
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sadsp-acekitten · 14 hours
the best-worst thing about having a aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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sadsp-acekitten · 18 hours
Tumblr users mad at me for saying you shouldn’t call trans men bitches. Wait till they hear my other radical opinions such as ‘you also shouldnt call women bitches’ (both cis and trans women can’t believe I have to say this but some people assume women just means cis women)
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sadsp-acekitten · 18 hours
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sadsp-acekitten · 18 hours
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i wish he would come down from heaven & kill every instagram fitness liquid diet ozempic green juice low calorie food blogger
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