saddryad · 4 years
I don’t know how to anything but pretend. Pretend that I’m happy that I’m ok. That I don’t want to fucking die all the goddamn time. It’s so easy to act like it’s all alright. Like I have my shit together. That I’m satisfied with my life. That it doesn’t fucking kill me to feel so goddam lonely all the time. And now I’m here screaming into the void. As if anyone can hear me. As if anyone actually cares.
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saddryad · 4 years
Start reblogging the money blessings post…
If you haven’t already done it…. Go hit that reblog button. Do what you have to, just do that too.
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Like seriously. Just find one and reblog it real quick. I post a couple yesterday and put into the universe that I actually wanted it
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Only been at work for a couple and I get this at as a tip! (tips ain’t normal at ALL in here)
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Come on now!!
Let it work for y’all too
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saddryad · 5 years
I may be sad but at least I’m hot
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saddryad · 5 years
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saddryad · 6 years
I wanna be 14 again and ruin my life differently… I have new ideas
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saddryad · 6 years
Adulthood is understanding why Shrek just wanted to be left alone.
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saddryad · 6 years
So many songs I wanna fuck you to
a whole playlist
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saddryad · 6 years
Dear Crush
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saddryad · 6 years
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saddryad · 6 years
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bless Scottish twitter
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saddryad · 6 years
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saddryad · 6 years
10 July 2018
Reminder: Do not buy from Amazon or even open the website on 10 July 2018, in solidarity with the transnational strike.
Amazon workers in Spain have called for a transnational strike because Amazon has been avoiding accountability for its labour rights violations by merely shifting the work (and the human rights abuses Amazon inflicts on their workers) to non-striking countries, each time a strike occurs. If there is widespread striking transnationally, Amazon will have no choice but to recognize the strikers’ demands in order to keep their facilities functioning.
Our job as allies is to support the strike by avoiding using the Amazon website or purchasing anything from Amazon for as long as the strike continues. A mass boycott of the site, coinciding with the strike, will strengthen the workers’ bargaining position and could be crucial to Amazon workers gaining back basic rights in a variety of countries.
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saddryad · 6 years
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saddryad · 6 years
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saddryad · 6 years
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saddryad · 6 years
Reblog or your mom will die in 928 seconds.
I love my mom.
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I am risking nothing
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Will not risk.
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sorry followers :(
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saddryad · 6 years
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this is the money dog, repost in the next 24 hours and money will come your way!!
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