saddestflyboy-blog · 6 years
(( replies will be posted tomorrow, sorry for the wait guys))
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saddestflyboy-blog · 6 years
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{{ hello sup here is ur local punk }}
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saddestflyboy-blog · 6 years
{{ ugh I probs shouldn't start another hobby but is anyone into books or got a book/comic club I could join? I'm rlly into discussing literature and sadly most my friends aren't ;,( }}
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saddestflyboy-blog · 6 years
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bad habits – fidlar
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saddestflyboy-blog · 6 years
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586 notes · View notes
saddestflyboy-blog · 6 years
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saddestflyboy-blog · 6 years
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13K notes · View notes
saddestflyboy-blog · 6 years
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saddestflyboy-blog · 6 years
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73 notes · View notes
saddestflyboy-blog · 6 years
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saddestflyboy-blog · 6 years
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saddestflyboy-blog · 6 years
‘  are  you  hitting  me  up  for  money  with  your  hand  on  my  uh—  ’
‘  are  you  here  to  save  me ?  ’
‘  are  you  sure  we  should  be  doing  this ?   it  kind  of  feels  like  cheating .  ’
‘  come  back  to  bed !  ’
‘  he  just  sent  me  flowers  that  you  send  to  someone  when  you’re  worried  they’ll  never  see  a  flower  again .  ’
‘  he  wore  the  perfume  of  death .  ’
‘  hi  there ,   little  future  train  wreck .  ’
‘  i  accept  that  you  will  be  a  little  intense   –   a  little  too  much  sometimes  because  you  care  so  much .  ’
‘  i  came  back  because  i’m  in  love  with  you .  ’
‘  i  couldn’t  have  you  find  out  without  me  being  there  to  hug  you .  ’
‘  i  don’t  think  there’ll  be  a  next  time .  ’
‘  i  hate  people .  ’
‘  i  knew  you  for  such  a  short  time   &   i’ve  missed  you  forever .  ’
‘  i  know  you’re  not  okay .   i  can  tell .  ’
‘  i  like  the  hat .   i  was  focused  on  that  most  of  the  time .  ’
‘  i  regretted  it  the  moment  i  said  it .  ’
‘  i  think  she’s  in  big  trouble .  ’
‘  i  wish  i  could  make  you  feel  dirty .  ’
‘  invitation’s  open .   you  can  come  along  if  you’d  like  to .  ’
‘  it’s  hard  to  face  the  truth  sometimes .   it’s  scary .  ’
‘  it’s  scary  not  knowing  what’s  coming  next ,   but  you’ve  got  the  worlds  best  safety net .  ’
‘  it’s  where  it  all  began .  ’
‘  i’ll  make  sure  you  get  your  jacket  back .  ’
‘  i’m  a  very  curious  person   &   i  try  not  to  underestimate  people .  ’
‘  i’m  not  here  to  see  you ,   i  have  a  life .   good  lord .  ’
‘  i’m  slowly  poisoning  my  father - in - law .  ’
‘  last  week  some  regrettable  utterances  were   .   .   .   uttered .  ’
‘  let’s  go .   or  we  could  stay   &   .   .   .   i’ll  kill  him .  ’
‘  majority  rules  might’ve  worked  in  medieval  times ,   but  we  live  in  a  civil  society  now .  ’
‘  please  don’t  help .  ’
‘  she  is  a  little  extra .   i  agree .  ’
‘  stay  here .   it’s  nice  here .  ’
‘  that  doesn’t  even  make  sense .  ’
‘  that’s  a  far  cry  from  cigarettes   &   sadness .   that’s  your  usual  m.o.  ’
‘  there’s  no  way  in  hell  that  you  should  have  a  baby .  ’
‘  this  is  unfortunate  timing .  ’
‘  was  that  anger  or  foreplay ?  ’
‘  we  are  lame .   we  are  so  lame .  ’
‘  we  have  a  text  chain .   it’s  mostly  gifs ,   but  sometimes  we  talk  about  how  messed  up  y’all  are .  ’
‘  well ,   if  you’d  let  me  demonstrate   .   .   .  ’
‘  whatever  you  need ,   i’ve  got  you .   all  hands  on  deck .  ’
‘  what’s  wrong  with  you ?   you  look  weird .  ’
‘  why  would  you  come  back ?  ’
‘  you  are  a  bad  girl .  ’
‘  you  are  so  lame .   you  are  both  so  lame .  ’
‘  you  came  across  the  country  to  say  you’re  sorry ?  ’
‘  you  can’t  go  into  marriage  thinking  about  ‘ forever ’ .   who  put  that  stupid  idea  into  your  head ?  ’
‘  you  dodged  a  very  slow  moving  bullet .   i’d  call  that  a  good  use  of  your  time .  ’
‘  you  don’t  need—-   you  don’t  need  an  explanation .  ’
‘  you  don’t  overthink  things  like  i  do .   that  could  be  a  good  thing  too .  ’
‘  you  feel  like  you  need  to  be  a  rock  for  them   &   that  apologizing  shows  vulnerability .  ’
‘  you  have  trouble  apologizing .  ’
‘  you  made  me  feel  dirty .   real  dirty .  ’
‘  your  affair  with  her  was  over .   you  should’ve  stayed  away .   why  did  you  come  back ?  ’
‘  you’re  just  saying  this  stuff  because  you’re  scared ,   or  i’m  scared ,   or  we’re  scared .  ’
‘  you’re  not  here  right  now   &   ,   trust  me ,   you  really  wanna  be .  ’
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saddestflyboy-blog · 6 years
It took a few moments of awkwardly staring at her before he realised he should probably say something to not seem mentally handicapped. He quickly giggled to hide the awkwardness of the situation and nodded at her.
❝I'm Egon--      it's rare to see someone in this place so excuse my initial shock.❞
He tried to be as polite as possible, unexpected interactions gave him a heavy feeling in his stomach but after assessing the situation he was about 80% sure Athena wouldn't jump him or try to murder him. Probably.
It’s a long and lonely road
She sat alone, she was lost in her thoughts and couldnt pull herself out. She felt stranded and alone. Almost hopeless that this is how her life was going to be forever, yet she didnt want it this way
Athena looked out towards the water fiddling with a blade of grass between her fingers when she heard leaves crush under someones feet turning around she spoke “oh im sorry i didn’t know someone was here”
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saddestflyboy-blog · 6 years
He nodded, biting his lip as he started up the expensive machine. Egon didn't have any siblings, so he could not really relate to either loving or hating your siblings. Maybe that was for the best though.
❝Wasn't a religious nutjob I hope?       ---Oh god, was that insensitive? If it was I'm sorry.❞
The young barista really couldn't filter his words sometimes and just said what came to mind, surprisingly he got not half as much into trouble for it as he probably deserved though.
❝Need any sugar or milk in the coffee?      Maybe some cream on top?            Or a cookie so you heal fast!❞
He flashed Abel a smile, not wanting to be stuck on the negative side of conversation so soon.
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Egon was more relaxed now that the topic went towards something he actually understood and knew about.                        Ignorance is bliss as they say. Besides, Abel, as the other had introduced himself, seemed rather pleasant if you ignore the strange circumstances that surrounded their meeting.
❝Your parents must have been pretty creative with your name huh?       —God I’m sorry you must hear that one all the time.❞
Egon couldn’t help but chuckle a bit, taking one quick glance at the other to make sure he really was alright before moving behind the counter.
❝Intolerant huh?      That would be a death sentence for me.❞
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             Regardless of circumstances, Abel was taught to be a kind person, do unto others as the saying goes, this time as no different, besides there was no reason for him to be unpleasant towards Egon, even with his wound.
       “Pff, no it’s okay, my ma named me and my ass of a brother after the story in the bible                Cane and Abel…..”
The way he spoke about his mother and the way he spoke about his brother was vastly different, it was clear he didn’t get along with Cane. He sighed a little, hoping to leave that subject there.
      “Yeah, I mean…I don’t end up in hospital if I consume it,                            I just don’t feel good after drinking it.”
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saddestflyboy-blog · 6 years
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saddestflyboy-blog · 6 years
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Maggot King
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saddestflyboy-blog · 6 years
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