sacklersdoll · 4 years
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thank you
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sacklersdoll · 4 years
Not Suitable for Living
Summary: You were just an innocent little cat girl, owned by the mighty master of the Knights of Ren: Kylo Ren.
Pairing: Catgirl!Reader x Kylo Ren.
Word count: 422.
Warnings: Animal roleplay, delusion, dead dove: do not eat, death.
Days passed by fast, you didn’t realize just how many but they were nothing short of a blur. Most times you spent lying down on the king sized bed, black sheets caressing your skin, soothing your constant anxious state. 
There wasn’t much to be done, you were just a girl. A tiny little cat girl, with nothing better to do but curl up in a ball in Commander Kylo Ren’s quarters.
He was gone most of the time, or so you were told, busy doing Gods’ know what with Gods’ know who but you didn’t care, you were just a cat girl.
A small yawn fell from your lips as you stretched and stood up, bones cracking and echoing in the vast room. It was dark, dim lit with the panels that controlled the lights and the automatic doors. Next to the bed there was another panel, you pushed a button and a service droid came out of the wall and dropped a space tuna can and a container on your feet. As you devoured your spatial fish, the hatch to the main quarters hissed open.
The commander was here! He was gonna see you for the first time and you were ecstatic.
As he walked in his room, you stood up straight and looked at him expectantly.
The look of revulsion he shot back at you turned your bones into jelly.
“Who are you?”, he spat. His deep voice resonating in the darkened space. His lip twitched when you didn’t reply immediately. “Get out.”
You didn’t know what to say so you dropped to your knees and then supporting yourself on both hands, slowly crawled, in all-four, to where he was standing.
Kylo moved so fast you barely registered the motion, pivoting out of your reach and unclicking his weapon from the waist of his padded armor.
You whined and tried turning your head up to get a view of where your Commander went. 
A flash of furious red plasma blinded you, creating an arch from the ceiling of the room to where your puny body was.
The burning hot sensation of his weapon cutting through your flesh was the last thing you felt as your life flashed before your eyes. The last image to grace you was the vision of Kylo Ren, in all his glory, absolutely disgusted. Pale face peppered with moles and freckles, his pink lips twisted in a sneer, long nose turned and his eyes, his golden eyes burning holes in you.
That was your last memory. 
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sacklersdoll · 4 years
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sacklersdoll · 4 years
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help me adam sackler, I’m stuck
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sacklersdoll · 4 years
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Are you angry with me now?
Just annoyed, yeah.
Will you still have sex with me?
When it's appropriate, sure.
Can I hug you goodbye?
I'm busy.
Girls S01E03 All Adventurous Women Do
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