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s0rcererkiller · 6 days ago
hi dolls. sorry for the silence, had a real long day then got stood up lol. takin the night off but i’ll try to answer ya all soon, promise. take care of yourselves. love ya lots.
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s0rcererkiller · 10 days ago
💋 babe you got taste cause biscoff is really good have you tried biscoff spread?
biscoff spread? what do ya put it on? god damn, making me hungry.
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s0rcererkiller · 10 days ago
biscoff are actually my second favourite! my favourite are milk chocolate digestive biscuits! also, they aren't cookies, they are biscuits 😞😞
yeahh it turned our fine, she kinda ignored it so yk! my curly hair is so hard to maintain but always worth it!!
omg, ive recently been SO obsessed with vocaloids!! im kind of new to it, but my favourite vocaloid song is anonymous m and my favourite vocaloid is kagamine rin!
i got the book 'no longer human' by dazai osamu and AODBAN I LOVE IT SOSOSOS MUCH!! oba yozo is literally me
the dry ones ya give to babies? yeah, they're not too bad either. what's the difference between a biscuit n a cookie? gotta teach me this shit. thought they were cookies too lol.
glad it went alright for ya. n heh, don't have curls but i hear they take work. happy to hear ya feel like it's worth it. i'm sure they look nice on ya.
vocaloids, huh? the kids that sing in the phone n shit? miki used to listen when she was younger. just remember the girl with the leek lol. never understood why she needed to sing with a damn leek in her hand. which one is that?
never read it. what's it about?
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s0rcererkiller · 10 days ago
well… i went on a date with this guy i’ve known for a long time. we went to school for yearsss and ended up going to the same uni but we didnt rlly get closer til maybe a year or two ago. it was rlly nice tho and i had fun :p
- 🍮
glad ya had a good time, doll. hope he treated you right. it's nice to reconnect with folks n shit. ya going out with him again? say hi for me heh. be safe too, yeah?
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s0rcererkiller · 10 days ago
been doing ok lately, ji !! had a nice lil’ break but i gotta go back to uni on monday ૮ ྀི◞ ⸝⸝ ◟ ྀིა so not fun !!! especailly cus it’s been soo cold lately like omg wakin’ up so early in the morning is super tough ! when i go to wash my face i end up stayin’ there for like 10 mins bcs the warm water feels nice <//3
hru btw daddy ! tell me everythinggg hehe i miss u
- 🧁
glad to hear it. breaks are good. you'll do great at school baby, don't sweat it, alright? enjoy your break. been damn cold, hasn't it? fuck. walked a neighbour's dog for some extra cash n nearly froze my damn balls off. dog was fuckin pissed about it too.
been doin alright, doll. just shovelling snow n being a dad n shit. same as usual. resting with my time off but still busy. missed ya too. take care, yeah?
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s0rcererkiller · 10 days ago
Well I’m feeling better now, I ran some tests and everything is good, doc just told me to eat red meat at least once a week and food that contains iron. So we can fuck like rabbits now it’s all good
Well after seeing my doc I saw a psychiatrist and she told me that I don’t look and sound like I got adhd (????) I saw another one yesterday and I finally got my letter so I will be able to get diagnosed. Now the tricky part will be to find a place that does it for free, and where I won’t wait a whole year or two to get an appointment. I hope everything goes well for you baby
red meat n iron, huh? sounds like the shit ji's been tellin ya lol. better listen to that doc cause they know what they're talkin bout. gotta get some steak in my woman. n heh. that's what i like to hear.
glad ya got your letter, baby. you'll figure it out, promise. toughest part is getting the ball rolling n all that. proud of ya for finding other folks, gotta advocate for yourself sometimes. don't worry bout me doll, i've started already. got a good shrink that shiu pays for n shit, tough love but she tells it to me straight.
and fuck ma, the braids look damn good on ya. the lashes too. swear you get more beautiful every time i see ya. think this style's gotta be my favourite on ya so far, frames that pretty face of yours perfectly.
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s0rcererkiller · 10 days ago
hi ji ji <33 i missed you baby !! i usually only bother you when i see you're active, i don't wanna fill your inbox with my yapping lol
it's been a hell of a journey these past weeks </3 m sorry i missed valentine's day, but i can tell you i love you now !! :') happy valentine's day my beloved mwah mwah mwah !!!
we never ended up going to the goth club :( it was a whole process to get there so we just stayed home n watched a movie instead, but i got all dolled up for nothing 😔
still been cooking !! i made really yummy oreo pancakes for breakfast (and ate too many n got a tummy ache) but i made a really good avocado salad, and and i made this um it's like dumplings and kimchi and rice and it was really really good
iiii don't really remember what else i said in my last ask hehe, just wanted to pop in n say hi n i miss u,,, mwah
-much love !! 🦋
heh. hi pretty boy. missed ya more. don't gotta worry bout that. even if i don't respond right away, i always read what ya send me. makes my day. you're welcome to come chat any time.
happy valentines, baby. how'd it go for ya? hope you spoiled yourself. you deserve it. love ya lots.
'm sorry ya didn't get to go. dolling up is never for nothing if ya feel cute doing it. what movie did ya watch? was it any good? been a bad time to drive with all the damn snow n shit so maybe ya dodged a bullet heh.
oreo pancakes huh? need to give me the recipe, baby. sounds delicious. those dumplings too. kimchi rice is fuckin addicting. need to try your cooking soon, making me all hungry n shit.
i miss ya lots doll. happy to her yer lil voice. come back soon, alright?
love ya.
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s0rcererkiller · 10 days ago
yeah :3 I’m doing well !!!!
glad to hear it kitty. makes me real happy.
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s0rcererkiller · 10 days ago
i love ponyo toooo ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
yesss if you want to watch some more, it gets more exiting the last few seasons. it’s been a while since I’ve watched it but i remember that the first 2 seasons weren’t as exiting as the last two, but maybe that’s just me. there’s a spin-off too, it’s called „better call Saul“ it’s soooo good too. if you liked breaking bad
thank you ji, my periods almost over and I’m feeling a lot better. the rash too, it’s almost gone. I’ve been to the doctor before and the only thing he told me was to moisturize my skin which is do every day (ー_ー)
how are doing??
heh. cute movie, isn't it? gotta give me some more ghibli movies to watch with the kids if ya got any.
sounds like a good time. i'll give it another rewatch if ya keep me company. think i've forgot a lot of shit so gonna have to start from the beginning if ya dont fill me in lol. i'll put the spin off on my watch list too.
gotta tell your doc that, doll. i'm glad it's going away though. hope you're all healed up soon.
doin alright. been busy, but that's life. still got time off but got work again next week, think it'll be alright though. happy to relax til then heh.
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s0rcererkiller · 10 days ago
biscoff BISCUITS are literally heaven on earth 🥹
JI IM SO AIDBEKQIDHRELOXBF #scareddddd bro i have some appointment with my mother and like erm im like er scared she's gonna see my (OLD) scars and urmm eeeeh uhh idk wtf to doooo broskiii FUCK no its okay !! okay cool ignoring that, IVE HAD MY NATURAL HAIR OUT FOR LIKE A WEEK AND IM LOVING IT! i usually straighten it, but my curls are now curling >:-) hehehe
love you tonssss
they your favourite cookies?
hope it all went well for ya, angel. think it'll all be okay in the end, even if shit feels scary at first. that's usually how life goes, isn't it? curly hair is real pretty heh. glad you're feeling confident, that's good stuff.
love ya lots too, doll. stay safe.
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s0rcererkiller · 10 days ago
Good morningnight! I had to wake up early to pack so I can catch the plane right after work tomorrow morning. I haven't been on a plane in years, and I'm kinda scared. I also would like to stay home. Traveling suckssss.
But how are you? I hope you're taking care of yourself, sleeping, all that! Yeah, you're probably going to outlive some of us, especially meeee, with all my bad habitsssss 💖
I am so tired, I want to go back to bed! I also can't because I'm waiting for a phone call or text from one of the people in charge of hiring for the position. The initial interview went extremely well, I think they like me! We are setting up a second interview, it seems like this position would be a really smooth transition because it's so similar to my current one in the way of workload and pacing, at least according to the recruiter. It is day shift, and the pay increase is... wow. It's also in a safer area, I think. I am practically vibrating with excitement. I really want this!
💖🫠I always ask nicely! I'm so well behaved all the time hehe🫠💖
hope yer flight goes well, doll. travelling is tiring but i'm sure you'll have fun heh. gotta tell me all about your trip after.
i'm taking care, promise. haven't been sleeping too great but that's life. been doing everything i can otherwise. you better be taking care too.
i hope it goes good for ya, baby. sounds like you'd be a great fit there n they'd be real lucky to have ya on the team. proud of ya heh.
sure. keep telling yourself that lol.
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s0rcererkiller · 10 days ago
fell asleep during class and drooled on my sleeve
- 🦢
cute. don't miss too much school though, alright? gotta pay attention for those exams or whatever.
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s0rcererkiller · 10 days ago
I’d like to have some intimate moment with my man it’s been a while😩
I got bohemian braids I can show you if you want
I kinda feel off tbh. I got symptoms that look like I got adhd but my doctor didn’t took it seriously. She said since I didn’t got diagnosed when I was a kid and I’ve made it to college I don’t have adhd like bitch what? And when I told her all of my symptoms she blamed it on anxiety, stress, lack of sleep, depression and me being jittery like bye
heh. never gonna complain about that, ma. been a while, hasn't it? always weak cause of your anemia these days lol. how ya feelin now?
damn baby. sexy as fuck heh. 'm sure they look real good on ya.
adhd huh? ji's getting diagnosed right now too. would've been real pissed if my shrink said some stupid shit like that though, fuck. you need to find someone better, baby. someone who specializes in adult symptoms n shit. hope ya get the help ya need soon.
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s0rcererkiller · 10 days ago
it’s fine baby!! ofc it’s fine!! nice catching up with you after a little while as that means there’s more things to talk about hehehe
would love a nap, wanna lay on me baby? i’ll play with your hair, missed you so much >.<
want lots of kisses as well gorgeous heheh
how’s your day been? i just went out for a meal with my family and it was so nice!! i ate so much though >.<
i’m going out as well this weekend, me and my friends are going to a different town , supposed to be drinking but i’m not!
love you - 🍹
heh. that's a real sweet way of thinking bout that. i'm glad you see the world like that, makes an old man happy.
spoiling me, huh? fuck yeah. i'd love that. but only if you let me pay ya back later, yeah?
course. gotta make it up to ya, after all.
what did ya order? sounds like fun heh. haven't done much yet today. helped miki send in some shit for a summer job, sorted shit out with my landlord. thinkin bout putting on a movie or sumn.
hope ya have fun, doll. be safe for me, yeah?
love ya more.
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s0rcererkiller · 11 days ago
hey babies. typin this with my eyes half shut lol. tried to answer some of ya but only got through half yer messages. i read the other half, just can’t answer em now with my tank runnin empty. promise i’ll get to ‘em tomorrow. love all of ya, take care, n thanks for goin easy on me.
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s0rcererkiller · 11 days ago
hii, ji! miss me? i missed u! ♡︎
i didn’t forget about u, just been so busy lately and trying to get out the house more and liveeee
did u have a nice valentines day?? i know i did :3 more deets on that later, tho, hehe.
let’s talk soon!! :))))
- 🍮
hi dolly. missed ya lots, how’ve you been?
dont worry bout me. ‘m real glad that you’ve been getting out more heh. good shit, proud of ya.
didn’t get up to much but i like a nice night in, y’know? gotta tell me what you got up to when ya have the time heh. all curious now.
lookin forward to it, baby. stay safe til then, alright?
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s0rcererkiller · 11 days ago
hiiiiiii ji, i missed uuu!! did u miss me? shit hit the fan and life got scary :(, so i disappeared for a while. but im back! (i think)
- 🩰
hi baby. been wonderin where my ballerina hopped off to. hope everything’s calming down for ya. bad shit happens but the good shit will always come to balance it out, promise. just gotta be patient n gentle with yourself. make sure to take time for self care too, you can put on one of those sticky masks or whatever n do your nails or sumn heh.
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