s-mayflower-blog · 12 years
/excuse me if i'm too SLOW 4 U.) Oh, I always have ideas. I just have a problem with my execution. /duh. oh hi waker. hi waker's mouth. why are you.) Clever title, there. That alone will win 'em over /not rly.) /did i even write enough.) /idk anymore, pls love me.)
this isn't a thread.
Me too. /raises eyebrows and stares at him; wow i have a lot of work to do sammy get on with it!!!1111 jk keep going i like the way you rmouth moves.) C’mon, there must be something. Not even any ideas for something? /leans forward; licks lips; what.) Maybe I should photograph you, and then we can get the front page. I know a great title already, ‘Amateur Shit Photographer Takes Photos of Man That Are Terrible. Oh, we’ll be winners, all right.
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s-mayflower-blog · 12 years
/never. nah. nah nah.) I'd like to think so. /grins because ur anger is funny.) I know.  Recent projects. None to speak of. /lol why are you even here sammy) So you can see why I should, definitely, get the front page. 
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/pff GET OUTTA TOWN SAMMY MAYFLOWER; i keep legitimately thinking his surname is boleflower this is a problem; skjdfg.) Which is probably a good thing, considering you’re a photography. You do want your work to really stick, after all. /kind of looks shocked for a second NEVER JOKE ABOUT SUING PEOPLE JFC !!!) Funny. /seething.) I’m glad, too. … Why don’t you, er, tell me of your progress, then? Any new projects coming up? Maybe this time you can be on the front page. /smiles; takes off his glasses and places them on the desk.) 
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s-mayflower-blog · 12 years
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s-mayflower-blog · 12 years
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Young Matthew Gray Gubler. SO HOT.
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s-mayflower-blog · 12 years
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s-mayflower-blog · 12 years
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Matthew Gray Gubler
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s-mayflower-blog · 12 years
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vfawcett replied to your post: sybilly replied to your post: this isn’t a...
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[4:45:08 AM] Indie: u pimp sammy
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s-mayflower-blog · 12 years
/returns the smile with a really cocky one because SMILE LIKE YOU HAVE CONFIDENCE even if u don't.) /strolls on into that office. looks around. oh nice wish i had an office but.) It's hard to get rid of Sammy Mayflower /NO IT ISN'T cries because.) You know, I hadn't thought of that, but now that you mention it... /grins omg.) /sits with swag what no he pulls out the chair loudly and sits down as ungracefully as possible probably.) Well I'm glad you have a variety of choices, in that case. But, if you were to interview me again, I'm sure I'd become the most interesting option. /soryry awjkshdf.)
this isn't a thread.
/he’s probs just finished figuring out the basics of what’s going to be published for the next few days tbh; and he probs just finished an article; he’s superman actually. not expecting to see sammy ever again oops; and then a knock comes to the door and he stands up whilst writing; quickly finishes off his sentence and then opens the door; doesn’t say anything at first DOESN’T EVEN KNOW HOW TO REACT but eventually smiles and opens the door more.) Er, come in, come in. /once he’s in; closes the door and goes to open the blinds he’s a creature of the night oops.) I didn’t expect to see you, well, ever again. So I’m glad you decided to come around. A journalist always loves to hear that his work is spectacular, as you put it. /waker is actually really good with people when he wants to be FUN FACT OF THE DAAAAY.) A journalist, however, does not like to hear that he is being sued. And that happens a lot. So, Mr Mayflower, thank-you for not suing me. /laughs and sits down at his desk; waving his hand for sammy to take a seat.) I’ve actually already got a few things to print as of now, but maybe in the near future we can do another interview. 
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s-mayflower-blog · 12 years
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sybilly replied to your post: this isn't a thread.
what do you mean hm we never do this kind of thread
you're doing one right now omg go away
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s-mayflower-blog · 12 years
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 van-der-graaf liked your post: .
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sirikins-black liked your post: .
was it really necessary to like this on two accounts though
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s-mayflower-blog · 12 years
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s-mayflower-blog · 12 years
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s-mayflower-blog · 12 years
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Matthew and Ali in Portland, Oregon today (March 9, 2012).
Apparently Matthew’s sister and brother-in-law were in town for some reason and I guess he and Ali decided to join them.
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s-mayflower-blog · 12 years
this isn't a thread.
/i don't know how to do this because i'm not anna or laura but here is an attempt. okay so sammy read waker's article FOR E VER ago, obviously. and he's meant to go tell him it was great and whatever but he was distracted by work and joe and roxie and life is hard. so 2938745 years later here is sammy walking into waker's office or W/E and asking around until he finds waker's uh. office or desk or something and if he's kind of higher up then there is probably some assistant. so he asks for waker bole herp and she/he just tells him like. oh it's over there idk. basically they don't walk him over or anything. so he moseys on over and hi i'm sammy mayflower and my life is a cosmic joke.) /standing there somewhere somehow like a weirdo. but when waker notices him he smiles so. that helps. he knocks on the office door!!!) /i'm saying waker opened it and hey because this is already written and let me have this.) this may be a bit belated on my part, but. /that's how he starts conversations, i'm sorry.) i did end up reading your article and it was spectacular. so if you have people knocking down your door begging for more sammy mayflower, i'm always willing to give another interview.
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s-mayflower-blog · 12 years
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s-mayflower-blog · 12 years
Sammy felt, that morning, with his ribs bruised and a wan flavor of chlorine at the back of his mouth, that he would rather not love at all than be punished for loving. He had no idea of how long his life would one day seem to have gone on; how daily present the absence of love would come to feel.
The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay, Michael Chabon (via fabrega)
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s-mayflower-blog · 12 years
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