rysawynnona-blog · 5 years
You’re pretty | Spoken word poetry
You keep telling yourself that you’re ugly, How can you not love yourself when you look in the mirror? What you see, is you don't like, The acne, dark skin, inconsistent teeth, over analyzing every single part of yourself, destroying your self-esteem, constantly telling yourself how could anyone ever want you, When even you don’t like your own body. You keep comparing yourself to others, when are you going to understand that being yourself is enough, You keep seeking validation from other people, When, what you really need, is self-love, Yes, I know you don’t have the perfect body, reality check, most people don’t, So, what’s the use in tearing yourself apart like this? If you think it’s going to help you in anyway, well let me be the first to tell you - it won’t. I’ll never understand how someone so great, can think so little about themselves, I watch you, unable to leave the house without make up struggling to cope every day, and I just wanna be able to help. You’ve reduced yourself to ugly, you hide behind baggy clothes, watch what you eat, Care so much about what people think that you can’t even walk down the street, self-hate has filtered its way into every inch of your body, and it kills me, to see someone I care about, be so incredibly unhappy. I hope one day you can look in the mirror and live with what you see, that it doesn’t hurt you so much anymore, cos you understand that you’ve got more to offer to the world than simply being pretty, No longer haunted by the scars on your skin, but fights to be the change they want to see. but more importantly, Right now, in this moment, I just want you to know, just how incredibly perfect you are to me.
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rysawynnona-blog · 5 years
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Beautiful world
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rysawynnona-blog · 5 years
Make it happen
how is it so easy for you
give yourself to a few
to be kind to people he asked
it’s okay to let others
cause people have not,
you have so much
the people around me
there are for too many mouths here
but are always hungry for more,
when the world comes crashing at your feet,
nothing to do with sleep
help pick up the pieces
and those few,
been kind to me
stop looking up at everything 
you don’t have, 
when your circumstances are great
milk and honey dipped
Author: Rupi Kaur
invest in the right people
from the book of “milk and honey” 
where the satisfaction lives
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rysawynnona-blog · 5 years
True Colors
When she was younger, people say there were so many things she couldn’t do. But she tried to do things that she can’t. At the age of 5, her grandma enrolled her in elementary school. Unfortunately, she didn’t want to be accepted to school because she was too young to go to elementary school. But her grandma really pushed her so that the principal gave her an exam and she passed. And there she started school early.
She’s a shy kid, there was always the time she wants to do a something but she ahead of shyness. So that her grandmother joins her in dance, acting and other activities in her school to boost her confidence. She tried to sing with her best friend even she doesn’t sing. She tried to joined Quiz Bee and she won. She also joined Student Pupil Government to become elected secretary in her school. I tried to build friendship to others. And all these things she tried is not enough. She is still well known “lampa” in her school and experience bullied by her classmates. She bullied about of her looks, her personality because she is too good to be friends with. And she doesn’t understand why there’s someone will make you down and destroyed and because of those she is not confident on what she does.
As the time goes by, when she was in secondary school, she changes a lot. She no longer participates in school activities and not excelling in academics. She started to have a low grade and she doing wrongs. She is in the pilot section before and she is in the lower section now. At a young age, she had a boyfriend because she was influenced by her friends. And because she wanted to be with her friends, she learned to speak bad words, go to somewhere and not telling to my grandma and she don’t care about studying. She tried not to be true to her myself, for other people to like her. Yes, she is no longer bullied by other people, she gets what she wants but she is not happy. She lost her true friend, she lost her self.
She chose to be true to herself. To bring back her old self because she will never become happy if she never chose it. Accept yourself, be proud and confident of who you are. You never please everyone to like you because, there is always someone that will accept who you are. Your goal is to stay true to yourself.
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