rylanspratt · 1 year
“Turns me into a fucking monster. Imagine…horny, surrounded by fashion assholes, surviving on coffee and cigarettes, I’m not a fun Rylan to be around. Then again how is that any different from my life back here?” She cackled, taking another drag of her cigarette. “Except here the horny is dealt with by my beloved boyfriend.” Pretending to be offended by being told she was the horniest person he knew, gasping dramatically with her hand on her chest. “How dare you! No legit you’re probably right, and I’m talking like…every night phone sex. Poor Nate - didn’t help that night time for me was like the middle of the afternoon for him.” The couple made it work though, they always made it work, and Rylan was determined that next time she had to go to Paris for any kind of fashion situation she took Nate with her. Knowing he’d just love the city, even if she was a little jaded about it by this point seeing it with him would be like experiencing it with fresh eyes. 
Rylan wanted to hide the worried expression on her face but it was easier said than done, knowing just how vulnerable Rhett could be when he was on a downward spiral. Not because she didn’t trust Allegra to take good care of him but just because the first hand experience she had of knowing what the blonde was feeling had been invaluable several times when she’d been helping him through things. There was an unshakable knot in her chest as she thought about him moving out where she could no longer see him. “I don’t know if Nate will move in though…he seems to be resisting it for some reason, like resisting making it official. I’m starting to think there is something wrong with me.” A soft laugh as she shook her head, wishing Nate would just move in with her already so they didn’t have to be separated at all. Even in theory because he stayed there more often than not. Reaching out she took his hands in her own, holding them as she looked him dead in the eye, the time for messing around long gone. “You promise me? Because if anything ever happened I would never forgive myself. Not as long as I lived.”
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"Horniness will do a lot to a person." Rhett mentioned with a nod, "I don't know how you do it. You're like...the horniest person I know." He laughed, "I imagine a lot of phone sex, yeah?" Frankly, he didn't really want to know. He had heard enough living with Rylan and Nate. But those two were like two peas in a pod. It was nigh impossible to separate them for long. But, he could really say the same thing for himself and Allegra. They were often all over each other. Especially now that the cat was out of the bag and they were dating. That was still odd to think about, sometimes. But it was just natural progression, wasn't it? It was bound to happen...
The Brit turned his attention back to Rylan, trying to read her expression when he told her about what the future held for him and Allegra and he nodded, "Pretty serious, yeah." He said softly, "It just...I don't know, makes sense, I guess. I'm usually there anyway. And then this way, you and Nate can have the place to yourself." Rhett mentioned, hoping that would soften the blow a bit. Rylan's question was an understandable one. Rylan knew that he didn't tell everyone about his habit. There were only a few out there that actually knew about it and even less that knew how bad it was, "I told her." Rhett answered softly, "I told her...everything, Ry." It was one of the hardest conversations he had to have with anyone, but it had to be out there, "I didn't want to hide from her anymore, you know? She deserved to know..." Though he wasn't sure if it was a good thing to know, "She'll keep an eye on me." Rhett's gaze met Rylan, "I promise."
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rylanspratt · 1 year
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Rylan, for valentines day, basically spent the whole month making sure Nate knew how much she loves him. However on valentines day she gave him matching hoodies with hers, his saying always and hers saying forever (this was not a promise that she wouldn't still steal his). She also got him a little spiderman in a jar since they joke about him being spiderman because he's so good at the video game. Obviously there was silky underwear involved. Sadly the cake she made herself (pink one) didn't come out well AT ALL and everyone was under strict instructions not to eat it. Instead she ordered one from a bakery last second....she thinks she's funny at least. @nathanxjones
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rylanspratt · 1 year
“You are, Mr Kind, I’m so lucky to get to live with you.” Rylan grinned, waiting until he’d followed suit by taking the pill and reaching out to flap her hand in the direction of the bag of chips. “Give me some of those then Mr Kind.” Settling herself into a comfortable position seconds later as she waited to hear him give her a rundown of what she’d missed while in Paris. Obviously Nate kept her informed about a lot of things but he couldn’t possibly know everything. Especially when Rhett was prone to isolating himself for long periods of time if he felt so inclined. 
“Felt like I was gone for fucking ages, but maybe that’s just because I was horny, that can distort time for a person right?” Plus she had been surrounded by models, most of whom were assholes, which was one of the reason fashion weeks weren’t her favourite time of year. Everyone was so jumped up. Hearing that he and Allegra was likely going to move in together wasn’t surprising but still made her eyebrows raise a little, only in that it would lead to her losing a flatmate. “Oh yeah? Damn, shit is getting serious I guess. You talked to her about like…” She made a face as she took another drag on her cigarette, implying the drug use because like it or not the reason they had moved in together originally was so that Rylan could make sure Rhett didn’t do the unspeakable in the wake of a bad situation. 
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"I am the kindest man around." Rhett joked as he flicked his brows and popped the chips he had grabbed into his mouth. Dusting off his hands, he held it out as Rylan asked for it and jostled the pill around in his palm for a moment. He watched as his popped it easily and he flicked his brows, repeating the action. Rhett smacked his lips dramatically for a moment before reached for more chips and heard her question. News. What had she missed?
Not too much in his opinion. Shit was pretty normal around there in his opinion. But, then again, Rhett rarely had much to report, "I don't think you've missed much, love." He said, "You weren't gone that long." He smiled, "At least, you didn't miss much with me. What you walked into was basically what I did." He grinned cheekily as he ate another chip and shrugged, "I do think that uh...me and Allegra are going to move in together though." Rhett offered, flicking his blue eyes over to Rylan for a moment then away again. He wasn't sure how she would react or feel about it. They had been living together for a while now. He wondered if she would think it was too soon...
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rylanspratt · 1 year
“Is that what you’re teaching Matilda too? Let me know if Auntie Rylan needs to step in with any kind of advice, you know I’m always here for a coochie chat.” The girl grinned, that expression quickly disappearing as the war of blackberries was waged, finding it impossible to agree with that. “Are you fucking kidding me? Have you ever had a Blackberry Bramble? A Blackberry bourbon Smash? A Blackberry Mojito? There is literally nothing that can’t be improved by the addition of that majestic little fruit. You need to try it with more alcohol, trust me you’ll end up loving it.” Well, everything did taste better when it was mixed with some kind of hard liquor in her opinion. Crossing her arms across her chest she shook her head, she agreed that Stevie had the most amazing body, her thighs were admittedly amazing, but the issue was that wasn’t what designers were looking for when it came to sending sample size models down the runway. She didn’t get to shape the industry she was in, they shaped her, literally. “On the off chance I get knocked up, I’ll be having a very serious fucking conversation with my boyfriend, because I doubt I’ll be working at sexcapades. Don’t get me wrong I’m all for it, but I don’t think I could fuck anyone other than Nate at this point, it would just feel wrong.” She didn’t want to mention that it wasn’t financially that she would have an issue if she was to find herself in that situation, more…career and self motivation wise. As much as she complained about being a model it did at least give her a purpose. 
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"as is mine, we treat the little ladies with care and respect in this house," she said, sipping at her coffee again. "it would be utterly soul crushing if someone told me my vagina smelled like anything but a vagina. she gets treated better than the offspring that came out of her." stevie shrugged, chewing on her straw again. "to each their own i guess, but mushrooms should never be slimy, whoever does that isn't cooking them the right way. you know what i detest more than any other food in the world? blackberries. horrible invention, someone needs to eradicate them," she said. "ma'am, that would be homicide and i'd like my crotch goblin to be alive and you out of prison," she said. "it won't ruin your body. i have actual curves now, versus just… a straight figure. and listen, my thighs… are the sexiest part of my body, and i wouldn't have those if i hadn't been a little slutty as a kid. but… on the off-chance you do get knocked up and completely ruin your career… you could always come work at sexcapades. you don't even need skills, you just gotta know how to use your hands at the very least. super easy job, get paid a fuck ton for fuckin' a ton, it's a win / win situation."
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rylanspratt · 1 year
“What is with calling me by my last name these days, baby? Have I been given a new name. From now on I’ll just be called Pratt.” It made her smile as she winked at him, shrugging one shoulder. “I like taking photos of you when you’re not expecting it, they’re more raw. Perfectly you. I can look at them and pretend I’m just looking at you sitting across the room from me. It makes things slightly easier.” The quiet moment between them was something she relished - taking a second to just breath him in, head buried into the crook of his neck. This was home, finally. “We can, we can do all the classic Parisian things, so then in ten years we can go back to see the lock still there, staying strong just like we are.” It was easy to say things like that because Rylan didn’t have a single shred of doubt that the two of them were going to be together for life, because in reality it wasn’t a life she wanted to live without him in it. With her. Just like this, wrapped around each other in the calmness of their own home. 
“No my love, I want to do all that for you, I want to make it special for you. You deserve it.” Because he truly did, Nate was such a hard worker and it would be so easy for him to throw in the towel on it all since Rylan had such a surplus of money, but he didn’t. He took pride in his work, it was beyond admirable. One of the many things she loved about him. “But if there is anywhere you want to go, you tell me and I’ll organise it.” The kisses shifted the tone of their conversation immediately, innocent cuteness turning to deep desire in a matter of seconds as she felt his hand trailing up her back making her shiver “It’s much more convenient for me.” Knowing she had a set on he particularly liked as a gift for him, everything she did was to make Nate happy, easily because she didn’t even have to think about it. It was just ingrained in her now, he was her everything. The two of them against the world. “Hmm, it’s black, and lacy, with maybe a hint of red…” Her breath a little ragged from the intensity of the kiss she’d just pulled away from, brushing the tip of her nose against his. “Yes, really. I like that nothing comes close to me, it means you keep coming back for more.” The end of her sentence lost in a mumble as their lips crashed together with more deliberate hunger this time, hips instinctively rolling against his.
Taking her hand back out from under his shirt so she could raise her arms above her head, letting him pull her shirt off more easily, leaving her in just her sweatpants and bra. “You going to show me how much you love me?” Rylan whispered as she pressed kisses down his neck as both hands disappeared under his shirt, it needed to be gone asap in her opinion. She could feel his rippling muscles under her fingertips which made her moan again - not caring if she was coming across totally desperate because she was. “I love you, I love you, I love you…” She moaned between kisses, knees pressing tightly against his hips. “I fucking missed you so much.” As if he didn’t already know that, as if she didn’t tell him every chance she got. Something took over Rylan and she became even more impatient, pulling back so she could push Nate back against the sofa, hands going to the bottom of his shirt, pulling upwards to get it off him with determination and fire in her eyes. 
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"My own little stalker. You know you could get plenty of photos without having to be all sneaky about it." Nate teased her back, grinning as he heard her squeal. He loved moments like this, the playfulness, the simplicity of it; so he played along, raising a brow at her semi-threat. "Oh yeah? What are you going to do? Or is it just all cute threats, Pratt?" He challenged her despite the grin remaining on his face. It was all fun and games, as it typically was with the two of them, and Nate couldn't get enough of it. He couldn't get enough of her. So when she moved to sit in his lap, abandoning her meal, his focus shifted quickly. Carefully, Nate shifted, without bothering Rylan, and placed his plate next to hers, his hands moving to wrap around her waist. It would have been smarter to keep on eating, to take things easy, but he missed Rylan, he missed having her around, being able to just reach for her any time he wanted to. Keeping her close, he closed his eyes, letting them fall into silence and simply enjoy each other's closeness.
"Then, when we get there, we can go on that bridge and leave a lock with our initials there, too. And we can also go up to the top of the Eiffel Tower, and explore all those little streets. Do whatever you want." He spoke, allowing them another moment or two of calmness. He wanted all the best for Rylan, he wanted to make sure that she was enjoying herself, and, given how much experience she had in Paris, he could count on her to show him the places she liked the most there. "Are you sure? I'd love to help you out with that, with whatever you need." Then again, looking at his bank account, he probably wouldn't even be able to afford a decent hotel for the two of them. However, those thoughts were quick to disappear from his mind as Rylan's hand moved to his hair, and Nate smiled lightly. "You do? Well then, maybe I should keep it this way. Especially if it's so convenient for you." His smile only widened at his admission, and he leaned in, placing a quick kiss on her lips. "I don't think I can get even a single bite in if you're talking about stuff like that. What exactly are you wearing underneath?" His interest peaking, Nate trailed his hand up her back, only to pause as she kissed him, shifting his full attention towards that. It was slow and filled with so much emotion, it was almost wonderfully overwhelming. Nate responded in the same way, hoping to convey as much love as he could feel pouring out of Rylan as he pulled her into himself, everything else completely forgotten. "Really? I would lie if I said that I didn't feel the same way. Nothing comes close to you, baby. Ever." He whispered against her lips, shivers running down his spine as he heard her moan. It was a beautiful sound, the kind Nate couldn't get enough; so when a groan escaped his own lips, feeling her nails scratch lightly against his skin, he knew he couldn't just play along. Shifting a little, he moved his hands to her hips, squeezing them lightly before pulling her into another kiss. It was far hungrier this time, Nate needing to show her just how much he really had missed her, how much he wanted her. "I love you too." He murmured against her lips between the kisses, pulling her closer to him, even if so much unnecessary fabric was still in between them. Knowing that he had to do something about it, he moved his hands to her shift, gently pulling at it to help her get rid of it, craving to see more of his girlfriend.
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rylanspratt · 1 year
“We will always be our own little cult.” Rylan grinned, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth as he winked at her, the move so incredibly sexy. She just wanted more of him no matter how much they were around each other, no kisses seemed to satiate that need this evening. They needed to eat but she was only going to spend time apart from him to do that, then the woman had every intention of attaching herself to her boyfriend once more. Glancing at him sideways she put on a mock innocent expression, shrugging her shoulders casually. “In my special folder? Oh you know, the usual things, photos of hot celebrities so I can use them while I’m away and lonely. Except none of the photos are celebrities and all of them are of you. Some you don’t even know I’ve taken, I’m a creep like that.” She teased with a laugh, letting out a high pitched scream as he smacked her ass, dissolving into giggles. “I’m going to make you pay that’s what I’m going to do, you better watch your back sweetie.” Rylan cooed, blowing him a kiss. 
Taking a couple more mouthfuls of her pasta as he listened to him tease her with her eyes sparkling Rylan made sure to have enough that her boyfriend wouldn’t call her up on not eating, before putting the plate back on the coffee table. Moving without a second of hesitation she pulled herself onto his lap, careful not to disrupt his food before resting her head on his shoulder. Pressing a few soft kisses to his neck as she slowly just breathed in the moment, being with him. Near him. Allowing the food to give her a bit of energy so she didn’t fall asleep right there and then, it would be such a waste of the evening nd she wanted to make sure he knew just how much she loved him. That she’d thought of him every second that she’d been away, especially at night when she’d been in that big hotel bed alone wishing she was in their bed instead. Sure it was technically hers but…well the double bed in the bedroom hadn’t been Rylan’s for months now, it had been hers and Nates. “I’m sure they’re used to seeing people being sappy all the time, they literally have a bridge called lovers bridge where people put locks on it with their initials. The French know how to romance.” Her eyes rolled as he commented on everyone giving her a second glance, she should have known he’d give her some kind of casual compliment - he was so sweet like that. “You tell me when you get time off and I’ll book us a trip to Paris. I’ll take control of the whole thing, and it’ll be a surprise for you, okay? You deserve a holiday my love.” Pushing some of his hair off his forehead with a tender smile, his curls longer than when she’d left him, but they were cute like this. “I like your hair a little bit longer, gives me something to hold onto.” She teased, humming under her breath as she nodded. “It’s a promise. You’re going to need your strength. I know I’m in sweatpants and a shirt right now but I can promise you I put something more interesting underneath for when you’ve finished eating.” Trailing off as she leant into kiss him slowly, a lazy loving kiss she was in no hurry to pull away from, hand sliding up under his shirt at the same time, making her intentions clear. She didn’t want to go to sleep anytime soon. “Having to imagine you with me while I’m away is never as good as the real thing you know…but it made the plane ride go a bit faster knowing you were at the other end. That this was waiting for me.” Deepening the kiss for a second so she was forced to stop speaking, moaning softly instead, hand under his shirt curling so her nails scraped his skin. “I missed you so much, I love you so much…” She mumbled against his lips. 
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"I like any kind of club or cult where the only members are just you and me." Nate winked at his girlfriend playfully. No matter the texts, the calls and facetime, nothing compared to having her here, with him. Even the kisses felt wonderfully different and the all the same after Rylan's return, and Nate couldn't get enough of her. "Such a coincidence. I think we're the only two out there with such a delightful coincidence." He played along, no matter how cheesy it was. It was all simple; he knew Rylan was just like him, and wouldn't find it all too much. He knew that the love they shared was equal, and, wonderfully, they were on the same page with it. So he tried to spend as much time as he could with her in his arms, wanting to show her just how much he meant his words, how much he wanted her to know that she was so loved. "You're just the cutest, baby." He both teased and complimented her before they finally pulled away. He wanted her back in his arms almost immediately, but knew better than that, knowing that they had to move on with their night's plans. "You mean you already have a special folder in your phone for such occasions?" He asked curiously, a grin returning back to his face. He certainly didn't mind having Rylan at the gym, although, he could seriously picture other patrons not being particularly comfortable with it. Then again, it was their problem, not his; he just wanted his girlfriend around. "What exactly do you have in it, Ry?"
"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do?" He teased her back, laughing as she paused to nudge him with her butt. Reaching over, before she walked away, he slapped it playfully before pausing to think her offer through. To say that it was enticing was a damn understatement. "Alright, do that. Let's see how long you'd last without my hands all over you, darling. You know you love them, and what they can do." He teased her, even though the thought alone was absoultely exciting. If anything, he was more than willing to drop everything and lead her to the bedroom to proceed with their little games, but Nate knew how exhausted Rylan was. It was more likely that they'd end up falling asleep while cuddling on the couch, and even that was absolutely fine with him. After all, it certainly felt so comforting as he cuddled against her on the couch, closing his eyes for a moment or two and breathing in her scent, so evident even after she had taken a shower using his shower gel. He'd missed her so much. It was crazy to think that they were together for such a short amount of time, and Rylan had already become such an important part of his life, to a point where he couldn't imagine it any other way. "I missed you the most. The bed's not the same without you in it." He murmured before finally pulling away so they could it. He wasn't particularly hungry, but he wanted to make sure that Rylan ate, that she was happy and content. It was always his first priority, and he genuinely doubted that it would ever change. Why would it, when he was happy for it to be this way? "Of course! I'd love to go to Paris with you and be an absolute sap. Besides, I bet people there are totally used to something like that, they wouldn't even give us a second glance. Well.... I mean, they'd give you a second glance, but that's different." It would be a long shot, trying to get approval for some time off and everything, but Rylan was worth it. She was worth everything, and Nate would be damned if he didn't try to giveher all. "Is that a promise, Pratt? Am I really going to need all of my strength if your plan is to tie me up? I won't be the one who'll have to fight off all the urges."
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rylanspratt · 1 year
“No I know, I know, I’m just saying mine is fresh as hell.” Wrinkling her nose at the scenario she was asked to imagine, not really wanting that in her head, it would be utterly mortifying in her opinion. “No, no I’m not going to think about that thank you very much. I like fish tanks but I don’t fancy smelling like one, I’ll leave that to seafood restaurants.” A shake of her head, a snort of disagreement, clicking her tongue. “My palette is perfect, mushrooms are just terrible. End of conversation about the devils fungus. I don’t even do mushrooms as a drug I hate them so much, like that is how deeply my aversion runs.” She was down to put pretty much anything in her mouth, no pun intended, but that was where she drew the line. “Ah damn, so my plan of spoon-feeding her peanut butter all day isn’t going to fly anymore? Shit, I’ll have to think of something else for us to do.” Rylan teased, winking at the other across the table before taking another sip of her coffee. “Yeah see, you look amazing, I’m worried it would totally ruin my body and if I lose my body I’m not a model anymore. Then how do I make money? We all know I’m shit at like…everything else, I have no transferrable skills.” 
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"i also did not say specifically your vagina, i was talking in general. it's gross for everyone around. imagine a cute hookup taking someone's panties off and being all 'why does it smell like a fish tank all of a sudden?' how embarrassing," stevie said with a small shudder. "maybe i'm not the wrong one. maybe it's your palatte that's wrong," she joked. "nuh uh, don't bring her home hyped up on shit. if she comes home hyper then you're both grounded from each other. and keep her away from peanuts. i'd like her to come back with a pulse," stevie said. her brows furrowed in confusion, shaking her head and gesturing to her own body. "all this… wasn't a model back then, it's not a model now, and i snapped back into shape perfectly fine. took a few months to feel and look like myself again, but look at me now - can't even tell this is a hot mom bod."
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rylanspratt · 1 year
“Babe, can you use your ears for a hot second please? It’s not my fucking vagina that’s fishy, mine is god damn fragrant. I’m talking about some girl in middle school.” Rylan snorted with a roll of her eyes, the notion it would ever be about her both dumb and equally hilarious. Shaking her head she held up a hand, the one not holding her coffee mug, to cut the other off right there. “Nope, I don’t want to hear any of that shit. Mushrooms are the devils food, I don’t care how they are cooked, your opinion I just frankly wrong this time. Which is fine, we’re all entitled to our wrong opinions…right?” The brunette smirked, unwilling to hear any nice word said about the food she detested most in the whole universe. It was quite literally fungus that people for some reason willingly ate voluntarily which to her was just totally weird - she wanted no part of it. Not now, not ever. Even with the warning she knew that without a doubt Matilda would be hyper when she returned from the photoshoot with her auntie Rylan, mainly because the woman had already planned for them to go via the ice cream parlour on the way home. Her own personal favourite indulgence, having a kid with her was the perfect excuse to eat it, it was a no brainer. “I’m making you no fucking promises sweet cheeks, once I put her back on your doorstep she’s yours again so you better enjoy that free time and sex as much as you can because I can’t promise what I’ll be returning to you.” Laughing a little as she took another swig of lukewarm black coffee, starting to go even more bitter as the heat wore off. “Four am boob demands? God you really know how to make having a baby sound glamorous, you know that right? Didn’t you find that it just like destroyed…” Gesturing to her own body erratically with her hand. “All of this. Pretty sure that would be the most tricky part for me. Especially since that’s literally my living.” 
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stevie's nose scrunched, sipping at her coffee. "first of all, if anything about your vagina is fishy, get that shit checked out, that's not a normal smell. no one's gonna wanna go down on that kinda mess," she said. just the thought almost made her gag. she took personal hygeine extremely seriously and she didn't like unpleasant smells, let alone unpleasant smells that came from her own body. "if the mushrooms you're eating are slimy, someone's not cookin' 'em right. they shouldn't be slimy. that's gross," she said. "no she's not right - she did something she knew was wrong at school, so she should be reprimanded for it. i didn't tell her she couldn't have any fun at all, i took her electronics away and she's not allowed to have friends over. she still has plenty of things to do." stevie calculated the plan in her head. it really was a good plan. "i could get laid for fun and not just for work. i like the sound of that," stevie said. "fine, it's a deal - but do not bring her back home hyper. if she's hyper upon return, you have to keep her until it wears off," she warned. "trust me, i was terrified. i thought my life was over. i had to grow up really fast. but i didn't have to give up everything. i was really fortunate to have friends that liked having her around when we hung out. the only thing that really changed for me physically was that sleepovers had to be at my house so tilly's four a.m. boob demands didn't bother other people in their own homes. and i took her everywhere else i went. it wasn't nearly as hard as people made it seem, but it definitely wasn't easy. it still isn't. she's just like me, i really lost the lottery. gotta love her, though. i dunno what i'd do without her."
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rylanspratt · 1 year
“Ooh like a secret little anti vampire cult just the two of us.” Rylan cackled as she was pulled back in for another kiss, no arguments with that. Instead leaning into the deeper one pushing her hands through his hair not caring if she messed it up because…well they weren’t going anywhere tonight, it was just them two, and she had every intention of making it more messy after they’d eaten anyway. “The very very cheesy moon, the cheesiest of all moons, funnily enough that’s exactly where too and back I love you as well. What a coincidence.” She didn’t want to move away from the kiss but the concern about his arm was for a few moments overpowering her need to feel the tactile embrace of her boyfriend who she’d missed an embarrassing amount after just being gone for not even a week. Still, it had been far too long for the two of them who at this point were shamelessly codependent. Rylan was so in love with Nate she missed him even when he just went to work for a couple of hours, hence her constant texting even while he was on shift to keep him updated about the most boring aspects of her evening - just wanting to have that contact with him. “You wouldn’t mind having me at the gym? Yeah, you say that now but you mind find it a bit distracting if I’m just sat in the corner like a little pervy goblin filming every single sweaty move you make, because that’s exactly what I’d be doing. Putting it in a special folder on my phone for the next time I go away, just so I can watch it on loop in my hotel room.” Even as she carefully appraised his bruising with her tongue carefully stuck out the side of her mouth as she concentrated she couldn’t stop herself from smiling softly. He just had that effect on her. Even when the anxiety over what pain level he might have right now was gnawing at the inside of her chest. 
“Skinny little arms! Who’s arms are you calling skinny boy, you’re going to be in so much trouble.” As she walked to the living room she stopped in her tracks, backing up a bit to give him a nudge with her butt as punishment before carrying on. “How about this, I won’t throw you around, but I’ll tie you the fuck down. Then you won’t be doing any of the throwing either and I’ll have all the control.” Letting out a deliberately comical evil cackle as he fell into her arms, pressing kisses to any patch of bare skin she could reach while pinned underneath him, giggling. “It’s a promise, I’ll get a little outfit for it and everything. But don’t take that as a reason to run around getting hurt more, I’d much prefer to be a pretend nurse than a real one.” Lapsing into silence as his kisses became soft, his voice the same, she closed her eyes taking a deep inhale. God it was so good to be back where she felt most comfortable and safe. “I missed you too baby.” Closing her eyes as she nuzzled against his hair for a couple of seconds, only moving when he initiated it. Arms once more free she picked up her plate, eyes instantly lighting up at the idea that he would in fact go to Paris with her next time, excitement bubbling up in her chest escaping as a little squeak. “Really? God that’s so fucking sappy and I love it more than anything. We can go and be disgustingly in love in Paris just like all those cliche movies - it’ll be perfect. Plus you can come to my fashion shows if you want, it’s really quite something, a mindfuck.” Even if people thought they knew what a runway show was like it was always a million times weirder and more off the wall when they finally get to experience it in real life. The flashing lights, obnoxiously loud music, heightened sense of anticipation and nervous energy. Probably not dissimilar to just before he went on stage as a dancer actually. Or how she felt in the audience watching that. “Talk to your boss, please. As soon as possible.” Twisting some spaghetti around her fork she shoved it in her mouth in the most unladylike fashion, not putting on any airs and graces with Nate. They had seen each other at both their worst and their best, the two of them had nothing to hide from each other anymore. Well…almost nothing. Rylan’s gang affiliations none withstanding. Once she swallowed she shook her head with an intense look on her face, fork going right back in for more. “Nope, just being honest, you know I’m not one for lying. Yes, in exactly that order and that way. I’m going to show you just how good this pasta tastes, also just how much I’ve missed you. So you might want to eat up, you’re going to need your strength.” Rylan grinned, putting some more in her mouth. 
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"Unless both of us eat garlic and just stay locked inside to avoid being an absolute menace to the world." Nate mused out loud, a grin reappearing on his face. He missed those silly conversations. He missed getting into discussions about the most ridiculous things with Rylan because she understood him, she got him, and she was just as silly as he was. How had he gotten so lucky with someone like her? Not only was she absolutely stunning and sexy, but she was incredibly smart, caring, funny, and brilliant. Absolutely perfect in Nate's eyes, and he refused to see it otherwise. "Love you..." Nate shook his head quickly as she pulled away after her kisses, pulling her right in for another, longer kiss. "...to the very, very cheesy moon and back, babe." He finished his sentence playfully, kissing her one more time before finally letting her move on to tending after his injuries. He loathed worrying her like that, and, had he known, Nate would have easily done everything he could to prepare and hide his injuries in advance. Maybe this was on the same shelf as lying, but he knew he was doing it for the right cause. He didn't want to worry Rylan when she was already more than worried about other things. "I wouldn't mind having you at the gym. Don't tell me you wouldn't like that either?" He tried to stick to the playfulness of their conversation, knowing that, in his head, this was the only way he could handle a topic like this one.
"That's why I was so curious! I do most of the throwing around, although, it'd be fun to see you attempt that with your skinny little arms." Nate teased her lightly. There was no doubt that Rylan was assertive- it was one of the many things that Nate loved about her- but it didn't mean that he wouldn't tease her about any of it. Why wouldn't he, when it was part of the fun? He perked up immediately as she promised to be his nurse, a smile creeping back up on his face. "You will? Is that a promise I'm hearing, babe?" He asked as they settled down on the couch. And, suddenly, it was like Rylan hadn't left at all, like she was home the whole time, and it was just another evening they were at home, after work. They could just be themselves, completely uninterrupted, so when Rylan settled down next to him, extending her arms out for him, Nate wasted no time falling right into them, craving for his girlfriend's touch, craving to just know that she really was here, with him. "I missed you so much." he spoke quietly, leaning in and placing a few gentle kisses against her neck before finally pulling away enough so both of them could pick up their plates. It wasn't often that Nate made food like that, especially after years of dancing ballet and being all too familiar that every single inch of his body had to look a certain way, but they were celebrating. Rylan was back, and he had missed her so damn much. "Just once... I could probably talk my boss into giving me a couple of days off. I would love to explore the streets there with you, just the two of us... show the city what love's really like." He knew he sounded cheesy, but being around Rylan turned him into an absolute sap, and Nate happily accepted it. After all, when it came to her, he was more than willing to go an extra thousand miles. Curiously, he watched her taste the pasta, a proud smile quickly appearing on his face before he tried a few slices himself. "Nah, you're just being nice to me. Although, I wouldn't be opposed to that." He teased her back, only to end up laughing moments later. "In that particular order and way? You know what, I'm down. If that's my reward for making pasta, then I don't think we'll even go as far as getting to bed."
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rylanspratt · 1 year
Rylan hadn’t noticed his smile, probably because she was moving at what for her was far too fast of a speed, trying to get more oxygen into her lungs than the cold February was willing to part with. Hands resting on her knees as she tried to catch her breath, looking at the sidewalk rather than Jason for a good eight seconds if not more. Hearing his comment about her little underwear mention she couldn’t help but look up in order to see the disgusted look it had caused, laughing breathlessly. 
“No? Damn, I was sure that was exactly what you wanted to hear about. That’s why I told you!” She protested, reaching out to rest her hands on each of his shoulders, looking him dead in the eye seriously. “Do you not think Nate has spend our entire relationship trying to get me to go to the gym? If my boyfriend can’t even manage it what makes you think you have a chance in hell?” Knowing this was all in jest, slowly coming back to feeling her normal self as she got her breath back. “Have you decided what we’re getting up to tonight? Beyond drinking obviously - that’s a given. God forbid we try and spend time together fucking sober.” 
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“Coming coming coming…” Rylan screeched as she attempted to run down the sidewalk towards Jason. Try because the heels she was wearing weren’t making that very easy for her so it was more like the run of a newborn horse who’d just been punched in the face to throw them off balance, there was nothing elegant about what the girl was doing right now. Still, she was running late to meet Jason who she’d convinced to come out drinking with her on his one night off. Not always the easiest thing to do since he spent his working life around stupid drunk people in clubs anyway, she wouldn’t judge him if he’d had his fill by this point. Feeling her lungs burning as she tried to snatch oxygen out of the air, slowing her run, the model finally came to a stop with her hands on her knees. Not the most picturesque sight but such is life. “Just let me…hold on…I gotta breath…” She panted as she tried to ignore bead of sweat running down between her shoulder blades along her spine. “In my defence I couldn’t find matching underwear.” Rylan explained as if that went any way to explain why she was nearly half an hour late to meet her friend. A friend who at this point was more of a brother to her than anything else. “But I didn’t come empty handed so … I will make it up to you.” She spoke between breaths.  @jasonmacavoy
Jason didn’t smile very often. His features were usually screwed up into a tight scowl or pressed together with the ever present clench of his jaw. It all came with the territory and the reputation he had earned himself as a solider, bouncer, and ex-fighter. Yet, as he stood outside the club on one of his rare nights off cocking his head to the side, there was a slight curl to his lip, eyes locked on Rylan barreling down a busy city street in the most ridiculous fashion he had ever seen. It had almost made up for the fact that she was a half an hour late. 
But alas, that small little grin was short-lived and it disappeared almost as quickly as it appeared replaced by an unconscious grimace that only someone like a “brother” could muster. “Ugh c’mon I don’t wanna know about that shit.” Jason groaned instead of saying hello. Even if it was the truth, he preferred not hearing about Rylan’s matching underwear situation. 
As she caught her breath, he stamped out the cigarette he had lit to keep himself occupied, shaking his head teasingly at her. “Yeah, yeah. Might not be enough. Maybe we should get your ass to gym instead.” He offered, all good fun. 
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rylanspratt · 1 year
“Well they certainly won’t be eating any of their fishy pizza after you knock their teeth out I guess. Fun fact, there was a girl at my school who called her vagina ‘fishy pizza’ and I can confirm it didn’t go down as well as she thought it would. I think she really thought she was doing something but it kinda just…sank like a deflated balloon.” Breaking out into a loud cackling laugh as she thought back to the (admittedly slightly strange) girl in her class, not that she herself was the most normal. She’d been rich though so apparently that had given her a pass. “By the way, no, mushrooms I cannot get behind. They are a crime to humanity so please don’t bring the slimy fuckers anywhere near me okay? Good.” Shuddering dramatically as she took another swig of her black coffee, it was now lukewarm but that was fine, as long as it had caffeine in it she was happy enough. She probably shouldn’t be laughing as she listened to what Stevie’s daughter had been getting up to but damn she couldn’t help it, the little girl just…was constantly getting into crazy situations that the model couldn’t help but respect. It was like she didn’t care, which reminded her of herself. It was hilarious. “She’s got a point, I mean if she’s going to be off school she might as well get to do something fun. Plus if the school heard you were doing that they might keep her in school next time instead of suspending her because they’d think you just didn’t know how to punish her. Then you’d get the time back together, you could drink and get laid all you wanted without anyone knowing.” Hands spread out in front of her as if she’d easily solved the problem right there and then, shrugging nonchalantly. “Here is what we’re going to do, on Monday I’m coming to pick her up on the way to my photoshoot, I’ll text you when I have my Calltime to let you know when the car will be there. Then I’ll take her with me to work for the day and you can have it to yourself okay? You’re welcome. You’re right, you were a baby having a baby, it’s wild to me. I wouldn’t have been able to cope. Not in a million years.” 
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"anyone tries to offer me pizza with fish on it gets their teeth knocked in and they have to eat nothing but their fishy pizza for the rest of their life. i life fish, i like sushi, but if you ruin my pizza, you are my arch nemesis. mushrooms i can get behind. we use them a lot at home," stevie said. food was one of her love languages. she didn't know if it was her heritage or just her love of food, but she never turned it down. as soon as the mug was put in front of her, she fixed it up the way she liked it, but focused more on the color of it than how much sweetener and cream she put in it. "this one is bigger than the other," she muttered, noticing the unnoticeable, possibly non-existent size difference in the creamer containers. "yeah she did, so now she's grounded at home and acting like her life is over. she said 'what fun is being home all week if i can't do anything fun?' like ma'am… you caused school-wide panic and got your ass suspended for the week - you're grounded for as long as you're home, make better choices," stevie said with a shrug. "listen, if you wanna take her, i'm not opposed. i need a way to get into her room and get all the clothes she doesn't fit in anymore packed up and release that damn frog she caught," she said. she really was raising a tiny version of herself. she had a lot of apologies owed to her parents. "yeah i know i'm not, literally all i've wanted since she's been home is to drink my life away and get laid, but i can't do that with her at home because she always ends up in my bed, and i can't have her experience walking in on me getting rammed, no kid deserves that trauma," she said. "i mean… at least you'd be an adult if you have kids. i was a baby having a baby. you've got one up on me."
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rylanspratt · 1 year
“You know what I love? When they’re really cocky and stuff but then you say one thing to them and they basically start crying. It’s more delicious than any kind of like…ice cream I’ve ever come across. And you know how I feel about ice cream.” Famously it was an addiction of Rylan’s, along with all her actual addictions obviously but this one was certainly the most innocent. Not the most surprising though, thanks to her career most people assumed she would be scared of sugar, which she was 90% of the time but when it came to ice cream? All bets we’re off. It was a sure fire way to get her to eat something. “Speaking of bruising like a peach!” Rylan laughed as she was punched hard in the arm, pretending to be hurt even though the tiny woman next to her would have to do more than that to inflict actual harm to her. It did make her think of the mottled fresh bruise that had been on Nate’s arm when she’d returned the day before, a tightening in her chest, still not entirely sure she was convinced by his story of where it had come from. “Aw sweet angel, I will always come back to you, you know I can’t stay away.” Wrapping her arm around Hana so she could pull her towards her, pressing a kiss to her temple, although there was not much age between the two of them but it didn’t stop Rylan feeling like a big sister to the other. “Okay but you actually should come with me next time - I’ve tried to convince Nate to come but he’s being super resistant because he has to ‘work’ or whatever.” Air quotes around that one word as she rolled her eyes with a smirk. “Plus it’s not like the dead bodies would miss you if you were gone for a week. Who you been crushing on? Don’t think I missed that bit by you burying it in everything else.” 
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☆゚*·゚HANA WAS ALWAYS curious as to whether or not she looked like she should be friends with her friends. It was silly to wonder it, but half the time, she looked like she was about to hurt someone, and her friends were all over here looking gorgeous. But when she actually spent time with them, none of it mattered. Because they were there to spend time with her, and make her feel special. Laughing a little too loudly at Rylan's comment, she knew it was true. "Oh goodness, it's awful! I met a guy that came in for an internship, tiny guy, ego the size of the Empire State building, but the second I clapped back at him, he looked like I'd told him the world was ending. Insanity," Hana explained. She always loved messing with guys, especially when they thought she was a bright sunshiney of a person. Playfully punching Rylan's arm, she rolled her eyes. "As long as you keep coming back to me, I'll boost your ego as much as you need." Listening to her friend, she hoped she had a wonderful time since she'd last seen her. Rylan deserved it. "It doesn't sound like fun. Maybe I'll go with you next time instead. We'll cause a bit of trouble, or maybe a lot of trouble." Shrugging her shoulders, Hana sunk into her chair. "Oh, you know, fulfilling orders, creeping on rooftops, crushing too hard on someone I shouldn't, playing with dead bodies. What else?"
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rylanspratt · 1 year
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“Coming coming coming…” Rylan screeched as she attempted to run down the sidewalk towards Jason. Try because the heels she was wearing weren’t making that very easy for her so it was more like the run of a newborn horse who’d just been punched in the face to throw them off balance, there was nothing elegant about what the girl was doing right now. Still, she was running late to meet Jason who she’d convinced to come out drinking with her on his one night off. Not always the easiest thing to do since he spent his working life around stupid drunk people in clubs anyway, she wouldn’t judge him if he’d had his fill by this point. Feeling her lungs burning as she tried to snatch oxygen out of the air, slowing her run, the model finally came to a stop with her hands on her knees. Not the most picturesque sight but such is life. “Just let me…hold on…I gotta breath…” She panted as she tried to ignore bead of sweat running down between her shoulder blades along her spine. “In my defence I couldn’t find matching underwear.” Rylan explained as if that went any way to explain why she was nearly half an hour late to meet her friend. A friend who at this point was more of a brother to her than anything else. “But I didn’t come empty handed so … I will make it up to you.” She spoke between breaths.  @jasonmacavoy
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rylanspratt · 1 year
Rylan and Jason ( @jasonmacavoy )
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I can’t wait for the mash-up where they get us saying “boobies” 100 times. Maya Hawke and Joe Keery | Stranger Things S4 Bloopers 
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rylanspratt · 1 year
That was the thing that set Rylan and Rhett apart most in terms of the drug use, he wasn’t as much one for pills, where as that was very much her remit. It was bad, sometimes she didn’t even need to know what it was she was being offered, if it was in pill form she would happily give it a go. Plus this was the good stuff because it was for the gang, they didn’t take any old crap, and she wouldn’t pass on anything she was doubtful of to her best friend. He was far too important to her. “I know right? If they had a pill department in Macy’s I would be the perfume girl for that but with pills. Would you like to try some of the nice blue one, miss? It’s very light, pleasing on the senses.” She snorted with laughter. 
Letting him help her up she headed over to the sofa to flop back down onto it, eternally grateful that she’d worn sweatpants on the plane because at least that meant she was comfortable now. “Thank you kind sir, you’re too good to me.” Rylan spoke impossibly politely, overdoing it, as he placed the Diet Coke in front of her. Sitting up just long enough to crack it open before she let herself fall back into the cushions, giving him a cheeky grin. “Fuck yeah let’s do this. Hand out please, I shall give you your treat.” Tipping two little blue pills into her hand, passing one over to the blonde before she put her own under her tongue with a contented sigh, settling in to let it take effect. After a second she grabbed a box of cigarettes from the table to light one up, offering the box to him. "So talk to me, what's news? What have I missed?"
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He just watched with a small smile of amusement on his face as Rylan bantered with herself and dug through a million different cases of makeup. However, soon enough, she did find what she was looking for and his blue eyes fell upon the baggie as she described what they were. To be honest, he wasn't much for pills but he would take them when they were around. And if they were as good as Rylan was saying, they would be worth it to try, right? "Oh, what a saleswoman you are, love." He joked, "I am truly honored."
Standing up from the floor, he helped his best friend up as well before he wandered off towards the kitchen to grab them some chips and some soda. He was getting kind of snacky. Probably because he hadn't eaten something in well over sixteen hours. It was about time. Wandering back towards the couch, he plopped down again and ripped open the bag of chips, stealing a few before he placed a can of soda down in front of Rylan and himself, "Alright, let's do this." Rhett trusted Rylan with his life. She wouldn't give him something he shouldn't trust.
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rylanspratt · 1 year
“I mean, yeah pineapple on pizza is pretty gross but I can think of worse things to put on pizza. Like anchovies, why the hell would you want tiny little fish on your pizza hiding in the cheese like little invaders. Same with mushrooms, literal fungus on your pizza, if there is one way to ruin a good dish just add mushrooms to it and I can guarantee it will be reduced to a pile of shit.” Rylan grinned, coffee being set down in front of the two of them, if there was one good thing about horrible diner coffee (that she secretly loved) it was that it arrived quickly. You could get hit after hit of caffeine without waiting for some barista to create a heart in the foam before you are allowed to drink it. “And I’ll never fucking judge babe, I had the breakfast of champions, coffee, valium, and cigarettes. I’m a picture of health.” She was absolutely anything but and everyone who knew the model could tell but she didn’t really care. She probably needed to drink more water too come to think of it, but coffee technically had water in it so … two birds one stone? “She pulled the fire alarm and got suspended? Fuck me, I love that kid she’s such a mood.” Bursting out in cackling laughter as she clapped her hands, never relating to a ten year old more than she did with Matilda in that moment. What a little firecracker, she was the best. “If you wanna go to work at any point I’m happy to watch her, we can like watch movies and eat junk food or something. Or if I’m on a shoot she can just come with.” Shrugging because it would probably be much more entertaining to work with Matilda around than it was with all the stuffy models she was surrounded by all the time. “Oh please, you’re not fucking responsible, who are you kidding?” Sticking her tongue out before taking gulp of her coffee - fuck it was good. “Kids aren’t on the cards for me yet, don’t you worry. It would end my career let’s be honest…well probably.” 
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"what can i say? i'm italian, i'm a new yorker - terrible combination, yanno? just like pineapples on pizza, who the hell wants hot pineapples? it's disgusting, those people are goin' straight to hell," she said, picking up a straw, unwrapping it, and immediately chewing on it. "good, cause starbucks is part of my routine, i skipped that step, now everything feels like i'm walking on the weird floor from alice in wonderland, it's not fun - i also might be a little high, but i'll never tell," she rambled. "well that's dumb, who the hell doesn't keep themselves hydrated? i drink many, many gallons of water a day - which is also why i constantly have to pee, but guess who's not passing out from dehydration? this bitch, cause she hydrates." stevie smiled around the straw she was chewing on at the mention of her most prized possession - matilda was her entire world. "she's good. complaining about school, complaining about chores, complaining about how life's not fair, just like any other ten-year-old that gets grounded for pulling the fire alarm and getting suspended from school, so guess which mom has to take a week off work cause it's apparently illegal to leave a ten-year-old at home alone? this mom," stevie ranted, pointing to herself. "don't have kids, it's a trap. it's fun until they get a mind of their own. or in her case, my mind. i was warned she'd be just like me. didn't take it seriously and boom - i got a mini stevie wreaking havoc on all of new york. that used to be my job, but now i have to be responsible and set a good example."
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rylanspratt · 1 year
“I was, I was eating a hell of a lot of garlic because I was kissing no one, but now I’m home so I’ll have to stay away from it right?” Rylan smirked as she melted into his arms with no resistance, his arm around her waist making her feel more secure than she had the whole time she was in France. “I love you I love you I love you.” The brunette murmured between pecks against his lips before finally moving away but only so she could attend to his wounds. As much as she wanted to believe the things her boyfriend was saying, believe him when he told her not to worry, there was a knot in her stomach that was refusing to budge. Even when she’d given him ice, pills, and arnica cream she still didn’t feel like she’d done enough to help him, wanting to take the pain away more than anything. “I know, I know you do, but still baby this is a big bruise.” Breaking out into a soft smile she laughed under her breath, shaking her head at his joke. “Yeah I’m sure the other guy is just pulp now, but I don’t really give a shit what happened to him, I’m more concerned about my boyfriend. Who needs to take more care of himself otherwise I’ll be following you to the gym and wrapping you in bubble wrap.” She joked, nodding with approval as he swallowed the pills, that was something. 
“What kind of throwing around do you think I mean, obviously the fun type, do I do any other kind of throwing around in the bedroom? Then again with your muscles it’s more likely that you’ll be throwing me around like a rag doll. Which is exactly what I love.” A cheeky glint in her eye as he mentioned Rylan playing a cute nurse, already making a mental note to get herself a nurse costume to surprise him with tomorrow just for fun. “I will be your cute little nurse anytime, sweetie.” Following him over to the sofa with her hands up on either side of her face in the defensive but a lazy smile on her lips, stomach grumbling because even if she wouldn’t admit it she was starving and that food smelt amazing. It was likely because she was back home where she felt the most comfortable, it was always the easiest place for Rylan to eat because after all that was something that didn’t always come easy to her. Her guilty mind would get in the way as voices of her agents and other models rang in her ears about remaining the right size or risk not getting hired for shows. Here she could block that all out and just enjoy spending time with her boyfriend instead, focusing in on his words, his face, how much she loved him. “I’m not saying anything about you carrying them to the table, you’re doing a great job, I’m very proud of your big muscles.” Flopping down onto the sofa with a contented sigh, opening her arms to lure him into them, heavy eyelids but refusing to sleep so they can spend more time together. “Next time I go to Paris, please come with me, just once so we can see the city together. I think you’d love it there.” Toying with some pasta before finally putting a mouthful in, letting out a soft moan of delight as she melted back into the sofa cushions. “Fuck, I’m dating a chef. Can we have this for every meal for the rest of our lives? Well for the meals i’m not having you for.” Allowing herself to ignore the worry of the bruising for a while so she could relax properly, lighten the atmosphere. “I’m going to finish making love to this fucking pasta, then I’m going to fuck you, and then we’re going to snuggle in bed….yeah?” 
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"Because." Nate remained stubborn, although it was painfully obvious why. He had seen the comments online, and while he wasn't too bothered by them, there was a good point expressed there. They came from different worlds, Nate and Rylan were like day and night when it came to their finances, upbringing and so much more. While he would never take advantage of her, he didn't want to give any hints of that or get anywhere close to it. So, instead, he focused on Rylan, and when she told him that she loved him, Nate couldn't help but smile. It wasn't just because he had missed her; hearing her telling him that made his heart swell with joy each and every single time. His free arm moved to wrap around her waist as she moved closer to him, and he kissed her back, deepening the kiss for another moment or two before they had to pull away. Sometimes, it scared him how quickly they were moving, that they were only dating for so long, but all those months spent as just friends were more than enough to prove to him that he loved her no matter what. That nothing could ever change it. "So, all I'm hearing is that you went wild and ate a whole bunch of snails with garlic while you were away. Honestly, I like garlic, but that combination sounds terrifying." Nate teased her as Rylan moved away. Truthfully, he could only but imagine what it tasted like, as it was nothing but a mere dream to him to travel that far to taste something like that. "You never know, some of them might just be curious. Besides, everything in moderation, right?" Being a dancer, especially a ballet dancer, he was more than familiar with various rules and restrictions that came with such jobs- unfortunately.
"No, I know we don't, I'm just saying... I move easier on the dance floor than I do on the regular ground. It's just how things can be sometimes." Nate tried to reason, even if he knew it was a pathetic explanation. And, especially now, noticing that worried look on his girlfriend's face, noticing the way she looked at him. Nate loathed worrying Rylan, even though it was inevitable; what was unfortunate, however, was that he had to lie to her no matter what. He couldn't just tell her that he had gotten into an illegal fighting ring where he risked his life every other day. It was far too dangerous, and the thought of having her involved in all of it made Nate's stomach spasm with worry. "Is this the right time to say that you should look at the other guy?" He asked jokingly. "It's all fine, baby, really. Although, that depends- what kind of throwing around are we talking about?" He asked curiously, hoping to change the mood, to shift the subject onto something different. His bruise was now glaringly obvious, and Nate had plenty more to hide from Rylan. For now, however, he wanted to focus on the joking around, he wanted to be sure that they were happy. She was home after such a long time of being away, after all. "Okay, fine, I will." He nodded along, picking up the glass of water and taking the two pills that Rylan had given him. She had a point about being clumsy herself, even if he didn't see her that way. He never did, because, why would he? She was absolutely perfect in his eyes. "Fair enough. You can be my cute little nurse then." he added playfully, in hopes of making her feel a little better, even if it made no impact when he saw Rylan wince. "Honestly, it looks worse than if feels. I'm fine, really." It hurt, but he was used to it, and if Nate took painkillers every time he was in pain, he would constantly be on them. Oddly enough, it didn't feel right taking so many meds, so often. Pushing that thought aside, Nate leaned into Rylan's touch, closing his eyes for a moment. He had missed her so much, even if she had been away for mere days. It was ridiculous, how dependent he was when it came to Rylan, but Nate wasn't going to complain. He loved her like no one else in the world, after all. "So should you. Come on, I prepared that pasta for a reason, both of us have to eat." He insisted as he opened his eyes again, leaning in and kissing Rylan quickly before picking up both bowls of pasta. "And don't you say I shouldn't be carrying these to the table. I carried you around like you weigh nothing." He joked as he made his way over to the couch, placing the bowls of pasta on the coffee table.
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