ryderwritings · 14 hours
I love a character raised to be a weapon as much as the next guy. But what really gets me is a character raised to be a shield. Who can’t fathom being needed—or even being wanted— beyond keeping others safe. Who believe they are alive only to insure someone doesn’t die. no matter the cost. Characters who self-sacrifice not because they think they deserve it, but because no one else does deserve it, and it’s their job to protect.
Characters who’ve been told that’s why your important. Your worth something because this other person/ thing is important, and you are here solely to keep them safe.
Bonus points if it’s not a legitimate job they’ve been given. Maybe at one point it was, but now that they are free from it, they haven’t given up that mentality. No one is forcing or asking them to do this, but they need to. They need to in order to be deserving.
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ryderwritings · 9 days
Favourite ship dynamic: no one truly knows what exactly is going on between the two characters, including the characters themselves. But whatever it is, it's written in the fabric of the universe.
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ryderwritings · 9 days
there’s going to be a difference sometimes between the stories that you find masterfully crafted and the stories that mean a lot to you personally and those two things don’t have to overlap completely or even at all to make that story worthwhile
and that’s a good thing to remember as a reader/viewer/etc but also as a writer because even if whatever you ultimately write is full of mistakes, someone out there is gonna take it so to heart that it fundamentally changes them as a person. and that is. Huge.
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ryderwritings · 10 days
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ryderwritings · 10 days
writing is like a one-man improv show where i am me, all the characters are me, and the audience is also me, except i make odd noises and nod solemnly at my laptop
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ryderwritings · 10 days
I might never be a notable writer and I might never get a huge book deal and my books might never get turned into movies but who cares? I've found absolute paradise sitting on my porch in the rain weaving words together and feeling the cool wind of an august storm on my face. No failure could ever take this sort of joy away from me.
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ryderwritings · 10 days
you’d think after almost four years i would remember that college is hard
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ryderwritings · 12 days
IDGAF if the women in my fiction are empowering or aspirational, I'm an adult, I don't need role models, I want the women in my fiction to be interesting, and if that involves being pathetic, hypocritical, amoral, or trapped in a delightfully dysfunctional relationship so be it
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ryderwritings · 12 days
I love when I'm writing and suddenly a character starts to do something without consulting me first. Even better? When said action fits in perfectly with another plotline and shows the connection between the two different plotlines. like queue kronk's "oh yeah, it's all coming together"
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ryderwritings · 12 days
me: *opens document to write* brain: let’s rethink the entire plot instead
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ryderwritings · 12 days
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ryderwritings · 16 days
the single best thing i did for myself was have FUN writing my book again!! it doesn’t have to be perfect! especially at first!
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ryderwritings · 16 days
remembering it’s my book and it can be silly if i want it to. freedom.
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ryderwritings · 16 days
if you’re feeling stuck, take a deep breath and remind yourself that even your favorite authors had rough drafts. the only difference is that they didn’t give up, and neither will you.
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ryderwritings · 18 days
me: *creates fictional characters* also me: *gets overly attached to them* plot: *requires putting them through emotional and physical turmoil* me: i’m sorry my sweet babies, but this is going to hurt me more than it hurts you
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ryderwritings · 18 days
the ao3 writer curse is such a meme but also i had never in my life experienced more misfortune than when i was an active fanfic author
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ryderwritings · 18 days
Finding beta readers for a novel is so scary. Like hi, here, please read this thing I’ve been working on for 10 years. It contains thousands of little pieces of me. I want you to tear it apart so I can put it back together even stronger. It has dragons.
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