Eco Tutu
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rward24 · 2 years ago
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rward24 · 2 years ago
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rward24 · 2 years ago
My Contribution
I believe that my contribution in the group project was a fair and equal shared amount of work to create the outcome of our creative project. I do think that in our group meeting i didn't speak as much as i should of and should have voiced my opinions more and how i felt about certain things. I think i should have given more ideas that i had in my head to the group and not just keep them to myself
I have learned from this project that you should always have a back up plan as you never know what is going to go wrong and things might not turn out the way you thought they would the first time, it's okay to change your plan and develop it. I also learned about the important of working together and everyone pulling their wait and doing their job as if someone starts to slack it really does bring the team down, I really enjoyed working with the people in my group to create the tutu, i think we all worked really well together
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rward24 · 2 years ago
Final Product
The outcome of the photos i think came out very well i think they really caption what we were trying to betray and with the scrapbook i'm really happy with the outcome of what we achieved
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rward24 · 2 years ago
Final Product
Another problem we ran into was the weather as it was winter time in Britain it was very likely the weather was not going to be nice, but the one problem was if it rained we would have had to cancel the shoot, i do think that the weather is something we should have thought about more as we didn't have a back up plan for if it had rained. We ended up getting lucky again on the day and it ended up being dry very cold and windy but dry. As we already had our inspiration photos from pintrest and Ami our location manager had already scouted the location for the photos, we actually ended up getting our photos very easily, the hardest photo to get was the air shoot as we had to get it mid-air, it took a lot of tries to get it perfect.
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rward24 · 2 years ago
Final Product
To be able to get our final product we had a lot of obstacles in the way. The first one being travel to location we had chosen our weekend to go months in advance but as it got closer. There was an industrial train strike taking place on the Friday, lucky enough in the end our train ended up still running and we managed to make it to Bournemouth, but it was a whole week waiting to find out if we were even going to get the shoot done or when we next were all available to travel together again.
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rward24 · 2 years ago
Our Roles
Ami- Location Manager, Printing Media, Collect resources, Sewing the over skirt.
Anna- Behind the scenes photographer, photo editor, under skirt creator and collect materials.
Eloise- Collect materials, Model, design the scrap book, Source materials
Rachel- Adding to Leotard, Collecting materials, Scrapbook input and photographer of the final pictures
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rward24 · 2 years ago
Creating Processes
We started our production by collecting materials from packets of food that we had been eaten like chocolate wrappers from roses and quality streets, oranges, lemons and lime nettings, we even put it in the years group, group chat for everyone to bring in any nettings they had from oranges during the week. After collecting all the materials, we gave them to Ami to start the creating of the skirt, the tutu at the start didn't really appear how we had hoped and imagined so we had to take a step back from what we were doing and have a meeting to discuss how we could make it look better and more like tutu. For the second part of the production, we took one of Eloise's old leotards and jazzed it up by adding old chocolate wrappers to it, we did this by using a hot glue gun so that the materials would stay on when we were taking our dance photos outside. The third and final part was creating the scrapbook, Eloise is very arty, so we gave it to her to draw and create we wanted the scrapbook to show the material we used, the process we went through and the final the outcome of the photos we took.
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rward24 · 2 years ago
for our photo we took inspiration from dance photos that other people have taken that we had seen before we took a look on pintrest and saved the photos that we liked and added them to a board so that it was easy to find them again, so that we needed them on the shoot we could easily pull them up if we need some help
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rward24 · 2 years ago
After presenting my idea to the class and finding other people who has similar ideas someone in the group talking about cooperating the four elements- earth, air, fire and water into our topic. I didn't really know much about the four elements after learning the element are all something that you could not survive without, they shape and affect all our life's.
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rward24 · 2 years ago
A group I found which really inspired me was 5 Gyres which was founded by Marcus Eriksen and Anna Cummins whose intentions was to investigate key unanswered questions about plastic pollution. What they aimed is? They are a leader in the global movement against plastic pollution with more than 10 years of expertise in scientific research and engagement on plastic pollution issues. (5gyres)
5gyres,(2017) about us. Available at:  (Accessed: 29th January 2023)
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rward24 · 2 years ago
when we had to pick our topics, i wanted to do something to help the planet as there has been so much recently about the pollution and climate change. As i did more research, i learned about how much trash is in the ocean. The ocean is the most unexplored area of the earth there is so much that is unknown about what goes on. The ocean has about 5.25 trillion pieces of trash in it which brings high risk of danger to the marine life. There are different ways in which trash is monitored and counted going into the ocean the first is through beach surveys, the second way is a computer models based on samples collected in the sea and then from that helps to estimate how much trash the thing enters the oceans. (national geographic)
Parker,L (2015) ocean trash: 5.25 trillion pieces and counting but big questions remain. Available at: (Accessed: 29th January 2023)
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rward24 · 2 years ago
Artistic Concept Or Idea
Our group decided that we were going to create a ballet tutu out of recycling.
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