rvkyuyeol ¡ 2 years
frankly, he was in shock, freezing in place upon hearing what jinyoung had to say. “i didn’t think i’d ever hear that. from you, at least,” kyu admitted pensively. “i think it’s a nice idea, though. a good gift to the fans that have been so loyal and gracious. i haven’t performed in years, though-- i’m not onboard without some significant practice to get back into top form...”
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“i… will surely regret this, but i suppose you’re free to take advantage of my moment of weakness,” jinyoung began, rolling his eyes and muttering under his breath before meeting the gaze of the others in the room. “what with the pandemic and all (and my utter unwillingness), we didn’t do anything for empire’s 15th anniversary. i wonder if we ought to. either for our 20th or earlier. a short, final empire reunion.” @rvjaemi​ @shinwoorv​ @rvdaeseok​ @rvkyuyeol​
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rvkyuyeol ¡ 2 years
she nodded emphatically, trying not to turn beat red with every dialogue exchange she had with him. “i…. i think the main trainee studio is open, if you would like? it’s a little drafty but….. there’s lots of space…” she mumbled
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“that sounds perfect. i can handle a little draft-- i brought a cardigan,” kyu assured her, biting back a chuckle. “we should double check it isn’t booked, though. and if it is, i’m sure i can quickly book one of the lounges.”
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rvkyuyeol ¡ 2 years
“what do you mean? of course i want it,” kyu retorted, giving the younger idol a warm smile. “do i get to open it now? or do you want me to wait until i get home?”
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“i made you something,” raein said plainly, holding the shoddily wrapped gift behind his back as he rocked back and forth on his feet. “do you… do you want it? because i can just give it to my mom if you don’t…” @rvsara @rvkyuyeol​
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rvkyuyeol ¡ 2 years
“how can you even tell that? most shots are closeups,” kyu pointed out with a tiny eyeroll, shaking his head. “if it removes 5 inches, you must be a dwarf.”
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“i saw the premiere of your new drama last week,” ilyoon began, shooting kyuyeol a tiny smile. “you know….you aren’t nearly as tall on tv. they say the camera adds 10 lbs, but it seems to remove 5 inches too…” @rvkyuyeol​
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rvkyuyeol ¡ 2 years
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“It’s like, travelling for concerts is usually more time in transit if you’re going far away so theres more time for naps, but with promotions you kind of have to be on all day and you’re only sleep time is in the van for maybe an hour at the most.”
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“yes, you’ve got the idea. and empire never did much variety, so i think we got more sleep than many modern groups do these days,” kyu pointed out. “if i had to debut in 2022, i simply would have stuck just to acting from the beginning.”
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rvkyuyeol ¡ 3 years
“please, kyu, she thinks you’re the sun and the stars. i don’t know what you did, but you’ve got a fan for life in her,” jinkyung answered once she realized he knew which of her kids she was talking about. “well, i was a little worried. you’re a busy man. and i know sometimes having a kid have a crush on you can be awkward.”
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“all i did was run her lines with her,” he answered, with a little shrug. “she’s got a lot of potential, by the way. takes after yoonseok.” he shook his head. “i’m an idol, tons of kids have and have had crushes on me. and i’m not nearly as busy as i used to be.”
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rvkyuyeol ¡ 3 years
she blushed when he smiled at her, eyes going a little wide. this was kyu. from empire. huge actor who helped found the company, and celebrity hunk. and he was going to help her. “oh um…” she stumbled over her words, almost dropping her script. “fifteen pages. twenty minutes. i think. is that too long? i don’t want to bother you….”
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“don’t worry-- i have plenty of time,” he assured her gently. “i don’t have anywhere to be until 5. should we find an open practice space?”
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rvkyuyeol ¡ 3 years
“god, spotlight is lucky i’m under so many fucking nda’s. otherwise dispatch would have been expecting this for a long time,” she grumbled.
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“i wonder if there’s any way to break those nda’s,” kyu commented warily. “it would get you the justice i think you desire. and it would warn new trainees. not to mention, probably make silent spotlight idols feel like they have a voice.”
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rvkyuyeol ¡ 3 years
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“That sounds way cool – Empire seemed more like rockstars anyway,” Noeul said. “Concerts are definitely better than music show lives. They don’t feel as like…. squashed if that makes any sense.”
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“i think, at the very least, we were a lot looser than groups now. if that makes sense,” he mused aloud. “we didn’t have the polished choreography, and we didn’t really lipsync. i think having a rock version for our live performances suited us. but i have to agree-- travelling for concerts is exhausting, but somehow, i still got more sleep doing that than a normal promotion circuit.”
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rvkyuyeol ¡ 3 years
he smiled, mind immediately going to goeun. ever since he helped her with her script, he’d kind of noticed as much. “i had a feeling,” he answered his friend with a little chuckle. “i’d be honored to be on your show. we’ve been friends long enough, jinkyung-- did you think i’d say no?”
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“this is going to sound a little strange, but please hear me out,” jinkyung began, a little smile playing on her lips. “one of my kids has a crush on you. just a little one, very innocent– the crush of a fan. but the producers want to explore it as an angle on the show. would you be alright with us using footage of you? or even coming to meet the child in question for a special episode?” she was careful not to say which of her kids it was– if the answer was no, she didn’t want to embarrass them. “of course nothing will happen beyond that, but we thought it would be cute for one of the kids to meet one of their favorite celebrities. and you’d get publicity from it too.” 
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rvkyuyeol ¡ 3 years
he smiled at the trainee. he remembered being an idol trainee and how overwhelming it felt-- he liked to try to help out the millenium trainees whenever possible. “i’d love to help you out,” he assured her. “how long is your scene?”
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“if you’re too busy, it’s okay… i won’t be upset,” goeun insisted softly, hugging her script to her chest. “i just need to have this script memorized for my eval tomorrow and thought it would be easier if someone ran lines with me but… i can ask my sister. maybe she’s free…”
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rvkyuyeol ¡ 3 years
kyu cleared his throat awkwardly. “well... uh... i don’t think it’s unheard of for performers who have been in the game as long as we have to want to evolve and move on. they should have expected you to shake things up soon.”
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“i don’t know what dispatch fuckin expected,” seola snorted. “my last song before this release was about sex. like, explicitly. you really think that if i want to make that kind of music i can go on the music show circuit? not a fuckin chance.”
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rvkyuyeol ¡ 3 years
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“If you’re content, I think that’s all that really matters, you know? Being an idol is a super public job, and at a certain point it’s important to draw a line between what’s private and what’s not.”
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“i agree,” he said with a little nod. “i know that fans sometimes get upset when social medias are run by managers because it feels less personal, but fans get so much of idols. they get variety. they get the performances. behind the scenes... there are so many rules about diet and interpersonal relationship... i think having a boundary, even just one, is important. it’s easy to lose yourself online.”
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rvkyuyeol ¡ 3 years
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“Honestly, I don’t blame you for feeling left behind–it’s definitely way too much to wrap your head around sometimes. It’s fun and all for the most part, but it really gets to a point where it’s really just not anymore–more like busywork than anything. Another performance outside actually performing. Being so connected has it’s downsides, so you might actually be better off having missed it, actually. “
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he listened intently, nodding. “i think i’m fairly content with being an old washed recluse,” he chuckled. “my managers keep my socials adequately stocked for fans. the people i care to keep in touch with have my number. beyond that, i can’t think of anything else i’d want it for.”
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rvkyuyeol ¡ 4 years
“i think that was the first radio show i’ve seen you on since we disbanded,” kyu said with a tiny laugh. “how much did they offer you to show up? you must be a trillionaire-- otherwise i have no idea what convinced you.” @rvfuyuko​
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rvkyuyeol ¡ 4 years
“uhhh…… well, these kids are here to learn, and in not a lot of time. you have to be blunt and to the point. they’re trainees– they’re used to being told things harshly. be constructive and don’t shit on them, but don’t be afraid to tell them if they did bad,” jaemi said after careful thought
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maybe it was silly to take notes during an actual conversation with his brother, but that’s just what kyu did-- he wanted more than anything to do these trainees right, and jaemi could help him do that. “that’s really helpful,” he retorted. “i’m the image coach. i have to say, i’m a little concerned. because i know how to be a male idol and what that entails, but there are differences with being a female idol. to suggest otherwise is stupid. and i don’t want to let the trainees down and not be able to speak to their experiences too.”
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rvkyuyeol ¡ 4 years
“oh, no! i just found out about that yesterday– i think you’ll be a great mentor,” rae said earnestly. “i don’t know. i wouldn’t have liked that. you would have had to critique me and i think that would have made me upset…”
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“that’s fair-- i didn’t even think of that. i think i would have subconsciously gone easy on you too, and that’s not fair at all,” kyu reasoned.
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