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shady days
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rvhayoon · 4 years ago
she blushed a little, feeling kind of called out. “yeah…yeah i guess so,” she muttered. “it’s not easy to just… change though.”
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“it’s not easy, no. but if you actually give a shit, it’s worth the work.”
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rvhayoon · 4 years ago
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“Actually… yeah, you’re definitely right. There’s some real messed up guys out there,” Duckie replied. “Ooh, if we get to see stars with the sunset that’d be super dope.”
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“i’ll trust you for now, though. for now. you better not make me regret that,” she teased. “even if we don’t, if we get a clear shot of the sky, i bet you could do some cool stuff in photoshop...”
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rvhayoon · 4 years ago
“don’t take it the wrong way! i think you sounded really good! you’ve gotten so much stronger the past few years!” seyeon insisted quickly, pouting a little. she didn’t want to upset her friend, even accidentally. “i think so too. we have our own sound.”
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“hey, don’t sweat. i’m teasing you,” hayoon assured her, hastily pulling her into a little hug and rubbing her back. “we do. we don’t sound like reign or rejectz in the slightest. hyo is kind of a genius.”
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rvhayoon · 4 years ago
“is that your weird way of complimenting my singing?” hayoon asked, narrowing her eyes before bursting out into laughter. “i think it suits us. higher did a good job of making it feel like ours.”
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“you know…..i think we did something,” seyeon said after taking a deep breath in. “i was scared, but i’m really happy with what we did. the vocals weren’t nearly as lacking as we thought they’d be. and i think we all got featured pretty well.” @rvxdokyoung @rvhayoon​
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rvhayoon · 4 years ago
“i mean, maybe. i hope so. but i’m not going to hold my breath– i know i’m kind of a hard pill to swallow sometimes.”
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“well, you’re plenty charming right now. and like...if that’s something you know about yourself and is impeding you from making friendships....maybe it’s something you oughta look into changing.”
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rvhayoon · 4 years ago
“i don’t have anyone i can match with, though– doesn’t that defeat the whole purpose?” she asked with a tiny pout
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“oh, come on. you have your sister! and you and yihwa seem close on idol project! and i’m sure once you debut you can match your groupmates?” she suggested
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rvhayoon · 4 years ago
“okay so like….. the choreography given to us won’t be as hard as rewind, but i think our technical skill as a whole is much better,” dokyoung insisted. “you and i are some of the best dancers in the game.”
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“well...i don’t know about the game. but we’re good. and we have potential to be the best-- i’ll give you that. but we’re probably going to be given some tamer stuff until seyeon can catch up.”
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rvhayoon · 4 years ago
“you’re crazy, unnie,” seyeon insisted, shaking her head. “i sound too cutesy and baby-y to be on their level. and dylan is kind of a legend.”
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“having a higher voice doesn’t mean you’re less good? byulah is right there. so is sookie,” hayoon pointed out. “dylan’s a legend for bad reasons. and she’s a good rapper, but you’re better.”
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rvhayoon · 4 years ago
“uh…. jia? dylan? tiwi? jieun? probably more that haven’t debuted yet? what are you even saying!” seyeon exclaimed
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“you’re better than tiwi. jieun doesn’t count because she’s basically not an idol beyond unity-- she’s a soloist. dylan is good, but you’re better. and i’d say you’re even with jia. truth.”
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rvhayoon · 4 years ago
“shin hyosang is on us. we are the best dance group higher’s ever put together. seyeon is a great rapper. we’ll be up to par. we’ll just be a little different than the norm is all.”
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“really? even better than rewind?” hayoon asked skeptically, frowning a little. “you’re right, though. i just am being too negative..”
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rvhayoon · 4 years ago
“i know that. like logically i know that. but what if they don’t? what if they find someone better last minute?”
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“seyeon, you have the potential to be the best female idol rapper of our generation. they wont find someone better. that’s just not possible.”
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rvhayoon · 4 years ago
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“Fair enough, it’s probably a good idea to be skeptical of anyone with a camera, especially in this industry,” Duckie said with a nod. “That was the idea! I can take or leave the cold but I’m glad it stopped being so cloudy for once.”
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“in any case. i’ve seen far too many stories of people taking upskirts of women on the streets to ever trust anyone with a camera,” hayoon answered bluntly. “no, for real. it’s so clear. i bet we’d even be able to see some stars tonight...”
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rvhayoon · 4 years ago
“yeah, but not all great girl groups need someone right on that level! our producers will just have to lay songs out in a way that makes them still impactful,” dokyoung answered. “jisung oppa doesn’t sing at all in his music anymore– not really, anyway. and he’s the biggest soloist there is.”
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“i guess. i just feel underwhelming. we’re highers first real new girl group, and the first girl group since rejectz. and i don’t want to not be up to par.”
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rvhayoon · 4 years ago
“if they make me a vocalist instead of a rapper, i’m going to cry,” seyeon said seriously. “i already barely get to rap at all in unity. if i can’t rap in my permanent group, what am i even doing here anymore?”
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“seyeon, breathe. there is no way dokyoung or i would ever be made rapper over you. not for a second. you will absolutely be our rapper,” hayoon assured her. 
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rvhayoon · 4 years ago
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“Watching copious dance practice videos doesn’t make me a creepy fansite, I don’t think, just a fanboy with too much free-time,” Duckie argued, tongue poking out between his grin as he waited for Hayoon to meet him on the ground. “I don’t think I want to give anymore credence to the nickname ‘Reporter Kwak’ - the sky looks pretty and I thought it’d be cool to do a time lapse at the park or something as the sun set, that’s all.”
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“fine, i guess you have a point. i’ll give you pass this once-- but just so you know, i have my eye on you,” she teased. “no, that would be super cool. and it’s the perfect day to do it-- the weather’s pretty clear. i’m down. you’re just lucky i grabbed a good jacket.”
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rvhayoon · 4 years ago
“oh, hands down, you’re the vocalist,” dokyoung laughed. “you’re the most stable of all of us. and your voice is the prettiest. like, the songs will have to account for you not being on ginny’s level but like….literally who is.”
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“listen, ginny is a great soloist, but i think pulling her from the line up might really fuck us over,” hayoon admitted anxiously. i just see the lineups for groups like byulbit and violetta..... you’re right, it’ll probably be me, but how can i compete with nana and chase and woori and ryan? achara? chaemi? just to name a few!”
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rvhayoon · 4 years ago
“i just wanted to see your case! it’s just really nice, okay? i was trying to see if there was a brand on it so i could ask eomma if i could get one like it,” mirae insisted.
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she sighed, smiling. she liked mirae-- and she wanted to believe the other girl really didn’t mean any harm. “dokyoung and i made matching ones. it’s just a basic case that we decorated with stickers and pictures and stuff, and then put a sealant over. if you want, i can teach you how to make one.”
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