Runaway High
308 posts
Ever wanted a place to run away to? To go when you were all alone and you had nowhere else to escape? That is what this old run down and abandoned school is for. Brendon Love is the one to make this happen. Brendon came upon the school and decided to take kids in and give them a home. He takes them in, any age who are lost, confused, without a home, kicked out, abandoned, left behind or just need a place to be and in return you have to do dangerous tasks for him, certain kinds of tasks that you can’t say no to or you’re out of this school. Brendon will save your from your darkness, but may bring you into another kind that could scare you to death. There will be drama, lust, love, broken hearts, tears, laughter, anything you can imagine, you’ll make friends, or enemies, first and last loves, here you will find your destiny but entering it signs you over to Brendon and this rundown high school isn’t really all that it’s cracked up to be… Open since November 28th
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
runawayhigh-rpg · 12 years ago
Hello everyone! So as you know this place has become fairly dead and it's upset me but I've been so busy lately I just couldn't do anything with it. Plus it's made me sad it died so its made me not want to come online BUT I am going to revamp with some help! Make everything new and this time I will be making the bios instead of having the roleplayer make them! So! It will be undergoing surgery if that makes sense xD IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO KEEP YOUR ROLES LIKE THIS POST! Or message or let me know some way that way I know to keep you on the list and that includes if you have multiple characters :)) I don't want to bump someone off by accident! So there we go! This place will be back!
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runawayhigh-rpg · 12 years ago
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runawayhigh-rpg · 12 years ago
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runawayhigh-rpg · 12 years ago
IMPORANT! Rules Update
  Hello everyone! So I just wanted to talk about a few things that I wanted to make a bit clear because things seem to be going off track and I don't want to have to be the bad guy when it comes to things, so I really want everyone to read this please! I know I may sound mean but sometimes I have to be stern! hehe.
  This is in no specific order, it's just what I want to talk about from the top of my head and from what I can remember I wanted to say xDD
  Conversations in para's and locked posts are private so you can't post about them, it's not fair if someone shares a secret in one and then someone goes "OMG SO AND SO DID THIS" and it spreads around the school, the character and player behind it might not like that all to much.
  Cliques! I've noticed a lot of cliques and I really don't want that, I want everyone to talk to everyone which is why I did that Chatzy task and it went really great! I loved seeing everyone converse so I would really love to keep it up!
  Extravagent things, being poor, being a runaway. This school is for runaway kids, which basically means you come from nothing, you have no money, no food, barely any clothes and you need a place to go because you feel alone and lost. Brendon takes you in and tries his best to help you. I understand people are getting jobs which is great because Brendon wants that, but you have to pay Brendon at least half of your pay because how else is he supposed to put food on the table? Also you can't be buying extreme and huge things because then technically you aren't poor, if you can afford cool tech things and whatever then you don't need Brendon's help and he's spending unnessicary money, so try and remember where you are and how your character would react. 
THE TASKS He sends out tasks but not always and I know I used to send out individual tasks before and the only reason why I stopped was because it takes people a couple days to do them and that's no fun for anyone which is why I started the mass tasks, that way everyone can participate in them and have fun and create storylines. So please please do them, they are a part of this plot and I don't want the rpg to die at all. If you would like an idividual task just for fun you can ask me because I am always on the main account and say "hey I'd love one" and I can send one to you easy, just make sure to have your submit box open! :))  
STORYLINES! As of recent, well a while people only seem to be using one type of storyline. Drugs. Yeah drugs are cool and an easy thing to use, but I don't understand why every single one of the characters have to be high up on drugs. This isn't a rehab center at all. I get it if it's in your bio but they are able to get clean. I'm using Silvy as an example. Silvy did drugs and she did her storyline but she cleaned up and is trying to better herself which is amazing because then now it leaves room for her character to do different types of things instead of beings stuck in one big thing. Also if it's not in your bio don't just be all "DRUGS YEAH LETS' because everyone else is doing them. There are so many other things you can do, so many types of storylines and if you want to plot I am free! I'm always here to help you all because I love you and want to see your characters grow!
LURKERS! I know a lot of you lurk, don't even say you don't because I do it too xD But please, if you're online and you can and are able to post, please post. That's how roleplays die because people are scared to post if they think no one else is on or a lot wait for other people to do it first, and I love you all loads, I don't want this to die at all and I'm sure you guys don't either. So even if it's just a hello, that would do fine :))
MULTIPLE PLAYERS! Okay I have noticed this guys, a lot of you take two, three characters and then never go on them and I either have to give a warning or I re-open them. Please if you cannot handle more than two characters don't take them, I understand you get excited to play them and that's great! Just try and stay active on them and you can be as many as you like! It's always fun to play different kinds of people :)) 
CUTTING POSTS! I know a lot of you do not do this and It can clog the dash. So if you don't know how to do that you can just ask me or search cutting posts in the tumblr tag it should help you, that way if people are on their phones it's not hard to scroll down. 
MAJOR PLOTS! If you're character is going to commit suicide or something big is going to happen run it by me first please, because it may not be okay and some of you have just done things without asking and I feel bad and I don't want to be the bad guy and say something and I just let it happen, so please do so. 
OOC DRAMA! There isn't a lot of this, but there has been some. Most of it was about IC drama that has happened and I ask you. It's only IC and if it really upsets you, please come to me and say and I can handle it. Don't just post it in the OOC blog because it makes people feel bad and upset, I don't want that at all and I'm sure you don't either.
OKAY that's all that I have to say as of right now, if you think of something that may have been bothering you at all please let me know I can add it to the list. I know not all of you do these things, so don't automatically think. OMG that's about me or omg I do not do that and get all mad. Because I know, It's just over the past Month and a bit I've seen these things and they just build up and need to be said :)) I'm sorry if I came off as mean, I am not mean, I want everything to run smoothy and to be enjoyable for everyone here. LOVE YOU ALL TONS!
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runawayhigh-rpg · 12 years ago
I just want to say that the Mass chatzy task went great! I'm so glad everyone came out. Thank you all for joining and making it really great! Feel free to para the rest of the storm. It's dark, no power, cold. 
Enjoy! xxx
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runawayhigh-rpg · 12 years ago
Mass Task!
Chazty time, if everyone could go on that would be wonderful! Please try and be all your characters. When you sign on, if you have multi carries do this. 
That way everyone can be on, as there are only ten spots. 
Also in character only in the chatzy, if you want to talk ooc please do it in the blog and you may continue conversations in paras if you like afterwards also.
Lets go!
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runawayhigh-rpg · 12 years ago
Hello my lovelies, just informing you all that the chatzy will be today, starts in about 3 hours. I really hope that everyone can be there because I'm not sure it will be the best if they aren't. 
If not a lot of people show up then I'm going to scratch the chatzy and make it a para task and you guys can para the snow storm :))
Love you all. 
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runawayhigh-rpg · 12 years ago
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runawayhigh-rpg · 12 years ago
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runawayhigh-rpg · 12 years ago
Mass Task!
Hello everyone! I think it's time for another mass task! So instead of writing para's for this one, it's going to be done in a chatzy! 
The task will be when hopfully everyone can be online, I'm thinking Monday or wednesday? If the time is a problem with more than a couple of people it can be changed and negotiated. 
While in the chatzy, there will be a bad snow storm that is happening and runaway high's power will have gone out. Everyone will need to come together and anything can happen. They will need to listen to Brendon and all will try and get along. They will all be put in one room, the gymnasium. Brendon will be drinks and food and sleeping bags so they can all huddle together for warmth! 
Start time: Monday Jan 7th 5pm
End: it can go all night. 
Also people can para one on one's with other people while the snow storm is happening. 
Hope you all can make it!
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runawayhigh-rpg · 12 years ago
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Trinity Smith || 22 || Lesbian || Fc; Emily Osment || TAKEN
Bio done by; Tiberius 
Bio; Trinity has no memory from before 2 months ago. She just woke up one day in a hospital and she couldn’t remember anything from her life. She knew how to speak and how to write, but she couldn’t remember anything else. She would spend the next two weeks just watching movies in the hospital. For some reason, she loved watching the Matrix Trilogy. Eventually she decided that she needed to leave the hospital and as she was checking out, the receptionist asked her for her name. Trinity answered the first two names that came to her head. She wandered around the street until Brendon found her and brought her back to Runaway high.
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runawayhigh-rpg · 12 years ago
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runawayhigh-rpg · 12 years ago
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runawayhigh-rpg · 12 years ago
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Alexa Natasha || 18 || Lesbian || Fc; Kerli Koiv || TAKEN
Bio done by; Nessie 
Bio:  Alexa grew up in the city of Los Angeles. She was street rat, born and bred since the day her mystery mother had dropped her off into the nearest convent. She stayed there, until the day she turned 18, and she was officially released. After that, she hopped from place to place… after all, she had no relatives, no job, and nowhere to go. While in her latest haunt, she met Barbie Thorn. Usually, other people would shy away from her due to her loud, outspoken ways, but Barbie stood by her. The two became inseparable almost instantly. So when Barbie told her about Runaway High, she didn’t think twice before packing her bags, and following Barbie into what would soon become her home.
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runawayhigh-rpg · 12 years ago
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Charlotte Williams||16||Bi-Curious||FC:Janet Devlin||OPEN
Bio done by; 
bio up to player;
Ever wanted a place to run away to? To go when you were all alone and you had nowhere else to escape? That is what this old run down and abandoned school is for. Brendon Love is the one to make this happen. Brendon came upon the school and decided to take kids in and give them a home. He takes them in, any age who are lost, confused, without a home, kicked out, abandoned, left behind or just need a place to be and in return you have to do dangerous tasks for him, certain kinds of tasks that you can’t say no to or you’re out of this school. Brendon will save your from your darkness, but may bring you into another kind that could scare you to death. There will be drama, lust, love, broken hearts, tears, laughter, anything you can imagine, you’ll make friends, or enemies, first and last loves, here you will find your destiny but entering it signs you over to Brendon and this rundown high school isn’t really all that it’s cracked up to be.
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runawayhigh-rpg · 12 years ago
Activity Check!
Five Days
Lux Moore
1 week +
Travis Bennett
Lucas Manning
Kit Walker
Marissa Benton
Ellie Tracy
Millicent Harvard
Pandora Knight
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runawayhigh-rpg · 12 years ago
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Landon Santiago||17||Straight||FC: Tom Felton||OPEN
Bio done by; 
bio up to player;
Ever wanted a place to run away to? To go when you were all alone and you had nowhere else to escape? That is what this old run down and abandoned school is for. Brendon Love is the one to make this happen. Brendon came upon the school and decided to take kids in and give them a home. He takes them in, any age who are lost, confused, without a home, kicked out, abandoned, left behind or just need a place to be and in return you have to do dangerous tasks for him, certain kinds of tasks that you can’t say no to or you’re out of this school. Brendon will save your from your darkness, but may bring you into another kind that could scare you to death. There will be drama, lust, love, broken hearts, tears, laughter, anything you can imagine, you’ll make friends, or enemies, first and last loves, here you will find your destiny but entering it signs you over to Brendon and this rundown high school isn’t really all that it’s cracked up to 
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