rumancek-roman · 10 years
Roman stumbled back down the stairs when the shadows came and pushed him. Catching his footing the wolf stared back at his friend. “Some friend you are....” He yelled. “If you actually cared as much as you say you do, you’d want to work this out.” brushing some dirt from his clothes the wolf simply turned to walk away. 
“Some friend you are....you are a coward.” He thought to himself. Turning around the corner he glanced back over his shoulder at the caravan, at the friend he was walking away from. “Goodbye...” He muttered before turning around a corner and disappearing. 
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Seriously?! || Roman & Mallory
“Oh really?”  Just fucking watch me.    
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Shadows shoved him back harder, scratching at the walls and at his clothes, flinging open the door with a bang.  She had one shadow hand reach over and flick off the light, leaving even more at her disposal to manipulate.  She didn’t feel bad about letting a rogue shadow smack him in the face.  
“I don’t want to go back,” she said.  “Not now that I see what’s really going on.”  With that, she pushed him out, forcing him down the stairs and into the cool night air.  
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rumancek-roman · 10 years
“I’m not going anywhere. You wouldn’t hurt me.” Roman said standing his ground. This whole situation was turning into a mess, he was turning into a person he hated. Someone who had to find a way to place the blame on everyone. When in honesty it was his fault, if he’d seen the signs earlier, then none of this would had happened. “Mallory. I’m sorry. Okay, I don’t know how this would have gone if we’d each said something earlier. But, we can’t go back and change it now.”
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Seriously?! || Roman & Mallory
He didn’t say the word, but Mallory heard it loud and clear.  He was making this into her fault.  After everything, he was still finding a way to make her out to be the bad guy.  Everything.  When she respected his space because he was drunk and never seemed to want her sober?  Her fault now.  When he was irritated that she flirted with him so he brushed her off?  Her fault.  When his girlfriend threatened her?  All her fault.  
When she said nothing because she already knew his response to three of the most powerful words she could have said?  The fault of a coward.  
“Yeah, well I think you lost her anyway.”  She was still shaking with anger, shadows moving around her face, darkening her eyes into something out of a horror movie.  The darkest of shadows wiped away her tears and made her skin paler and colder-looking.  What remained swirled around him as smoke, pushing at him, tugging him lightly back towards the door.  “And I’d recommend getting out of my caravan before you lose something else.  Go ahead.  Go back to your sweet damsel-in-distress girlfriend and tell her I threatened you, too.  Every fairytale needs a good, old-fashioned villain, after all.”  
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rumancek-roman · 10 years
“Mallory. The only reason I’m acting like this is because my girlfriend just told me my best friend was rude to and threatened her. And how on earth could you know that I would react like this. There was a point that I did like you, that I would go out with you. But, that time has passed. It’s not coming back. You’ve turned into to much of a friend, family even, for me to even think of you that way anymore.” The wolf said starting to get aggitated. “I didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to lose a good friend. You said nothing because you were afraid of a reaction, that you didn’t even know was for sure.”
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Seriously?! || Roman & Mallory
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“Yeah, I was sitting outside your caravan late at night because I just really like planting my ass on cold gravel while my friend walks around shirtless inside.”  He was thrown off.  For some reason, that gave her strength.  “You want to know how long I’ve been with the cirque?  Thirty-three years.  I’ve been dropping hints for thirty-three years and you haven’t noticed anything?”  She tossed her hair over her shoulder and wiped away some of her tears, sitting up straighter and glaring at him.  “I said nothing for thirty-three years because I knew.  I knew you’d react like this.”
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rumancek-roman · 10 years
Roman felt his heart sink into his stomach. So that was it. That was why she’d acted how she did, that was why she was so emotional now. The wolf didn’t know what to say to that, letting her go he took a few steps back. His thoughts running through his mind at a mile a minute. “Mallory...” He muttered. “W-why...why are yo-...h-how come y-you....You never said...anything. I thought that’s all we were....just friends. Good friends.”
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Seriously?! || Roman & Mallory
She couldn’t look at him.  If she did, she’d cry harder.  There was only so much she could do to keep him from seeing her face, and there weren’t enough shadows in her caravan to make her disappear like she really wanted to do.  Alternatively she could gather shadows and throw him out with them, but she was shaking too hard to focus on that anyway.  
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“All these years.  Dropping hints, being a friend to you, watching you, and you chose someone you only just met.”  
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rumancek-roman · 10 years
Roman’s brow furrowed and took everything in him not to grab a flash light and shine in the shadows to get them to buzz off. “No. Not good enough.” He said grabbing her shoulders, the wolfs heart just about sunk when he saw what he could have sworn was a tear. Shaking his head, brown eyes searched Mallory’s. “Mal...come on, talk to me. What’s going on? What’s so bad that you can’t tell me?”
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Seriously?! || Roman & Mallory
She doesn’t have friends?  Neither do I!  You’re the only person here I trust!  She sniffled despite her best efforts to hold back her emotions.  
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“Look, it doesn’t matter, okay?  I’m sorry.”  That’s what he wanted to hear, right?  An apology.  He’d been so surprised the last time when she’d apologized.  A lone tear slid down her cheek, and she did the only thing she could do: she masked it with a shadow, the shadows on her face darkening and only barely hiding her pain.  
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rumancek-roman · 10 years
“Jesus Mal...I’m not thinking the worst of you. I coudln’t do that.” He said truthfully. Honestly, Mallory had been one of the better friends he’d had around the Cirque. “I’m worried about you, I’ve never seen you do anything like this. I’ll talk to Liliana, alright, she shouldn’t have threatned you, you’re right. She...she’s sensitive...alright, she dosen’t really have any other friends outside of me I don’t think.” The wolf added with a light shrug, if anything he’d hoped that Mallory and Liliana would be friends. Not enemies. “Now, are you going to tell me what’s got your shadows in a twist?”
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Seriously?! || Roman & Mallory
“She threatened me.  Then I moved the shadows slightly as insurance in case I needed to fight.  Then I left the makeup area.  Not sure how that counts as throwing shadows, but I’m glad you’d rather think the worst of me because someone with a vendetta told you to.”  That thought stung horribly.  He’d rather take the word of his brand new girlfriend than an old friend.  
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Her emotions were beginning to run on fragile.  She didn’t answer his question about, well, whatever he was asking.  She didn’t want to give him the answer he was looking for.  It was too embarrassing, too painful to say.  
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rumancek-roman · 10 years
“Because she felt threatened by whatever shadows you tossed at her.” He added. Stepping back the wolf ran his fingers through his short locks. “Look, I...I don’t know what’s happened with you. You’ve changed...Mallory, and I’m not sure if its a good thing or not.” Mallory had been acting so odd in the past few weeks, And Roman didn’t know if it had been his fault or what. “Will you please just talk to me Mallory, I’m confused here.”
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Seriously?! || Roman & Mallory
“Oh I scared her?  She tried to stab me,” Mallory said with an eye roll.  “I’ll have every right to call her a psycho when my life is in danger.”  She stilled the shadows as best she could, though immediately around her they were still moving a little, sort of a low, boiling movement with her suppressed anger.  Her handle on her emotions was starting to slip.  Mal hadn’t been scared of Lily, not after the number of times already she’d looked death in the face, but she’d been deathly afraid of losing Roman, as she still was.  
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rumancek-roman · 10 years
“Well, it’s Cyrus. He dosen’t really need a reason to be a dick. But, I’m pretty sure it has somethin’ to do with him and Sebastian breaking up.” He said running his fingers through his hair. “Seb, stayed the night a couple days ago. Drunk off his ass, and upset about something that happened between them.” The wolf said with a shrug. “But, it’s none of my business at this point.” Roman glanced down at Liliana and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, “Darn right you’re taken. You’re mine and no one elses.” 
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She squeezed his hand. “Cy became more of a dick. I didn’t think it was possible. Do you know how that happened?” Lily looked up at him. “Other than that nothing really. Maybe, it’ll get more interesting. Did have to tell a drunk guy I was escorting out that I am taken the other day. Being a female in security is weird.”
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rumancek-roman · 10 years
“Well, however you said it to her, she took it the other way.” Roman said crossing his arms over his chest. His eyes quickly shifted the shadows around the room, shaking his head his eyes moved back to hers. “Seriously Mal? Shadows? And Liliana is not a psycho, I don’t know why you would even call her that.” Roman muttered taking a step forward. “I really don’t understand what has gotten into you. Yes, I’ll say that the sentiment was sweet and that I’m glad you care so much to talk to her. But, hurting her and scaring her wasn’t the best way to do it.”
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Seriously?! || Roman & Mallory
She was very quiet, the smile slowly melting off her face and turning into a sneer.  Of course Lily had gone running to her boyfriend right away.  Girl had no spine.  Oh, Lily talked a good talk, Mal would give her that, but just as she’d suspected the girl was too weak to take what she doled out.  
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“Threatened?  Is that what she told you I did?  I was under the impression I told her to take care of you and be good to you because you deserved it.  Interesting, you know how to pick a psycho.”  The shadows around her were moving without her even intending for them to.  She also didn’t swear once, each word carefully selected for maximum impact.  She wouldn’t fall apart.  Not this time.  
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rumancek-roman · 10 years
“Save the bullshit fake nice Mallory. I’m not in the mood.” Stepping around her and into the caravan, the wolf started to pace. Thinking would be the best thing to do in this situation, but right now, was not a time Roman wanted to think about. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!” He yelled turning to face the girl. “Why, the hell would you threaten someone you barely know Mallory? Liliana has done nothing to you. I thought you were my friend, what the hell is your issue?”
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Seriously?! || Roman & Mallory
Mallory had been slumped on her bed feeling sorry for herself, twisting shadows on the ceiling to keep herself busy and make her feel better.  She’d been doing reading and finding bad news.  It was very likely that much of the group she was hiding from knew exactly why she was hiding, meaning it was likely she’d be found and killed.  Overall, bad news.  She wouldn’t dwell on it, but it was tucked away in the back of her mind for future worries.  
And worse news arrived.  Roman’s voice and pounding on her caravan door sunk her mood below bad.  She’d now reached amazing levels of raw fury.  
She got up and gingerly opened the door.  “Oh, Roman, how lovely to see you.”  
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She had on the wickedest smile ever seen on her face.  Her voice was dripping with saccharine poison.  Anyone who knew her could see she was furious.  
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rumancek-roman · 10 years
Seriously?! || Roman & Mallory
Roman didn’t know what was going through his shadow friends head when she decided to threaten Liliana. But, this wolf wasn’t about to just let it stand. When Liliana had finally left for the night, Roman busted from his caravan and went straight to Mallory’s. Coming up to the door he started to bang on it. “Mallory! Open the door. Now!”
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rumancek-roman · 10 years
When he came to his side, Roman happily laced his fingers together with hers. “So, tell me...have there been any fun happenings in the world of security?”
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“You’re extremely amazing, my dear.” Liliana paused with her hand on the bed. Then she started to follow Roman. “Yes, of course I am.”
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rumancek-roman · 10 years
“I’m not that amazing.” The wolf said before standing up. Kissing the girls cheek, Roman moved to pull on a shirt and a decent pair of pants. Walking toward the door he turned to glance at Liliana. “You coming?”
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She laughed softly. “We could talk about how amazing you are or we can go on a walk. I like both of those ideas very much.” Liliana smirked and grabbed the necklace off the nightstand to put it back on.
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rumancek-roman · 10 years
“As you wish...” The wolf nodded, pressing his lips to the hollow between her shoulder and her neck. “What do you want to talk about then? Or maybe do you want to go take a walk?”
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“Thank you, Roman. She was so rude. I cannot believe it. Can we just not talk about her, my love? It puts me in a bad mood.”
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rumancek-roman · 10 years
Roman shook his head, rubbing his hand across his face. “I’m going to talk to her. I promise. Mallory isn’t usually like that, well, not with me anyway. She just cares about me, she’s like...an older sister I didn’t really want.” He said trying to make light of the situation. 
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“This is the one that only you get to see.” She kissed him on the nose. “I wanted to leave because of dealing with the shadow girl and Cyrus. They both reminded me of why I dislike people. You reminded me of why I like you. Well, she said various things. The main being that women break hearts and that she will hurt me for hurting you. Then she brought those shadows up around her as a scare tactic.” 
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rumancek-roman · 10 years
“Well, though I do like all the layers. This one I love the most.” He said with a soft smile. Pressing his lips to hers once more. “Now, can you please explain me to why you wanted to leave? What did Mallory say to you?”
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“The truth?” She playfully raised an eyebrow. Liliana closed her eyes and blushed when his hand went to her heart. “I am a girl with many layers. All of them are me though.” Her eyes scanned him. He loved her and she could tell by the look in his eyes as she watched her. “I love you too, Roman.”
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rumancek-roman · 10 years
“Yes this is special. Because, you’re special. You’re different. You walk around with this tough exterior, but I know...I know the truth.” Moving his hand from her waist he place it on her chest, just above her heart. “I know what’s in here, I know you aren’t what other people say you are. I know you Liliana...” He sighed. “I love you.”
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“This is special?” She blushed even more. “I wouldn’t do that. That’s why I came here. I wanted to tell you goodbye before I left. I wouldn’t just disappear for a no reason and leave you like that.” Liliana kissed him back more hungrily. “I love you too. I’ll stay.”
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