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"Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them." - The 14th Dalai Lama said this. I'm Marcelle. In the '90s I did an awesome thing. In the year 2000, I topped that. I still like dogs and sparkles, and it's possible on some days that I'm a "champion of the sun, a master of karate & friendship to everyone."
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rubestar · 3 years ago
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Want romance in yer life? So do I! @penguinteen has just the books for you which includes Getting Over Max Cooper and my friend @jeffcab4cutie hilarious A Little Dose Of Allison Tandy! Pre Order both right now!!!!! with @make_repost ・・・ We’re here to keep your shelves stacked with romantic reads all year long 💕 Here are some of 2022’s most-anticipated! What’s first on your list? Big ❤️ to @jklonsky and @crsripley #yadebut #yanovels #gettingovermaxcooper
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rubestar · 3 years ago
so fun to find this.
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Bust Zine
What began as a black-and-white Xeroxed feminist fanzine in 1993, Bust evolved into a magazine that continues to have a cult following. Founded by Debbie Stoller, Marcelle Karp, and Laurie Henzel, who asked their friends to "write stories they didn’t see reflected in the media about their lives," the magazine publishes four times a year and is a respected feminist space for writers. They balance humor, social or personal topics of interest, and fun.
Our copies of Bust are held in the Erik Farseth Zine Collection, but we are also home to many interesting zine collections, many of them centering women, that run the gamut from affordable early DIY efforts to more expensive publications.
Whether you’re interested in some of the cool women featured on the cover, or you’re simply a person “with something to get off your chest,” you will find something interesting in Bust and all of the great zines we have here at Special Collections & Archives.
--Rachel M-H, Special Collections Olson Graduate Assistant
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rubestar · 3 years ago
Please pre-order and all the things!
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by Marcelle Karp
Putnam | Apr 19 |  9780593325049
Hardcover | Audiobook
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Goodreads | Storygraph
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rubestar · 4 years ago
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I wrote a YA novel, Getting Over Max Cooper, and yesterday while talking to my new BFF, @jeffcab4cutie I discovered that it is now available for pre-order. I am so excited for this and the cover art by @malloryheyer is everything and omg it’s really really really real. This won’t be my big thank you post to all the people who are making this possible, that’s coming, but it is a moment of gratitude and relief for me. And now I have an authors page on Amazon, please follow, and omg Getting Over Max Cooper is almost here!!!!!!!!!!
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rubestar · 4 years ago
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This has really been my birthday week. On Sunday, I went to Bellevue to get a COVId test. No Line. The man who registered me was in a great mood. The woman who printed out my label noticed the 19th was approaching and wished me a happy birthday. And the woman who administered my test: her last name was Karp as well! My results came in later that day, negative. With the shocking numbers New York is experiencing, I was as relieved as I always am, as limited as I am my interactions with the world, still. A few days later, I got my first dose, highly emotional I was about it too. The woman giving me my shot? Her birthday is two days after mine. And my grades on my papers came in, well three out of four of them. I got an A- on my Shakespeare, a 95 on an essay about The NameSake and a 96 about Sir Gawain’s poem and the Presence of Morgan Le Fay. I appreciate the grades so very much as I work hard at these essays, trying to wrap my head around these analytic close readings. And, my editor and I are close to finishing this last round of notes in my book, now with a new title Getting Over Max Cooper. Everytime I revisit this story, and the characters within, and the overarching flush of forever of it, I fall in love with it a little more. It will be a bit controversial but, as I’m learning with the close readings, those gray areas are rich in reflection. And so it’s been a week of personal celebration. Today, despite the cold weather, I will walk over to See’s Candies and gift myself some chocolate. It’s the little things that make turning a year older, particularly in the pandemic, a delight. So if your birthday is today, March 19, happy birthday to you too!
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rubestar · 5 years ago
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...and we are back from vacation!
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rubestar · 5 years ago
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A few days ago, while walking off the beach, I saw this sign in the window, BLM, and I stopped to take a photo of it. For the last few days, the town has been conducting its own protests, so happy I’ve been to see the signs held up by people who believe in the power of protest, as I do so deeply. As I stood in front of this sprawling beach side home, my Hello Kitty mask covering my face, a fella in swim shorts with a surf board under his arm emerged from the side of the house. “Are you for it or against it?” He asked, seeing that I was taking this photo, of this home he lived it. It struck me, that I could have been on either side of this, he had no idea, I was now in a land that was firmly on the side of FOR IT, that I was in the outskirts of FOR IT, and when you are in the outskirts, there is that quiet possibility that everyone around you is not aligned as you are in your politics. And so, that, that is why we put signs up in our windows and we walk with our arms raised and buttons on our chest, we must remember that every one of us protesting matters, that our voices matter, that what we are saying matters, as we protest for the senseless deaths that we have been seeing over and over again, dating before Rodney King and through George Floyd, all these women and men killed, these undeniable need for a systemic change to policing. We have to keep at it. As Booker T. Washington wrote in 1901: “Every persecuted individual and race should get much consolation out of the great human law, which is universal and eternal, that merit, no matter under what skin found, is, in the long run, recognized and rewarded. This I have said here, not to call attention to myself as an individual, but to the race to which I am proud to belong.”
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rubestar · 5 years ago
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rubestar · 5 years ago
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A tale of two meals. The first is today’s breakfast. Iced Hot Dark Chocolate with whipped cream topper. The Dark Chocolate cocoa powder is from @ghirardelli. I put 1/4 cup powder, 2 cups ice, one cup water and put into blender. Filled my glass and added whipped cream. Enough yumminess for three days. The second is last nights dinner, burnt onion rings. I like five onion rings with my dinner and last night I forgot about them in the toaster oven. It’s possible it’s time for a new toaster oven. And a timer. There is more ofc to this post on my blog barb link in bio please check it #barbmagazine #ladieslikeus #supportwomen #stuytown #coronavirus #liveyourbestlife #gowithyes #pandemic #icedhotchocolate
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rubestar · 5 years ago
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I’m so happy to tell you that one of my favorite columns—Lady Parts—is back ! This edition features a wonderful set of keeping up with the greys from @chrisriosbeauty as well as Stacy Conde thoughtful tips on looking after yourself in the time of Coronavirus. Here is and excerpt and the whole post? Click on the link in my profile. So while we are sheltering in place, we also need to stay happy and healthy… and part of that is keeping ourselves together. Be kind to each other. Check in. Facetime. Take up watercolor (stay tuned for my octopus painting coming soon). Put together a playlist for your friends (here’s my most recent one). Support your local small businesses if you can. Buy gift cards. Order online. Order curbside take-out. Do all that and also soak up these home hair color tips from Chris Rios Riggio. There is more ofc to this post on my blog barb link in bio please check it #barbmagazine #ladieslikeus #supportwomen #stuytown #coronavirus #liveyourbestlife #gowithyes #pandemic (at Stuyvesant Town–Peter Cooper Village)
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rubestar · 5 years ago
7 Flings, LIVE. For the whole thing, check out the link in my profile! #ariannagrande #sevenrings #sevenflings #comedy (at SubCulture)
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rubestar · 6 years ago
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In two weeks, possibly less if I am doing the actual math, The Teenager heads back to college, to her dorm, in a city that is not the one I live in with her. She is going into her sophomore year, a full-fledged member of the campus improv team, Swollen Monkey (Swomo for short), on the board of the standup collective, and with a tight knit group of friends, real friends. She has spent the summer interning during the day at a production company, working a job at a rooftop movie theatre, and doing stand up sets, including one at her own show, which she is now officially the producer and booker of. At about this time last summer, our living room was lined with piles of clothing, piles organized according to category (summer tops, winter tops, headbands), all in preparation for what I believed at the time was a year living in another city. I was melancholy about this moment, of us no longer being full-time roommates, I was nostalgic about the life we’d built as a family, I was excited for her to go to college and find her tribe. Now, with Freshman year under my belt, I know so much more. How much time, really, she will not be home, how much she will be coming home, how much I will see her. I know how missing her will feel. I have a glimpse too, into what living on my own will look like, part-time with her being in college, and full-time when college will be over. With almost two weeks left with her home, I’m doing a much smaller scale prep: stocking up on essential toiletries, and sheets, she does need a new set of Twin XL sheets. Everything else? Will get taken care of. Her fridge, her light system, her projector, her winter clothing, all of it is sitting in a storage space in her Other City, waiting for her to return. When she leaves for her sophomore year, she will have a realistic sense of what she needs, she won’t need to take volumes of things back to her dorm, just a suitcase filled with the Fall’s immediate fashion needs. And me? I just need to know she’s happy, and that, that I know the answer too. What a gift that is. There’s more ofc to this post on my blog link in bio please check it #barbmagazine #ladieslikeus #supportwomen #liveyourbe
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rubestar · 6 years ago
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Baby got a brand new bag. #blackpug #cutepug #doglover #iphonex #itsapuglife #lovealldogs #lovemydog #mybestbud #pugfeature #puglife #puglove #pugoftheday #pugs #pugsdaily #puglife #pugsofinstagram #pugspugspugs #squishyfacecrew #rocky #rockythepug #skippinggirlbag Follow: (at Stuyvesant Town–Peter Cooper Village)
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rubestar · 6 years ago
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Beach life. #blackpug #cutepug #doglover #iphonex #itsapuglife #lovealldogs #lovemydog #mybestbud #pugfeature #puglife #puglove #pugoftheday #pugs #pugsdaily #puglife #pugsofinstagram #pugspugspugs #beachlife #squishyfacecrew #rocky #rockythepug Follow: (at Fire Island, New York)
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rubestar · 6 years ago
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Air in motion! Also this: “What are you doing?” I hadn’t seen him in a long time. Or texted with him. Or even looked at his Instagram. We used to see each other everyday; we were colleagues, working together in the trenches of a Corporation, sometimes at odds, often on the same page. He was now at the tippy-top of the White Boy pile; I was in age-ist purgatory, not being hired, being ever so in my fifties. So after a hug and an excited exchange of children’s photos, came the inevitable question of work-status. “I’m doing BARB,” I said to him. “No, but what are you DOING?” I understood his skepticism. That blogging wasn’t the path to monetary greatness. That it wasn’t a heralding of future greatness. That it simply wasn’t greatness, it was blogging. He was a cog in a money-making enterprise, allowing for his penchant for Prada, his children in private school, his wife having the luxury to do her art; he was inside his success, proud of it. Me, not so much. Being part of online community—blogging, as it were—is not a credible source of activity. It is a discounted endeavor. As if to say, your thoughts-on-display have no value, not really. That there is no obvious payoff suggests lack-of. And yet. Doing BARB has saved my life. My sanity. My confidence. It’s restored my ability to write regularly. It’s given me a lifeline. It’s allowed me to connect to anger, justice, joy. It’s opened me up to women again, to my lens, to the bits of me long dormant and necessarily replaced by the urgency of raising and living with others. And all of these things, while they may not translate to economic power, is the basis of my empowerment, my drive, my being. And that has no price tag. So this is what I’m doing. I’m blogging. And I’m proud of it. #supportwomen #mom all this and more on my blog please check it out link in profile #mothers #parenting #love #ladieslikeus #wednesdaywisdom✨
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rubestar · 6 years ago
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rubestar · 7 years ago
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On YOU, the Lifetime series based on the book by Caroline Kepnes. YOU. I was on the taxi line at JFK some years ago at the height of the Gossip Girl series and just ahead of me stood Penn Badgley, backpacked and young, ever so young, also waiting for a taxi, just like the rest of us New Yorkers. It was of course years before I fell in love with Joe Goldberg. The Joe Goldberg of Caroline Kepnes’ “You” and “Hidden Bodies.” (Read my interview with Caroline on Why did I love this obsessive stalker and also murderer, when I am vehemently opposed to predatory men, toxic masculinity and the general crisis of the male species? I suppose I liked his cynicism, and I related so very much to his longing, his aspiration of eternal love, and his unrelenting addiction to romance. Also, there is the suspension of reality, where I forget for a moment that there is evil in the world, that I allow myself to see the glimmer of something good in what is bad. That I gift myself fiction, and choose to chase the white rabbit as it presents itself to me... There is so much more to this post on YOU, please go to link in profile to read it all! #carolinekepnes #you #joegoldberg #supportwomen #feminism #ladieslikeus
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