rubberstrawhat · 10 years
Soooo... I'm dropping Luffy...
Real life demands my attention and I'm really having some serious problems concerning my (lack of) time management skills to keep roleplaying right now .__.
Basically this is it... I really liked rping Luffy and everybody really was supernice, but I have no idea if I'll be roleplaying anyone again any time soon.
So, yeah. For now, that's it... if anyone wants to talk, I'll still be available on skype and stuff.
So long, and thanks for all the fish~
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rubberstrawhat · 10 years
Out of Hat
Hey, I'm back! But from the three people I was rping before, one (Josuke) is listed as inactive and another one (Hayato) dropped :( (well, I only have three drafts saved here XD)
I'm replying to Miyu as soon as possible, tomorrow or at most Friday. There's anyone else I need to reply to and I don't know? o-o
And there's anyone wanting to thread? I don't even remember anymore the people I was plotting with xP Just like this post and we will think about something /o/
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rubberstrawhat · 10 years
outofhat: so, I'm back home, but at exams week on college :v and I'm kinda very late at everything because of the trip :v It was great, I had a lot of fun and I want to go back already D: but, yeah, life calls me ;-;
I'll be back to the skype group more often during the day and all, but I still need one or two more weeks to finish college stuff before being able to reply to threads o-o I think I only own three people... I only have three drafts saved here o-o' I'll be back at plotting with who I'm plotting with once I have more time too o-o/
If any of this made any sense (I'm too tired to make sense), that's all I have to say for now :v
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rubberstrawhat · 10 years
outofhat: Hello, my people :v
I'm putting Luffy on hiatus for the next three or four weeks~ I still have some big college stuff to finish for this week and next week I'm going to Disney for two weeks and then, since my college divides the periods in trimesters instead of semesters, it's the finals week already when I'm back D:
I don't even know if I'll be able to use Skype while I'm there, because the laptop I'm taking have personal problems with Skype e-e and most of my internet time there will be used either for more college work or for my fanfic o-o/
So, for who are waiting a reply of mine, there's a saying here that goes like this: I owe. I don't deny. I'll pay when I can :v
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rubberstrawhat · 10 years
outofhat: So~ It's exam time here! 8D And I might already be a little late with some of the stuff the professors asked 8D So, yeah, I'm basically screwed 8D
But, not really (I hope). It's going to be only this week and the next, so I'll not ask to be put in hiatus nor semi-hiatus, but I'll not be very active during this time. Probably. It depends if Adobe Illustrator will or will not want to collaborate with me and if we can think of a way to use the difference between Pokemon and Digimon to save the world I'm not at a very productive group at one of the classes :x
Anyway, I think I only have one very late, sorry thread with Josuke to reply and this week's munday asks, so it might not be a big problem. And I'm still able to answer to asks to plot and stuff for when I have more time. I just thought it would be a good idea to let you guys know o-o~
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rubberstrawhat · 10 years
Send me a '✖' and a ship name and I'll tell you...
Who was the one to propose: 
Who stressed more over wedding planning:
Who decorated the house:
Who does the cooking:
Who does the cleaning:
Who is more organized:
Who initiates bedroom fun:
Who suggested kids first:
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rubberstrawhat · 10 years
Give me an AU and I'll tell you what my muse would be in it.
western!au = my muse is a cowboy
royalty!au = my muse is a princess
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rubberstrawhat · 10 years
DON'T READ BELOW THE CUT! Just send a number between 1-25 and let's see what happens!
Bonus for the bravehearts: reblog without looking, either.
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rubberstrawhat · 10 years
Sentences from Commercials Starters
"Go ahead. Ask the internet."
"Are you crying?"
"Hello pants."
"It sounds better in Italian.”
“Are we still doing the whisper thing?”
“Excuse me, ma’am, I’ve got this.”
“Take a look what you’ve done!”
“I think I broke my spleen.” 
“I just made like $700 on Craigslist.” 
“The bacon is really, really good.”
“Ten years is a long time.”
“I cannot believe that just happened!” 
“I’d snuggle up with me.”
“Don’t call me babe! We’re not together!”
“Are we there yet?”
“We need a babysitter.”
“We cannot be afraid to fail.”
“This is a game-changer.” 
“I will try not to take offense to that.”
“Where are we exactly?”
“I have no idea what you’re saying. But count me in!”
“They say you get what you pay for.”
“Sounds like a slam dunk.”
“I’m a grown-up.”
“Accidents happen.” 
“We’re so dead.”
“I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“How do you do it?!”
“Let’s do this!”
“Breathe, baby, breathe.” 
“You’re not helping.”
“Don’t pick her. Pick me.” 
“You look amazing!”
“I didn’t invite him. He just shows up.”
“Looks like you’ve got everything under control.” 
“You ever find your pants?”
“Whatever’s ahead, we’ll be there for each other.” 
“When in Rome!”
“Yes, I am rich.” 
“That was close.”
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rubberstrawhat · 10 years
Let’s play the paste game. In my inbox, right click and press “paste” and send my muse whatever you already have copied. I must respond in character. 
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rubberstrawhat · 10 years
Headcanon Meme!
☄: What would your muse wish upon a star for?
♒: How often does your muse bath?
☺: What is something that’ll make your muse happy?
☹: What is something that’ll make your muse sad?
✎: Does your muse have a good education?
✝: What are your muse’s religious belief(s)?
✍: What is your muse’s handwriting like?
⁈: What is something that’ll startle your muse?
☁: What is your muse’s ideal weather?
♡: What is your muse’s ideal date?
✗: What is something your muse absolutely hates?
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rubberstrawhat · 10 years
hxkuryu replied to your post:Excuse Me
I’m la ughing omg Sting’s nickname is gold
you like it. gud. Luffy has permission to call him Fish Guts Guy 8D
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rubberstrawhat · 10 years
33. Stripping.
Luffy was happy, finally having found his ship! He still didn’t know where the rest of his crew were, but he was at the Sunny and she was save! After some time just rolling around the grass on the deck and some of the gardens (luckily not destroying any of them), he decided to go inside and change into cleaner clothes. His nakama and Ace would probably be very proud of him for making this decision all on his own and the thought made him smile.
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Inside the boys quarters, he started to undress. First he put his hat and sash on one of the beds. Then he took of his vest, throwing it in a corner with the rest of the laundry. When he was starting to take out his pants, the door opened, revealing a very lost girl there. Luffy looked to her for a second before starting laughing of the expression she was making, not even noticing anything wrong with the situation.
"Hey! That’s a funny face!" he said, pointing at her “Ah, and what are you doing at my ship?” that was probably the first thing he should’ve been worried about, but he asked like it was a minor detail.
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rubberstrawhat · 10 years
"You’re bleeding!"
"Huh?" the pirate turned to the girl with glasses, confused. He didn’t know her, he would recognize the glasses if he did. Probably. Also, he wasn’t hurt, was he? Well, early that day he did get in a street fight. Or more like, some guys tried to attack him just to be utterly defeated, and then all of the other members of the gang they were in tried to attack Luffy at the same time. Like it was going to make any difference. No matter how many they were, they were too weak to stand a chance against the pirate, but some of them did have knifes.
He looked down to where she was pointing. Indeed, there was a cut in one of his arms and it was indeed bleeding, but Luffy couldn’t really feel it. Looks like one of the guys did know what he was doing, in spite of being a weakling. "Shishi. It’s okay! I can’t even feel it. It’ll get better after I eat meat!"
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rubberstrawhat · 10 years
15: Our muses are stuck in a broken elevator together.
Even since Luffy discovered he had a sister (or so said ‘sister’ had told him), he decided to spend a lot of time with her. So they could know each other better and compensates for the years lost. Obviously, this meant he was talking her ears out with stories about his childhood, his friends, his adventures, and basically his entire life. And following her around the place, because he hadn’t have anything better to do.
"But the mysterious cave was actually the inside of the snake! And then Nami…" he was in the middle of his relate of what happened during his time at the Sky Island, when the elevator they were in suddenly stopped. And everything went black. "Huh? What happened?" he asked, looking around. Or at least trying to, since the emergency lights weren’t all that good neither.
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"Whatever. So, Nami used her Waver to get us out of there. But me and Aisa…" he just kept talking like it nothing had happened and they had no reasons to worry.
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rubberstrawhat · 10 years
Excuse me!
46. Being chased by someone
Luffy stopped running when he heard someone calling for him. “Pizza Guy!” He greeted the other teen, still using the nickname from the first time they met and the other said something about pizza. Man, Luffy was hungry… "Hey, do you have any food with you?"most of the times they met before, if not all, had something to do with food, right? So this meant the other probably had food with him this time.
However, before Pizza Guy could answer, a mob of angry men appeared in the distance, coming after Luffy. He had, apparently, broke something very important and very expensive. Not that Luffy himself knew that. For him, they were just chasing him for no reason, or just because he was a pirate. "AH! They found me!"
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"Come one! We need to run!" the pirate said, turning around. He then grabbed Pizza Guy’s hand and started to run again, dragging the other with him.
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rubberstrawhat · 10 years
Excuse Me
41. Celebrating a victory of a fictional character
There were still a lot of things at that city that Luffy didn’t understand. One of them being those electronic stores and why they had to sell so many televisions. It’s not like he didn’t know what those monitors were. They’d already seen some during his journey. He just didn’t understand why someone would want one and why there were so many different types. They were just used to monitor places like Impel Down or when people wanted to transmit news or images with the Den Den Mushi, cause it was fast. Right?
So, one day he decided to stop in front of one of these stores and watch what was passing on the TVs. It was some kind of kids show, with a group of friends fighting in the name of Justice. The pirate frowned at that. He liked heroes, but he didn’t like people doing any kind of stuff and saying it was for Justice. They remembered him a lot of a certain Fleet Admiral. But, not really having anything else to do, Luffy kept watching it.
By the end of the show, he was already totally engaged on the show, cheering for the heroes and openly reacting to what happened. "OOOOOOH!!" the moment they used their combined special power was specially epic, in the teenager’s opinion, and he couldn’t take his eyes away from the show.
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"YEAH! THEY WON! TAKE THAT!" he start to celebrate, jumping in place at the end. The heroes had won and it was awesome! He would keep celebrating, if it wasn’t for someone interrupting him "Hey! You’re the Fish Guts Guy!" Luffy recognized him. They were meeting a lot lately. "What’s up?" he asked like he wasn’t making a fool of himself over a kids show less than a minute ago.
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