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rubberbetaspanish · 17 hours ago
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rubberbetaspanish · 20 hours ago
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Reblog if you want to be treated this way
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rubberbetaspanish · 20 hours ago
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rubberbetaspanish · 3 days ago
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rubberbetaspanish · 3 days ago
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Day 80: I’ve just accepted that being able to cum is a thing of the past for me. 🫠
Master says that leave more time for being a pup anyway. 🐶
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rubberbetaspanish · 3 days ago
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rubberbetaspanish · 3 days ago
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rubberbetaspanish · 3 days ago
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rubberbetaspanish · 3 days ago
Warum mein Schwanz eingesperrt ist!
 Ich bin ein Keuschling. Mittlerweile freiwillig! Ich trage sein 2008 regelmäßig einen Käfig an meinem Schwanz. Manchmal länger nicht, immer mit großer Freude wenn der Schwanz eingesperrt ist. Ein eigener Orgasmus ist für mich nicht mehr schön. Ich fand hier jemanden, der dazu einen Top gefragt hat und der Top hat einfach gut geantwortet. Meine Nippel und mein Loch sind mittlerweile meine Sex – Organe. Aber lest selbst: 
Ich verstehe den Sinn des Sperrens nicht. Was bewirkt das? Warum ist das attraktiv? Ich versuche nicht zu urteilen, sondern zu verstehen, warum die Begeisterung dafür ist, einen Schwanz „einzusperren“.
"Jeder kann Keuschheit natürlich aus verschiedenen Gründen lieben, genau wie jeder andere Knick. Hier ist, warum ich es tue: Keuschheit nimmt einem Jungen die Fähigkeit, seinen Schwanz zu benutzen. Er kann nicht wichsen, er kann nichts penetrieren, er kann nichts stimulieren, er kann nicht hart werden. Für mich (und für viele Menschen) ist der Schwanz das ultimative Symbol für Männlichkeit.
Wenn also ein Junge keinen Zugang dazu hat, verändert sich das Gefühl von Männlichkeit. Er hat seinen Schwanz nicht mehr unter Kontrolle, er wird jetzt vom Schlüsselhalter kontrolliert. Der Junge hat keine Freude daran, der Junge kann nicht hart werden, je nach Gerät kann der Junge es vielleicht nicht einmal sehen.
Es entmannt.
Nicht abspritzen zu können, macht den Jungen sehr geil. Sie werden überrascht sein, was Männer bereit sind/wollen, nachdem sie einige Tage/Wochen nicht kommen konnten. Das lässt ihn das Vergnügen an anderen Orten suchen. Er will überall berührt werden, er will berühren. In Fällen von schwulen Jungen denken sie ununterbrochen an Schwänze. Sie fangen an, mit ihrem Arsch zu spielen, um etwas Erlösung zu bekommen, damit ihr Loch zu ihrem Geschlechtsorgan wird. Und weil ihr Loch stimuliert wird und sie Freude daran haben, ist es nicht mehr nur ein Loch. Es ist eine Fotze. Sie wollen es vielleicht nicht so nennen, aber so ist es in ihrem Kopf.
Wir haben jetzt also einen Jungen, der ständig Hunger hat, bei der kleinsten Berührung zittert und viel Freude an seinem neuen Geschlechtsteil hat. Keuschheit verbessert den Sex für den Jungen.
Er ist nicht nur empfindlicher, sondern wird Sex immer genießen, auch wenn er nicht kommen kann. Wenn Sie unten sind, wissen Sie, dass das Spiel vorbei ist, wenn Sie kommen. Dein Top muss aufhören, weil du keine Lust mehr hast, gefickt zu werden. Dieses Problem verschwindet mit der Keuschheit. Boy ist immer bereit und eifrig. Das macht Sex natürlich besser für mich. Ganz zu schweigen von dem freihändigen Orgasmus, den der Junge nach genügend Zeit in Keuschheit erreichen kann. Sobald ein Junge abspritzt, ohne seine Klitoris zu stimulieren, hat er sich für immer verändert.
Keuschheit lässt einen Jungen auch nie vergessen, wer er ist. Du kannst ein Bottom sein, du kannst ein Sub sein. Aber du denkst nicht an diesen Teil von dir, wenn du bei der Arbeit bist, deine Familie besuchst oder mit deinen Freunden auf Partys gehst. Der Keuschheitsgürtel ist immer da, man kann ihn immer spüren. Geil oder nicht, traurig oder glücklich, allein oder umgeben von Menschen. Du kannst es immer fühlen, es ist eine ständige Erinnerung daran, dass dir deine Männlichkeit genommen wurde. Es hält dich an deinem Platz, es lässt dich nie vergessen, dass es dir Spaß macht, gefickt zu werden. Jedes Mal, wenn Sie das Badezimmer benutzen müssen, werden Sie mit der Realität konfrontiert, wer Sie sind: männlich, aber kein Mann.
Das verändert einen Jungen. Sein Verhalten wird auch außerhalb des Schlafzimmers zu einem Sub. Keuschheit baut viel Frustration und Spannung auf. Deshalb ist es auch eine großartige Möglichkeit, den Jungen zu motivieren, ins Fitnessstudio zu gehen oder allgemein produktiver zu sein. Ich hatte einen Jungen mit einem kaum durchschnittlichen Körper, der sich nach nur einem Jahr Keuschheit in ein Biest verwandelte. Ich bin nicht mehr sein Schlüsselhalter, aber er behält immer noch den Käfig. Er will es nicht ausziehen, weil es ihn so sehr motiviert.        
Und vor allem liebe ich Keuschheit, weil sie klare Rollen vorgibt. Der Junge gibt seine Männlichkeit für mich auf, er verschließt sie als Zeichen der Hingabe. Mein Schwanz wird zum einzigen Schwanz im Raum und er ist nur ein Loch. Ich bin sein Mann, er ist meine Hündin. Einen Jungen zu ficken und dabei zuzusehen, wie sein weicher Kitzler in seinem Käfig ignoriert wird, ist einfach sehr, sehr heiß. Ich mochte es nie, wenn sich mein Hintern beim Sex berührte. Ich fand, dass die Keuschheitsgürtel anfangs etwas seltsam aussahen. Aber jetzt liebe ich sie. Wenn ich einen an einem Jungen sehe, macht es mich sofort hart. Denn das bedeutet, dass er seine Rolle als jemand angenommen hat, der unter die Männer gehört. Und ich liebe es, oben zu sein!"
Und ich gehöre nach unten. Mein Schwanz ist zwar da, kann aber nichts.
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rubberbetaspanish · 3 days ago
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rubberbetaspanish · 3 days ago
So that he doesn't have to touch the 🍆 himself when the master is away.
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rubberbetaspanish · 3 days ago
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rubberbetaspanish · 3 days ago
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rubberbetaspanish · 5 days ago
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Oh, you wanna cum? Not in a next few hours 😂
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rubberbetaspanish · 6 days ago
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rubberbetaspanish · 6 days ago
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Losing your job was rough, but your roommate, Jeremy and you had a good rapport. Appealing to this he let you stay one the condition he'd cover rent, but you had to take in responsibilities each fortnight you went without a job. Easy, some extra chores was nothing to being able to live rent free while you found a new position.
The first two weeks just added housework to the responsibilities: dishes, cleaning, trash was all your responsibility. You noticed Jeremy getting less tidy or careful, you were quick to clean up after him.
The next fortnight brought laundry duties, where you noticed he really worked up a sweat. You always liked his musk, but something about doing task for him and smelling his sweaty clothes made you oddly addicted. You started finding yourself taking a sock here or there to get a nice whiff.
As a new month rolled in Cooking started to be your duties next, breakfast lunch and dinner. It wasn't too bad but the responsibilities were stacking up to where finding time to job hunt was hard. Whenever you considered just quitting the arrangement and living with your parents Jeremy would give you a compliment, a pat on the head, or whisper of sweet words that made you glow for some reason. It was hard to not want to please him. Those night you found your self sniffing his clothes before bed more often.
The next weeks of joblessness hit and you were at a loss of what more you could do. Jeremy had an idea. "After work, rub my feet, they are so sore walking over the site so much. You'd be a good boy and do that, yes?"
You couldn't resist that. Soon you were worshipping his feet each night. Jeremy steadily grew more controlling and demanding. Eating your time to look for work and giving more responsibilities even as they got sexual and humiliating.
Here you four months later, caged dick, nippled clamped, naked, licking his feet and being his personal servant. Jeremy reclines as you suck on his big toe submissively. "You know, I knew I could make you the perfect bitchboy. As soon as my socks went missing I knew it. Though you can't jack off to my socks anymore can you? I make enough now I can pay for both of us, you're too under my thumb to fight back anymore." His big toes shoved their way in your mouth, and pulled at the cheeks for you tongue to fall out and drool. There was no fighting it, he eroded that away over the months, when he wanted a toy you were his toy. His toes passively pulled and prodded your face. "This is your new job so no more job searching bitchboy. This is where you belong."
His feet against your face a sign he needed a foot stool. You lay on the ground with his feet covering your face. Jeremy had crushed you ambition, independence, and free will, but you were in heaven as you sniff and licked your master's feet and you penis strained against the cage leaking precum.
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rubberbetaspanish · 6 days ago
Life In Chastity
Wearing a chastity device is not like any other sex toy. It’s not a toy at all. It’s a piece of bondage equipment that locks up your dick. Your dick isn’t just physical. As you know it’s hardwired to your brain. All those hormones, sexual drive, ability to orgasm — locked away. And then there’s just doing normal life activities in a chastity device. Think of working, pissing, types of clothing, etc. It’s a lifestyle. Here are a few considerations.
Never Being Able to Get Off
How often do you jerk off? If you’re like most guys, you’ve shot off quite a few loads in your life. In a chastity device that all but goes away. Here’s the thing, you still get aroused but can never let loose. Imagine being horny all the time but with no way to have an orgasm. Many guys will watch a few minutes of porn and then do their thing. In a chastity device, you can actually watch the whole porn movie.
Because there’s no way to orgasm, you have to manage your sexual energy differently. Many people, for example, use that energy to exercise more. Many men report a new found vigor and increased strength after being in chastity. They also report increased mental focus, better sleep (after they get used to sleeping wearing a cage around their dick), and more creativity. Everyone is different. But there are some advantages to not jerking off.
Milkingslave dripping
You may have seen or heard about guys cumming while wearing a chastity device. The most common way to do that is by prostate milking. That’s massaging the prostrate gland, which may trigger a release of cum. For those that don’t know, the prostrate is massaged through anal penetration (such as finger, dick, dildo). There’s definitely a technique to it. But keep in mind, you still can’t get a full erection if you’re being milked. So it’s not the same as an orgasm.
There’s some evidence that ejaculating has some positive health effects and never ejaculating may cause some health issues. Milking is one way to allow a chastity wearer to occasionally cum without breaking the chastity period. Of course, your Key Holder may allow you to jerk off on special occasions, if you’ve been good.
You probably don’t give precum too much thought. However, once you’re in a chastity device, you will think about it all the time. It will be become a new hygiene routine you will need to learn to deal with. Most guys in a chastity device precum a lot. I mean a lot. When you get horny, you will leak lots of precum. And when you’re not horny, you will still leak out some. It really can get messy. It usually starts a day or two after you’re locked up. Over time it decreases. You will have to make some lifestyle adjustments. No more sleeping nude…
The point of wearing a chastity cage is to restrict your access to your dick. One of the issues is trying to keep your dick and the device clean. Things will get nasty if you don’t. Showering will take extra long to try to work your way in there to get everything clean. And drying is not so easy too. Some people use a hair dry (low heat). Using is q-tips is a common technique for cleaning too. Try taking more baths. But dick and cage cleaning will become a new routine in your life…
Pissing won’t be quite so easy in a chastity device. You are probably already familiar with splash back when pissing. Now you have something diverting the urine flow. The spread can be wide and unpredictable. Imagine your thumb over a water hose and think what that does to the direction of the water. Pissing standing isn’t as feasible anymore — not to mention who might look over and see you in a chastity cage. You’ll probably be sitting on the toilet to take a leak from now on.
Additionally, the quick shake and off you go isn’t going to be your reality anymore either. Urine can get trapped in the device. You need to be sure it’s all out and clean.
Chastity devices come in different sizes and shapes. Generally, they can be hidden under
From 2013 MTV Music Awards From 2013 MTV Music Awards normal, everyday clothes. But there’s some things you will need to be conscious of. Wearing anything too tight might show the cage. Anything that would have shown your bulge before will also likely show the cage. Most cages have a lock. The lock can move, making noises or be seen. People sometimes wrap a rubber band around it so it doesn’t bang against device. In any event, it has to be managed.
If you travel, there’s the issue of airport security. If there’s metal in the device or lock, it will set the metal detector off. The body scanners will also pick it up, even if everything is plastic. Your best bet is to ask for a pat down and let the security guard know it is a piece of body jewelry. No matter how you slice it, awkward.
If you workout at the gym, the locker room becomes an issue. Showering there would be pretty embarrassing. Best to avoid the locker room altogether, if possible.
Be careful of hugs. Getting too close may reveal your dirty little secret. Just go back to the days of being a teenager when you always hug leaning in from the chest but keeping the hips away to avoid your constant hard on being revealed. Now it’s to prevent your chastity device from being revealed…
Pubic Hair
You’ll want to keep your pubes trimmed close or shaved. The hair can get caught up in the device and pinch. And it always happens when you least expect it. Like in a meeting or at dinner with family and friends. You get the point…
Life of Obedience
Being locked in a chastity device puts you in a submissive role, especially if you have a Key Holder. Based on your relationship, you may be expected to do things or act in a certain ways. The Key Holder usually has the discretion to decide when you get out, which is often times tied to your obedience. You may have to do extra chores, provided photo proof of lock up at random times, perform sexual tasks, etc. Unlike voluntary submission, there’s a consequence to failing to comply — a longer sentence for your cock.
Is It Worth It?
For some, you may not have much of a choice. Your partner or Master, if it’s that type of relationship, may require you to wear one. If that’s the case, it is what it is. If you do it on your own, it is definitely worth experimenting and seeing what it’s like. However, understanding it’s a lifestyle and not just a sex game is important to getting the most from the experience.
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