Final Design, Continuous Cities 2: Simple Suburb
When reading Continuous Cities 2, Calvino mentions passing through the city of Trade’s suburbs. When speaking about said suburbs he comments on how they are just like any other suburbs he has seen in his life. This made me think about how most suburbs are simplistic because all the houses appear quite similar. This thought inspired me to model my houses identical to each other in order to over exaggerate how plain and simple suburbs can be. For my initial design I drew up 4 simple separate houses and set them in rows to replicate a suburb. But for my second design I thought of just making one big house. I ended up deciding to replicate the suburb because it better models what I was imagining while reading the passage.
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Reviewing Review 2
The premise for this project is creating a place of solitude for Lewis Carrol, the author of Alice in Wonderland, to write. This project follows the theme of how Alice shrinks and grows in the book by altering the room sizes drastically. The focus of this model is on making a place that allows you to be self conscious of the space you’re occupying and ultimately how space can affect your writing. The first possible writing space is very confined and you basically only have room to sit. So when writing there a person could easily get annoyed by the lack of space causing them to lose their train of thought, and in the end making the writing not as smooth. The confined space then moves over to a more spacious area allowing the writer to feel at ease. This sense of ease can cause writer to get lost in thoughts about the work and make for much better writing.
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Reviewing Review 1
This review is on a project about massive living terrace meant to house a significant amount of people. The terrace is built upon four basic cornerstones: growing, living, working and gathering. The growing aspect is about how the terrace provides a large scale shared space causing people to interact often and grow knowledge from other people’s ideas and perspective. The living aspect focuses on how there are also places to do some living by your lonesome, such as personal garden spaces and personal units. The working aspect is on how the terrace encourages teamwork to pull together power and resources. And lastly, gathering, which is more of a management of resources like water, wind energy and natural gases. The only critique I could think for this project is that depending on how many people are residents, the living quarters could be quite overpopulated leading to frustration to residents.
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Guest Lecture 2: Landscape Architecture
I appreciated this lecture because over the summer I work for a landscaping company so some of the lecture hit home for me. I enjoy making a landscape more aesthetically pleasing. This lecture showed me how landscape architects can work together with architects to make urban necessities but still keep a bit of the natural landscape. I think that if we had been using these ideas from the beginning of America’s industrialization that our cities as a whole would feel much more natural and it would have made some of America’s largest cities even better because now most of them have next to no nature except for sparse parks.
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Guest Lecture 1: Everyday Cook
I found this lecture to draw my attention because Young not only made the plans for Everyday Cook but he also was apart of the construction as well. In traditional builds there is usually an architect who designs the basic plan and a contractor who makes the build as best he can to plans he did not contribute to. That method can sometimes lead to a finished product that varies from the original idea. With Young helping with the design and construction while keeping the interests of the contractee in mind it ultimately produces what the contractee had in mind for her business. One part of the lecture I found funny is how Young said he had someone that was willing to pay the water and electric bill for a certain sector of the kitchen, so Young found a way to nearly fit everything involving water and electricity into that spot and the man changed his mind.
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Blog 12: Moriyama House
This house was designed by Ryue Nishizawa and it is quite the inventive build. As you can see the house is not all connected and you have to walk outside to access each room. Separate rooms are stacked like boxes on top of each other, ranging from one to 3 storeys. To access the bathroom, which is also a freestanding entity, you have to pass through the garden that surrounds the whole establishment. The only problem that could cause this house to not be as practical is the fact that you need an AC unit in each separate structure more than likely making the utilities cost more. 
Mairs, Jessica. "Edmund Sumner Reveals Decade-old Photographs of Ryue Nishizawa at His Seminal Moriyama House." Dezeen. N.p., 13 Apr. 2017. Web. 21 Apr. 2017.
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“Then wanton Lemminkainen quickly arrives home to his dear mother beside his honoured parent. His mother put this in words she declared, spoke thus: ‘You have lingered long, my boy long in foreign lands.’”
honoured        declared       lingered        foreign
“His mother put this in words: ‘O Ahti my boy don’t go off to war! We have beer at home in an alder keg behind an oak bung; I will bring you some to drink though you were to drink all day.’”
war          alder keg          oak bung
“Then wanton Lemminkainen put tips on his spears strung up his crossbows and stocked up his bolts and he put this into words: ‘The spear may be tipped all the bolts ready the crossbow strung up but I’ve no left ski* to push no right for the heel to smite.’”
Spear tips         strung crossbows      heel to smite
“Then he set out for Northland and he said when he got there: ‘I’ve skied for the Demon’s elk from the Demon’s furthest fields: hag, give me your girl give me the young bride!’”
Northland       Demon’s elk       hag        young bride
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Blog 11: Jenga Style Apartments
This new building will definitely add some creativity to the New York City skyline. The architect planned on making the skyscraper look like a game of jenga while still keeping in mind the factor of safety. There are currently no photos of a residential room but they showed off the entertainment the building will have to offer to its residents such as a 75ft pool and an indoor/outdoor theatre. The common rooms have a simple but sleek look to them. The light fixtures chosen are quite interesting and surely help bring light to all corners of each room. Needless to say this apartment building is very innovative but will more than likely be a bit pricey holding up to 145 residents.
Howarth, Dan. "Herzog & De Meuron's Interiors for 56 Leonard "Jenga" Tower Revealed."Dezeen. N.p., 07 Apr. 2017. Web. 07 Apr. 2017.
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des_writing_1: Optimism
Dark clouds loom over the bright red airplane. I feel a slight cool breeze as I walk towards the car rental and I hope that a storm is not ensuing. Looking to my left I notice how massive the airplane is compared to the entirety of the nuuk airport. My legs are beginning to feel normal again as I am approaching the booth after the lengthy flight. I am looking forward to my spontaneous vacation and hope it lives up to my expectations. Even though dark clouds are looming I’m very optimistic about the days ahead and what I’m about to experience. 
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Blog 10: Schröder House
The bold coloring on the exterior of this modern home is what grabs my attention foremost. But once I started to examine more I noticed how the home itself is a piece of art. If you look closely at a side of the house it looks like something you would see in a modern art museum. The unique idea of making the exterior of a house a piece of artwork is cool but I see why it is not the social norm because if every home was like this colors would more than likely clash causing strain on the eyes.
Gibson, Eleanor. "Xavier Delory Imagines Gerrit Rietveld's Schröder House Covered in De Stijl Paintwork." Dezeen. N.p., 20 Mar. 2017. Web. 31 Mar. 2017.
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Secret Life of Walter Mitty_des.seq1
Barbaric man gesturing to come join him. Walter has a realization and makes the rash decision to leave work. Passport flashed at airport check in. Scanning to find seat in plane. Aesthetic scene of plane leaving runway. Simple airplane food presented to Walter. Scenic view of the new geographical architecture Walter is about to experience for the first time. Showing gratitude for service outside of airport exit. View of airport showing how immensely small it is. Choice of two rental cars for Walter at his destination.
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Blog 9: West London Home
The white theme this home has along with plentiful windows really enhances light throughout each room. This light enhancement most likely helps the owner save a lot of money on electricity. Not only does the white theme help with lighting but it also helps the home look very clean, pure and modern. Focusing on the solely white bathroom, I think the shower ceiling window is a nice addition because I would find it very refreshing to be able to look at the sky while getting ready for my day. I also think the cobblestone atrium is a great touch to the home letting the owner have somewhere to go get some fresh air and sunlight with ample privacy.
Gibson, Eleanor. "De Rosee Sa Uses Three Glazed Courtyards to Bring Light into London House." Dezeen. N.p., 23 Mar. 2017. Web. 24 Mar. 2017.
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