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Uhhh.. I guess this will from here on be where I dump WIP's of my Genuine Stardust story :V Actually scratch that. Everything's on my main account: tr85n
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Wow, people still find and follow this side blog? :O This one is probably not gonna be used anymore, just saying. All my RS art and related stuff is on my main: @tr85n !!
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Part 3

“Nyooom! I win again!”, Stella cheered for herself as her Magic Glittersaurus crossed the finish line.
“I'm so happy you buy-ded the race track for me, daddy!”, she tightly hugged her blank-faced father sitting next to her.

At that point he finally snapped out of it. Looking down at his child, feeling the genuine love and gratitude within her embrace, he hugged her back. She was happy, therefor he was happy too. Until his eyes caught the damned doll, propped up on a small chair, as part of the toy-audience Stella had carefully set up to spectate the Magic Glittersaurus Race. He loosened his grip on the gumball-child, shivering, trembling... “Pumpkin? Is it okay if Daddy goes downstairs for a bit to... do some work?”, his eyes were fixated onto the doll's soulless leer. His heart pounded, somewhere inside he expected the doll to deny him this request. “Sure, daddy!”, his daughter replied instead of that awful object, “I really liked playing and shopping with you today!”, Benson's heart would've melted if only he wasn't struck by anxiety. With no further words he carefully walked out of the office, his eyes never never turning away from the doll until he was out the door.
“Well well, Benson! You're really spoiling Stella today, I noticed!” Skips was preparing the house for its October festivities, hanging little paper bats off the ceiling. A certain blue jay and raccoon had joined in too, now that they had some free time on their hands. Plus the Park's annual Halloween-party was still their favorite reason to bring this place a visit. “Dude, the Magic Glittersaurus Racetrack?”, Rigby chimed in, “I wouldn't even expect you to buy her that for Christmas, let alone out of the blue!” Benson wouldn't answer. It didn't feel good. “Then again, what kind of heartless monster would deny that little angel all the presents she deserves?” Mordecai teased.
“Are you happy now, Stella?~” “Uh-huh, uh-huh!” The child frantically nodded. “This is the bestest day ever! My daddy is the bestest!” “I once had a daddy too, you know~”, the doll whispered. “... but not anymore?” Stella inquired. Her face shifted from playful excitement to concern. She loved her father so much, even at this tender age she could imagine the sadness someone else might experience after losing a loved one. “Not anymore~”, the doll confirmed, “You know what happened to him?~” Stella shook her head. “Your daddy..-”, its tone changed, “CHOPPED his head off~” Automatically, her little hands went over her mouth as she gasped in horror at this revelation. “Are.. are you mad at me? Or at my daddy?” “Silly girl, would I make your daddy be this nice to you if I were mad at either of you?~” She shook her head again. Despite the doll reassuring her, she felt everything around her grow cold with dread and fear. She wanted to be somewhere else, but the doll's soulless eyes seemed to have pinned her in her place. “However~... I would like to have something in return from you, Stella~ That would be fair, don't you think?~” “Y-yes?” she squeaked with fright. “Just come a little closer~”
“I don't know what's gotten into her! Maybe it's just her age, like, she's testing me... but somehow, I can't deny her anything! I don't want her to turn into some insufferable spoiled brat!”, the gumball machine dad complained to his employees about today's occurences. The three men glared at him with disaproval. “Ehh, Benson... from the sound of it, she isn't acting spoiled or bratty. She just wanted to have a fun time with you!”, Skips said. “Huh?” “Dude, don't you realize? She wanted ice cream with you, get the racetrack to play with you, spend time on the playground with you!” Mordecai counted the instances on his fingers, reminding Benson that, indeed, everything Stella wanted was specifically meant to do together. “Well, yes.. but..”, he sputtered, “it's not like she asked nicely... in fact, she...”, he froze, eyes widening upon realisation. “She wasn't the one doing the talking...” He was met with confusion. “The doll... it was that doll's doing all along!” “Doll?” Rigby's memories had been sparked, “Ohhh, like that one time when you carried that evil ventriloquist dummy around to make Mordecai and me do our jobs?” he chuckled, “Remember how that backfired as that thing tried to kill you, and-” “It WHAT?!” Skips cried. “Benson! Does Stella still have that doll with her?!” As if on queue, the lights in the house started flickering. Everything went off, then on again.
Benson felt no need to answer Skips, he rushed for his office, realising his daughter was in grave danger. But nothing could prepare him for what he was about to witness in there. The office was dark; unlike everywhere else in the house, these lights did not turn on anymore. Silhouettes of Stella's dolls and the Magic Glittersaurus Racingtrack were recognizable. But Stella herself? Looking around the dark room, Benson thought he recognized her silhouette among the toys, and he carefully, slowly walked towards her, reaching out in the late October darkness that filled the room. “Augh crab-cakes! This ain't what I had in mind!”, Benson suddenly heard a child say to themselves. Their voice was somewhat reminiscent of Stella's, but he knew it was not her. Turning around he saw a small person in the door opening, illuminated by the hall light, checking themselves with Stella's toy hand mirror. It looked very much like a live version of the creepy doll, only it had a side-ponytail now, and a distinctive spork-shaped fringe. Their clothes looked like something Stella had been wearing that day too.

“Oh hey, daddy! Wanna play with the racetrack some more, huh?”

Benson's lowerlip trembled, he couldn't utter a single word as he kept looking at the creature before him. That was not his daughter, it could not be. “What the-?!” The three other parkworkers had made their way upstairs too by now. The living doll leaped out of the park employees' way, nearly bumping into Benson, who tripped backwards over the racingtrack, landing into a pile of toys. “Screw this!” The 'kid' scowled, “You're no fun at all! Im gonna find me a daddy who actually WANTS to play with me!”, and with that, it kicked itself a way out through the glass window, jumping off the roof and disappearing. Skips, Mordecai and Rigby looked on in astonishment. Until Benson's sudden whimpers urged them to turn around. The park manager tightly held a small magenta-colored gumball machine to his body. Pink gumballs rattled inside the faceless glass dome, caressed by Benson's hand as he cradled the object, comforting it from the horrors it had to endure earlier. He had zero notion of the horrified looks on his employees' faces, their eyes fixated on him, and his lifeless child.

(The End!)
#Regular Show#benson Dunwoody#Mordecai and Rigby#skips#stella#Well that was stuuupid x)#Remember; it's only a story uu
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Part 2
“Stella~ Stellaaaa~”
Somebody whispered her name, it certainly wasn't Benson. The gumball child looked around in surprise.

“Overhere, Stella~”, the voice chanted.
The toddler snuck a few feet away from her parent, who was still too busy being indecisive about potential purchases. The adjacent shelves were crammed with anatomically incorrect skeletons, poorly made critters, and other not-at-all-frightening decorations. But one thing stood out; a doll. One of its kind in this aisle. Or rather, a ventriloquist dummy, but the little three-year-old could not tell the difference. It looked harmless, the least intimidating among the already laughable items. Red-and-white striped shirt, dungarees, and a silly cap with little propellors on top. “Yes?”, Stella softly inquired, not sure whether the voice came from this one object. She had already forgotten what Benson had told her multiples times about talking to strangers. Perhaps she didn't consider this a stranger; the strangers in her mind were big, mean-looking men. This was merely a doll with a silly hat. “I've heard everything, Stella~ Your dad isn't nice to you at all, is he?~” It sat motionlessly in front of her. “I think he's mad at me and I dunno why”, Stella pouted. “I only wanted to... do nice things with daddy...” “Yes, of course you do~ You are a good little girl, so why is your daddy so mean to you?~ Don't you deserve better?~”
She didn't answer. Her child-logic had started making up all sorts of reasons why her papa could be mad at her. Then she nodded.
“I can help you, Stella~”, the doll continued, “I can make your daddy do whatever you want him to do for you~” “You can?” Stella perked up with a hopeful look on her face. “Anything you want~”, the toy assured her, “Why don't you pick me up and let me do the talking?~
“Daddy! HEY ,DADDY!!” It did not quite sound like Stella, yet Benson felt these words blasting specifically into his direction. He turned his head.
“... S- Stella?”
“ICE CREAM!” “Ice cream?”, his yes fell on the strange doll Stella held up on her arm, “Where did you get that th-”
“.. I-.. What?!” Benson furrowed his brows, shocked by his daughter's sudden audacity.
“I said ICE CREAM! NOW! WE ARE GOING TO GET ICE CREAM!!”, the doll spoke on behalf of Stella, who was gleefully smiling at her father.
Five seconds of silence passed. “Alright.. sure..” “Really? We're getting ice cream, daddy?”, Stella's eyes sparkled. Her voice so soft and sweet, the polar opposite of the orders that barked at her father just before. “Yes... I'm getting you that ice cream, like you wanted” Benson confirmed, but his face was blank with uncertain awkwardness. He silently took his little girl by the hand.
Moments later the couple (or threesome?) were sitting in the mall's food court. A large and colorful sherbet blocked Stella's head from being seen by her parent, who was silently observing. A modest little soft served ice cream cone was melting in his hand. He was too confused to enjoy his treat, perhaps even scared. But his child was adament they'd have ice cream together.
The doll's head glared at him, staring directly into his soul and feeding on his fears, or so it felt.

“Daddy?” Benson shot up in his chair, spooked by her sudden voice. “Don't you like your ice cream, daddy?” The little girl's head peeped out at the side of her sherbet, looking disappointed. “Uhhh...” He stammered, his pupils shooting back and forth from Stella's face to the melting sweet treat in his hand and into the eyes of that awful, despicable doll sitting opposite him. “I WANTED TO EAT ICE CREAM WITH YOU, DAD! YOU 'D BETTER ENJOY IT TOO!” Terrified, he crammed the entire soft served into his mouth, forcing a painful smile onto his face.

His daughter, being reassured, happily continued scooping bite-sized chunks of 4 different flavors into her mouth.
“OH DADDY~!!”, the doll screeched on Stella's behalf, “LET'S GET THAT MAGIC GLITTERSAURUS RACE TRACK!”

“DADDY! PUSH ME ON THE SWING!!” “You get on the swing too, daddy!”, Stella suggested after being pushed high enough. “GET ON THE SWING, DADDY!” the doll ordered when Benson didn't respond fast enough.

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Part 1 (of Mr. Bossman II- the weaker sequel)
A grumpy park manager roams the City Mall, purchasing the usual necessities in preparation for his park's annual Halloween party. How things have changed; in the prior years he would've send his employees to run these errands. But nowadays, said employees have other, new priorities. One half of his team were now family men, the other half decided to pursue new carreers. He badly needed to seek out new groundskeepers, but this was a concern for later. On top of that, there was no one available to babysit his little daughter, so he had no other option than to bring the toddler along.

Much unlike her father, Stella's eyes sparkled with wonder and excitement for everything the Mall had to offer. She stalled her parent multiple times, tugging his arm, pointing at things that caught her interest. But Benson was in no mood for any of it. Nothing had gone according to plan that day, much to his chagrin. Not even this sweet little girl's enthusiasm could brighten his day. This was not just a chore, it was a hassle. He was a busy working man first, father second.
“Daddy!”, Stella gasped in amazement, “There's a playground! Can we-” “No!”, her parent sneered. “We're going home as soon as I have this done!”
Her disappointment was quickly replaced when she saw the next thing; the toy store's shop window, filled with “treasure”. “Ohh!! Daddy, look!”
Benson knew what she was going to say next. He sighed in annoyance.
“Don't you have enough crap already?” Crap? Stella was taken aback by hearing such a dirty word coming from her father.
“I don't have a Magic Glittersaurus Racingtrack like that, daddy”, she squeaked timidly, ”We can play with that togeth-”
“The answer is NO, Stella!” And he impatiently pulled her away from the shop window.
The poor child silently watched her father take hands full of Halloween decorations from the shelves, comparing them, grumbling under his breath. This was no fun at all, she had been so excited to go out shopping with her beloved papa. He was always so busy; most of time time she kept him company in his office. Making crayon drawings or playing with her dollies. Her favorite uncles used to spend lots of time with her too, but lately that didn't happen much anymore, for reasons she didn't yet understand. Her eyes went down from looking at the back of her father's head to her own feet. For the first time ever she felt unloved.

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“Could you guys not interfere with my private life, ever?! Could you just NOT?! Look at this! I barely like kids, I have no time to raise a kid. I’M A BUSY MAN!”
I’m still enjoying the Hell outta making this comic 8′)
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It’s SO FARKING HOT, I could’ve easily finished page 7 today, but I’m melting |:C
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Page 5 is go! Avery finally makes her debut \o/
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Looking much better now, no?

Guess what I’m attempting |’) …
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Guess what I’m attempting |’) ...
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Hah, found some forgotten idea-doodles; Quite likely an off-screen moment after Benson returns from his screaming tantrum in the street, discovering the magic babby is STILL there :U

And also Rigby being an idiot <3
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The prequel to this? x)
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Ughhh.. I’m sorry |)
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Ahaha... forgotten scribble from the fic. Can you guess which part?
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Have some sentimental poops ;n; During her first nights after the final events of GS, Stella would often have nightmares about giant snakes and falling from the cold, dark skies. But Benson... he will always catch her.
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A scene I randomly thought up, obviously before Benson accepted his new parent-role <:3
I don’t think it’s gumballs in there...
#Regular Show#benson Dunwoody#genuine stardust#fanfiction#stella#also featuring Mordecai....'s arms#thanks i hate it
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Genuine Stardust - Revisited!
It’s about 95% the same as it was, just with more Enters now BD And a few new additional blurbs + Avery is now actually described and named!
Read it here :>
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More concepty stuff from the fic UwU (Consistency? Who dat?)
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