rpvelddragoon · 7 years
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rpvelddragoon · 7 years
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rpvelddragoon · 7 years
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_Fanart-Veld 1_ by *ocean-fantasy
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rpvelddragoon · 8 years
I hate it when people ask “do you trust me” like …don’t call me out like that ……..the answer is no
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rpvelddragoon · 8 years
Mum stuff
Computer is broken. It might be a while before I can get it fixed. I'm not gonna be on much. I'll probably just be on mobile.
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rpvelddragoon · 8 years
MY FAVOURITE trope is the 
“leave all your weapons” *takes out far more weapons than expected (or logically able to carry)*
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rpvelddragoon · 8 years
“Terrify some cadets into carrying it for us. while we guard the damn thing.” he replied annoyed glaring at the writhing body's carved into the annoying pillar.
“From an architectural standpoint, we should set it on fire.”
“No.”  Even if it’d be one hell of an improvement.
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rpvelddragoon · 8 years
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“They wouldn’t be Turks if they weren’t
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“Their TURKs Valentine. They’ve done worse.” That he knew of anyway.
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“I didn’t think they were actually that competent.”
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rpvelddragoon · 8 years
Take a shower, wash off the day. Drink a glass of water. Make the room dark. Lie down and close your eyes. Notice the silence. Notice your heart. Still beating. Still fighting. You made it, after all. You made it, another day. And you can make it one more. You’re doing just fine.
Charlotte Eriksson (via wnq-anonymous)
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rpvelddragoon · 8 years
Boss Battle
This one > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbEZJVa75MM
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rpvelddragoon · 8 years
Boss Battle
((Hi)) This one > https://youtu.be/D7tY-ztPuU0
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rpvelddragoon · 8 years
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ ̵̨̄Ʒ
Veld staggered to his feet hissing in pain as the broken glass cut into them as he stumbled out of the broken tank. Mako soaked hair dripping down his face as he surveyed his surroundings.
He was in some form of lab. A completely trashed one at that. The mako tanks beside his own were either completely broken or cracked, leaking their green fluids to the dusty floor. Yellowed papers were spread about haphazardly, as if they’d gotten blow by a strong wind.
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rpvelddragoon · 8 years
Send me “Boss Battle”, and I’ll post the music that plays when your muse fights mine as a boss.
Alternatively, send me “Reverse Boss battle”, and I’ll post the music that plays when my muse fights yours as a boss.
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rpvelddragoon · 8 years
“i don’t care,” i say, caringly, as i care deeply
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rpvelddragoon · 8 years
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“Their TURKs Valentine. They’ve done worse.” That he knew of anyway.
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“Yes. Why worried about it getting back to your hero friends?”
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“Not really. I’m more worried about Tsung’s Turklings getting ideas. It’s expected from Reno, but I don’t think it is from the others.”
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rpvelddragoon · 8 years
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“The smell sticks around and is easily identifiable. Safer to dispose of them properly.”
“…You could help me hide the corpses.”  or what was left of them anyway.
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“That does sound interesting. Though wouldn’t it be faster if you just burned them?”
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rpvelddragoon · 8 years
Send "Hearteyes Motherfucker" if you ship our muses
Send “Super Secret Hearteyes Motherfucker” if it’s supposed to be a secret between them
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