rpmemesjustcause · 2 years
Reblog this if you're crossover friendly. Sometimes we might not be familiar with a fandom or franchise but still be interested in interacting with a muse regardless.
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rpmemesjustcause · 2 years
Send “Examine!” and an item or person and I’ll write an RPG description of it/them.
(For example, a stormtrooper mask:
 “A white mask with a black visor on the front. Putting it on, you realise that the visor isn’t even transparent. How are you expected to do anything competently like this?”)
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rpmemesjustcause · 2 years
Send in “Blooper Reel” for a line of dialogue from a past RP flubbed as if it was being acted out in a play.
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rpmemesjustcause · 2 years
Mun Day Questions For Muns With Multiple Muses
Do you have a favorite out of your muses?
Do you have a least favorite out of your muses?
Who are your most active muses?
Do you have any original character muses?
Which characters would you love to write as in the future?
Was there a character you had to resist making a muse for in the recent past?
Which muses have you recently dropped?
Which of your muses would you like to see interact with each other?
Which of your muses would get along well with each other?
Which of your muses would become enemies with each other?
Which of your muses would start dating each other?
Who was your first muse?
Was your first muse for a fandom or were they fandomless?
Who is your most recent muse?
Is there a character that interacts with your muse that you would love to see interact with another one of your muses?
Do you have more OCs or more canon muses?
Have you ever made/considered making a multi muse blog?
Is there a muse you’re considering making right now?
Which fandom do/did you have the most muses for?
Is there a muse you’ve recently dropped or lost interest in but are starting to miss?
Do you have more female, male, or gender nonbinary muses?
Do you have more older or younger muses?
Do you have more hetero or LGBT+ muses?
Do you make separate blogs or side blogs for your muses?
How many muses do you have so far?
Do you have muses that you use for private RPs only?
Do you tend to be active in RP groups or are you more independent?
Do you use live action or animated/drawn face claims more often?
Do you have a preference over writing hero or villain muses? Or do you have more morally grey characters?
What kind of advice could you offer someone who has multiple muses?
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rpmemesjustcause · 2 years
Send me a character + a number and I’ll tell you my headcanons for:
Their physical weak spots
Their emotional/moral weak spots
Scars or painful spots
Best places to kiss on their body
Guilty pleasures
Their vices (physical or emotional)
Their tickle spots
Bad memories/experiences
Humiliating memories
Bad or petty habits
Grudges and vendettas
What gets them flustered
Ingrained habits/forces of habit
What it takes to make them cry
Dark secrets/’skeletons in the closet’
Things they’ll never admit
People they’ve hurt or indirectly killed, and how it affected them
What-ifs/Alternate Timelines
Turning points in their life
People who’ve influenced them greatly
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rpmemesjustcause · 2 years
Child starters
"What did you learn today?"
"Have you finished your homework?"
"How old are you now?"
"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"Put it under your pillow for the Tooth Fairy."
"Because I said so!"
"As long as you're under my roof, you'll live by my rules"
"You're grounded"
"Don't you use that tone with me"
"Beds are not made for jumping on!"
"You'll understand when you're older"
"Have you brushed your teeth?"
"Bed time"
"Do you want a bedtime story?"
"Did you have a bad dream?"
"Where are your parents?"
"Are you being bullied?"
"Go to your room"
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rpmemesjustcause · 2 years
i!!!!! love!!!!!! holding!!!!!! hands!!!!!!!!!
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rpmemesjustcause · 2 years
Tumblr media
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rpmemesjustcause · 2 years
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rpmemesjustcause · 2 years
Send in “Pokédex!” plus a Pokémon to see how my muse would describe that Pokémon!
Bonus, send in a Digimon, or any other (fictional) creature instead! That’ll still count for the meme!
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rpmemesjustcause · 2 years
WarioWare Based Headcanons! [Word Prompts!]
Questions based off of WarioWare characters! Have fun exploring some tidbits about your muses! Remember to specify for multi-muses!
Wario: Is there something your muses obsesses over and can’t get enough of? Would they do anything to get the said something? How does it affect their relationships with others? Are they greedy or are they thankful for what they can get?
Mona: Is your muse a busy person? How packed is their schedule? Do they think they’re capable of doing so many things at once? Do they take on more than can chew, or they’re doing fine in managing in what they taken on? Why do they keep themselves occupied at the level they do?
Jimmy T.: How is your muse when it comes to romance? Do they try to woo every person they come across? How do they handle rejection? Do they rather keep away from romance and stick to platonic love? (which is totally valid by the way)
Dribble: What’s your muses feelings about magic and the supernatural? Do they think there’s extraterrestrial life among the stars or even among them? What would they do if they discovered something supernatural or extraterrestrial?
Spitz: How ambitious is your muse? Do their dreams take them far and wide, or do they rather keep things low key? Has any dreams come true yet? If so, how do they feel about said dream coming true?
9-Volt: Does your muse enjoy video games? What sort of games do they like? Do they prefer playing the games themselves or observing others play? How competitive and passionate are they when it comes to gaming?
Orbulon: Is your muse considered to be strange? Do they feel out of place? Have they changed living situations during their life? Are they planning to move onto other places?
Dr. Crygor: How does your muse feel about their smarts? Are they supremely confident in their brain, or do they feel like they aren’t that intelligent? Do they look down upon others who struggle with mind boggling matters?
Kat: Did your muse have to something that is not expected for their age range? Do they simply like doing things that are considered not appropriate for their age? Are they in a rush to grow up, or do they want to stay young?
Ana: Does your muse cry a lot? Do they keep their emotions to themselves or are they willing to open up to others? How do they feel about those who cry a lot? Are they sympathetic to others’ plights?
Fronk: Is your muse the kind to help out others? Do they have a knack for it, or do they struggle every time they want to assist?
18-Volt: What does your muse think about music? Is there a genre they prefer? Are they one to be vocal about their musical interests or would they rather enjoy their music in private?
The Thangs: Is your muse fit and funky? How do they feel about dance? Are they the type who like sports? Do they partake in a lot of physical activity?
Ashley: Would you consider your muse scared of others or others scared of them? Do they want to make friends with others, but is unable to? Or do friendships come naturally to them?
Red: Is your muse looking after another? Are they hands off in that matter or do they feel like they need to hold the hand of that being every step of the way? Do they feel needed or even loved by the said ward?
Mike: Does you muse like to sing? Do they prefer singing alone, or with others? Can they preform for others? Do they like crowds big or small?
Vanessa: Is your muse jealous of someone? Why? Would they do anything to sabotage that someone’s efforts? Do they see that person as a rival, an enemy, or a friend?
Young Cricket: Does your muse have to live up to the footsteps of someone else? Do they plan on excelling the one they are compared to?
Master Mantis: Is your muse considered a master of anything? How do they feel about that? Are they capable of teaching others in that subject?
Penny: Is there something your muse wants to do that isn’t expected of their current lot in life? Does their current position strongly contrasts with what they want to do? Do they think they can blend their passions together?
Jimmy P.: Has your muse been compared to someone? Is there an eerie resemblance to someone else? Would they rather be a completely unique individual, or do they not mind someone having some (or tons) of similarities?
5-Volt: Is making a family a goal of your muse? Are they just open to dating or even marrying someone, or do they want to keep to themselves? How do they feel about kids?
Lulu: Would your muse consider themselves as a hero? Do they want to do something big that benefits others? Is it out of wanting fame, or out of the kindness of their hearts?
Joe: Does your muse like to take on many projects? Do they like being the leader in assignments and adventures, or do they prefer following others?
Leo: Does your muse like to stir up mischief? Has anyone tried to stop them from doing so? Or are they the one trying to stop misdemeanors? Did anyone try to convince them to be naughty, or even evil?
Pyoro: Has your muse become famous for anything seemingly mundane? Or were they caught doing something and now everyone knows about it? Do they like this attention, or do they wish that others wouldn’t focus on the said event?
Cicada: If your muse was forgotten by someone they connected with, how do they react? Does the concept of being forgotten rattle your muse or can they shake it off?
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rpmemesjustcause · 2 years
Munday Positivity!
🖍Can we roleplay together?
✨I’m so happy I met you!
💖We’ve friends for a while, and this makes me so happy!
💝You are such an amazing person!
😲I’m intimidated by you but I think your writing is amazing!
🕺Your character portrayal is great! Keep it up!
💭Do you have any thoughts or opinions on our threads?
📝Could we possibly write together more?
❤️I love the relationship our muses have!
💘Do you think our muses have the potential to become romantic interests?
☀️Do you think our muses have the potential to become friends?
🤔I want to rp with you, but I have no ideas of how our characters would meet.
📜I have a thread idea for us!
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rpmemesjustcause · 2 years
Anonymously send me your favorite detail about how I play my character.
I will publish and respond OOC.
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rpmemesjustcause · 2 years
How do the muses greet each other?
Send in “🤝” (or “greetings!”) for an idea of how that would happen!
Send in your own ideas!
This includes hi fives, hugs, glares, waves, secret hand shakes, dances, whatever you can think of!
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rpmemesjustcause · 2 years
Send "💎💎💎" and My Muse will say three things that comes to their mind when Your Muse's name is mentioned
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rpmemesjustcause · 2 years
Send your muse’s thoughts about mine on anon
And my muse will react
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rpmemesjustcause · 2 years
Send “Treasure Chest Opened! You Acquired _____” along with an item my muse would obtain by opening a secret treasure chest. Make it ANY item you want and see my muse’s reaction to obtaining said item.
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