Repliforce HQ
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[Multimuse - canon divergent - SFW - RP/fanblog hybrid] "...Remember, this is neither about insurrection nor rebellion against our human creators. This is about our liberty and security." -General
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rp-repliforce · 2 years ago
You know, I feel kinda bad for not doing as much with this blog for so long. It feels like I've always been taking off and messing around with other things since December last year. x.x
I want to try and get back into the swing of things again. So... Anyone want to try and start a new thread? I have muse for General right now, so he's the character I want to use.
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rp-repliforce · 2 years ago
Meanwhile, a certain Repliforce navigator happened to be nearby.
She jogged across the parking lot, her brown hair trailing after her like a long tail. She slowed her pace once she reached the garages, folding her hands behind her back and glancing over the number of each door as she passed.
"(Which one did we park in again...?)" She thought to herself, pausing to rack her brains for the number her brother had given her previously.
She almost tried to reach for her phone, but quickly remembered that it was still in her bag, which... still sat in the storage compartment of Colonel's ride-chaser... somewhere.
As Iris was still standing there in puzzlement, the sound of rattling metal along with a high-pitched yelp grabbed her attention. Abandoning her current task, she walked briskly toward the source of the racket.
She soon spied the one causing it. She thought it was a reploid boy at first glance, but his abnormally long neck suggested otherwise.
She had an expression of concern on her face as she carefully drew closer - both at the being's predicament and his strange appearance. It was hard to tell for sure what kind of robot he was supposed to be exactly, but he looked like he could talk...
"Um- ...Are you alright?" She asked, unsure of whether she would receive a reply. Her hands were already raised a bit in anticipation of freeing him, but she didn't come any nearer just yet.
Starter for @rp-repliforce
Like many places Squish stumbled upon, he felt an intense curiosity to explore and poke around… Sometimes however, this behavior got him into places where he should not have been.
Squish trotted around the base of Repliforce HQ, a much more militaristic setup from the business zones and housing districts he was used to so far. The gruffness or unresponsive reactions to his presence by some off the guards discouraged him slightly, but it wasn’t enough to keep him from finding other avenues of entering.
A few small windows offered an alluring point of entry, but none so far have yielded to him. Most of the fencing was also consistently difficult to push through or exploit. However, one section of it was just loose enough to attempt pushing himself through.
Squish pushed at the fence with his head, trying to extend the bars with his hands. He ended up trying multiple times to move or extend it - he was on the verge, he was so close!! Finally, he managed to pop his head through and squeaked in victory! —
— Though he very quickly realized his error: the rest of his body couldn’t fit through the hole!
He pulled and tugged and tried to get the chainlink to widen again, but it was much more difficult than trying to get in. Some of the loose ends were digging into his skin, causing the critter to cry out in pain.
Try as he might, he couldn’t seem to escape his new predicament. Squish decided to stop and rest for the moment, attempting to figure out his next step.
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rp-repliforce · 2 years ago
I think it's funny how I tend to not find Colonel as attractive since I'm so used to looking at him, but then one day I'll randomly see one of my own drawings of him and be like: 💘😘
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rp-repliforce · 2 years ago
I actually really want to try a Mega Man Classic crossover thread sometime. I think I'd specifically want to send Colonel and General to the past.
The hard part is figuring out how they'd get there though... 🤔
I do know that if they went to the past on purpose they would probably take some sort of backup with them, so if they're isolated they probably would have wound up there unwillingly. When I really think about it, I also feel like it would be better to send X or Zero on a mission like this rather than a couple of hulking military robots, so I think they'll probably have to get caught in some kind of anomaly.
Once in the past, Colonel would probably be trying not to think about the fact that they might be stranded here forever, but General wouldn't be afraid. I feel like his attitude would help ease Colonel's mind a bit.
Timespace not acting like it should is another thing that Colonel is scared of, but he would still have courage in the face of all this.
This may be a bit too big in scope for a thread, but if there's more of an overarching story going on, it might be interesting to see what would happen if Dr.Wily found Colonel & General. These two know absolutely nothing about the classic era and have no idea who Dr.Light and Dr.Wily are, but they're both fairly intelligent people so they might not be easily tricked.
As for how they might get back home, maybe they'd eventually find the time machine Dr.Wily used to get Quint?
What if General is way too big to fit inside so he sends Colonel back to the future alone, and then Colonel has to try and find a way to come back for General from there?
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rp-repliforce · 2 years ago
This was me & my Colonel muse.
When I was a teen it was like: "Wow he's so big and tall and mature!" Now that I'm around the same age as him it's like: "...Man, we really are just a couple of kids, aren't we?"
being younger than your fave characters and then eventually becoming older than them is such a weird feeling
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rp-repliforce · 2 years ago
Since I've been exploring the Classic lore a bit for the first time in years, it's gotten me pondering what General would think if he got to meet a robot master.
I imagine that he would be a little surprised by how similar they are to reploids, despite how long ago they were created (even down to having the same level of sentience as him). But... He'd also feel sorry for them since they're confined by their hardware limitations, and are completely dependent on humans as a result.
The fact that the whole expiration date thing happened at all would also make him angry. A Reploid would at least be able to *try* and stand up for themselves in that situation, but a robot master is basically defenseless.
Upon hearing about this he would feel protective of this robot master, and maybe even a bit tempted to take them under his wing, but would also know that he's not really in a position where he can do anything. Interfering with the timeline can be dangerous. Plus, he has complicated issues in his own timeframe to deal with, and he's kinda close to the center of it all. It might be a bit too much for someone from the past.
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rp-repliforce · 2 years ago
I just woke up from a dream where something kinda messed up happened to General.
I think what happened was that somehow General had been captured by Colonel Redips, who then had his entire body dismantled except for his head, which he placed onto a life-support base. Knowing that General couldn't move at all in this state, he had him faced towards a mirror so he'd be forced to stare at himself. Then he just left him there.
General was... understandably upset about this, but he still had hope that someone would come for him.
It is kinda freaky though how Redips knew exactly how to psychologically torment General. I imagined that losing all of his strength and being rendered completely helpless is actually one of his worst nightmares. He has a lot of mental fortitude though, so I don't think this would break him.
To be honest I kinda doubt this is Redips's style, but pinpointing another person's psychological weaknesses and exploiting them doesn't sound too far-fetched for him... 🤔
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rp-repliforce · 2 years ago
The taller reploid stood over her, an expression of concern on his face as his striking green optics met with hers. He had been about to extend a hand to try and wake her, but pulled back when she jolted up.
"Are you alright, Miss Layer?" He asked.
Meanwhile, Alia watched from a short distance away. Knowing that Layer had been pushing herself over the past few days, it was no wonder she had fallen asleep at her desk like this... She considered asking the Commander if there was anyone who could fill in for her.
Closed starter for @violet-rapier
At Maverick Hunter HQ, an important guest was arriving.
In the main teleporter nexus, one of the booths began to power up, having received the necessary transfer data. The machine’s chassis rattled slightly as a small yellow light flashed, indicating that a large reploid was about to download in. A great amount of energy and data flooded into the central chamber, before shortly forming into the shape of a tall humanoid. Then finally, he materialized in a flash of light.
With a heavy footstep, The Colonel of Repliforce exited the teleporter. Looking around the room, he spotted a large digital clock nearby, and noticed he still had a good while before his meeting with the Commander. Some new defensive turrets on the ceiling had caught his eye as well, and he assumed that they were the backup plan in case the network’s security had failed to keep out an intruder. With a mildly interested ‘huh,’ he continued out to the main hallway.
It was quite busy this time of day, but Colonel had no trouble seeing over the crowd, thanks to his tall stature. Being in full dress, he naturally drew some attention to himself as well, and was saluted by a few passing hunters. He returned a nod of acknowledgment to each.
Colonel tried to decide what to do in the meantime as he breifly idled in the doorway. He hoped to use this extra time to explore the base and talk with any old friends he could get ahold of, but the one he was most interested in seeing was Layer. He would check with her first.
After stepping out into the hall, Colonel started on the route to the navigation center. He still knew the way, even though it seemed a few things had changed since his last visit. 
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rp-repliforce · 2 years ago
Lately I've been kinda trying to see if I can meet my muses in my dreams, and so far they've actually been starting to appear.
Unfortunately they've only appeared in art (where I can't interact with them), but I've also noticed a strange phenomenon with them: For some reason, they're always acting extremely out of character.
The weird part is that I think this is deliberately being done by my subconscious. It's not like it doesn't know how to write them, since it's actually making them act contrary to how I believe they should. It's also being done in ways that I've kinda seen other people in the fandom do.
I guess one good example is Colonel: In my dreams he always acts like he's being written by someone who has an extremely shallow understanding of his character and/or secretly doesn't like him. He always has the 'wrong' voice too.
As for the rest of Repliforce, they get portrayed as a bunch of idiots and extremists that will attack *anything* if they get even an inkling of it benefitting their cause.
...I'll admit that recalling all this is making me a little sad. 😔
It kinda brings up some unpleasant memories.
Anyways, I think I might also know *why* this happens. Sometimes if I get physically uncomfortable in my sleep, it causes me to see things in my dreams that make me emotionally uncomfortable. So... I think that's why my muses personalities keep getting butchered. It makes me uncomfortable.
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rp-repliforce · 2 years ago
I just realized that my Colonel muse is going to be turning 9 this month. 👀
Update: I checked his bio real quick, and his 'birthday' is on the 24th.
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rp-repliforce · 2 years ago
Miscellaneous Repliforce OCs
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Pearl - She was supposed to be a soldier in Repliforce's Navy. I remember that she was one of the strongest reploids of her crew, and could probably beat most of the other soldiers in unarmed combat. She wasn't much of a talker though, so she tended to hang around this other more outgoing character (who has been lost to time). I remember that she would follow her buddy around and let her do most of the talking. ^^ I can also imagine that if we could see the back of her head, she'd probably have one of those military buns that women usually have.
Trigger - This was a random side-character that appeared in one of me and my sis's RPs. All I remember about him is that he was in the Air Force, had anger issues (which is how he got his nickname), literally tried to fight a Decepticon and somehow lived to tell the tale. It's kind of a shame I never used him again after that though.
Colonel x Layer fanchild concept - I have a few gripes with his looks, but I think I was definitely on the right track. But... the longer I look at him, the more I like him though. Maybe I'll improve and complete this design someday? ^^ (Can't decide whether his hair should be purple or dark brown though...)
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rp-repliforce · 2 years ago
Sketches of Colonel & Iris
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Old WIP of Colonel & Iris going to heaven - I feel like I might have sketched this sometime around Christmas. One thing I like about this wip is the poses of my muses. Having given everything for Repliforce, Colonel is ready to move on to the next life. Iris can't help but glance back at what was left behind though...
Unfinished undersuit concept for Colonel - I probably would have finished this years ago, but I was really struggling with the design of those thin armor plates. I did make a few faint sketches, but I was never quite satisfied with them. I imagined that his undersuit would be completely black, and the fabric parts would actually be a little thick. Also, if you look closely at his chin, you can see the ghost of where his actual jawline is. I think it looks just a tiny bit weird though because this was before I had grasped the concept of a cranium. 😅 I imagined that Colonel still doesn't really like being seen without his heavy armor, but in this case he only feels slight annoyance at most. I do remember one time he wore his undersuit instead of a swimsuit in a beach RP though (since it can handle seawater).
Eye expression practice - I actually have more than one sketch like this, but I thought this was the best-looking one - mainly because it includes his eyebrows. One thing I think is neat is that Colonel's eyes do actually go diamond-shaped in canon when he widens them. Go frame-by-frame through that specific cutscene where Iris interrupts his charge, and you'll see what I mean.
Colonel yells at someone - I think his expression looks a tiny bit wonky, but overall I think I did a decent job. I'm not sure who he'd be yelling at or why, but I get the feeling it would likely be an officer or soldier that disobeyed his orders. They'll probably be saying goodbye to their entire career very soon. ;v;
Older, unfinished sketch of Colonel yelling - I completely forgot I even drew this, but I thought it was kinda interesting.
Sketch of Colonel & Iris embracing - It's really a shame I never finished this drawing, but I think the poses turned out really good. I can really see the affection they have for eachother just in these simple lines. ^^ Of course, Colonel always takes care to angle his giant chin away every time he hugs someone.
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rp-repliforce · 2 years ago
Sketches of General
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Early whisker expression practice - Even though General's face is made out of stiff metal, I still like how he can still be really expressive when it counts.
He has some concerns - This one doesn't really have any context, but I just thought it would be funny to draw. I think nowadays I would have challenged myself to try and see if I could make him look concerned without those added brow-marks though. Also, I like how one of his whiskers has twitched slightly. That's actually a sign of tension in his body language.
Irritated - This was a smaller part of a bigger wip. I don't feel like trying to explain the context, but just know that he's making this face because he's in close proximity to Gate. XD
Melancholy - This was directly inspired by "A Cerulean State - If Only I had Forever." General was originally supposed to be leaning on a balcony and gazing up into the stars, but... I didn't get very far with that at all. To be honest I'm not totally fond of how this one turned out, but I thought I'd share it anyways. ^^; This also seems to be the point when I fist started drawing his thick 'eyeliner' in my traditional art.
General throwing his arms up in exasperation - This was just me goofing off again. I feel like it's actually a bit out-of-character for General to lose his patience like this, but it does kinda make you wonder what could cause this sort of reaction... 🤔
Eye expression practice - My favorite part of this sketch is the "O CRAP" look. Like... I think my mind still visualizes his shock in the exact same way to this day. There were a couple other sketches, but I didn't really like them so I cropped them out.
Extremely rough silhouette of General flying - I keep feeling like this was directly inspired by a song, but I have no idea which one it was. This sketch is a bit wonky, but I also like the intense atmosphere. ^^
General sleeping - My favorite sketch here so far. I think the only reason why I got stuck was because I had spent a bunch of time trying to draw his chest armor, only to realize I would have to erase part of it because of his hand. I think the best part is his face though. He just looks so peaceful. 🥰 (Also you may have noticed the text: "In this world, it's either sleeb or be sleebin." This was what me and my sis would always say to Creature (who was a kitten at the time) whenever we'd see her asleep in our computer room).
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rp-repliforce · 2 years ago
I just opened a couple of my old sketchbooks so I could try to re-take some photos of my Duo drawings, but I found all kinds of neat little sketches of my Repliforce muses that never saw the light of day.
I may just post a massive sketchdump today (or tomorrow, depending on how long it takes me to sort through them all). 😊
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rp-repliforce · 2 years ago
... Is it just me or did everyone suddenly disappear? 😅
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rp-repliforce · 2 years ago
Promo: My name is Duo
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Original lore
8-9 years RP experience (4 on tumblr)
Penned by Repliforce-mun
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rp-repliforce · 2 years ago
It's the next morning and I feel fine now.
I'm not totally sure if the pain is actually gone for good though... 🤔
I also might have an idea of what could have caused it. I think I might have just eaten WAY too much fiber the other day.
I had some dietary snack that was basically like candy, which I liked so much that I ate 2-3 in addition to a full-sized bar. 😅
I'm in a lot of (physical) pain today, but I think I'll make it. I think I almost passed out earlier though... 😟
On the bright side I finally have an excuse to spend all day on my computer, but... please send prayers.
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