rp-asks-and-stuff · 4 days
Introducing the Union Circle!
Ever wanted your character to visit another person's character, but they're in separate universes? This is for you!
Union Circle functions similarly to Pelipper Mail, Mystery Gift, and Magic Anosn. It's a setting you can have on your blog to be enabled or disabled.
If enabled, people can send your character a "Union Request". If your character accepts the Union Request, then the character who sent the request will temporarily appear in your character's universe. More than two people can participate in a Union Circle, too!
It's important that all involved parties must agree to a Union Circle before it forms. If any party does not agree to the Union Request, the Union Circle will not occur.
Too much for you? There's also Union Rooms! These are a lot like Union Circles, but confined to a single room. People can enter these rooms to interact with characters from other universes! Once they leave the Union Room, though, they will return to their home universe.
Union Circle can be enabled or disabled at any time by the blogrunner.
If the existence of Union Circle might break your plots, don't worry, I have a solution!
Sometimes, Union Circle can't connect to certain universes. The in-universe reasoning can vary, from divine interference, to tumblr being weird and glitchy, to stress on the servers, and anything else you can think of! Think of this sorta like the "Divine Censorship" certain blogs employ to prevent characters from being spoiled on future events.
Please reblog this post if you're interested in using Union Circle on your blog(s), or just want to let more people know about it! Only if you want, though!
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me!
That's all I can think of! I hope you all have fun with Union Circle!
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rp-asks-and-stuff · 4 days
Hi the names Arven, but you can call me Arv.
I like cooking, my little buddies, and most importantly my pokemon especially my best Buddy who's the best Mabostiff ever.
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Go to Naranja and stuff...you've probably seen me around.
Thought I'd get a rotomblr so I can talk about my awesome friends and maybe share some recipes with like minded individuals.
Pelipper mail and mystery gifts are open
Thanks for reading.
// another blog from @pockets-pkmnirl-hub
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rp-asks-and-stuff · 6 days
Hello Rotomblr. We, are Order. We shall purge this world of chaos, of strife, of torment..through whatever means necessary. And to those that resist... An associate will come to terminate you shortly.
YOOO WHAT IS UP PEOPLE! ITS YA BOI @theforgowolf, Creator of @alolaveralabs, with a bit of an au au blog. Some may have wondered..what would have happened if Anthony went fully off the slippery slope at the end of the King of the Ants arc?
This blog..is an exploration of that.
(By the way, Ant goes by Obligato, and calling him by his old name will piss him off.)
Mun is a minor, as am I, the moderator.
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rp-asks-and-stuff · 6 days
Saying No
Okay so a conversation in a discord server inspired me to make this.
You guys can say no to things. You do not always have to "Yes And" everything that comes to you.
Like. Usually when we talk about rping, we talk about saying yes and. continuing on the scene, not shutting interaction down. We're pretty lucky with how this rp stuff works where in character denying and saying no CAN work a lot better than in standard improv without fully stopping the scene and kinda shutting it down, but that's not what I'm talking about.
I've seen a lot of people who kinda. Accidentally start god modding or kinda burst their way into plotlines without asking and like. This is public rp! Anyone can join! But there is a certain degree where you gotta stop first and ask or just not say it.
But sometimes people do not think first and just do. Maybe sending a magic anon that solves all of your oc's problems. Maybe they have dimension hopping powers and are like "Don't worry! I've come to your reality and I can help you get away from your problems instantly!", maybe your character really wants a mega stone and you have plans to have a whole thing about them working to get this mega stone and learning to mega evolving their partner and then someone mystery gifts or pelipper mails the item to you immediatly.
You don't have to "Yes, and" that. You can just say "No, you didn't do that". You are allowed to say no when someone crosses your boundaries and is affecting your plot.
Is someone trying to involve you in their plot without asking? "That is not happening in my character's universe" Is someone trying to say they're just there at a crucial event with your character when they never asked? "Your character is not able to be there. Please delete that post".
Yes And only goes so far. There is a time and a place where you will need to say No, and that is just as important to RP as going with the flow! If someone's fucking with your plot, its your job to tell them to stop. People can get involved, sure, but sometimes people try and get way more involved than what you're comfortable and its okay to tell them to back off.
I've also seen people feel that stuff like Muse Mixup Madness or Pelipper Mail are mandatory things they HAVE to do? You don't! You don't need to do anything even if others are! So I guess this is your reminder that you can ignore pelipper mail and magic anons and just asks in general that you dont like! you can turn pelipper mail and magic anons off completely! you can ignore peoples replies to your posts if they fuck with what you have going on. you can tell people they did not do things that would fuck with your characters and story. you can just not do muse mixup madness when it rolls around. you can just not do follower special events. you don't have to participate in anything you dont want, and you dont have to allow people to do whatever even if it makes you uncomfortable.
Other people can do what they want, but you have a right to say no when they try to involve you.
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rp-asks-and-stuff · 7 days
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✨Welcome to the blog of Nimbasa's Shining Stars!✨
I'm Elesa Hinata, and I run this blog with my two best friends, Ingo and Emmet Ambrose. You may have heard of us--I'm Nimbasa's current Gym Leader, and my friends run the Battle Subway.
This is a personal blog where people can get to know us better by asking us questions about our lives and our jobs. We're all busy but we'll try to answer promptly.
✨Our pokémon!✨
Ingo: Éowyn (haxorus), Adelaide (chandelure), Percival (gigalith), Caradoc (garbodor), Lady (sneasler)
Elesa: Pashmina and Velvet (emolga), Taffeta (galvantula), Cashmere (zebstrika), Lace (luxray)
Emmet: Tube Socks (eelektross), Bitsy (galvantula), Lancelot (escavalier), Birdie (archeops), Pebbles (crustle)
Original Content | Reblogs | Pictures | Pelipper Mail
Ask Ingo | Ask Elesa | Ask Emmet
//howdy. this is a pokémon unreality blog set in the continuity of a fic i'm working on and has some degree of canon divergence. if you want to set up a story beat/event, want to check to see if an ask is okay to send, just want more info, or would like something tw tagged, feel free to dm me.
magic anons are off. pelipper mail is on for things that reasonably could be sent via mail; if you're unsure feel free to dm me. pelipper mail responses will be written ooc as prose, so please don't treat them as the trio posting. anyone can interact including sapient pokémon, but this is not a high stakes blog so please bear that in mind when interacting.
this blog doesn't share a continuity with any other pokemon irl/rotomblr blog except the ones i run. the main blog that shares this continuity is @cynthia-champion-of-sinnoh.
ingo writes in purple text, emmet in blue text, and if the text is white, you can assume elesa is the one doing the blogging.
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rp-asks-and-stuff · 10 days
Hello there wider multiverse…I’m Neopolitain, and I’m what you guys have taken to calling a faller. With any luck I’ll find a way home, but for now, I’m here
‘Pelipper mail’ and other such things are allowed here
I’m currently in a place called Hisui and have conscripted the help of a Zoroark to communicate
(I made a faller blog! Any asks regarding story events from her home universe will possibly be answered at different times, I have a few plans regarding it all)
(Mun is @hoiimtemmi)
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rp-asks-and-stuff · 12 days
poyo poyo poyo poyo poyo poyo!
Hii I am Shadowbunx, and I had this wonderful/stupid idea to make kirby and account. So yeah! This is just kirby and his Poyo’s!
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rp-asks-and-stuff · 13 days
I am Thomas, he/him. I am an incredibly powerful psychic who lives with @licensed2faint
In exchange for room and board, I act as an early alarm system, as I am able to tell when somebody is sneaking onto preserve grounds, or check the minds of new guests to make sure they truly mean no harm.
I am Kantonian by technicality, but do not have much experience socializing outside of the guests Laser brings to the ranch. As such, I may not be able to reminisce about traditional Kantonian things. My apologies.
I do not have any pokemon of my own, but as I live on a preserve, I am in contact with a great many of them.
pelipper mail is ON, but musharna mail and magic anons are not!
this blog is run by @tigirl-and-co
Thomas likes his privacy, so he's not telling you everything about himself. However, harass him enough or gain his trust and he just might tell you more...
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rp-asks-and-stuff · 15 days
Music Ask Game!
Please send the blog you reblog this from an ask!
Send my muse [🎶] and a song! They’ll give their opinion on it, and I’ll add on if I think it fits their story or not (and why!) in the tags!
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rp-asks-and-stuff · 15 days
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whoevr left yoyr compurher in violet citye yuo're note geting it backs
iam leranifg how to typo
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rp-asks-and-stuff · 19 days
How I make characters, blogs, and plots: A guide by Bench
Hello! Due to popular demand, I'm making a post about my development process for making Pokemon IRL-related stuff.
I should note, this is my methods. You're fully free to use your own methods for making Pokemon IRL stuff! Don't feel pressured to copy me.
With that out of the way, I hope you all find this useful!
Part 1: Initial Ideas
Usually, the first thing I do when creating something new for Pokemon IRL, whether that be a character, blog, plot, or something else, is ask myself, "What would be a fun thing for other people's characters to bounce off of?"
@wingsofachampion, all the way back in late 2022, I introduced to the Pokemon IRL community because I saw all these blogs for regular trainers, and thought, "I wonder what'd happen if I threw a PMD character into the mix, how would everyone interact with them?"
For @goldenrodchef, I thought, "How would people interact with someone who isn't physically human, but is trying to appear human online?" (Back when I started his blog, he was trying to hide the fact that he got turned into a Pokemon.)
For @zoruascanbetrainerstoo, my process was a little different. I was trying to find a way to keep myself focused on my mainline marathon, and decided to make a blog about it. But I couldn't figure out a protagonist for it, until I had the idea, "What if this trainer isn't human? How would people interact with a Pokemon trying to be a trainer?" And so I brought back my concept for Illanero from back in 2021, and made xem the protagonist of the blog.
For @interregionalgyminspections, I asked myself, "How would people interact with a gym inspector?" For @askthelonelyninetales, I asked myself, "How would people interact with an immortal non-legendary being?" For @amewwayofliving, I asked myself, "How would people interact with a legendary trying to live among humans?" And for @obletadetective, I asked myself, "How would people interact with a detective character?"
Of course, this is leaving out the fact that many of these characters are ones I had made (or canon characters I modified) long before making their blogs, and simply ported over to Pokemon IRL. @interregionalgyminspections and @amewwayofliving are the only active characters I have so far that I made for Pokemon IRL first.
Still, asking the "What would be a fun thing for other people's characters to bounce off of" question helped me figure out which characters to port over. And it helped me come up with those two brand-new characters, too.
It's a similar story for making plots. Tropius' whole plot with her special name derives from my PMD worldbuilding, yes, but also from the question "How would people interact with someone being afraid to say their name?"
Think of plots as sorta a variation of Muse Mixup Madness. A time period where stuff happens to your characters, except instead of being variations of your characters, it's the main versions, and has lasting impact. Muse Mixup Madness lets you get as wild as you'd like with the variations. So get as wild as you'd like with your plots! Have your character catch that legendary, or undergo that mental breakdown, or travel to another region, or anything! Ask that question of "What would be something interesting to happen to my characters, and how would people interact with that?", and once you have an idea, you have the seeds of a plot!
Part 2: Development and Planning
Once you have that initial idea, it's time to develop it! There's lots of ways to do it, and I even use multiple ways myself! But the method I use the most is improv.
The details of the pantheon of Mew's world, and a lot of Breve's advice about gyms, all entirely improv, created on the spot.
I know, this answer is probably disappointing. But improv is a powerful tool. "Yes, and" can create masterpieces, it's what this community was first built on. Make up things on the fly to make your characters and blogs more detailed! It's how I first came up with the idea of Gen being an aspiring chef.
If that's not good enough for you (which is perfectly understandable), @paldean-ranger-brandy has made this lovely post about a bunch of questions to develop your characters. I highly recommend checking it out!
Besides that, you can also plot things out, planning for the future of your blogs. For example, I plan on revealing Tropius' special name eventually, but that's a long ways away.
For planning ahead, I like to ask myself three questions. "How do I want things to end up?" "What will cause things to end up that way?" "How do I build up to that cause?" I then fill in the gaps between these three questions, and I have a character arc!
Part 3: Staying Committed
I've heard from several people that they have trouble keeping their Pokemon IRL blogs active, which is completely understandable. I myself struggle with that sometimes.
My main advice for staying committed is to keep throwing interesting stuff at your characters. Things like plots, events, and relations with other blogs.
One of the biggest things that has helped me keep Gen's blog active is that I keep having him form new connections with people. Almost every time a new eeby pops up, I have him reach out to try to help.
For Illanero's blog, what keeps me committed is the amount of stuff in the mainline Pokemon games for xem to react to. Every time that something major happens in a mainline Pokemon game I'm playing, that's a potential new post for xyr blog.
And for Tropius, when I come up with new PMD worldbuilding tidbits, I usually can have her making posts talking about it. There's also just looking around my home to see if there's something she might not understand, like dressers, and making a post about her being confused by that thing.
One of my favorite methods of staying focused on a character is to have them play a game, or read a book, or watch a show, and liveblog it! I've done this with Tropius reading book 1 of Warrior Skitties, and Gen playing A Hat in Time.
Bonus points if the story has things that will emotionally impact your characters. Like a good media leaves us thinking about it for long after we finish it, have your characters think about the media they've experienced. Have them write analyses on it, or rant about it, or even make a fanfic about it!
Keep throwing things at your characters! It's enrichment for them, and for you.
Part 4: Taking Breaks and Letting Go
Not every blog is going to keep your attention indefinitely. Some you might lose interest in for a while, or even entirely. It's a necessary skill to know when it's time to stop, whether that be temporarily, or permanently.
Back in around March of 2023, I was getting a bit exhausted with Pokemon IRL. It was getting really tiring to keep up with. So I took a break, until June 30th. And when I returned, I felt reinvigorated, with fresh motivation! If you're started to get tired with a blog, or Pokemon IRL as a whole, a break might help a lot!
But sometimes, a break isn't enough. You might come back, and still feel disinterested. In those cases, it's sometimes best to say goodbye.
Take my old self-insert faller blog, for instance. I had taken a break from it when I started receiving anon hate on it. But even after I tried posting on it again, it still felt uncomfortable and unfun. So I decided to completely convert the blog into something entirely different, and stop writing my self-insert faller.
It might be scary to say goodbye, but sometimes, it's what's best.
Part 5: Conclusion
That's about all I can think of right now. I might make another part to this eventually, with answers to any questions any of you might have.
By the way, feel free to ask questions about any of this! I'd be happy to answer!
And feel free to reblog this, too, to spread it around! Don't feel pressured to, though.
Thank you for reading through this all!
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rp-asks-and-stuff · 19 days
💤 Peek into my Character's Dreams 💤
💭 - An ordinary dream
🎀 - A dream that left them feeling happy
☔ - A dream that left them feeling upset
🌈 - A dream from their childhood
🗯️ - An ordinary nightmare
🐛 - An intense nightmare that made them wake up in a cold sweat
⚰️ - A dream/nightmare that featured someone no longer in their life
🌡️ - A fever dream
📿 - A dream your character believes is prophetic
👁️‍🗨️ - A lucid dream
🛏️ - A dream that made your character want to go back to sleep so they could continue the dream
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rp-asks-and-stuff · 25 days
Hello Rotumblr writers!
Welcome to the Villain Resource Center. I’ve decided to start this blog in an efforts to help people who are writing evil and morally questionable characters find footing in the community.
You ever feel like it’s hard to tell who wants negative interaction on their blogs? Having a hard time finding someone who’s comfortable exploring darker topics, or even someone who wants to stick to lighter ones while still creating a compelling conflict? These exact reasons are why I’ve created this resource blog.
You will be able to find a Google document listing villain blogs, and their personal stakes boundaries [here.]
In addition, we will be taking submissions for the form in the below format via the ask box:
Blog name:
Character name:
Villain type:
Stakes range:
Topics covered:
Admin boundaries:
Blog name: @Pokevillainresource
Character name: Giovanni
Villain type: Rocket Admin, Poacher, Mafia boss
Stakes range: Low to high stakes
Topics covered: Pokémon theft, Pokémon abuse, Child neglect, Organized crime
Admin boundaries: Will not write world ending scenarios.
By submitting this form, you’re agreeing to your characters receiving negative attention from hero characters, or positive attention from other villainous characters. If you would like your blog removed from the list at any time, just let us know and it will be removed, no questions asked.
Happy Rotumbling!
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rp-asks-and-stuff · 25 days
Hi Rotomblr!!! I'm not really sure what to put here... I'm a student at Blueberry Academy, part of the Elite Four and also a member of the Cooking Club!
I'm a fire type trainer and my favorite pokemon is Magmortar! Also here's my trainer card!
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Anyway, I hope we can get along!
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[ooc: I don't think there's a Crispin blog yet so I made one! He's a minor just don't be weird thanks!
Demi userbox from here]
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rp-asks-and-stuff · 28 days
Oh wow, this sure is a dimension I haven't been to in a while! How's it been going since I've been gone? I bet you all missed me!
Well I'm back now, feel free to celebrate in any way you seem fit! Screaming, running, crying, the works! It'll make in more interesting for me!
Okay I have been informed I legally have to say that was a joke and I do not want to harm anyone or else I will be sent back to The Theraprism for not obeying the terms of my probation.
//it's the silly!!! I love him.
So as you can tell he's on probation from the Theraprism and has a lot of people watching him. He'll still be chaotic but will be technically unable to harm anyone physically.
Does this count as a faller blog?
Potential tws: Unreality, depression, dissociation, threats, minor alcohol abuse, and just. Yknow. Bill Cipher
Maybe mentions of billford?
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rp-asks-and-stuff · 30 days
I guess I should make a pinned post, everyone else is on here. My name is Bellamy, I live in Unova.
Here are my pokemon:
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Dan, Chessboard, Bam-Bam, Lovelace, Charles, and Beatrix Kiddo (Bea). I also have a Zoura named Waffles.
Despite my blog name, I don't like ice types. Keep them away from me.
Ooc: silly! She was in fact affiliated with Team Plasma, feel free to mess with her.
No real warnings for right now, I might add some later
Do whatever except magic anons, don't be weird.
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rp-asks-and-stuff · 1 month
Hi, this is a gimmick blog to see how many rotumblr users would pet each pokemon suggested to us.
I don't have a lot to say otherwise, but feel free to send in a species for polling!
((Hey, @mersonpkmnirl here. Same rules as ever, no sexual nsfw, pelipper and musharna mail are on, anon hate is ic only, uhhhhh if I think of anything else I'll tell you.))
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