royalevgenia · 6 years
Oh, TMI! No clue, I don’t care for Mac and cheese. Why, pray tell, did you eat your weight in Mac and Cheese?
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Well, Rhett was right, the moral of the story of this weekend would be to not eat half my body weight in macaroni cheese. I have not left the bathroom in over an hour. Anybody got any recommendations on how to beat cheese nausea?
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royalevgenia · 6 years
Ah, More than likely, we will be having an event soon! Not sure what yet, but I’ll be sure to let you know! You could come out to the barn and visit them all if you’d like?
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royalevgenia · 6 years
“Yes, that works great.” Adele replied. “He’s beautiful. I fell in love with him as soon as I saw him.” She mentioned. “ That’s fine. I want this to be his horse he’s training on and building that bond with so there isn’t going to be anyone else riding her is there?” Adele asked as she typed in her phone on the scheduled dates adding to her already crazy schedule.
“Well, no. I mean, yes. I want those two, but I had two others in mind but I don’t have a place at the moment to board them; I am having someone come out to my home and look at my land to begin preparations. But, until then, I need a place to put them.”
“Of course, bonding with your horse is the best way to build a lasting relationship.” Evgenia said with a smile, nodding her head firmly. “Nope, once you adopt a horse, you can do whatever you please. The only people that will be messing with your horses are the stable hands if you choose to keep them here. And they only clean out the stalls and feed them” 
Evgenia raised a brow, “Which other two?” She asked, taking out Hershey’s file and opening the filing cabinet. “You’re welcome to keep them here, We’ve got plenty of room for them to stay in. It’s 200$ a month, which includes everything from hoof trimmings to vet visits.” 
Riding Lessons + Evgenia
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royalevgenia · 6 years
Following her she listened. “Yes. My son is going to shit when he finds out the pony is a girl.” Adele laughed. “My son is five.” Walking into the office she sat down, her eyes darting around the room at pictures and things. Adele seen her pull out a file, she guessed it was for the pony.
“Since he’s in school, and doesn’t get out till late in the afternoon, how late are you willing to teach him?” Adele asked as she looked at the pictures of the pony mentioned. Adele’s face lit up when she was asked about the other horses. “The most beautiful clydesdale I have ever seen. My husband and I were here on opening day a saw him and I was like a kid in a candy store. He let me play with his black hair.”
Evgenia looked over her scheduel to see available times for lessons, getting out a pen. “Does five in the evening work? Lessons are usually two hours long.” A smile graced the russian girl’s features, nodding her head. “That would be Hershey. He’s an amazing horse, he’s retired from the Budweiser Clydesdales. I was a very lucky girl to find him.”
Which was true, he was a very beautiful horse and would make anyone an excellent starting horse. “So you’re interested in Susanne and Hershey?” 
Riding Lessons + Evgenia
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royalevgenia · 6 years
Seeing the small brunette walking up to her car she got out smiling as the other greeted her. “I was wanting to talking to you about a few things. My son, has taken a liking to one of the ponies; his birthday is coming up and thought it would be nice to surprise him it.” Adele explained as she pulled up the photo of her son and the pony on her phone. “He told me the spots made him look cool.” She laughed. “While he was off gazing at that little cutie, I had my eyes set on one of my own.”
Adele placed her phone back in her pocket and looked around at the land smiled though the smell she wasn’t to keen on. “He doesn’t know how to ride so I was wanting to get him some lessons.”
Evgenia listened to her, and nodded her head, looking at the pony in question. “Oh, Susanne? She’s the sweetest thing, you’ll love her. Very kid safe. How old is your kid? Come, we can talk in the office.” She waved Adele inside the barn, opening the door to the office. Once she was in, Evgenia shut the door and gave her a water, sitting down across from her as she dug out Susanne’s file. 
“Oh, most definetly. Our lessons are offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays, but I can also do private lessons.It’s 50$ a week, so 200$ a month for lessons.” She handed Adele some more photos and information on Susanne. “What other horses were you interested in?”
Riding Lessons + Evgenia
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royalevgenia · 6 years
Evgenia sighed, looking down at her hands. “Thanks, dad. He was just so awful to me, yelling, screaming at me for stuff I couldn’t control. When I placed second at the Olympics, he went off of me and had me skating for 14 hours a day until my legs literally wouldn’t work anymore. He’s part of the reason I also broke my ankle a few years ago.”
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Father and daughter
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royalevgenia · 6 years
“Yummy cookies. Mind if I bring Liam and Rio one home?  The boys have been so helpful with Wendy and the baby stuff.” He hums smiling softly at her as he looks to her. “So whats on your mind buttercup? I’ve been worried since you said you needed to talk.”
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“Don’t mind at all, actually. I made three dozen, and they’re pretty good.” The pair walked up to her apartment, and she opened the door, letting her dad in. Evgenia sighed softly, and sat down at the table, “Well.. I might be going to court. Because of my old coach. I don’t know if you’re aware or not, but I decided to switch from team Russia over to team Canada. My coach was too much for me.”
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Father and daughter
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royalevgenia · 6 years
Evgenia was in the round pen with a little girl who was learning how to jump with her pony. “Back straight, lean when you go to jump!” Evgenia said to the little girl, watching as she did as told. Evgenia clapped and checked her phone. “Alright, dismount and go take care of your pony. Your mom should be here at any time.” Evgenia opened the gate for her, watching as the child went over to the stables. 
Her eyes looked to the car that was pulling up, and she dusted off her pants, walking to the car and smiling at who it was. “Hello, Adele! How can I help you?” She asks, taking off her gloves and putting them in her back pocket. 
Riding Lessons + Evgenia
Adele had always been interested in horses ever since she was a little girl. All she wanted now that she had the land was to fill it with horses for each of her family members, but first she had to make a few upgrades. Taking her son to the stables he always went to the same pony that he met the first day the ranch was opened. The bond she saw between him and that horse had her thinking about getting him riding lessons. While her son was at school she drove down to the ranch to speak with someone who knew more about what she needed. 
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royalevgenia · 6 years
Evgenia noticed that he was here, so she went downstairs and smiled and waved, walking to his car. “Hey dad. You can come on in, I made chocolate chip cookies.” She waited for him to get out of the car before giving him a big hug. “I’ve missed you, dad.”
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Father and daughter
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Between filming and doing all that he was doing Frank was tired. You could tell it was on his face. When he got to Evgenia’s apartment complex he sat in his car texting her that he was there. He’d drive if she wanted to but they could also talk in the car or what have you. Frank was worried though he always worried about his children.
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royalevgenia · 6 years
Oh, no, don’t tempt me.  I’m a sucker for any and all animals but I’m not too sure I should go around, casually adopting them all.  Anything else I could do, maybe? Back in LA, I used to donate and help out at this rescue, and I gotta say I’m kinda bummed I’m unable to do that now.
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You could volunteer if you’d like! We have some people who volunteer to brush horses, feed them, whatever needs done really. If you’d like, I could put you down as a volunteer?
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royalevgenia · 6 years
That’s awesome! Congrats, Adele. How long have you been working on this?
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In just eight days, the new activities center will be opening and it makes me so happy that there will be a brand new place in town for our children to go play and learn in. It was a long time coming and had a lot of preparation go into it but it’s finally finished and we did our last walk through this afternoon and I could not get my husband and son off the trampolines.  
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royalevgenia · 6 years
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Omg Evgenia got specially signed albums from EXO!!
EXO wrote “don’t hurt yourself and always be healthy"  It’s an expression koreans use a lot especially towards their athletes. And after she broke Kim Yuna’s record last night!! (x) 
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royalevgenia · 6 years
Ah, my Mysh is very content there! He loves running around with all the horses. Yes, well, you could either own one, or support one! If you choose to own one, you can keep them there, and all that. 
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royalevgenia · 6 years
Ah, yay! I’m so glad, have them come out and choose one! By the way, dad, I have some stuff I need to tell you. Are you available any time soon?
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royalevgenia · 6 years
“Good words to live by,” Irina grinned at the younger girl, as she sat down and removed her shoes, and picked up a skate to put on. It was an odd feeling, as if she were wearing very high, every unstable heels. She laced them up tightly, as Evgenia had said, and then gingerly stood up. “No, none of that. I grew up in a coal mine town - all we had was a lot of dust. And heat.” Irina smile. “That’s amazing, you practically learnt to skate and walk at the same time!” Watching the younger woman, she did the same to her hair, instead of letting it fall loosely around her. “Okay - Итак, давайте приступим.”
She did, as she was told, and laughed - she felt like a new-born roe which had just stood on its feet for the first time. It was wobbly, but gliding forward was surprisingly easy, as she followed Evgenia’s instructions. Step, slide, step - “Oh!” she exclaimed, as she found herself with her butt on the ice. “That’s sound advice. I have enough puffer to keep me from hurting myself there… Okay, let me try again.” Getting up was harder than it seemed at first, but eventually she managed and started sliding again. Soon, she was still wobbly, but not as insecure on her feet and followed Evgenia further onto the ice. “How did you start ice skating? Did you just want to do it?”
Evgenia watched her get onto the ice. So far, so good. When she fell, the young woman wasn’t suprised. Not many people could just skate perfectly, so she was expecting it. “Love the determination, that will get you to learn things quick.” She says with a nod as she waits for her to get a bit closer. “Ah, well, as I said I started super young. My mom told me I had horrid balance as a kid, so she signed me up for ice skating lessons and my posture and balance improved rapidly. I fell in love with it, so mom kept me in, and eventually I just learned how to ice skate. It’s like walking to me, so easy.” 
Evgenia pushed off of the ice and started to spin, a hand meeting her skate as she held it and spun for several seconds. “Plus I was in ballet, and the two go hand in hand, really. So it’s just a thing I know and love.” Evgenia skates towards her, and while she skates, grabs her hand gently and pulls her alongside as she skates. “Keep your back straight, eyes forward. Don’t look down at your feet, just focus on what’s ahead of you.” After she felt like she could skate alone, evgenia let go and skated ahead of her to watch. 
Кататься на коньках (To Skate)
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royalevgenia · 6 years
Ah, the turn out for the rescue ranch was wonderful! Did you all get to see the available horses and ponies for adoption? They’re all so wonderful, and really needing homes! 
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royalevgenia · 6 years
Oh gosh, I bet! Well, welcome to Royal, I’m Evgenia! You and your children are going to love it here! Just check out downtown, that’s my favorite place to go!
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I am sooo exhausted. Moving across states with 2 kids in two was not an easy task - but I’m glad I’m finally here. Well, I say that - now I’m here and I have no idea what to do with myself. I don’t know whether to finish unpacking, have a drink somewhere, or just to explore everything around here. Is there anywhere I need to go, or do, straight away? 
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