rosy-126 · 5 months
Meet my ocs!
She’s an extremely lazy person. Has black hair in a wolf cut. Ocean blue eyes. Half Japanese half American. Literally never studies. A miracle that she’s still in school. Grudge aesthetic. Rich ass. Introverted. Literally has one friend. Would rather spend the day reading smut then touch grass. Cusses for a living. Like that’s the only thing she’ll say. (If she even needs to talk that is.) Yandere tsundere mix.
Angel or Angie for short. Besties with Reia. Has long caramel hair and eyes. Preppy girlie! British with no accent. Extroverted as fuckkk! Cusses occasionally but like not as much as Reia. Loves going shopping. Smart ass!!! Definitely prefers lilies and tulips over roses. The kinda girl that gets a new boyfriend the day after she’s dumped. Gets cheated on a lot. A short and violent gremlin.
Ash for short. Dark brown messy hair. Throws on the first thing he sees. Never studies but aces the exams. Cold as fuck but when you’re at his soft side he’s flustered easily. Popular bad bitch! Had that group of bullies who are popular as friends. The leader of that group. Basketball guy. Bakadere 100%! Bro reads manga and comics and literally thinks he’s in those worlds. Boi needs to get a grip.
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rosy-126 · 5 months
We’ll Meet Again In The Stars
Trigger warning: suicide
Oikawa has always liked Iwaizumi. Since the first day he saw him, he knew that he was in love. Iwaizumi was never the type to attract a lot of people. Usually it was Oikawa who got all the attention.
(Iwaizumi, Hanamaki, and Matsukawa has made countless jokes that Oikawa even attracted Ushijima.)
Oikawa knew that he had a chance with his beloved Iwa-chan. If Iwaizumi chose anyone it would be him.
But it wasn’t.
After they parted ways for college and university, Iwaizumi met someone whom he was interested in. She was everything to him. He was everything to her.
Oikawa returned to his plain apartment after a long day at work. He checked the mail as usual. (Not there was usually anything important there.) So you can imagine his surprise when he opened it up to find Iwaizumi’s wedding invitation.
Last he knew Iwaizumi was single! Oikawa’s mind flooded with so many thoughts.
Why not him?
Oikawa thought that he would be the one with Iwaizumi. He was happy but…
Oikawa was honestly still pouting when he was on the plane back to Miyagi. Not that there was anything he could do.
Oikawa sighed as he rung the doorbell. A few seconds passed. Then… an all too familiar face opened the door.
“IWA-CHAN!!” Oikawa practically squealed at the sight.
“Shut up Shittykawa,” replied Iwaizumi.
“Heheh,” Oikawa ruffled his hair, “Sorry. Just excited to see you.”
Iwaizumi just rolled his eyes and let him inside. After a quick house tour, some introductions, and catching up, it was time for Oikawa to go back to the hotel he rented.
Oikawa was glad Iwaizumi found someone. She was nice and sweet. She seemed so perfect compared to him.
Oikawa mentally slapped himself. He’d promised himself that he’d stop comparing himself with others. This wasn’t even about volleyball!
The soft city sounds lulled Oikawa to sleep.
A few days later:
Iwaizumi walked glumly to the cemetery.
One second Oikawa was sleeping on a hotel bed, the next he was found dead.
He hung himself!
Why would he even think about that!
Iwaizumi postponed the wedding with everyone’s agreement. It felt wrong to be so happy when his childhood best friend suicided.
Police had found a note in Oikawa’s hand that read “For Iwaizumi Hajime”.
Iwaizumi was surprised at first. But he opened the letter anyways.
Hey Iwa-chan
I just needed to tell you something before I go. I love you. I always have. But I’m happy you found someone to be happy with. Maybe one day we’ll meet again in the stars.
Love Tooru
Iwaizumi started to tear up, “Shittykawa. That idiot!”
He started to cry even harder.
Choking down his tears he said, “But, yeah. Maybe one day we will meet again in the stars.”
“I’ll always be here with you Iwa-chan.”
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rosy-126 · 5 months
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I made this for fun. My markers were losing ink. But ngl this is pretty good.
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rosy-126 · 5 months
Was It All For Nothing pt 2
Shoyo had been hospitalized for a while now. Kageyama knew Shoyo didn’t have much time left. He needed to at least feel like a complete boyfriend before Shoyo died.
“Kageyama-kun!” Shoyo smiled so brightly when Kageyama entered the room.
“Hey Sho,” Kageyama replied.
Shoyo looked horrible. Other then his happiness, he didn’t look like the sunshine he had been. Kageyama couldn’t bear to see his sunshine like that.
“I’m sorry,” apologized Kageyama.
Shoyo looked confused, “It wasn’t your fault. You didn’t shoot me.”
“I know but…” Kageyama couldn’t finish the sentence.
But if he had ran a bit faster. A bit earlier. Maybe he could’ve saved Shoyo from ending up like that. Now Shoyo only had a few more hours left. Maybe not even hours.
Suddenly Shoyo burst into a coughing fit.
“Sho! What’s wrong?” Kageyama demanded.
He didn’t answer.
“Stay right there. I’ll get the doctor,” Kageyama was about to sprint to a doctor when Shoyo spoke up.
“Don’t,” Shoyo said, “I’m not gonna make it. Please stay with me until the end.”
“No! Shoyo! Please!” Kageyama started to tear up.
Shoyo couldn’t die on him. But there was no other reality. Shoyo couldn’t be saved.
“I love you,” Kageyama said.
“I love you too,” Shoyo replied.
Then he closed his eyes. The machine gave one last long beep and the room was silent.
“Wherever you go, you’ll always be my sunshine. I love you boke.”
Kageyama sat on the ledge of the roof.
“In the end it was all for nothing,” Kageyama said through his tears.
He took a deep breathe and pushed himself off the ledge.
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rosy-126 · 5 months
Was It All For Nothing?
Practice was to draining. Sometimes even Shoyo who has so much stamina seemed drained out. Kageyama tried to be a caring and supportive boyfriend, so whenever Shoyo seemed more tired then usual, Kageyama would take him on a date.
Today was one of those days. Shoyo looked exhausted. So Kageyama took Shoyo to the mall to chill. Shoyo being a sunshine was all that mattered to Kageyama.
“Kageyama-kun! Let’s get food! I’m so hungry,” Shoyo said excitedly.
Kageyama smiled and followed a cheery Shoyo to the food court where they got some tamago kake gohan and pork curry (with an egg on top), their favourites. They had just sat down to eat when chaos broke out.
“What’s going on?” Shoyo questioned and ran in the direction where people were running AWAY from.
“Boke Hinata!” Kageyama yelled after him, “Get your ass over here!”
But he kept on running. Kageyama had no choice but to run after Shoyo. He was easy to follow with his tangerine like hair.
Finally they skidded to a stop. Shoyo had been ahead of Kageyama a lot
“Hinata!” Kageyama gasped in shock.
There lay Shoyo with blood spilling from his chest. Possibly the heart from what Kageyama knew about the human body. There was no else around.
“Hinata! What happened?” demanded Kageyama.
“Some guy shot me…” Shoyo choked out blood, “I don’t think I can make it.”
“You’ll be fine. Let me call the hospital,” Kageyama reassured him.
He hates the sight of seeing his sunshine hurt like that. Kageyama called 911 and explained the situation to them. The ambulance and police cars arrived to the scene quickly.
Shoyo was taken to the hospital leaving Kageyama more depressed then when Oikawa rejected him in middle school.
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rosy-126 · 5 months
Somewhere In The Universe (Is Where You Lay)
Tsukishima knew he felt emotions differently. Yet, there was one person he loved. But Tsukishima could never get the courage to confess to Yamaguchi. Maybe what he need was a break. A get away vacation to clear he head. Meanwhile, Yamaguchi was driving home from work. It had been a tough day and he was tired and a bit distracted. Suddenly another car collided with his. His car spun out of control and the driver side of the car hit a light pole. It damaged Yamaguchi’s brain and he passed out.
When he awoke again, he was in the hospital. “He’s awake,” Shoyo yelled, “Look Kageyama-kun!” Kageyama strode over to the bed, “Give Yamaguchi some space, boke.” “Where’s Tsuki?” Yamaguchi asked instantly. “He’s still on the plane. I messaged him so he’ll see it when he lands,” Kageyama replied. Yamaguchi just nodded.
Tsukishima took out his phone. It had been a 10 hour flight after all. There was a swarm of notifications. He read the most recent text. “Yamaguchi got into a car crash. He’s in the hospital.” Kageyama had sent the text a few hours ago. Tsukishima broke down. Was Yamaguchi ok? Surely he wouldn’t die. Right? Tsukishima made plans to catch the next available flight to Miyagi. Sadly the next available flight was in a few days. Hopefully Yamaguchi wouldn’t leave him before that.
Yamaguchi had been informed his current status. He would only last a few days. The brain injury was incurable.
As soon as he landed, Tsukishima took off running to the hospital. He knew Yamaguchi wouldn’t last much longer. Kageyama and Shoyo were there. They sat with Yamaguchi who was in bed and sleeping. “We’ll give you two a minute,” Kageyama said. He motioned for Shoyo to follow. Once the pair had left Tsukishima slowly made his way to Yamaguchi. “Hey Tadashi,” Tsukishima nudged him a bit to attempt to wake him up. Yamaguchi opened his eyes, “Tsuki!” His smile was so comforting to Tsukishima. “I know you don’t have long Tadashi till…” Tsukishima paused to find the right words, “But… I wanted to say… I love you.” Yamaguchi’s eyes widened and his eyes started watering, “I love you too Tsuki!” Tsukishima wrapped Yamaguchi in a tight embrace. Soon they fell asleep in each other’s arms.
It was dead silent when Tsukishima woke up. He saw Shoyo crying in the corner of the room and he realized. Yamaguchi was gone. “I’m sorry,” Kageyama seemed to be holding back his tears too. “I love you. Please come back,” but the prayer was never answered.
It had been a week since Yamaguchi’s passing. Tsukishima couldn’t bear to attend the funeral. He couldn’t stand the thought of Yamaguchi getting lowered into a coffin and getting buried. So he sat alone in his room. “Somewhere in the universe. Somewhere in the universe you’ll be happy. We could be together,” Tsukishima thought, “Somewhere in the universe is where you lay. Rest well my angel.”
I might extend it if this gets more attention. My requests are open. I can make Haikyuu angst, one shots, and x readers.
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