Røskva Lilith Winther
102K posts
27 - Transgender Woman - She/Her - Writer & Dungeonmaster - Denmark - On Estrogen since 09/09/22 - I have fat tits, please comment on how fat my tits are
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roskvawinther · 3 hours ago
I'm watching a video essay about a game ive been interested in playing. The creator of the video, who has crossdressed multiple times, makes a "women arent funny" joke, and i suddenly realize ive never witnessed him acknowledge a woman in an uplifting way before.
I'm on a dating app for lgbt+ people. I've stated multiple times on my profile that i would rather lose an arm than recieve nudes without consent. I will be sent five dick pics for every 2 people i talk to that night.
I'm talking with my dad, who informs me he's been trying his best to learn about trans issues. He says the same things steven crowder brings up when trying to ridicule trans people. I gently but firmly correct my father and get told that ive been fed propaganda.
I'm on instagram, under the comments of a post ridiculing someone for being a misogynyst. Someone's left a comment saying "it must be hard being a woman on the internet" and i respond "it is." I will have every aspect of my appearance scrutinized as a reminder that no matter how well i pass, it will never be enough for someone with bad intentions.
I'm back on that dating app for lgbt+ people. I'm messaged by an attractive looking person, but i can see their partner prominently displayed in all but their main photo, oftentimes striking what im sure they thought was a very intimidating pose. Their bio says "looking for a third for our anniversary." I know that even if I did feel up to it, the gruff partner wouldnt approve of me because i don't pass.
I'm at a job interview for a clothing store. I tell the gracefully-dressed woman interviewing me that ever since i began my transition, i've discovered an interest in fashion, and that this job would allow me to dip my toes into the industry in a safe way. I'm told that i've reduced womanhood to a stereotype, and i can tell by her tone that i lost any chance at the job the minute she realized i was trans.
I'm at the same hospital i got facial feminization surgery in, trying to figure out what's wrong with my bowels. When the person behind the desk gives me a wristband with my patient info on it, i notice a single, lonely, letter M. I ask a nurse in private why it would say that despite me having changed it nearly a year prior. They say they have no clue, and bring in paperwork for me to fill out and have it re-changed again.
I'm living with my mom at the time. I'm new to transitioning, and decide to try my hand at voice training. It feels a bit off, but otherwise im feeling neutral toward the whole thing. I try speaking in this new voice to my mom and she laughs. Now, when people ask if i intend to voice train, i find speaking at all difficult for minutes after.
I didnt have some sort of grand message to convey by this. I just had a thought and then that thought spiralled into whatever the hell this became. Some, okay most, might call it complaining; they are right to do so.
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roskvawinther · 3 hours ago
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roskvawinther · 3 hours ago
whoever came up with the phraise "eepy" i hate you because its so cringe and embarassing but its the first word that comes to me when im feeling eepy
fuck you
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roskvawinther · 5 hours ago
My gf just now "im gonna suck your cockroach"
pet play but its with insects
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roskvawinther · 5 hours ago
them: “what i’m shocked to learn Alison Bechdel is a transphobic radical feminist … how could this be ?? her works seem so trans positive”
her comics: oh my god what if lesbians read this and accidentally think it’s ok and normal to use strapons??? what if gay people read my comic and think it’s better to be a conformist transsexual than a real homosexual???
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roskvawinther · 5 hours ago
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roskvawinther · 6 hours ago
"wise master," said the student, "how can i attain greatness at posting?"
"simple," replied the master. "through patience and long practice."
"but master," said the student, bursting out with impatience, "every time i go online i see people my age getting 50k notes, 100k notes!"
the master chuckled. "the self-assuredness of the 22-year-old lends itself well to the occasional callow foray into posting, it's true. but for posts of true substance, one must turn to the mentally ill 30-something tgirls. observe."
she pulled up a post on her phone. the student peered at it. he did not laugh. he said, "but master -- this post only has 12 notes. and it's not even funny."
"kill yourself," said the master.
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roskvawinther · 6 hours ago
two girls making out around another girls knot...
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roskvawinther · 6 hours ago
it's tgirl pussy monday
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roskvawinther · 6 hours ago
nosferatu (2024) is so fucking funny. they did this joke twice
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roskvawinther · 6 hours ago
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roskvawinther · 6 hours ago
no matter how often it happens its always a little jarring to realize that someone is like completely bag of rocks stupid
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roskvawinther · 6 hours ago
inside you are two wolfgirls. you're being spitroasted
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roskvawinther · 6 hours ago
One of the common mistakes I see for people relying on "AI" (LLMs and image generators) is that they think the AI they're interacting with is capable of thought and reason. It's not. This is why using AI to write essays or answer questions is a really bad idea because it's not doing so in any meaningful or thoughtful way. All it's doing is producing the statistically most likely expected output to the input.
This is why you can ask ChatGPT "is mayonnaise a palindrome?" and it will respond "No it's not." but then you ask "Are you sure? I think it is" and it will respond "Actually it is! Mayonnaise is spelled the same backward as it is forward"
All it's doing is trying to sound like it's providing a correct answer. It doesn't actually know what a palindrome is even if it has a function capable of checking for palindromes (it doesn't). It's not "Artificial Intelligence" by any meaning of the term, it's just called AI because that's a discipline of programming. It doesn't inherently mean it has intelligence.
So if you use an AI and expect it to make something that's been made with careful thought or consideration, you're gonna get fucked over. It's not even a quality issue. It just can't consistently produce things of value because there's no understanding there. It doesn't "know" because it can't "know".
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roskvawinther · 6 hours ago
honestly I hate “can you pet the dog?!?” not for any of the common reasons but because it was initially interesting as a proposition of “can you interact with the world in a way that is not within the primary mechanical loop” and that very quickly fell away to being “well now any indie developer making a game has to have a pet the dog button or they’re going to get letters”
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roskvawinther · 6 hours ago
ur a mean one, mr binch
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roskvawinther · 6 hours ago
do you see this shit my liege
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