every year Voltron fans try to rewrite the series there’s a whole YouTube series dedicated to doing just that but I don’t understand why u guys don’t just say hey everyone I want to make an au of Voltron and add x and y to make it better 😭
I think because most people agree that Voltron started off well, and diverged. Most people do make AUs from Voltron for their rewrites. A lot of where I'm coming from is i wasn't happy with where the show went and what happened with the characters and intend to completely change plot points but still keeping the original starting point which places it in rewrite territory. I guess technically every rewrite could be described as an AU if you really think about it.
#voltron#voltron keith#lance voltron#voltron legendary defender#voltron legendary disaster#voltron allura#voltron au
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Hey, so Voltron fans. How would you feel about a rewrite of the series starting after season 1?
#voltron#voltron pidge#voltron lance#voltron allura#voltron keith#voltron legendary defender#voltron legendary disaster#voltron shiro#keith kogane#keith (voltron)#keith voltron#lance (voltron)#lance mcclain#lance voltron
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This is gonna sound bad but I don’t like how I ended waiting for sunset lol. I may end up rehashing it.
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For those who followed, thank you.
For those who liked, thank you.
For those who just read, thank you.
Kinda posted the one shot on a whim. I do lots of writing and the Gekko one shot was out of my comfort zone because I’m more of a bow and arrow writer than a pew pew writer. I appreciate every like on the post and those who have read it~
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Ok that’s it lol. I really need to write the full thing out before posting blurbs like that because I feel aweful not having it out sooner for you guys but I hope you guys liked it.
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Waiting for Sunset
Gekko x Reader
Accidentally running into the agents of Omega Earth, you are taken hostage. Hostages aren’t common for them, but you seem to be the exception. So much for your first time in L.A.
Word count: 2.5k
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
I awoke the next morning to a clatter. Then a voice speaking in a lower tone. I rose from my bed and stepped out of my room and into the hall. There I saw a door, stuck, and a Scottish voice behind it swearing.
“Need some help?” I asked gently, and I heard the movement freeze.
“Yeah, yeah,” they said and I looked at the hinges, and the door overall. Looks like it had shifted. I gave it a swift kick at the bottom corner, and it burst open. Behind the door, a smaller figure. Adorned in butterfly leggings, shorts, a jacket with white sleeves, a black shirt, and a cute pixie cut that was lighter at the ends. Their face covered in freckles galore.
“Thanks… figured this was like some test from Brimstone.” Their ascent was heavy and was very stereo typical Scottish.
“No problem. I’ll let cypher know we need to look at it.” I mentioned and they looked me over.
“You don’t look like the rest of them.” They mentioned and I shook my head.
“I’m not radiant.. I had an incident with the Omega Earth Radiants though so Brim is keeping me around.” I mentioned and they nodded.
“Well, nice to meet you, I’m Clove.” Agent 25… explains why they were gone so long.
“(Y/N),” I said with a smile before Gekko came around the corner.
“Ah! My Amigos,” He said as Wingman waved to me.
“Gekko!” Clove said racing over.
“Hey shorty,” He said fist bumping them.
“Well good to see you’re getting along.” I mentioned, and started back towards my room.
“Hey!” Gekko called out racing over, “I was thinking we could go out today. I need a break. Last mission was hard,” he mentioned and I nodded.
“Sounds good to me.” I said and he smiled.
“Mind if I come with,” Clove asked gently, and Gekko looked at her.
“Yeah if it’s ok with Brim.” Gekko mentioned, and she nodded.
“I’ll go ask,” they mentioned and raced off, I smiled.
“They are cute,”
“I guess,” Gekko mentioned and I looked back at him, to find him staring at me. He cleared his throat.
“I’ll let you get ready.” He said and I nodded my head before stepping back into my room.
We walked around a small plaza. It was Clove, Gekko, Myself, and Phoenix, oddly enough.
“So Clove, where did the style come from?” Phoenix asked as he flipped through jackets in the shop we were in.
“Guess when you make music you have something unique every time.” They mentioned picking up a shirt and holding it up to themselves.
“Ah, you’ll have to show me how you make your tunes,” Phoenix said and they giggled.
“For sure,” They mentioned and I looked to Gekko who was looking at some jewelry.
“Everything ok Gekko?” I asked, he jumped and looked back at me.
“Oh— what? Yeah. Just uh… you know. Looking.” He said gesturing to the store. I tilted my head at him and smiled.
“Uh huh,” I mentioned with a light laugh. I could hear Clove and Phoenix laughing. However, I felt like I was having an out of body experience. All the sounds around me became muffled, my hair stood on end. I looked outside and see people just walking and minding their own business. I felt a hand on my shoulder.
“Are you alright?” Gekko asked softly and I looked at him. He seemed… distorted, like as if I was looking at him through a kaleidoscope. I hesitated in responding. My mind seeming to fracture before me. Then, the world opened up around me. Purple surrounded me, and I could see a strange almost flower like power.
“That was too easy,” I heard a voice said and I looked back. Stood between two walls was Iso, his eyes, no longer soft and focused. Instead an intense and set look on his face. The normal soft blues replaced by eerie trailing reds. My heart sunk as he gripped my wrist, and the purple world dissipated around us. I was surrounded by this Iso, the Omen, a Sage, a Neon, and a Sova.
My blood ran cold as the Iso tossed me to the ground.
“Well done Iso.” Sage said, a hand on her hip, “Now we can continue our fight.” Sage mentioned as she turned towards a metal building on my right. My fight or flight kicked in at this point and I stood ready to run. I was blocked by the Omen materializing in front of me. I turned back to see the Sova and Neon staring at me.
“Alright,” I said out loud but more to my self than to them, “I’m over this.” I stated looking around. We were in some type of court yard, a brick building to my left. I decided to break for it. My steps not nearly as fast as Neons as she slid in front of me, blocking my path. I decided to face her head on, and went to go around her only to have a shock of a life time fly through my skin. The whole world waved and bounced around me.
“Relay Bolt, never gets old.” She said as I felt her haul me up. They began towards the metal building and I felt as though I had no control over my own self. We walked down a cat walk and behind a box or two when I saw a helicopter sat on some brick that I assume used to be a bridge.
“No,” I sputtered out weakly as I pushed on Neon.
“Quit squirming.” She hissed and I glanced, seeing up turned chairs. I pushed at her again, and she dropped me hard onto the ground. My body called out in pain.
“Whoops,” she said sarcastically as she went to lift me again but I kicked at her jaw. She threw my foot down and I heard it, the sound of another helicopter. They all looked skywards and I was dropped.
“Neon, get the spike.” Sage ordered and Neon raced back to the ship. Sage looked down at me and held my chin.
“You will be very good for us.” She mentioned as Neon returned. Sage hummed in seeming satisfaction as she pulled an orb from mid air. It was small, and crackled a bit. She placed my hands on the handle of the spike, and sent the orb at it. An ice broke over my hands and I couldn’t remove them from the spike. Panic filled me as she lifted me up.
“Get the spike planted before they figure out what’s happening.” Sage ordered as she pulled a pistol from her side. There was a silent agreement among them as the Sova and Omen pulled me up. The spike bound to my hands. I was shoved forwards, back out from where we came, but we took a right into another area. The walls crumbling around an ice cream shop, and a a few boxes stacked around. My heart was racing, I had to get out of this. My mind racing as I tried to pry my hands off the spike. The ice crackled but did not budge. I listened as footsteps sounded around us. The Sova shot an arrow off and I watched as he looked at a screen.
“Two on site.” He mentioned and Sage hissed.
“Iso, Neon,” She said and the two went forwards. Iso sending forwards a wall, and Neon racing in. I heard Gunshots going off and then Neon backing up.
“They brought Cypher,” Neon stated, and Sage only nodded before she went forwards again. I listened for a few minutes more before I was pushed forwards by Sova.
“Let’s go,” He said harshly and I looked back at him and flung the spike over my shoulder to strike him. The spike hit his hand where he shoved it back down, and he grabbed my hair by the scalp of my head.
“Do that again and I will make sure you don’t leave with hands.” He growled and I hissed as he threw my head forwards. Then as we turned the corner I saw a small wine shop and a large arch way on the left. Iso and Neon held either side of the arch with pistols. Then, out of no where, I saw Dizzy fly up and spit goo at Sova, Neon, and Iso. They all panicked and Sova let me go. I raced forwards, and stopped near Dizzy, who laid exhausted on the ground.
“Oh dizzy.” I said softly and saw Gekko.
“(Y/N)?” He said gently lowering his gun and I watched Reyna come out from the side of the archway, and shoot the Neon, and Sova before stepping back to reload.
“The spike, the spike is on her.” Reyna said aloud and I knew it was going over coms. My heart sunk as I tried to get my hands off it once more to no avail. Frustration set in as Iso finally wiped the gunk from his eyes and approached me. There were only three of them left, surely they would not still continue this push? He pulled me off to the side to force Gekko and Reyna to peak him if they wanted to stop him. I watched as Omen came up from behind us and sent a haze of smoke forwards. I moved to try and trip him, only to watch him walk over me, and into the smoke. Gun shots sounded and I watched as Iso turned back to me.
“Change of plans,” The Iso said, pulling me up by my collar and dragging me back the way we came.
“Let me go!” I growled trying to get him off of me. He decided at this point to hold the gun to my shoulder.
“Keep resisting me and I will shoot you.” He growled and I hesitated as he pulled me forwards, back past the ice cream shop, and then just as we were turning the corner he was shot. My heart stopped for a moment and relief flooded me as the ice on my hands finally receded, leaving my hands red from the cold. I quickly pulled them into me and collapsed. I heard foot steps racing towards me.
“It’s ok, you’re ok,” Gekko’s gentle voice fell over my ears, before his hands were on my shoulders. I hugged him tightly and felt myself finally letting reality hit me as my eyes watered.
“You’re ok, I got you, I got you.” He whispered hugging me back.
“They stuck me to the spike.” I gasped for air that felt like it wasn’t entering my lungs fast enough.
“I know, but it’s alright. We stopped them.” He said and I shook my head.
“No, the Sage,” I said pulling away from him and Cypher came around the corner.
“She is gone,” Cypher said picking up the spike, “Forgot their important tech though. Very good for us.” Cypher mentioned, a smile stretching across his features.
“Let’s go,” Reyna mentioned, holstering her pistol, “We don’t want them bringing reinforcements.” She was right and I knew that. Gekko helped me stand and we walked back through the archway, through a grassy area, and another arch before looking upon the helicopter. We all got inside. Reyna, Cypher, and Gekko, but they had also brought, Raze, and Viper.
“Good to see you’re ok,” Raze said as we got on the ship.
“Thanks,” I said gently as she patted my shoulder. My hands ached with the cold they experienced as the whole ship shuttered with take off.
My mind raced and my leg bounced as I sat on the examination table.
“I now understand how my healing and powers can be so annoying.” Sage said as she looked over my hands.
“I’ve never seen your ice do that,” I mentioned and she didn’t even look up at me.
“They do things that we don’t completely understand. That is what makes them even more dangerous.” Sage said as she released my hands. “There, all better. You should go speak with Brimstone. He will want to know what happened.” She mentioned and I nodded, hopping off the table. Stepping out of the room, Gekko was leaned up again the wall tapping his finger on his crossed arms.
“Gekko?” I muttered and his head snapped my direction.
“Hey,” he pulled himself off the wall and approached, “so, uh, what did Sage say?” He asked sticking his hands in his pockets.
“I’m good as new..” I said holding up my newly healed hands.
“Good… uh.” Gekko scratched the back of his neck, “Brimstone wants to speak with you but afterwards you should come meet me in the ruins outside.” He said and I nodded my hair falling into my face as I did.
“I will.” I stated pushing my hair back out of my face, and he smiled.
“Cool,” He said before walking off. I watched as he went and smiled a bit to myself before heading to Brimstones office.
Entering the dim room, Brim was watching the camera footage.
“You wanted to see me?” I asked, and he turned.
“Are you alright?” He asked and I nodded.
“Doing well. As well as I can anyways.” I stated and he sighed.
“Well, your kidnapping while unfortunate was very beneficial for us. I think it would be best for you to stay with us for a longer period than I originally intended. Even go on possible missions.” Brim said and I hummed.
“I guess I don’t really have a choice in this matter.” I mentioned and he shook his head no. “Very well… I’ll have to figure something out with my family.” I mentioned and he nodded.
“We can discuss the details later.” Brim mentioned before turning back. “Dismissed.” He said and I turned to leave.
Walking outside by the ruins I sighed. This was not my plan.
“Took you long enough,” Gekko’s voice broke my thoughts and I looked to him. He was sat near the edge, a bunch of snacks set out and he pat the spot beside him.
“Sorry, you know Brim.” I said as I sat next to him.
“Listen, about today,” he turned towards me slightly. The golden light hitting his hair and lighting it in a blaze. His cheeks had a darker red tone, and he paused clearing his throat.
“Uh, with the enemy Iso-,” his eyes met mine again. There was a moment of conflict in his eyes.
“Ah fuck it. Listen, I have a crush on you. And it’s throwing my focus all out of whack. I totally get it if you don’t like feel the same. But I needed to get this out.” He blurted, his hands moving in a dramatic way before finally looking at me again. My face flushed.
“Gekko, I… I like you too.” I said softly, the air around us no longer tense. His shoulders rolled back and down with relief.
“You have no idea how stressful that was.” He mentioned smiling at me and tracing the ground with his fingers.
“So I guess I owe you a few dates.” He said looking back up at me. I hummed.
“Yeah, especially after the last one went so horribly.”
“God, don’t bring it up. It was bad enough I felt like I couldn’t breathe around you and then watching you disappear in front of my eyes wasn’t good either.” He mentioned rubbing his face with his hands. I could only laugh as I turned and looked over at the sunset.
#fanfic#fanfiction#gekko#gekko valorant#gekko x reader#gekko x you#i love gekko#valorant#valorant fanfiction#whose your agent?#i can’t decide if i love him or want to be him#gekko fanfiction#Gekko Valorant fanfiction
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Forgive me. I am a liar and have been working on Legolas fanfiction. I am sorry
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Working very quickly on Part 4. Feel like I have to make every part interesting in some way because I’ve been novel writing for so long now. I’m trying to untrain myself lol because it’s just fanfiction
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Waiting for Sunset
Gekko x Reader
Accidentally running into the agents of Omega Earth, you are taken hostage. Hostages aren’t common for them, but you seem to be the exception. So much for your first time in L.A.
Word count: 4.4K
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part4
The next few days were quiet. There was a mission that Gekko and the majority of the people I’d met had to attend. The other agents I really didn’t know. I spent most of my time training and working on paper work for Cypher. It was a slow few days. When everyone did come back, it was an unsettling feeling. A quiet had settled over them. Even Gekko’s usual loud and bubbly personality was suppressed by a heaviness. During a more quiet evening Brimstone called a meeting with all agents. We all piled into the living area, and I sat with Gekko and Neon. Brim had the screen switched to a slideshow with the only text reading— Project Mirror.
“Alright Agents. As you know, Omega Earth is continuously evolving as are we.” He started, “Which means we are expecting them to have a new agent same as us within the month. We need to stay alert. We also have a new issue. They took their first hostage and we need to make sure they take no others. From now on I want to make sure a few of you are checking the surroundings areas for any wandering civilians as a precaution for the time being.” Brim mentioned before clicking a button. The slide changed.
“First up, we are going to get changing recon rotations.” Brim’s voice began to drone and I spaced out for a while. Gekko’s hand patting a constant rhythm on his leg, and when he wasn’t doing that his leg was bouncing.
“Any questions?” Brim asked as I finally came back to my senses. There was a silence among us.
“Good. Dismissed.” Brim said stepping away as quite a few people began to walk away or chat.
I was about to do the same and see if Cypher had any new work for me when Gekko pulled me aside.
“Hey, do you wanna get some fresh air?” He asked me and I nodded with a light smile. We took the teleporter up to the place I first came into when I was brought here. It was always more comfortable up here.
“Thanks Gekko,” I said softly as we walked around the broken courtyard.
“No problem, I know how stuffy it gets down there especially for the little guys.” He said walking with me and kicking a rock along with his foot.
“Speaking of, where are they?” I asked and he patted his bag.
“In here, I’d let them out but man my brain is melting and I just need a quiet minute.” He said and I laughed.
“I get that,” I said back brushing some hair out of my face that had fallen there with the wind.
“Oh me and a couple of the other agents were planning on doing some shopping later this week. You should join us.” Gekko said speeding up his pace to walk in front of me, while also walking backwards so he could face me.
“That sounds like fun but I doubt Brim will let me out.” I mentioned and he shook his head.
“Leave that to me, I’m sure with a little persuasion we can convince him to let you leave at least for a few hours.” Gekko said and I rolled my eyes.
“Good luck with that.” I said and he smiled, slowing back down to walk by my side again.
“No luck needed when you’re me.” He said and I laughed. A whirling of machines and clicks sounding behind me somewhere. Gekko’s head turned and he waved. I looked back to see a camera with a faint blue glow to the lens studying us.
“That’s just one of Cyphers cameras.” He mentioned as the camera folded back and practically disappeared against the ruined brick.
Later going down to Cypher’s lab, I stopped for only a moment noticing a faint line that crossed the door way. I passed through it with ease before Cypher turned and looked at me.
“Enjoy your time with Gekko?” He asked and I nodded.
“Yeah. He’s growing on me.” I stated as I sat down at the little makeshift desk he had set up for me.
“Gekko is a good person, but getting those small creatures of his was a mess.” He said shaking his head while working on something.
“What am I working on today?” I asked as I looked over the manila folder with a tentative gaze.
“Need you to go over the last mission reports… I felt like Brim was missing something.” He said as he typed in a code on his computer. I nodded as I sat down to look over the reports. He was right. There had been some type of change from the last mission to this one. They were getting more aggressive.
“Cypher this isn’t right is it?” I asked looking over a report a final time and he looked over at me with a sigh.
“I was worried you may say that. It is in fact truth. I’m not sure what changed in their tactics but we are going to have to evolve ours or risk a detonation.” Cypher said and a lump formed in my throat.
“Can I help?” I asked and he turned looking at me. “Not unless you become radiant overnight.” He stated and I hummed in thought.
“Maybe not radiant but good with a weapon.” He laughed and nodded.
“I like your thinking.” He stated and we worked in quiet the rest of the day.
The next day was much the same, but I was pulled away from tasks by Gekko.
“Come on,” he said pulling me back outside, “it is essential to me that you learn something outside of the scary protocol so I’m gonna teach you my spray painting skills.” He said spinning a can in his hand.
“Spray paint? I thought that was Raze’s thing?” I mentioned and he looked at me.
“We are all allowed to have the same hobbies. Hers just also involve explosions.” He said with a smile as he started painting on a rather large canvas that was precariously hung from the bricks.
“Ok, we’ve got a nice foundation, now,” he pulled me over by the wrist and put the can in my hand, “I’m just going to help you with the finer details, but what do you want to make?” He asked and I looked over the blank canvas.
“How about something simple, like your wingman?” I asked and he smiled.
“Don’t giving the little guy an ego.” He said as he positioned his hand over mine, and helped me make the basic shape of wingman. “Good, now we go in with a little lighter just to add some high lights to him.” He said as he picked up a lighter color. He was closer now, his chest brushing against my arm and shoulder as he stepped back behind me. He was close and only now I realized how much time we truly had been spending together. It was making my heart beat a little faster. Perhaps I was just over thinking our interactions.
“Piece of cake,” he said as he took the can from me and picked up another. My hand and wrist already spackled with flicks of paint. “Now we can add more line work.” He said and we continued like this for probably a half hour. My breath constantly catching anytime his hand met mine. Finally after a little bit of time we stepped back and there was wingman, holding a weapon, looking back at us in his spray painted glory.
“Not bad,” he said looking at me, his own hand covered in flecks of paint.
“Well you did it, I just held the can.” I stated and he waved it off.
“Nonsense,” he stated, “you got the makings of an artist if I have anything to say about it.” He tidied up the paint cans and glanced at me.
“So uh… I was thinking.” He started and I crossed my arms.
“That’s dangerous,” I said and he scoffed with a laugh.
“Shut up, I was thinking maybe you could join the rest of us for movie night. If you’re up for it.” He asked and I raise an eyebrow at him.
“What movie?” I questioned and he shrugged.
“It’s Raze and Killjoy’s turn to pick tonight so your guess is as good as mine.” He said standing up straight again.
“Alright,” I said with a shrug and he smiled.
“Cool,” he said as he brushed off his hands, “Let’s get back I’m sure they are wondering where we are.” I nodded in agreement as we headed back for the teleporter. A whirling noise caught my attention and I glanced as Gekko went through the teleporter. There I saw one of Cypher’s cameras, but the blue hue was more of a red now. I made a mental note of it before also stepping into the teleporter.
Once back down in base, I split ways with Gekko and got myself cleaned up. I brushed back my hair from my face and stood in my room looking over my clothes and getting into something more casual. Not exactly pajamas but just more comfortable than my everyday wear. There was a rhythmic knock on the door I’d come to know as Gekko’s and I went and opened it. He smiled as me as Wingman raced in.
“Hey, dude!” He called out chasing the little guy into my room. I didn’t mind him being in here but it would be a lie if I said it didn’t make my face flush. He snatched up wingman and looked around at the little decor. “Man, you really got nothin’ in here.” He said and I huffed.
“I haven’t really left since I got here.” I mentioned and he looked back to me.
“If I don’t have any missions we will go out tomorrow so you can at least get a few things.” He said gently as he walked back out of the room with the little creature garbling at him. We walked out into the living space were several already were. Killjoy, Raze, Yoru, Pheonix, Jett, and Neon. They all looked more comfortable in their pjs and were sat in what I assumed was their respective spots. Gekko went and sat down, and I debated sitting next to Jett and Neon, but Gekko patted the cushion next to him. I went and sat next to him as Killjoy used the remote to start the movie. The caption called the movie, Prey. Not sure if it really was any could, I could only focus on Gekko. He bounced his leg again, his arms spread out on the back of the couch, the little dude tucked between us, garbling at anything scary. I leaned forwards scared to make him uncomfortable by leaning back against the cushion. Maybe I’m over thinking this.
“Wow that was.. something.” Neon said as the credits started to roll through.
“Not our best pick,” Killjoy admitted as she stretched.
“It’s alright, always next time.” Raze said, playing with the ends of Killjoys hair.
“I kinda liked it,” Gekko said and Neon looked at him.
“You and I both know why you liked it.” Neon stated and Gekko immediately sat forwards and began to stutter.
“I— I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He said clearing his throat before standing and picking up Wingman.
“Oh! A flustered Gekko! That’s a first.” Jett mentioned leaning forwards and rubbing her hands together.
“Alright I’m not getting ganged up on like you guys did last week. I’m going to bed.” He said walking away and then Phoenix stretched and stood.
“I’m out too, gonna need that beauty sleep.”
“What beauty? All I see is an out dated style.” Yoru mentioned also standing to leave.
“Man, why you always have to shit on my style?” Pheonix asked as he followed behind Yoru. Leaving me and the girls behind.
“So, (Y/N), you’ve been here awhile now. Any crushes?” Jett asked me and I looked over at her.
“Uh.. no? I haven’t spent time with anyone really. Except Gekko.” I mentioned and she huffed.
“Seriously? Figured Phoenix would find some way to spend a day training with you. Guys ego is bigger than his walls.” Neon mentioned and I laughed.
“Yeah no… I’ve only really seen him in passing. Gekko has done most of my training and spent time with me.” I said leaning back for the first time all night.
“Don’t let them pressure you,” Raze started as she freed her fingers from Killjoy’s hair. “These guys will do anything for a little bit of drama to spice up the day to day here.” Raze mentioned and Killjoy nodded.
“They were all over Raze and I asking questions about when we would get together.” Killjoy stated looking over at them and Jett shrugged.
“Can you blame me? You guys work well together. I wanted to see some action, and you two not just gawking from afar.” Jett stated standing up and jumping up from the conversation pit and glided to the floor towards the kitchen.
“And you have no concept of personal space to let us come together on our own.” Killjoy mentioned
“Ah it’s all potatoes. Speaking of, I’m gonna make food, do you guys want anything?” Jett asked as she opened the fridge.
“No, I’m off to bed.” Neon said getting up and heading out.
“Yeah same for us.” Raze mentioned and Jett pouted.
“(Y/N)?” She asked and I sighed.
“I’ll stay up for a bit.” I mentioned as I walked over to join her in the kitchen. She smiled as the rest left us.
As she cooked, I watched her carefully step around the kitchen, her short pony tail swaying with the movement.
“So, how much do you know about Gekko?” Jett asked me and I hummed in thought.
“Uh… well I know what his file says. I know he skates, and knows how to paint.” I mention and she turns and smiles.
“I will tell you, even though he was born and raised in Los Angeles, he is incredibly well versed in the world.” Jett says, spinning a knife in her hand.
“He seems like it. He seems very kind as well.” I mention and she nods as she turns away from me.
“Yeah but don’t let him fool you. He’s loud.. sometimes a bit what’s the word…passionate.” Jett said, still facing away from me. I wondered quietly what she meant by that.
Soon enough I was tucked back into my room away from everyone and silently debating going back outside just to clear my head. My thoughts slowly melting as I mindlessly scribbled on a piece of paper. The night grew later and I could deny it no longer. I needed to release some of my pent up energy. I exited my room and started down the quiet corridor that no longer seemed so ominous. I made my way for the teleporter and once outside began to walk where Gekko and I had earlier in the day. Seeing our painting still hung on the wall. I smiled as I let the cool air run over my skin. Garble garble. I looked down to see Wingman.
“Hey little dude,” I mentioned and he tilted his head. Garble garble garble.
“You know I can’t understand you buddy.” I said, crouching down to his level, he leaned into my hand and held it tightly. I smiled and pulled him up, placing him on my shoulder like Gekko often did.
“I imagine Gekko must be around if you’re out here.” I said as I continued. Garble garble.
“Wingman! Come on! I do not want to play hide and seek tonight dude.” I heard Gekko’s voice beyond a door way. I looked over at wingman.
“This is a common occurrence then?” I ask the small guy as Gekko rounds a corner. He jumps and holds a hand to his chest.
“Jesus… you scared the crap out of me (Y/N).” Gekko said and he looked at Wingman.
“Did you know that they were out here?” Gekko asked looking to Wingman. Garble garble. “Dude seriously? You don’t know the difference between them and a grilled cheese sandwich. Don’t tell me you could smell them.” Gekko said crossing his arms. I laughed a bit.
“He could smell me?” I asked tentatively as they both looked back to me.
“He picks up on small changes here and there.” Gekko said as he held his hand out for Wingman to jump to. Wingman did so willingly. Gekko looked back up at me.
“So… uh. Still on for shopping?” Gekko asked, and I smiled.
“Of course,” I stated and he nodded.
“Cool. Good.” He nodded dusting his hands off. The awkward tension growing around us was too much.
“Do you mind if I sit with you? I just need some quiet.” I stated and he nodded.
“Oh yeah, sure. You can sit with me.” He said and I smiled as we walked back to where he had been. A set up to deploy a bunch of training drones if wanted. We sat down on the wooden bridge boards and looked out into the distance. The moon barely gracing over our presence behind the cloudy skies.
“Cypher mentioned some concerns today..” I said looking over at him. His eyebrows raised a bit but he shook his head.
“Nothin’ we ain’t had before.” He said as wingman rubbed his tiny eyes.
“Does it not bother you?” I asked and he looked over at me.
“Can’t let it bother you. Life just happens. Gotta roll with the punches sometimes. We aren’t always going to win every battle.” Gekko said before looking off into the distance. I could only nod in agreement as we sat in comfortable silence.
A week or two had passed with Gekko and I still training together, I had begun to know the team a little better. Over all everyone had been very welcoming, and I had finally been allowed to add some personality to my room with small decorations. We were out today, the shopping center Jett chose was not really busy. The world felt off though. I could sense a tension in the air.
“Ayo, (Y/N),” a hand came in front of my face and I looked to Gekko, “you doin’ alright? Your heads been in the clouds.” He mentioned and I nodded.
“Yeah just dreading going back to the reports I know Cypher has waiting for me.” I mentioned and he nodded.
“That’s fair, not exactly fun.” He said stirring his boba.
“Enough work talk! (Y/N) you were searching for colleges before everything happened right? Why don’t you tell us about home?” Jett asked and tilted her head a bit at me and I smiled.
“Sure but maybe when we get back.” I said trying to shake my unease. Then, as if on cue, all of our earpieces rang.
“All agents return to base we have an emergency.” Brims voice was laced with a serious concern. We all stood up and were quick to make our way back.
“And just when I was starting to relax.” She mentioned.
When we got back to base everyone was readying up, and another announcement came over the ear piece.
“I want Neon, Jett, Omen, and KillJoy to my office.” Brim’s voices was heavy as Jett waved and raced to his office.
“Wonder what’s going on.” Gekko said as he set his hands on his hips. An alarm sounded and Gekko looked at me.
“Go to your room and lock the door.” He said swiftly as his creatures came out of his bag.
“What’s going on Gekko?” I asked and he shook his head.
“No time to explain, go to your room, and don’t come out until you get a notice from Brim.” He said and I nodded heading for my room as he headed off in another direction. My mind racing as agents passed me by. I closed the door to my room and locked it up tight. My heart racing. I braced the door with the door with the chair that came in the room. I stepped back and looked around the room. No way to communicate, no way to figure out what to do. My palms began to sweat and I dried them instinctively on my pants. I sat on my bed and pulled my knees to my chest. I could hear bits and pieces of conversation over the ear piece which eased my worry a little bit but not much. Soon enough there was an intense silence that made my ears ring. Then a static in my ear piece. It was loud and irritating. I slipped it out of my ear, and set it aside. There was a loud knock on the door.
“(Y/N), you in there?” Gekko’s voice called and I stayed quiet, the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. I instinctively held my breath and backed up from the door. My hands brushing over the cool metal of the desk. “(Y/N),” the door handle jiggled. I couldn’t hear anything for a moment. I shifted slowly, walking towards my closet to see if I could find anything I could use as some sort of weapon. My heart racing, the blood rush roaring in my ears as I took my umbrella. It would have to do. I held it tightly, and backed up once more. Waiting to see if they would break the door down. The hours ticked by, and I heard nothing for a long time. Then, a heavy knock.
“(Y/N)?” Brims voice called out, and I approached the door, “facility is secure, you can come out now.” His voice sounded right. I approached the door and slid the chair out of the way. Opening it, Brim stood there, looking down at me.
“How did they get in?” I asked and Brim sighed.
“We didn’t realize it, but they had access to the main teleporter and were able to manipulate it to get in. I’m having Cypher look it over now while all teams have been deployed to survey and make sure they aren’t detonating a spike.” Brim stated before turning on his heel and walking away.
“I suggest you go help Cypher.” He said as he headed away. I did as he said and made my way into Cypher’s lab. He was typing away viciously.
“Need some assistance?” I asked and he sighed, setting aside his hat.
“I would appreciate it.” He stated and I sat down in my space. There was a large stack of papers.
“Are the others ok?” I asked tentatively, and he paused.
“Yes,” he muttered, “Gekko is with Sage. He will be safer than most.” He stated, and I looked at him with a furred brow.
“I didn’t ask about Gekko.” I mentioned and he looked back at me.
“Figured you would.” He mentioned and I pressed my lips into a tight line. It was true Gekko was growing very swiftly on me but I didn’t think it was that obvious. “He also asked I keep an eye on you while he was gone.” Cypher mentioned before typing away again. My face flushed and I turned towards the work I had been given, hoping to distract myself with the work. A worried tapping of my finger on my pen was the only sound in the room at one point. I suppose it began to annoy the usually calm and patient Cypher as he walked over and took the pen from my hand.
“Let’s take a walk.” He said as he started out of the lab.
“What-What?” I said standing up and following him. We trekked through the facilities winding halls before Cypher walked out into the training area. He threw me one of his coins, which I’d come to learn are actually trip wires. I caught it and looked at him.
“Everyone at one point or another was scared of having their abilities. They are alarming, scary, and in cases like Neon, if they are not adequately handled, can kill the user.” Cypher said crossing his arms.
“Ok?” I said looking at the small device, “what does this have to do with anything?”
“You’re not adequately handling your thoughts.” He muttered, “You’re distracted, and it’s causing me to lose focus so.” He shrugged his shoulders, “you’re running drills until you can learn to focus. Gekko was much like you, a ray of sun light among a storm of anxiety about letting down his team. You have to realize you’re going to see enemies. You’re going to have problems. You have to learn to overcome come that anxiety in order to live and not just survive.” Cypher mentioned setting up one of his trip wires. “So… drills.” He said gesturing to the training grounds. I huffed before taking a breath and starting. He was right, but I’d never admit it.
It was sometime later I finally collapsed on my bed and took a breath. After a grueling few hours of drills and a long hot shower the wear of the training finally hit my body and the uncomfortable stiff mattress had never felt better. I was almost asleep when a small knock hit my door. I groaned and rose up from the bed, and approached the door. I opened it to see no one there and was about to slam it shut when I glanced down. Garble.
“Oh, Wingman? That must mean Gekko is back. What are you doing buddy?” I asked as I crouched down to his level. He came inside and I didn’t really think about how, but more why he looked even more tired than me.
“Shouldn’t you be with Gekko?” I asked and in his small noises he garbled before hopping up on my bed and flopping down. It made me giggle as his little body jiggled, and I walked over.
“Alright you can nap with me, but make room.” I said laying back down and covered us both up before letting the cool pillow ease the blood rush to my head. Sometime later I woke up to the soft Garbles of Wingman and looked up to see Gekko stood in the door way frozen in abject terror.
“I’m so sorry,” he said softly scooping up wingman and I shook my head.
“It’s fine, doesn’t bother me any.” I mentioned, rubbing my eyes a bit to look at him.
“I told him not to bother you while I got cleaned up.” Gekko said shaking his head. “I’ll make it up to you.” He said closing the door behind him. I looked at the clock and seeing it was late I rolled back over to sleep again. What a week.
#fanfic#fanfiction#gekko#gekko valorant#gekko x reader#gekko x you#i love gekko#valorant#valorant fanfiction#whose your agent?#I don’t know if I want to be him or date him
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I have been working on Part 3 for Waiting for Sunset. Just slow going because I’ve been moving and packing. I promise I’m working on it.
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Waiting For Sunset
Gekko x Reader
Accidentally running into the agents of Omega Earth, you are taken hostage. Hostages aren’t common for them, but you seem to be the exception. So much for your first time in L.A.
Word Count: 4.5k
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
The landing was rough and bumpy. When we did plan everyone started to get off the ship except Sage and the purple smoke person.
“Omen, you will inform Brimstone of what happened?” Sage asked and the person glanced back before nodding.
“Yes,” The light coming from beneath their hood flicking brighter for just a moment.
“Thank you,” She said before coming over to me, “You have been very brave thus far.” She said softly as she unlocked the buckles.
“Follow me, you wouldn’t want to get lost here.” She said, and I swallowed my pride. If I wanted out, I was going to need to play along.
“Welcome to Valorant.” She mentioned as we stepped off the ship. It was a rather large facility, floating far above the earth. I assumed it was from one of the explosions that happened some time ago, perfectly suspended and untouched by time.
“We are keeping those from Omega Earth from killing more people with their explosions. The damage already done by kingdom however, is always a constant reminder.” Sage said as she entered a building and held the door for me. There was a large, portal like arch. She stepped through it and my breath caught. She was gone? I hesitated, sticking my hand through as if to test it but I could feel nothing. I pulled my hand back through and held my breath. I walked through much like she did and we were in some type of military styled base.
“There are several agents here. We currently have 23, however, we are expecting another agent within the next few days.” She stated as we walked past hallway after hallway.
“Wait hold on-“ I started but she stopped and turned sharply on her heel.
“You are here, you are not allowed to leave until we make sure you will not be used again or against us.” Sage stated sharply and my jaw was slack. “It is not your decision to make. You have become apart of our cause whether or not you wanted to.”
“What about my family,” I started, “or the people who care for me.” I mentioned to her and she turned to keep walking.
“We are working on that currently.” She stated as she kept forwards. The place opened up into a larger living space. A large talking pit built into the floor with a large tv, a fairly large kitchen with an island, a balcony that over looked the kitchen and living space with a large dining table and chairs.
“Brimstone will want to speak with you about today. He will have many questions about what happened and how you came in.” Sage stated as she kept walking, I jogged a bit to catch back up.
“Is he like the head of this whole thing?” I asked her and she nodded.
“Something along those lines.” She stated as we walked through another doorway. There were only a few doors, and she entered the last one. It opened up to a warm and welcoming office. There were file boxes stacked to one wall, a large monitor system, showing some areas that reminded me of paint ball ranges. Then a large desk, covered in paper work. Behind it all sat a man. He was gruff looking, his beard well trimmed and styled showing his grey hair.
“Sage I told you to knock.” His eyes did not glance up as he wrote feverishly.
“It is an emergency,” She said and he glanced up, he glanced back down but then immediately straightened when he saw me.
“Who the hell is this?” The man asked.
“She was used as a human shield by Omega Omen.” Sage said, and she stepped forwards. The man stood up and came around his desk.
“How do we know she’s not from Omega Earth?” The man asked looking at her.
“I had Cypher run a check on her.” Sage said and my eye brows furred.
“Shit, how much did she see?” The man asked her.
“Too much Brim. He nearly planted the spike next to her.” Sage said and he huffed pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Great,” he turned back towards me and sighed. “We are going to set up accommodations for you. For now, welcome to the Valorant Protocol.” Brim said and I went to speak but was silenced.
“Sage, Brim, I have the results back.” A voice came through by the monitors.
“Thank you Cypher, we will be down shortly.” Sage answered.
“For now, Sage walk her back to the living room. Give her our welcome files to go over. She’s see too much she needs to know how we handle things.” Brim said straightening again, his heavy boots coming closer to me before passing me and opening the door.
“Understood,” Sage mentioned before also coming over with a tablet in her hands.
Four hours later, I set the tablet aside and rubbed at my eyes.
“It is a lot of information.” The voice made me jump as I looked up to see a man, wearing a white coat, a white hat, and some type of mask.
“Who are you?” I asked looking at him.
“You may call me Cypher,” He said tipping his hat towards me.
“Cypher, can you tell me how long I’m going to have to stay here?” I asked standing up from my place in the talking pit.
“Probably awhile. Omega Earth has a file on your presence and that can cause more issues and the solutions if you are caught again.” He said, flipping what looked like a coin between his fingers.
“Great,” I said sighing and rubbing at my eyes.
“Perhaps I can ease your mind.” He said standing up.
“How so?” I asked and he waved me to follow. I was getting tired of no one just saying what we were doing.
We entered what seemed like an office, covered in monitors, wires, gadgets, and tools. In the center was a table with a chess board. Set up as if two people stopped mid game. Black was in trouble.
“Here,” he pulled up a screen with my whole life practically written out. “As far as all data of you across our world and theirs, it doesn’t show you ever possessing abilities like the rest of us. So sooner or later they will forget about you, and you will be able to continue with your mundane life.” He stated
“Mundane?” I stated with a scoff
“I’m sorry, what else would you call your life? It is… without many lies and secrets.” He stated flipping the coin.
“Yo, Cypher! We need to talk about-“ the same neon haired male from before entered.
“Gekko, good timing.” Cypher said brushing things aside and picking up a spatter painted case. “I fixed your ear pieces. Try hard to not let your… dizzy. Get them all gunked up again.” He scolded handing them to Gekko.
“Thanks… so uh.. guess you really are staying huh?” He asked me and I sighed.
“Guess so,” I stated and he hesitated, scratching at the back of his neck.
“Cool, cool,” He looked back to Cypher clearing his throat, “thanks again,” He muttered before leaving the room, I felt a small tug at my pants and looked down. The same little yellow creature was pulling on my leg. Garbling out some noises.
“Aye , Wingman, they won’t go for that dude. Come on,” Gekko scooped up the little creature, setting him on his shoulder.
“Great,” Cypher said after he left. “I will provide you with your own ear pieces soon as a precaution. We all wear them typically in the field but it can be convenient here too, with how large our facility is.” Cypher said, tinkering on something.
“So I’m just stuck here?” I stated and he turned back.
“Stuck isn’t the term I would use. You are safer here than anywhere in the world.” He said turning back and I huffed, walking out of the space. He wasn’t wrong though, this place was a maze.
Wondering around, there were names on a lot of the doors. Phoenix , Neon, Gekko, Jett, Iso, Yoru, and so on. Then other rooms were labeled. Server room, locker room, baths, and it felt like it never ended.
“Learning the lay out?” I whipped around to see the blue haired girl.
“Trying… it’s really large.” I stated and she laughed a bit.
“Yeah, I guess if you aren’t running through it all the time it is.” She said glancing around. “Ever shot a gun before?” She asked suddenly, catching me off guard.
“No… well-“ I was cut off.
“There you are.” Sage said behind her, we both looked to her. “I was going to show you to your room, (Y/N).” She stated and the girl looked to me.
“She’s all yours, Sage.” She said throwing up her hands and walking off.
“Neon, she is one of the agents. She is a good person.” Sage said waving me forwards.
“Most of us here do not go by our birth names. We are under different aliases.” She said as we walked. “It is mostly for safety.” She turned down a hall way and stopped in front of an empty door.
“We are working on a name plate, but for now, these will be your quarters.” She said opening the door. Inside was plain grey, a bed, a desk, and a monitor with a large V displayed on it.
“I’m sure the others at some point will take you to get some decorations for you. For now, they are getting your things from the hotel you were in as we speak.” She said and turned towards me, interlocking her fingers in front of her.
“Sage,” I started running a hand through my hair, “look this has all been… incredibly in formative and… disturbing. But, you truly can’t expect me to stay here.” I mentioned.
“I mean…before sunset I was sitting outside of a boba shop happily planning out which college I wanted to pick and now… now I’m sitting here. In a super high level security base that acts more as a prison for me, with nothing familiar to me.” I stated, frustrated. She looked to the floor and I could see her swallow before she looked back up to me.
“I understand you do not wish to stay here. But you know more than the average person, and in the hands of the Omega Earth agents you would be good as dead for knowing what you know. It is in your best interest to remain here for the time. I will leave you alone to settle. I will send a few to check in on you later.” She mentioned going to the door and opening it.
“I hope you can come to like this arrangement at least for a little while.” She said before leaving me in silence.
Sometime later there was a knock at my door. It had a short rhythm to it. I got up from the grey bed and opened the door to see Gekko.
“Sup,” he said, he no longer had the little yellow creature on his shoulder like I’d seen earlier.
“Hi,” I said awkwardly leaning against the door.
“Sage sent me. She wanted me to help you get more comfortable with the place.” He said shrugging a bit. A garble came from his feet and I looked down. There was the little yellow guy.
“Oh right, this is Wingman,” he said picking up the little guy and setting him on his shoulder.
“Hi Wingman,” I said smiling and giving a little wave.
“I have a couple of other little critters running around, but don’t mind them. They are all super nice when they get to know you.” He said scratching wingman’s head. “Anyways, follow me. Everyone has heard about you and I promised I’d pull you out of your room to introduce you.” He said turning to walk. I stepped out and joined him.
“Are you always this persuasive?” I asked him and he shrugged.
“Depends on who you ask.” He stated, and we walked in a comforting silence. With Gekko, I didn’t feel like I needed to talk to be comfortable around him.
We walked into a small sitting room with monitors pulled up like in Brim’s office. The pictures were a lot clearer here. There were people in the area now, the blue haired girl, a guy I hadn’t seen yet with a fade into dreads and a short white jacket, then Yoru and a red haired girl I recognize from when I was first taken hostage.
“The blue haired girl there is Neon. Then Phoenix is the one wearing the white jacket. You met Yoru on the heli, and then Skye is the chica with red hair.” He pointed each of them out.
“I read some about them in their files.” I said crossing my arms, “So everyone here has like abilities and stuff?” I asked and nodded.
“Most of us yeah, I don’t know if Cypher actually does or if he’s just always been that smart.” Gekko said scratching at the back of his neck. He rested his arm back down, keeping his hand on his neck. “Looks like they are finishing up. Come on,” he pulled at my wrist and we walked into a room off the viewing room. It resembled a locker room but instead of clothes or shoes it had guns of all kinds.
“Woah,” I muttered glancing at the different weapons, their colors, and sizes.
“Cool right?” He said pulling a brightly colored gun off the wall. “This one is mine, I call it the Daydreams Phantom!” He said showing off its paint job.
“It’s really pretty,” I muttered, running my hand over the cool surface.
“Thanks, designed it myself.” He said hooking it back in its place.
“All of us have our own designs. Sometimes if we are lucky we can get the omega earth guns, which have these weird almost ethereal effects.” He said picking up another that look like it moving with smoke. “Like this one, Yoru calls it the Imperium.” He handed it to me, the smoke running across the metal like it had its own atmosphere.
“That’s insane,” I muttered and he laughed.
“I know, that’s what I said.” Gekko said placing it back on the hook.
“Oy! Gekko!” The sound of electricity crackled in the air and the lights flickered as Neon slid into the room.
“Did you see that score board,” she asked as she stood up. Shaking off some of the bolts. They would shoot off her skin and hit the lockers.
“Yeah, way to flame them!” Gekko said dabbing her up. Phoenix came in next straightening up the collar of his jacket.
“Never saw it comin’.” He said with a smirk, “And who’s our guest of honor.”
“Right, this is (Y/N).” He said giving a dramatic wave. Phoenix came over doing a small circle as if circling prey.
“They don’t look radiant,” he mentioned and Neon rolled her eyes.
“Nice observation genius. She’s not,” Neon said hanging up a pistol in what I assumed was her case.
“Woah, and they just let them in?” He said looking at her and Gekko.
“She got caught up by the Omega Earth versions when we were on our last mission.”
“I swear every mission you go on, you just cause more chaos.” Pheonix said, also dropping off a weapon.
“¡Ey! Whatchu mean by that!” Gekko asked as Yoru walked in.
“He’s not wrong,” Yoru said, slicking back his hair with a comb.
“Oy, I’ve gone on plenty of missions where nothing happened, just because I’ve had two go crazy ain’t my fault.” Gekko said tossing his hands about.
“Naw, what matters is that you’re the outlier.” The red haired girl said as she came in.
“Y’all always got a problem with me and the little guys.” He said crossing his arms.
“Don’t take it personal. We are always going to pick on you for somethin’ mate.” Phoenix said patting his shoulder before coming up to me.
“Welcome to the team.” He said before walking away.
“I’m not apart of this,” I argued and Neon slung a bag over her shoulder.
“Sure you’re not,” she said shaking her head and walking out.
“Don’t worry, everyone here’s like a family. You’ll get used to it in no time.” Skye said to me as she also left, leaving Gekko, Yoru, and myself.
“Honestly, the fact that Brimstone allowed you to stay is a joke. It won’t last.” Yoru said, “As soon as they can they will make sure you’re done.” He walked out as well.
“Well I think that went perfectly.” Gekko said with a smile. I looked back at him like he had grown a second head.
“That was perfect?” I asked and he smiled with a quiet giggle.
Sometime later I found myself alone again in my room. It was late, and most of the others had turned in for sleep some time ago. I found myself wide awake though. Clutching the things that were in my hotel room. There was an ever present drone in the whole facility that seemed like a siren now that all else was quiet. I threw my pillow up over my head and sighed. I did not do well in strange places and this was no exception. I got up, and stepped out into the hall. It was quiet, and most of the lights were on some sort of dimmed setting. I paced through the halls and sighed as my body continuously fought me trying to stay more and more awake. Garble garble. I looked down to see Wingman. He looked up at me from the door of Gekko’s room and I shook my head.
“What are you doing up little dude?” I asked as he closed the door behind him, leaving only a crack. He tilted his head at me. Garble.
“I can’t understand you, but you should go back to bed. I’m ok, just… everything is new and scary for me.” He put his hand up towards his face as if contemplating. Then he walked forwards and hugged my leg gently. I reached down and mimicked Gekko’s way of petting the creature. What I thought was hard armor like skin was more squishable like a baby turtle shell.
“Thanks little dude.” I said gently before he walked back into the room. I sighed, grateful for the little bit of comfort he provided before I continued walking. Moving down the all so similar corridors.
Eventually I had slept. Horribly, but I slept. My mind ever foggy as I got dressed and made my way out into the halls. I could hear conversation as soon as I exited my room. This place had impeccable sound proofing. I walked down the halls and made my way back into the living space where Neon, Yoru, and Phoenix were all talking. They all glanced at me as I came in.
“There’s our new Star,” Pheonix said as he shifted his feet. “Do you eat?” He asked me as he sipped on a drink.
“Yeah,” I muttered, unsure of what exactly they had cooked. Neon smiled and started working on something.
“I’m not nearly as good of a cook as some of the others here but I try.” She dished it out onto a plate and set it down on the island. I walked closer, of course it just had to be my favorite breakfast food.
“Um, thank you. I’ll have to make you food sometime.” I said gently smiling at her and she shrugged.
“Don’t worry about it. Most of the time the world class chefs won’t even let us cook.” Neon said shaking her head, a few bolts of electricity getting knocked around her hair, almost like static on a sweater in the winter.
“World class. Yeah right, if they are world class then I can’t aim.” Yoru said gingerly eating at his own food.
“Did someone call for a chef?” I heard a voice from the hall and turned to see Jett.
“Speak of the Devil and she shall appear.” Pheonix said crossing his arms.
“In a haze of smoke too if you let me.” She said approaching the kitchen.
“How did you sleep?” She asked me as she got up on her tip toes to reach in a cabinet for a mug.
“Uh. Not that great… I was up for awhile.”
“I get that. New places can be tough. I think it took me like three weeks to get used to it.” Jett said smiling back at me as she started to make herself a drink.
“I have always slept soundly,” Yoru stated
“Really I didn’t think vampires slept.” Pheonix said and Yoru glared at him.
“Yo what’s with all the racket? Way too early to be makin so much noise.” Gekko said as he came out.
“Morning to you too Gekko.” Neon said running a hand over her hair, “alright, I’m out of here. I need to run off some of this built up energy.” She stretched out her arm as she walked towards the hall.
Gekko sat down next to me, and Wingman hopped down from his shoulder and looked up at me. Garble.
“What are you talkin about dude?” Gekko asked rubbing his eyes as Jett leaned on the island counter. Garble garble.
“You were up late?” Gekko asked looking at me and I nodded. “I’m sorry, it does take time to adjust. Me and the little guys didn’t sleep super well for a while. You get used to it.” Gekko said setting his head on his hand.
“That’s what everyone keeps saying.” I said smiling, and Wingman laid up against Gekko’s arm.
“Well, training time rookies. I’m goin’ for that high score.” Pheonix said pressing the wrinkles from his shirt.
“Good luck with that,” Yoru said standing to rinse his mug and place it in the dishwasher.
“I’m nearly there. I can feel it.” Pheonix said snapping his fingers and letting a few sparks of flame come off them.
“I’ll join you guys but let me finish my coffee first.” Jett said as Yoru and Pheonix headed out. Gekko stood and went to grab himself some food.
“Feel free to explore a little, (Y/N). There’s a lot to do here. Took me forever to learn until Cypher told me.” Jett said finishing off her drink and doing the same as Yoru. She left and I was alone with Gekko.
“Alright guys,” he said, opening the small bag on his body. A small green ball creature came out, a floating blue creature, and a pink creature that reminded me a lot of a shark.
“(Y/N), this is Mosh, Dizzy, and Thrash.” He said pointing to them in order. “They are part of my crew.” He said as he threw them all something and then wingman a small bit to. Wingman plopped down and began to eat it? I couldn’t really tell.
“Nice to meet them all.” I mentioned as Dizzy floated over near me.
“They are all really chill. You’ll have to forgive Dizzy. She can’t help when she sneezes and gets goo everywhere.” He said shaking his head, “Can’t tell you how many lectures I’ve gotten from Cypher about it.” He said as he took a bite of food.
“Your file mentioned you’ve had them since you joined Valorant.” I stated and he nodded.
“Awhile before that too.” He mentioned but I didn’t want to push and figure out exactly how long.
“They are really cool. You take them on missions too right?” I asked poking at Dizzy’s small paw like appendage.
“Yeah, everywhere I am, they go. Most of the time anyways.” He said as he was eating.
“Means you’ve always got company which I’m sure is nice.” I mentioned and he nodded.
“I’d probably be pretty lonely without them. I’m too used to having them at this point.” He mentioned
“Good morning,” Sage said entering the room from where Brim’s office was.
“Mornin’ Sage.” Gekko said with a mouthful of food.
“Good morning,” I said as I walked over to the sink to wash the dish.
“This morning, Brim would like to talk with you, (Y/N).” Sage said as she prepared a coffee for herself.
“Probably just going over what he would like you to do while you’re here.” Gekko mentioned, “Don’t worry about it.” He finished waving it off. I nodded and placed the dish in the dishwasher, before walking towards Brim’s office. My heart racing in my ears. I knocked on the door.
“Come in,” he said from inside and I opened the door. Brim, much like yesterday, sat at his desk, his head in his hand as he looked over a sheet of paper. He looked up and sat up a little straighter.
“Good morning, you wanted to see me?” I asked as I closed the door behind me.
“Yes, we are going to have you trained, but after that I’d like to have you working with Cypher on recon for us.” He said standing up and I nodded. “Do you always just willingly agree?” He asked skeptically.
“No, but I’ve been told repeatedly I don’t have a choice in the matter so.” I shrugged and he nodded once.
“Right. I’ll have someone meet you down at the range. Go ahead to the armory and they will meet you there.” He said waving me off and I nodded. Walking back out of the office.
Sitting in the viewing room I watched on the screen as Pheonix and Yoru went head to head. They both had some type of flash mechanism, but other than that, their abilities were a stark contrast.
“They are pretty entertaining to watch once you really see them going.” Gekko said plopping down in a chair beside me.
“Yeah, they both do really well.”
“Two of the strongest.” Gekko said smiling, “Brim wanted me to take you out there once they were done.” His eyes glanced at me and I looked at him with a puzzled gaze.
“Not like- ok not like in a date way or nothin’ he just wants me to work on your training.” He said pulling his shirt off his chest and then smoothing it back out. I only laughed as he became flustered.
“I understood what you meant before Gekko.” I mentioned, laughing as my attention went back to the screen.
Once they were done, Gekko led me into the armory which ended up being what I thought was a locker room yesterday. He walked me over to a locket with an all black set of weapons.
“Ok, probably start you with a pistol or two, and then we will move onto the ones with more kick.” He said pulling a simple looking thing off the wall.
“Have you ever shot before?” He asked before we went into the basics. Hours later he was using Dizzy to blind max bots for me as I shot at each of them.
“Gekko, (Y/N), wrap it up.” Brim’s voice boomed out and I came out of my stance.
“Alright. Let’s get everything back where it was. You did good today for a rookie.” Gekko jested nudging my arm with his elbow.
“Thanks, I have a good teacher.” I mentioned and he smiled before we started back inside the main facility…. Unknowingly being watched by prying eyes.
#fanfic#gekko x you#gekko x reader#gekko valorant#gekko#I love Gekko#valorant#valorant fanfiction#fanfiction#Gekko fanfiction#whose your agent?#I can’t decide if I love him or want to be him
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Waiting For Sunset
Gekko x Reader
• Accidentally running into the agents of Omega Earth, you are taken hostage. Hostages aren’t common for them, but you seem to be the exception. So much for your first time in L.A.
Word Count: 1.4K
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
The day was already beginning to warm up. I was visiting L.A. to see if I would like the colleges here rather than back home. A lot of them having very interesting programs so it was time to see them in person. I took the trip alone despite the protest of those around me. The whole First Light event made everyone anxious still. It didn’t bother me though.
I walked around three colleges, all of them huge, and all of them way more than I could ever dream of. It was going to be tough picking between them. I sat down outside of a boba shop and sighed out. It was then that I noticed it. One of the places of the radianite explosions occurred. Parts of the building affected, free floating in the air, which meant the crater was also nearby. I decided it might be worth trying to go see it. Even if I got caught I could feign ignorance. I stood up and started towards the building. The sun was beginning to set in the distance, not quite yet providing that golden hue. It was a bit of a maze getting closer to the building. Only able to use it as a landmark to guide myself. Finally I spotted a taco stand, long abandoned, and smiled to myself. What I wasn’t expecting were five people standing in a small grass circle right near by it. I ducked down, hoping to not be noticed. They whispered among themselves. They seemed strange, like they weren’t meant to be here. I stayed hidden as one of them disappeared in a haze of purple smoke right before my eyes. I glanced around looking for them only to have a hand grasp my arm tightly.
A slight yelp escaped me, as they pulled me to a stand and threw me almost effortlessly forward towards the other four.
“A spy,” The voice was low, and toned in a way that unsettled me. Chills racing down my spine.
“I doubt she was sent by them. She doesn’t even seem Radiant.” One said kneeling in front of me. She had long dark black hair that was tied up into a pony tail.
“We can’t risk it regardless.” Another woman with white hair tied up in a short pony tail.
“Agreed. Tie her up, we can deal with her after we detonate the spike.” The long haired woman stated as she stood to her full height.
“Hey, wait! Look I’ll leave I was just trying to see the area.” I argued but the five didn’t seem to care. A woman with red hair pushed you down and held you while a lady with slicked back black and pink hair, zip tied my hands. They sat me back up and took a triangular looking object away with them as they went down a path on the left. Leaving me sitting in the grassy circle they previously occupied.
Gunshots rang out from the direction they went. Some were in more rapid bursts, others slow, calculated and loud. After a while, everything became quiet again. Then the same man who had disappeared into purple smoke came running towards me. A large gun in one hand, the triangular device hanging from their hip. They came over to me. Picking me up roughly. Their shoulder oozing a bit of blood as they did.
“Change of plans. You’re collateral now.” Their voice said and I stumbled forwards towards the right instead of the left like they did before. He pushed at me, making me go forwards as I rounded past a phone box, and up a slight gravel incline.
“Listen, there’s got to be a better way of doing-“ I started but was quickly cut off.
“Quiet.” They said as we rounded a corner by a box. A gun shot rang and the person pulled me flush against their body like a human shield.
“Hold fire!” Someone called out from the crates far in front of us.
“You shoot at me again and I’ll make sure you shoot them instead.” The voice garbled out. There was silence as we continued onto a hard metal surface. The figure shoved me behind a technician box and then took the triangular device and started fiddling with it. I couldn’t just sit here. I swiftly kicked at the device and watched as it spun out their hands. I smirked at my achievement as I heard footsteps behind me. The person disappeared in a haze of purple smoke and I backed up quickly, trying to prop myself up using the box. Gunshots rang out and I held my place behind the box for a minute as the voice I had come to know cried out. Then a rush of footsteps.
“Are you alright?” The same woman with long black hair came from around the box. I backed up.
“Get away from me,” I said moving backwards best I could as a small creature came running at me. It was yellow and tilted its head at me.
“No, no, we are the good guys.” I looked up to see a man with neon green hair, holding a small blue creature with some type of shell on its back. The small yellow creature garbled out something.
“Hey, dude come on. It’s not their fault.” The man said as he picked up the creature.
“Who are you people?” I questioned and the black haired woman took a breath and came closer. Cutting the ties at my wrist with a knife.
“We are Valorant.” She said helping me to stand.
“And you were not suppose to be here.” The same voice from before said coming around the box next to the neon haired man.
“What the hell,” I growled out
“Hey, it’s a lot to take in. Sage, we should take her back.” The neon green haired man said.
“I agree. She has seen too much.” The woman with the black hair said. I suppose she was Sage.
“I’m not going anywhere,” I started but I didn’t get much of a say as a neon blue haired girl rounded a corner.
“Can we go? I’m tired of just sitting around here.” She stretched out her shoulder.
“We have a situation.” Sage said
“Relájate chica,” The green haired male said to her.
“You relax after having to run through fire to get their Skye out.” The blue haired girl said
“Enough,” The purple smoke person said.
“We are probably confusing her more.” Sage said, helping me to stand.
“Do you want me to handle her?” The smoke person said as he came closer.
“Probably for the best. We will meet you back on the helicopter.” Sage said and the person grabbed my arm roughly just like the other.
“Hey hands off!” I cried out before I felt the world disappear around me. There was a haze of purple smoke, and I felt like I was weightless. As if I was in my dream like I was falling from some great height. When it came to an end we were on a helicopter bigger than I had ever seen. The person sat me down and strapped me down in a chair.
“Get off! I’m not going anywhere this is kidnapping!” I yelled and tried to keep them from continuing. They held my wrist tightly and came close to my face. Three slits of light stared back at me.
“It’s not kidnapping if you were breaking the laws.” They said and my blood cooled. I was strapped in and I suppose they were on some type of locking mechanism because I couldn’t release them. Soon enough the others came aboard. Sage, the neon haired male, the blue haired female, then someone I hadn’t seen yet. Another male with jet black hair, and a blue jacket.
“Yo, Yoru, you got lucky. I was one away from beating you.” The green haired male mentioned to the guy in the blue jacket.
“You can never beat me Gekko. I always am on top.” The male- Yoru, said.
“God you guys are insufferable.” The blue haired female said.
“Where are you taking me?” I questioned and they all looked at me.
“Who the hell is this?” Yoru questioned looking around at all the different people.
“Uh.. I don’t think we ever actually got a name.” The neon haired male said.
“(Y/N),” I stated pulling at the belts again.
“(Y/N), welcome to Valorant.” Sage said before the helicopter took off. They placed a headset on my head but silenced it. They all took turns talking but I couldn’t hear much of anything beyond the drone of the helicopter. I sat back. Realizing there was nothing I could do. So much for those colleges.
#gekko#gekko valorant#gekko x reader#gekko x you#valorant#fanfic#valorant fanfiction#fanfiction#I haven’t decided if I want to be Gekko or date him#I love Gekko#whose your agent?#might make this a chose your own
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Idol’s choreography fits the 70′s era perfectly..(o^^)o and I’m loving it
Cr to Byronvids
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This is so adorable I threw up
#BTSonFallon ☺️

Yolo Yolo Yolo Yo ..

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i dropped off my resume at this place at 1:15 and got called for an interview at 1:45 holy dang
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