rose studies
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madi - 20- this is my attempt at pretty notes and studying
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rosestudies · 7 years ago
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mar 25, 2018 // exams are over and I think they were ok?? this is my homework diary this year - it’s the blank muji one that I bought this year and decorated. its perfect for my purposes.
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rosestudies · 7 years ago
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thursday, 28 december — studying for finals and journaling, trying my best to enjoy the little things and start living without over thinking for everything.
also back on posting on my instagram: thomreads
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rosestudies · 7 years ago
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ig: educatier
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rosestudies · 7 years ago
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06.02.18 // hey y’all!! i just ordered the first proof copy of a project i’m working on and i’m so excited!!! it’s a poetry book but it’s just gonna be a gift but i can’t wait to see how it turns out :) anyway school is p much out!!!! rly excited for the summer and all the new adventures it’ll bring :)!!!
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rosestudies · 7 years ago
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23.01.18 // did some math revision this morning for an upcoming test! it’s been so long since i’ve actually studied haha i’m on the second week of school now but it still feels so surreal and hard to believe that i’ve graduated and moved on to my next chapter of my schooling life!
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rosestudies · 7 years ago
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Took notes yesterday so most likely will be posting them soon
16/100 days of productivity
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rosestudies · 7 years ago
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Revising some linear inequation sums with some fruits 😉
Hope you have/had a productive day !
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rosestudies · 7 years ago
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café chillin’ || ig: colormecosmic
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rosestudies · 7 years ago
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14•06•18 ✨ I’m baacckk! Sorry I went MIA for a while, I had prac then an abundance of assessments to do and then simulated assessments, it was just a crazy few weeks, but that also means I’m now on break! So next semester I’ll be in my FINAL stage! Yay! So while I’m on my break I decided to do a few notes!
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rosestudies · 7 years ago
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Yaaas, I love this snack! Have a nice weekend ♡
Studygram: hristinasview Personal ig: slavovahrii
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rosestudies · 7 years ago
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31.06.2018 [38/100 days of productivity] This week’s theme …trying to see at all in a more calm, quiet and delicate way ♡
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rosestudies · 7 years ago
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My science note are prettier than me oops
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rosestudies · 7 years ago
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87/100 days of productivity ⋅ monday march 12 2018
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rosestudies · 7 years ago
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jan 28, 2018 // some ancient history notes on the next topic that I made in the holidays! I can’t believe school is about to start again and that I forgot to include my brand new pentel brush pen in the picture 😂
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rosestudies · 7 years ago
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hey everyone!! love summer but miss the routine system school gave you?
well here’s a list of tips i’ve drawn up so that you can have the best summer possible and stick to your summer do-to list!
1. wake up early! 
and no, this doesn’t mean you have to wake up at 5am everyday (unless that’s your cup of tea!). although it’s summer and often times we feel the obligation to stay up till 3am watching videos and waking up at noon, it will mess up your body clock and may actually prevent you from accomplishing your goals.
by waking up around the same you used to (+/- 1 hour), your body establishes and maintains a healthy circadian rhythm and allows you more time in the day to follow your list! which brings me to number 2..
2. write down your goals for the summer!
i can’t stress this enough. get out a piece of paper / blank document and write down every thing you want to accomplish this summer. this may include: 
get a job 
eat healthier 
read x amount of books 
exercise 3x a week 
write a short story 
learn an instrument 
learn a new language 
hang out with friends more 
watch a tv show 
finish summer assignments 
this then leads me to my favourite part:
3. plan your day / accomplish those goals! 
get out that planner / bullet journal / piece of paper and write down everything you’re going to do today in order to achieve your goals!
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this is an example of what your daily planner could like!
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good morning!
a good morning = a good day. wake up everyday with a goal set in your mind. what do you want to accomplish today. why? set an alarm clock, get up, and drink a glass of water. then (yes) make your bed. freshen up in the bathroom and make some breakfast. watch the sunrise. do some stretches. refresh your mind. remember your goals. write your plans for the day down. these are your plans and you will accomplish them. and yes, taking naps and watching movies can be a part of your plan. fuel your mind and body. the world is yours to seize. 
good night!
time to wind down and reflect. freshen up and get to your planner. did you accomplish as much as you could? what inhibited you from doing so? why? what were some of your accomplishments today? you may choose to write this down or mentally reflect. before going to bed, clean up your room / workspace. remember, room clutter = mind clutter. remember to avoid social media at least an hour before going to bed. set an alarm clock for the next morning and set your phone as far away from your bed as possible. get at least 7-9 hours of sleep and prepare to seize the day again the next morning. 
i hope you all have a great summer guys!! remember, you are not obligated to learn 5 new languages and study next semester’s syllabus. this is your time to relax and reflect. your past failures are a learning opportunity and this summer is your chance to enhance your character and grow out of your failures to become the most successful person you can be. you got this, i believe in you. 
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rosestudies · 7 years ago
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having the sun coming through the window makes studying so much more enjoyable xo
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rosestudies · 7 years ago
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ig: studylustre
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