roselynephillips · 2 years
Designed To Kill
The world is full of darkness. It’s cold, fierce, full of unsolved mysteries. It’s like a homocide victim, twisted in all the wrong ways, visceously taken with no dignity and forever engraved in your mind.
A pool of darkness, too corrupted to see through, a well-practiced liar and thief of breath. It’d be crazy for someone to attempt to wade into the water, for the unknown dangers could pull you under, drowning you, pumping its poison into your veins.
You’d slowly start to die, the venom spreading inch by inch inside of you, impossible to extract. Maybe you’d enjoy life, maybe not. Those who do live in complete ignorance, never to know of the black invading their heart. Those who don’t feel the crawling evil, spiders spinning down their arms that are never truly their, the inevitable pain that is their life.
The poison wraps around their heart, mixing the colors to form a badly drawn picture. It creeps like vines, entwining life and death together in a way that is extremely painful. Soon you lose your feelings, as they were too weak to withstand the dark, then you lose your physical readiness.
Black starts at your toes, it crawls up to your chest, tightening around you like a serpant, never to let go until you draw your last breath. Soon, you fall apart, death is a blessing compared to the pain you’ve endured.
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roselynephillips · 2 years
Tell Me
What am I supposed to say?
Just keep going all the way
What am I supposed to do?
My answer was to be there for you
Where am I supposed to go?
Yet another I don’t know
Who am I supposed to be?
Someone other than me.
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roselynephillips · 2 years
An eternity has passed that we’ve been together
Making you happy was my final endeavor
Now your bright light
Has vanished from my eyesight
My mission remains to be fulfilled
My heart never again be thrilled
By your being always missing from my heart
My mind tearing itself apart
So, alone now I stand
No one here to hold my hand
I stand my own ground in my grave
Halfway in, with no one to save
So, I lie in my beds of thorns, ready for death
I prepared and am ready to take my last breath
Thanks for reading :)
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roselynephillips · 2 years
I stared into the distance, wondering where it all went wrong. Maybe when I was born, maybe when my mother took me under her wing, perhaps it was all wrong. I’m shallow, wandering aimlessly in a fog that hovers over my emotions, blinding me, sending me stumbling into the unknown. My legs take me farther into the mystery that is life. A feeling of profoundly uncomfortable numbness spreads from my feet to my head, poisoning me. Suddenly I can’t walk farther, chains wrapped around me, trapping my legs, my arms, I  twisted my body in an attempt to escape but instead I fall to my knees and scream in frustration.
             My body feels like it's on fire, set by the burning in my lungs, I continue to struggle, freedom fueling my actions. My eyes strain with the effort, but the chains begin to burn against my skin, I scream, hot searing pain echoing throughout my body. Unable to escape or even move, I flail, feeling only pain, restrained both physically and emotionally. Everything slowly turns black, my senses overtaken by the fog that surrounds me, sending me deep into the depths of darkness.
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