rosebrolol · 7 months
Parallel Paths: Poppy and Branch's Interdimensional Adventure
As Poppy and Branch explored a hidden cave deep within the Troll Village, they discovered a peculiar artifact pulsating with a mysterious energy. Curiosity overwhelmed them, and against their better judgment, they touched the artifact simultaneously. In an instant, a swirling vortex materialized, forcefully pulling them into a wormhole.
As they hurtled through the wormhole, Poppy and Branch held onto each other tightly, their hearts pounding with fear and anticipation. Suddenly, they crash-landed in a strange and unfamiliar realm, surrounded by towering trees and vibrant flora. To their astonishment, they quickly realized that they were not alone.
Staring back at them were alternate versions of themselves. Poppy and Branch from different dimensions stood before them, each with their own unique traits and appearances. The air was  thick with confusion and disbelief as they took in the sight of their doppelgängers.
Poppy, ever the optimist, broke the silence. "Wow, this is... unexpected. But hey, we're all trolls here, right? Maybe we can learn something from each other!"
The alternate Branch, who exuded with confidence and charisma, chuckled. "Well, well, well. Look who decided to join the party! Don't worry, I've got this situation completely under control."
The scene unfolded with amusing and heart warming interactions as the two sets of Poppy and Branch navigated this interdimensional encounter. They shared stories and exchanged wisdom, realizing that even though they come from different worlds, they were connected by a shared essence of friendship, love, and music.
To their surprise, they discovered that each dimension possessed a unique challenge that they must overcome together. In one dimension, a menacing creature threatened to devour all music in the land. Drawing upon their collective courage, the two sets of Poppy and Branch embarked on a daring quest to rescue the stolen melodies and restore harmony to the realm.
As they journeyed through the treacherous landscape, they encountered obstacles that required a blend of their individual strengths and the spirit of cooperation. Our Poppy's unwavering determination inspired her alternate self, reminding her that joy and music are worth fighting for. The two Branches learned from one another, with our Branch discovering a newfound sense of confidence and his alternate self embracing the power of vulnerability.
Through their shared adventure, Poppy and Branch learned the importance of embracing their unique qualities and supporting one another. They realized that by joining forces and celebrating their differences, they could overcome even the most formidable challenges. The power of friendship and unity became their guiding light as they navigated the complexities of their intertwined destinies.
As the time to depart draws near, our Poppy and Branch reluctantly bidded farewell to their interdimensional counterparts. Grateful for the lessons learned and the newfound appreciation for their own identities, they stepped back into the wormhole, prepared to return to their own dimension.
Back in the Troll Village, Poppy and Branch embraced their differences with newfound confidence. They shared their extraordinary adventure with their friends, spreading the message of acceptance and limitless possibilities.
Poppy smiled at Branch, her eyes shining with gratitude. 
"Branch, no matter what dimension we find ourselves in, our friendship is unbreakable. We're different, but together, we're unstoppable."
Branch nodded, a hint of a smile on his face.
"You're right, Poppy. Our differences make us stronger. Let's continue to embrace them and spread joy throughout our world."
And as the sun sets over the Troll Village, Poppy and Branch dance and sing, their voices harmonizing, celebrating the beauty of their unique bond and the infinite possibilities that exist within each and every one of them.
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rosebrolol · 7 months
A Broppy Wedding
The sun shone brightly over the lush gardens of the royal palace on the day of Branch and Poppy's wedding. The air was filled with anticipation and joy as guests from far and wide gathered to celebrate the union of the queen and her beloved.
Poppy looked radiant in her flowing white gown, a smile of pure happiness gracing her face. Branch stood at the altar, his heart pounding with excitement as he anxiously awaited his bride. The melody of their love played softly in the background, performed by their beloved bandmates, Brozone.
As the ceremony reached its heartfelt climax, the vows were exchanged, and the couple sealed their commitment with a tender kiss. The crowd erupted in applause, showering the newlyweds with love and well-wishes.
Amidst the cheers and laughter, Poppy turned to face her sister, Viva, who stood among the bridesmaids. In a spontaneous moment of sisterly love and gratitude, Poppy held the bouquet in her hands and instead of throwing it, she walked over to Viva.
With tears of joy in her eyes, Poppy handed the bouquet to Viva, their bond as sisters shining brightly. The guests chuckled and clapped, touched by this unexpected gesture of sisterly affection.
Viva, taken by surprise, blushed and smiled gratefully, holding the bouquet close to her heart. Little did she know, this was just the beginning of an extraordinary moment that would forever change her life.
As Viva turned to face the crowd, her eyes widened in astonishment. Clay, the gentle and charismatic member of Brozone, stood before her, a nervous but determined look on his face. He got down on one knee, reaching into his pocket to reveal a small velvet box.
As the crowd fell into a hushed silence, Clay took a deep breath, his gaze fixed on Viva. His heart swelled with love as he began to speak, his voice filled with emotion.
"Viva, my love," Clay's voice resonated through the air, his eyes locked with hers. "Today, as we stand here surrounded by the beauty of this moment, I am reminded of the incredible journey we have shared. From the first time I laid eyes on you, you captivated my heart in a way that I never thought possible."
He paused, memories flooding his mind. The dark days of their past began to fade as he focused on the light that Viva had brought into his life.
"Viva, you saved me from the darkness of the Bergens," Clay continued, his voice steady but filled with gratitude. "You saw beyond the surface, beyond our differences, and you recognized the goodness in my heart. When everyone else turned their backs on me, you extended your hand and showed me kindness, compassion, and love."
Clay's words hung in the air, carrying the weight of their shared history. The guests listened intently, their hearts touched by the depth of his expression.
"I will never forget the day you made me your right-hand man," Clay's voice trembled, his eyes shimmering with tears. "You believed in me, Viva, when I couldn't even believe in myself. You saw my potential, my talent, and you gave me a purpose. You brought out the best in me, inspiring me to be a better person, a better musician, and a better partner to you."
The guests watched, moved by the profound connection between Clay and Viva, as they stood before them, their love shining brightly.
Clay took a step closer to Viva, his hand reaching out to gently caress her cheek. "Viva, you are my rock, my guiding light. You have shown me what it means to love unconditionally, to support one another through thick and thin. With you by my side, I feel invincible, ready to face any challenge that life throws our way."
The crowd held their breath, caught up in the intimate and heartfelt moment unfolding before them.
"Viva, will you continue to be my partner in life, my confidante, and my greatest source of inspiration?" Clay's voice quivered with vulnerability. "Will you do me the honour of marrying me?"
Viva's eyes shimmered with tears as she nodded, unable to find her voice amidst the overwhelming rush of emotions. Clay's face lit up with joy as he slipped the ring onto her finger, sealing their love and commitment in a moment that would forever be etched in their hearts.
The guests erupted into applause, their cheers echoing through the gardens. Clay and Viva embraced, their hearts overflowing with love and gratitude. In that beautiful moment, surrounded by their loved ones, Clay and Viva knew that their journey together would be filled with endless love, support, and the unwavering belief in each other's dreams. Their love story, born from the ashes of their past, had blossomed into a symphony of hope, resilience, and an unbreakable bond that would withstand the test of time.
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rosebrolol · 8 months
Grandma Rosiepuff's Melodic Mediation: A Slice of Joy
In the mystical forest, where music and magic intertwined, the bonds of brotherhood within Brozone were tested by their all-too-familiar sibling rivalry. John Dory, the eldest and natural leader of the band, often let his bossiness overshadow the voices of his younger brothers, Spruce, Clay, and Floyd.
One fateful day, as they gathered beneath the ancient trees to rehearse, the atmosphere crackled with tension. Spruce, with a furrowed brow, spoke up. "John Dory, you can't always call all the shots. We all have ideas and talents to contribute."
John Dory crossed his arms, his voice tinged with frustration. "I'm just trying to keep us on track. We need structure and order to succeed."
Clay, unable to resist adding his mischievous touch, interjected, "Yeah, but we also need spontaneity and fun. You're sucking the joy out of our music, bro."
Floyd, ever the sensitive soul, tried to calm the storm, but his voice trembled with unease. "Guys, let's find a way to work together. We need each other's perspectives."
The forest seemed to hold its breath, waiting for a resolution that never came. Their words clashed like dissonant notes, echoing through the trees, intensifying their frustration. Each brother stood their ground, their voices rising in volume and pitch.
Just as their argument reached its peak, a warm and gentle voice floated through the air. "Children, what's all this commotion about?"
Startled, the brothers turned to see their wise and loving grandmother, Rosiepuff, standing before them, her eyes filled with concern. She had witnessed their heated exchange, and her heart ached to see her grandsons at odds.
With a calming presence, Grandma Rosiepuff motioned for the brothers to gather around her. She listened attentively as they expressed their frustrations, their words pouring out in a jumble of emotions.
Once they had each shared their piece, Grandma Rosiepuff let out a soft sigh. "My dear boys, it's clear that there is love and passion within each of you, but you must find a way to channel that energy into harmony."
She looked at John Dory, her gaze filled with warmth and wisdom. "John Dory, remember that leadership is not about control, but about guiding and uplifting your brothers."
She turned her attention to Spruce. "Spruce, your creativity is a valuable asset. Share your ideas and work together to find a balance."
Clay received her gaze next. "Clay, your mischievous spirit brings joy. Find ways to infuse that energy into your music while respecting your brothers' needs."
Finally, Grandma Rosiepuff's eyes met Floyd's, filled with tenderness. "Floyd, your sensitivity is a gift. Use it to understand and bridge the gaps between your brothers."
The brothers listened intently, their hearts softening as Grandma Rosiepuff's words resonated within them.
"Now, my dear boys," Grandma Rosiepuff continued, "let's put the arguments aside for now and celebrate the magic of togetherness."
With a flourish, she revealed a large, beautifully decorated fluffleberry cake from her magical basket. The aroma of the sweet and fluffy cake filled the air, instantly capturing the brothers' attention.
Their eyes widened in delight, and their bickering faded into the background as they eagerly surrounded Grandma Rosiepuff, their faces beaming with anticipation.
As she sliced the cake and handed each brother a generous portion, their expressions transformed into pure joy. They didn't exchange apologies, but instead, their focus shifted to savouring the delectable treat that Grandma Rosiepuff had lovingly prepared.
The cake was a symphony of flavours, each bite a burst of happiness. The sweet notes of fluffleberries danced on their tongues, erasing the discord of their previous argument.With every morsel, their smiles grew wider, and laughter filled the forest. The cake became a catalyst for their shared merriment, a reminder that sometimes, the simplest pleasures can wash away the tensions between loved ones.
In that moment, the brothers forgot their disagreements and revelled in the joy of being together, united by their love for Grandma Rosiepuff's magical creation. The forest seemed to join in their celebration, as if the trees themselves swayed to the rhythm of their laughter.
And as the sun began to set over the mystical forest, the sounds of Brozone slowly resumed, but this time, their music was infused with the spirit of joy and camaraderie. Their melodies blended harmoniously, each brother's instrument weaving together in perfect synchrony.
Grandma Rosiepuff watched with pride and contentment as her grandsons played, their music carrying the essence of their newfound appreciation for one another.
Grandma Rosiepuff smiled and left, knowing she had done her job. 
As she left John Dory, Spruce and Clay's smiles disappeared. Floyd looked at them confused.
"This isn't over." John Dory frowned.
"Just cuz we shared some cake doesn't mean we're done with that conversation." Spruce agreed.
"Wait wha-" Floyd startled, confused.
"Just wait till tomorrow." Clay glared.
"I thought we were good though" Floyd said confused.
The other boys burst into laughter.
"Me, apologise? No." John Dory laughed
"Come on Floyd you couldn't have possible believed." Spruce said worried.
"I'm sorry Floyd." Clay said in a mocking tone.
The boys laughed again, then glared at each other.
"This will never be over." murmured Floyd.
If only they had listened to Grandma Rosiepuff...
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rosebrolol · 8 months
Spruce Meets Brandy
Spruce found himself on the picturesque Vacay Island, a tropical paradise known for its sandy beaches and tranquil waters. As he strolled along the shoreline, his eyes caught sight of a captivating figure sitting under the shade of a palm tree.
There she was, Brandy, with her fiery red hair styled in a fringe and a casual bun, exuding a relaxed and carefree vibe. Spruce, always the charmer, approached her with a confident smile.
"Hey there, gorgeous. Mind if I join you?" Spruce said, his voice filled with a hint of mischief.
Brandy looked up from her book, her eyes glinting with amusement. "Sure, why not? But I have to warn you, I'm not easily swayed by smooth talkers."
Unfazed by her response, Spruce settled down next to her, determined to win her over. He turned on the charm, cracking jokes and showering her with compliments, hoping to ruffle her laid-back demeanor.
But Brandy remained unmoved. She calmly engaged in conversation, matching his banter with her own quick wit and genuine laughter. Spruce found himself captivated by her easy-going personality and the way she didn't fall for his usual charms.
As the day turned into night, Spruce realized that Brandy was unlike anyone he had ever encountered. She saw past his playboy facade and valued substance over superficiality. Her refusal to be won over by his usual tactics intrigued him even more.
With a glimmer of determination in his eyes, Spruce decided to take a different approach. He set aside his usual playboy persona and opened up about his dreams, passions, and vulnerabilities. He shared stories that revealed his true self, hoping to break through Brandy's defenses.
But Brandy remained steadfast in her stance. She appreciated Spruce's authenticity but challenged him to go beyond his comfort zone. "You're getting closer, Spruce," she said with a knowing smile. "But if you want to win my heart, you'll have to try harder."
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rosebrolol · 8 months
Im on wattpad
if you go on wattpad, all my stories are there.
Username: RoseBroLol123
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rosebrolol · 8 months
Brozone's Created
In the mystical forest, John Dory and Spruce, two talented brothers, found solace in their shared love for music. They spent their days exploring the enchanting woods, their harmonies filling the air with melodies that danced among the trees.
One sunny afternoon, as they practiced their harmonies by the babbling brook, their voices resonated with the peaceful surroundings. Little did they know that nestled among the foliage was an un-hatched troll egg, waiting to reveal its inhabitant to the world.
As they sang with passion and enthusiasm, the magic of their music reached the egg, stirring a sense of curiosity within. Unbeknownst to John Dory and Spruce, their harmonies resonated with the dormant presence inside the egg, coaxing it to life.
Time passed, and with each passing day, the brothers grew more eager for the egg to hatch, anticipating the arrival of their next brother. But when the moment finally arrived, they were caught off guard. As the egg cracked open, revealing a small, wide-eyed troll, there was no one there to witness it.
Confused, the newborn troll, named Clay, found himself alone. However, he quickly devised a mischievous plan. Determined not to let this go to waste, Clay decided to carefully glue the egg back together, hiding the fact that he had already hatched.
Days went by, and Clay observed his older brothers, John Dory and Spruce, searching for signs of the hatching. They remained unaware that Clay was already out and about, observing their every move. With a mischievous grin, Clay waited for the perfect moment to reveal himself.
Then, one day, as John Dory and Spruce practiced their harmonies once again, Clay, having hatched a second time, stood beside them, blending seamlessly into the forest backdrop. As the brothers sang their hearts out, Clay joined in, his voice adding a playful and goofy touch to the harmonies.
John Dory and Spruce, lost in the music, were oblivious to Clay's presence. But as their voices trailed off, Clay couldn't contain his excitement any longer. He jumped out, surprising his older brothers with a burst of laughter and joy.
Amidst the surprise, the brothers quickly realized the incredible talent and energy Clay brought to their music. His funny and goofy nature added a unique flavor to their harmonies, and they knew they had found their missing piece.
From that day forward, the trio, comprising John Dory, Spruce, and Clay, embarked on a new musical journey together. Inspired by their shared passion and the joy they felt in each other's company, they decided to form a band.
They chose the name "Brozone" as a tribute to the fact they were brothers (they weren"t that smart). With Clay's surprising and comedic contributions, their performances became even more captivating, leaving audiences in awe.
As "Brozone," they traveled through the mystical forest, spreading their infectious energy and uplifting melodies. Their music united magical creatures and forest dwellers alike, creating a sense of joy and harmony wherever they went.
The bond between John Dory, Spruce, and Clay grew stronger with each performance, as they continued to inspire and support one another. Together, they were unstoppable, creating a legacy as the band that brought laughter, surprise, and heart warming harmonies to all who had the pleasure of hearing them.
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rosebrolol · 8 months
Uniting Hearts
this is before tbt
Viva, a spirited and determined troll princess, leaded a group of trolls through an underground tunnel, trying to escape the relentless pursuit of the Bergens. The trolls are exhausted, struggling to keep up.
Viva's eyes well up with tears as she glanced back at her fellow trolls, who are struggling to keep pace. Feeling overwhelmed, she taked a moment to catch her breath.
Clay, a kind-hearted troll, noticed Viva's distress. He approached her with a gentle smile.
"You seem troubled. Is there anything I can do to help?" Clay said softly.
Viva looked at Clay, surprised by his kindness. "I don't even know if I can keep leading them. They're all struggling, and I feel responsible for their safety." Viva cried teary eyed. "Leadership is not about shouldering all the burdens alone. It's about finding strength in unity and supporting one another. Let me help you." Clay said, offering a hand.
Viva hesitates for a moment, touched by Clay's offer. She nods, accepting his help.
The trolls finally reached a peaceful riverbank. They collapsed, panting and exhausted. Viva took a deep breath and addressed the struggling trolls. "Everyone, please gather around." Viva called out.
The trolls gathered, looking weary but curious. Among them, Clay stood beside Viva. "I know we're all tired, but we can't leave anyone behind. We're a family, and we support each other. So, if you're struggling to keep up, let us know. We'll find a way to help you." 
The trolls exchange hesitant glances, unsure about admitting their struggles. But one by one, they stepped forward, sharing their difficulties.
Viva's eyes met Clay's, grateful for his presence and support. "Thank you for speaking up. Now, let's find solutions together."
Clay stepped forward, his voice filled with determination. "Let's form smaller groups. Those who need a little extra support can pair up with those who can lend a hand. We'll take turns leading, making sure nobody falls behind."
The trolls seem relieved, understanding that they don't have to face the journey alone. With renewed determination, the trolls set off once again, forming smaller groups. Each group supported and encouraged one another, ensuring no troll was left behind.
Viva led from the front, alongside Clay, their hearts connected by their shared purpose. The trolls emerge from the underground tunnel, entering a lush forest. The sound of the Bergens faded away, replaced by the soothing melodies of nature.
Viva looks back at her fellow trolls, now filled with resilience and hope. "We'll make it. We'll find a safe place to call home." Viva whispered.
The weary but determined trolls continued their arduous journey through the lush forest. Suddenly, a glimmer of hope appears in the distance – a sign reading "Putt Putt Golf - Welcome Home." Excitement and relief fill the air as the trolls quicken their pace, eager to reach their destination.
"We've made it! This will be our new home." Viva exclaimed.
The trolls cheered, their exhaustion momentarily forgotten. Viva stepped forward, feeling a mix of emotions, and turned to Clay, who stood beside her.
"Clay, you have been my guiding light throughout this journey. Your unwavering support and compassion have made all the difference. From this day forward, I name you my right-hand troll and advisor. Together, we will lead our troll family and build a thriving community here at Putt Putt Golf." 
Clay's eyes filled with pride and gratitude as he bowed before Viva.
"Thank you, Princess Viva. I am honoured to stand by your side and serve our troll community with all my heart."
The trolls cheered once again, their voices echoing through the valley. Viva and Clay, now Queen and her trusted right-hand man, shared a knowing smile, ready to embark on this new chapter together.
Months passed, and Putt Putt Golf was transformed into a bustling troll village. Colourful houses were built, laughter filled the air, and the trolls thrived in their new home. Viva, now Queen Viva, and Clay worked tirelessly, leading with compassion and wisdom, ensuring that no troll wasleft behind.
Queen Viva sat on her throne, adorned with a crown of flowers, listening attentively to her subjects' concerns. Clay stood beside her, offering guidance and support. The trolls gathered around, expressing their gratitude and admiration for their queen and her right-hand troll.
"We have come so far, my fellow trolls. Together, we have built a place of love, acceptance, and unity. Putt Putt Golf will forever be our home, a testament to the strength we found within ourselves and the power of standing together."
The trolls cheer, their voices echoing through the chambers, filling Queen Viva's heart with joy.
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rosebrolol · 8 months
Whispers of Yellow and Green
after tbt
Clay nervously adjusted his green hair in the mirror, taking deep breaths in an attempt to calm his racing heart. Tonight was the night he had been waiting for, the chance to confess his feelings to the girl of his dreams - Viva, or as he lovingly called her, Veevs. He had carefully planned every detail, hoping to create a moment that would sweep her off her feet.
As Clay arrived at the park, his eyes scanned the area, searching for the vibrant hues of pink and yellow that belonged to Viva. And there she was, standing by a beautifully decorated picnic blanket, her pink body radiant against the setting sun. Clay's heart skipped a beat as he approached her.
"Hey, Veevs," Clay stammered, a nervous smile forming on his lips. "You look absolutely stunning."
Viva blushed, her yellow hair glowing in the evening light. "Thank you, Clay. You look pretty amazing yourself."
Clay's cheeks turned a shade of green that matched his hair, and he nervously ran a hand through it. "I, uh, I wanted to tell you something. Something important."
Viva's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "What is it, Clay?"
Taking a deep breath, Clay mustered his courage. "Veevs, you've been on my mind every day since the first time we met. Your kindness, your laughter, your incredible personality, they all make my heart race. I... I've fallen head over heels in love with you."
Vivas' eyes widened in surprise, a mixture of emotions flickering across her face. But before she could respond, Clay hurriedly continued, "I understand if you don't feel the same way, but I couldn't keep this to myself any longer. You mean the world to me, Viva."
A brief silence hung in the air as the sounds of nature filled the void. Clay's heart pounded in his chest, anticipation and fear intertwining within him. Then, Viva smiled, a warm and genuine smile that reached her sparkling eyes.
"Clay, you have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to say those words," Viva confessed softly, her voice filled with affection. "I've fallen for you too, more deeply than I ever thought possible."
Relief washed over Clay, and he couldn't help but let out a sigh of joy. The weight of uncertainty was lifted, replaced by a newfound happiness that enveloped them both.
As the evening sky turned into a canvas of stars, Clay and Viva sat down on the picnic blanket, their fingers intertwining. They shared stories, dreams, and laughter, feeling a profound connection that seemed to transcend time and space.
Clay couldn't help but marvel at the incredible woman sitting beside him, her pink body glowing in the moonlight. And Viva couldn't stop smiling, knowing that she had found a love that was as unique and extraordinary as the vibrant colours they wore.
In that moment, under the twinkling stars, Clay and Viva knew that their love story was just beginning. They were ready to embark on a journey filled with adventures, support, and a love that would forever be as vibrant as their hair colours.
And as they sat there, hand in hand, they couldn't help but believe that sometimes, the most beautiful love stories blossom from the simplest acts of courage and vulnerability.
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