This is the link to the Wattpad story, if anyone was wondering. 
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August 29 2017
Guys! I’m actually back only two days later! You should all be proud of me (all two of my followers. HI LUCA LOVE YA LUCA)(Also, Luca remember you promised to keep this blog a secret).
The reason I’m back is to tell you guys about how annoying my parents are currently being (as I’m sure you can all relate to). Anyway, they’ve been talking about me continuing the family business (saving people. Hunting things. Anyway hi to those who understood that!) and I really don’t wanna continue the family business. The options are: becoming a doctor or lawyer. Both are in no way creative.
I really want to be a writer (hence this blog). They don’t see it as “a reliable source of income” (yes my parent said that, and yes I hate it). The only one that seems to understand is my Uncle Damien, he’s an actor. Not surprisingly, they don’t like him or “approve of his lifestyle.”
Oh guys, in the few minutes that I’ve been writing this I gained another follower! Welcome to my blog.
Gotta run! Yours inconsistently, Rose.
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Holy Shiz My First Blog Post (!!!)
August 27 2017
Hi guys! My name is Rosalie Merkin and this is my new blog. Expect inconsistent uploads because… yeah... life…Anyway, the title of this blog is Light Up Your Wildest Dreams. In this blog you’ll get to hear a lot about my everyday struggle with my parents, my older brother (ugh, you won’t hear too much about him), my crazy uncle, and my even crazier friends.
I guess I should tell you a little bit about myself (but not too much because I don’t trust people on the internet, no offense). My name is Rosalie but most people call me Rose (except for my parents and uncle). My parents call me Rosalie ALL the time and my uncle calls me Rosalie Maddison (I know he’s weird).
So now I’ll go on about my friends. There’s Luca, my best friend and we’ve known each other since we were in diapers. Then there’s Flynn, by far the most mischievous and the smartest of our group. There’s also Skylar, the older sister of the group and probably not the best influence on us, but oh well. And I can’t forget Phoebe, the one who makes sure we don’t die.
That’s all for now. Yours (inconsistently) Rose!
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