Réalisation d'une vidéo de présentation de la plateforme d'éducation à l'image Ersilia, créée par le Bal. Animation, montage. 2023
Ersilia Creation of a video that introduces and explains Ersilia, an educational platform about images, created by le Bal.
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Dessiner les contours de la recherche
Illustrations de définitions de la recherche récoltées auprès de personnes travaillant dans ou étudiant la recherche.
Trois éditions, imprimées en risographie à la Martiennerie.
Drawing the contours of research I collected definitions of research from people whose activity it is. I illustrated them to get closer to understand what exactly is research. Three editions, Riso printed at la Martiennerie.
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Colloque Dzing Dzing
En mai 2022 j’ai été invitée par la Cité du Design à dessiner en live lors du colloque Dzing-Dzing. Ce colloque se déroulait dans la Biennale de Design de Saint-Étienne et portait sur la recherche et le dessin.
Un dispositif de retranscription expérimental avait lieu : Karolina Borkowska et Lucie Sahuquet proposaient un archivage performatif, Sylvia Fredriksson mettait à disposition des documents de synthèse des tables rondes et des informations à propos des intervenants et je dessinais.
Toute cette captation expérimentale est à retrouver en cliquant ici.
Dzing Dzing conference In May 2022 I was invited by the Cité du Design to draw live during the Dzing-Dzing conference. This conference took place within the scope of the Saint-Etienne Design Biennial and was about research and drawing. You can find all this experimental recording by clicking here.
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La recherche à la Martiennerie.
En 2022 j'ai effectué un stage de recherche à la Martiennerie, un atelier de design d'impression en riso. J'y ai découvert une recherche vivante, pratique et théorique, en constante évolution.
Un prototype de site internet réalisé sur Figma présente les aspects de cette recherche si particulière dans ce lieu très particulier.
Vous pouvez naviguer dans le prototype de site en cliquant ici (sur ordinateur et en plein écran si possible).
Et vous rendre sur le site de la Martiennerie.
Researching at La Martiennerie. In 2022 I did a research internship at La Martiennerie, a riso print design studio. I discovered there a living research, practical and theoretical, in constant evolution. A website prototype made on Figma presents the aspects of this very particular research in this very particular place. You can browse the prototype website by clicking here (on a computer and in full screen if possible). And go to the Martiennerie website.
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Nations/Fictions: graduation project Five micronations I showed in space. Starting from the real history of the micronations, I wrote fictions. Will you distinguish the real part from the fictionnal? And if you can't, why wouldn't you make it happen for real? Photos 1, 2 & 3 by Sandrine Binoux.
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Nations/Fictions: graduation project 5/5 Lomar –a micronation I showed in space. Starting from the real history of the micronation, I wrote a fiction. Will you distinguish the real part from the fictionnal? And if you can't, why wouldn't you make it happen for real?
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Nations/Fictions: graduation project 5/5 Lomar –a micronation I showed in space. Starting from the real history of the micronation, I wrote a fiction. Will you distinguish the real part from the fictionnal? And if you can't, why wouldn't you make it happen for real? Photo 2 by Sandrine Binoux.
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Nations/Fictions: graduation project 4/5 Waveland –a micronation I showed in space. Starting from the real history of the micronation, I wrote a fiction. Will you distinguish the real part from the fictionnal? And if you can't, why wouldn't you make it happen for real? Photo 2 by Sandrine Binoux.
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Nations/Fictions: graduation project 3/5 The Glacial Republic –a micronation I showed in space. Starting from the real history of the micronation, I wrote a fiction. Will you distinguish the real part from the fictionnal? And if you can't, why wouldn't you make it happen for real? Photo 2 by Sandrine Binoux.
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Nations/Fictions: graduation project 2/5 Celestia –a micronation I showed in space. Starting from the real history of the micronation, I wrote a fiction. Will you distinguish the real part from the fictionnal? And if you can't, why wouldn't you make it happen for real? Photo 2 by Sandrine Binoux.
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Nations/Fictions: graduation project 1/5 Queerland –a micronation I showed in space. Starting from the real history of the micronation, I wrote a fiction. Will you distinguish the real part from the fictionnal? And if you can't, why wouldn't you make it happen for real? Photo 1 by Sandrine Binoux.
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Le monde se détache de mon univers Identité visuelle de l'exposition organisée par le collectif Échelle Réelle. Réalisation de l'affiche, du catalogue et du livret d'exposition. 2021.
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Le monde se détache de mon univers Identité visuelle de l'exposition organisée par le collectif Échelle Réelle. Réalisation de l'affiche, du catalogue et du livret d'exposition. 2021.
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le jour suivant visual identity for the exhibition of the ESADSE (Saint-Etienne school of art and design) graduates, 2019
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le jour suivant visual identity for the exhibition of the ESADSE (Saint-Etienne school of art and design) graduates, 2019 pictures by Elisa Wüntscher
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le jour suivant visual identity for the exhibition of the ESADSE (Saint-Etienne school of art and design) graduates, 2019 pictures by Elisa Wüntscher
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RR11 exhibition: Scenography Together with Romane Corlay, I created and organized an exhibition from the beginning to the end during the 2019 International Biennial of Design of Saint-Étienne. We chose 11 images that we sent as postcards to 23 participants from 6 different art and design schools. They had carte blanche. We received 18 projects and made an exhibition with all the elements of this experiment: the postcards, the emails we exchanged, and of course the projects. We both organized the exhibition, curated the projects, created and built the scenography. I made the graphic design. It was a great experience. Photo 1 & 3 by Corentin Rivière, photo 2 & 6 by Sandrine Binoux, photo 4 by Alexandra Caunes.
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